Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Efficiency and resiliency, that are the borders of integrity, dignity and honesty, you steadfastly maintained, Officer Cook, throughout your whole life and professional career defending the citizens of Dade County. A man of faith, devotion, desire,decency and class we salute your valor, trusted and most truest of convictions from a warrior so heartwarming and unselfish in all your endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2023

What more could Dade County have asked for in an honest, dependable and dedicated public servant as you were, Officer Cook? Your humility, heart and character were reflections of your dignified soul of integrity, virtue and the wisdom to make success that would serve as mankind's benefit in terms of its tranquility and liberty to live and to pursue its dreams and aspirations. Always cherished, loyal and esteem we salute you and won't forget you and your beloved family that carries forward your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2023

Your blood of heroic and humble bravery shall not be forgotten, Officer Cook, because of your essential life and career working for Dade County patrolling its venues for safety, tranquility and the properous journeys of mankind which has missed you as much as your adoring family members. Your mother and father may they too rest in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero raised a son and your sister, Nancy with only humane and sincere honesty, dignity and integrity all treasured as much as your versatile character the enchanted vehicle for your career of venerability and versatility of a man of faith, devotion and a loyalty to Our Creator who directed your trusted and truthful trails and paths of resourcefulness, resiliency and righteousness. Rest in peace. We salute your angelic soul and unwavering and unselfish heart and soul of gold. They cared, were concerned and always gave of themselves. Heroism that was humbly blessed as you forevermore walk your perfect beat in the heavens above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2023

Dedication, devotion and fierce determination all honesty, dignity and integrity's pillars of support for all who wear a uniform and badge serving and protecting the public from violence. Such was the humble and heroic case in point when you gave your life and career, Officer Cook, for Dade County to stand humane and humble in serenity, security and most importantly in safety. Danger does not take a break and neither did you when that call of a domestic issue went out over the radio that fateful day. A day your family and entire police community won't ever forget. Your character, blessed heart and soul went above everything to shield your comrades and the public from more ghastly harm. Virtue, visibility and versatility shall forever be saluted for your trust and truth reigned supreme, Officer Cook. A man above the others who will remain cherished, loyal and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2023

His noble group of angels all heroic sounds more proper. You, Officer Cook, were fit, consummate and ably capable of performing all your duties and never gave Dade County, its citizens and department anything less than 100 percent full effort. Honorable, dignified and a stoic man of integrity, humbleness and blessed virtue and consummate character all supporting your undivided commitments to excel and to comprehend the scope of your trusted and true missions of resiliency, resourcefulness and sacred versatility spreadout on solemn paths and trails of ingenuity and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2023

A sweet young man, a gentleman most importantly who decided to become a public servant knowing full well of the dangers that exist though before you gave your life for Dade County, Officer Cook, you wanted to join the crime scene squad a little safer . God has His plans, paths and trails laidout for His nobly group of angels of virtue, honesty, heart and heroic humility, strength of dignity, character and integrity paving your sacred and solemn journeys in and around your most precious and beloved community where your name and legacy shall forevermore fly high as now you are above us looking down on your family members carrying out the blessed name of the Cook Family. " Uncle Bo" is always around as your soul was unselfish, unwavering and relentless in their pursuits of violence, evil and heinous misconduct which destroys the ingenuity, conviction and intuition of mankind dreams and aspirations that stay as your inspirations, Officer Cook, Badge#1664 a hero of respect, diligence and a man who always directed his due vigilance the proper ways true and trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A precious soul lost before your time, twenty-five years young with more left to accomplish. So very sad, tragic and utterly ignominious!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2023

A gentleman whose angelic soul searched for everlasting tranquility for all Dade County. Your humble and heroically mighty heart, Officer Cook, shall be remembered for security and stability always a man of his word a bond and oath so sacred and confident as your abilities to protect us should never have impaired by an awfully wicked man. He got his final punishment for robbing your sweet face and beloved family of ever you again when families gather to reminisce. Though, dignity, reverent integrity and most resourceful character all played an essential role in transforming the shape of humanity. Virtue, vision and versatility of a most diligent and vigilant servant of God whose spirit soars gracefully in the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2023

A robust young man, heroic and honest in every way who reshaped the stability and security of Dade County with humbly blessed character, dignity and integrity. Officer Cook, you won't be forgotten for making the ultimate sacrifice that only strenghens the bonds of mankind and our world along with your beloved family who misses you terribly. You were unselfish, consummate and unwavering, always true to form, trustworthy and loyal to your department. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2023

A healthy and a strong man with honesty, heart, humility and a very serenely heroic soul doing his utmost to preserve the integrity, dignity and character of Dade County, but just sad, tragic and forevermore heinous what happened to you that fateful day, Officer Cook. A gentleman on a mission of faith, goodwill and intuition endeavoring to keep peace and safety glued together. A difficult chore no doubt but your ingenuity, wisdom and virtue have always been saluted and solemnly remembered for acting when chaos and terror roared like a tiger. You performed your onuses more than admirably and will be paid homage for coming to aid the citizens and your fellow officers. God's angel walking his perfect beat and shining down the lights of heaven upon your family as they carry on your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2023

Officer Cook, your tenacity was certainly never trepidation only accentuatedpaths of enlightnment and for being an honored hero of heart and soul,may Our Lord protect your character and humility forevermore above. Dade County was where your battles began and sadly finished before your time to retire humbly. A man of yearning and learning who approached every opportunity with commitment and truthfully trustworthy convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An ideal man of intellect and ingenuity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2023

A model individual with honesty, class and heroic decency giving his life to protect his beloved Dade County community says it all. The stamina, strength and pillar of dignity and integrity handling his daily duties as any public servant of true character and conviction trusted and battle tested. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2023

Anticipate and accentuate your trails of justice which is why, Officer Cook, you were so revered and greatly admired for honesty, heroic dignity and integrity. A man with decency, class, fortitude and character who served Dade County proudly, truthfully and alway swas consummately loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2023

Life can be a challenge but also a fascination in the sense of what lies ahead of our trails and paths that you blazed and paved for all for future men and women who wear the badge serving us, Officer Cook. Your heroic honor, character, commitment and dignified integrity were the factors of a well lived life of tenacity and fortitude that shall remain treasured and beloved. You were unselfish and consummate in all your relentless pursuits of wickedness providing us with peace and prosperity to be saluted and solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2023

You delivered your dedication, determination and devotion everyday, Officer Cook, so honorable, heroic and genuinely humble and much beloved and adored by everyone, family, colleagues and a whole plethora of friends who saw a dignified man ofGod and integrity preserve and protect Dade County with all his heart,soul and intuition. Never more a man of complete character, stoic commitment and the truthful convictions both trusted andsacred put forth unselfishly and without any doubt of fortitude that surrounded your paths and trails in life and during your six years of goodwill, resiliency and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue, vision and wisdom now and forever patrolling the streets above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2023

With peace and prosperity come happiness and contentment. Dade County was served by a very honorable and heroically loyal man in you, Officer Cook. Never more dignity, integrity and character poured into your sincerest of efforts. Our serenity and safety were all protected by a consummate gentleman faithful to God, his wife and family who have missed your heart, soul and humility very much. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue, valor and wisdom beyond your years of talents and understanding.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 6, 2023

Humility and humanity seem to go together with a heart and soul, yours, Officer Cook, were dearly beloved and forever shall remain everlasting as you now patrol the heavenly gates of loyalty, perfection and esteem. God holds you in His palms where honor, integrity and dignity served this world for twenty-five years. Too short of a life taken away by violence and evil. Dade County will cherish your blessed name of vigilance, vision and virtue all combing the sacred pavements for reason and purpose. A gentleman true to his outstanding character and engaging commitment who won't be overlooked nor forgotten. You areto be saluted for understanding your humble yet dangerous onuses to make mankind more serene and secure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2023

The wonders of the world were your wonderful life and career protecting Dade County, Officer Cook. Such a heroic young man who wielded humble authority yet was able to command any given situation placed before you. Integrity, dignity and character were the key symbols of your life and career orchestrated in outstanding principles and morals. A venerable individual whose legacy and cherished name shall be forevermore remembered and fondly saluted. Humility and heart, a true and most humanely trusted soul that persevered and never let up. Heaven is where your angelic spirit circles over us at every second. Your family misses you and has never been more dedicated in your passions and in taking up your trails and paths of unselfish inspiration surrounding them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2023

A man so gallant and honorable who is dearly missed everyday by his family and loyal comrades. Yes, Officer Cook, you were a disciple of dignity, an intelligent man of unwavering integrity who spread forth a doctrine of humility, heart and soul heroically within the boundaries of Dade County. Your faith, dedication and determination saved many lives that day on May 16,1979 when you gave yours to create the walls of stability and security for mankind and not ever forgotten. We salute your virtue, wisdom and visions all so clear and distinct. Danger and evil confront the finest of public servants who lay everything on the line to formulate serenity for humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman of character, commitment and convictions all truthful and trustworhty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2023

Your handsome face and humbly heroic smile, Officer Cook, your family, Dade County and its citizens of whom you faithfully watched over on a daily basis saw it every moment. If integrity, dignity and honesty can stand the difficult tests that each public servant faces everyday then evil, violence and wanton crimes may very well decrease one day real soon. You were a warrior dedicated through and through patrolling the trails andpaths with righteous wisdom, maturity and most unwavering and unselfish character, charisma and duly diligent commitment to be solemnly saluted as you have never been forgotten. Badge#1664 stands for respect, heart and soul facing the toughest of times. Six years of duly resourceful responsibilities and sacred missions all in God's blessed name for security, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2023

What governs our land is supposed to be free speech, liberty and the honorable passions and pursuits of all who grace our world. You were a gift to your parents and sister, Officer Cook, for a heroically estblished twenty-five years of dignity, thoughtfulness, character and the dignified dedication of a God fearing servant, genuine, loyal and cherished now and forever for protecting Dade County with your unrelenting might, heart and soul, unselfish, unwavering and no doubt the capsules of your wise and visual convictions of hope, faith and realiability. No quit in your being as you made the ultimate sacrifice of humility to shieldus for oblivion and evil. Your commitments and legacy are completely stamped, signed and sealed with valued morals, ethics and scruples to be fondly and solemnly saluted for aiding and bringing together serenity, safety and stability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. a most graceful and appreciative gentleman who did not fear anything when peril and danger struck that fateful day at that hour Liberty City "Gladeview" had your full and undivided attention to the crucial and essential matters at hand.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2023

The heroic torches of your tenacious trails and treks, Officer Cook, have been carefully documented and accentuated as a daily reminder to endeavor to stay safe as you go out on your patrols of dignity, honesty and integrity. The commitments, convictions and class were always consummate as was your heart and soul of humility. When one stays humble and loyal then blessings and sacred heavenly rewards will come your way. Still tragic that your life and career ended as you were protecting the citizens of Dade County who relied upon you for their peace and stability. Unrelenting and unselfish, marked your badge of boldness and bravery and your uniform of class, decency and pure desire to dedicate your talents where their effects would be felt. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2023

A real true first class gentleman of heroism and heart, one who honest and dignified missions on behalf of Dade County and humility have inspired your family, Officer Cook, to continue the torch of your legacy of both integrity and character, one whose commitment to pride and excellence exceeded the scopes of your daily onuses put forth with wisdom, virtue and a renewed fortitude as all your trails and paths were paved with ingenuity and intuition that shall remain cherished and solemnly saluted for bravery, boldness and unselfish and unwavering conviction. Morals, ideals and principles of a loyal man whose life and career ended all too soon be because of one nasty and angry man. Forevermore an angel in heaven who soars as brightly as the stars inthe sky. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your tenacity touche dthe hearts of mankind, Officer Cook and you sir will not be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2023

Devotion, dedication and determination are the fortitude of integrity, honesty, character and dignity. You possessed the right amount of each of these traits, Officer Cook, during your life and career making Dade County a more safer and prosperous region in which to live. The sadness, anger and grief still lingers but your sweet and sacred heart and soul forever angelic will always hover over your family, friends and comrades who salute you and never forgot your inspirational humility, wisdom and virtue carried so stoically around your beloved community. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. A gentleman with the utmost highest of values, scruples and values always loyal, versatile and considerate.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2023

The soul is the beauty of a gentle heart and yours, Officer Cook, was mighty outstanding, honorable, decent and humbly heroic as you gave your life serving the people of Dade County. A cherished and blessed man of divinity and faith, your yearning to become an excellent public servant was in the making from when you a young boy. You my neighbor, friend and hero deserved to live many more years having given a quarter of your life professionally protecting us. It's dignity and integrity implanted and instilled within your unselfish well being and angelic spirit now and forevermore watching over your family as they continue the richness andhumility of your upstanding legacy of wisdom, valor and sacred virtue. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2023

Honor and humility came from your heroic heart and soul, Officer Cook and seized its humble blessings in order for you to protect Dade County in the most proper manner. You will never be forgotten for having the acumen and awareness, the integrity that provides support to dignity and the morally righteous character to perform your dangerous tasks accordingly. Suffice it to say you'll forever be your family's beloved and treasured hero who willingly wanted to enter the police academy. You were your parents pride and joy along with your older sister, Nancy. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. Commitment and conviction that ran along the same tracks as your truth and trust. Faithful and resourceful until the last breath you sadly drew. Your legacy stands humble and stays cherished forever in the halls of your department.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2023

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