Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Dade County could only marvel at your heroically humble actions, Officer Cook, ones that were honorable, loyal and most dignified as they saved lives. Our serenity, safety and freedoms were all blessed by your unwavering and most unselfish heart and soul of integrity, character and the esteemed commitments all required from sacred angels of bravery who are never forgotten by their families and departments. They all miss you but know they carry your legacy as they move forward with their lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2023

Perseverance and peace must not be disturbed nor may violence interrupt the passionate purposes for which we live and breathe. You lived for your family and Dade County all heroically, Officer Cook. Honor, dignity and integrity are not just caring character, commitment and nobly sacred convictions that must be exercised daily if our society is to thrive. Thank God for a man of heart, soul and loyal truth and trust going down the very same trails and paths. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2023

Officer Cook, you were one of Dade County's most bravest of warriors and your honorable, dignified
and intuitive actions of integrity saved the day on May 16, 1979. The class of character, virtue and commitment bringing in liberty and justice for all. To live forward while you made the ultimate sacrifice speaks to your upstanding morals and fabrics of ferocity, trust and true allegiance of an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Missions faithfully undertaken for the sake of your esteemed community where your blessed name is forevermore respected and greatly admired.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2023

A man of grace, virtue and faithfulness relying on all his basic instincts of honor, integrity and dignified character to lead other fellow officers heroically through peril here in Dade County says it all about you, Officer Cook, a true and trustworthy gentleman of resourcefulness and diligence who made the ultimate sacrifice in order for us to experience the most humble and loyalest of blessings of safe trails for mankind. Your loving family certainly and most unselfishly carries your legacy forward as they live their lives of succinct distinction and because of their"Uncle Bo" giving his entire heart and soul of humility while maintaining law and order with the values,scruples and principles so essentail to your public service. Always a heroic angel andmay Our Master shelter you my neighbor, friend and hero under His wings for eternity to shine down upon you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2023

Progress helps to protect the environment. You goodwill, good nature and honesty, Officer Cook, heroically made all the difference in how we can go beyond our purposes of life here in Dade County. Crisp, succinct and with a dignity, integrity and character that bolstered your missions of faith and resolve and for having such outstanding morals, wisdom beyond the crowd may God bless you spirit and dearly beloved soul of serenity and security as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I told the administrator of the cemetery that the grass in your section needs to be tended to and cutdown. You deserve the humility of where you rest for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2023

Satisfaction is not for one day alone, but seizing the opportunity to create a more stable peace and freedom of movement for all concerned is the key. Our progress and hopeful prosperity was because you cared and were concerned about Dade County's safety, Officer Cook. Dogged, devoted and determined to rid us of problems and wickedness you utilized every tool at your disposal that tragic day to get Mr. Pearsall to surrender. He did not and you and your partner and fellow officers found yourselves in a hornet's nest of chaos. You my neighbor, friend and hero performed admirably, humbly and heroically keeping your honesty, integrity and dignity all within your unselfish heart and soulof true character, trustworthy commitment to succeed and the intuitive convictions that are necessary for both the public and for officers' survival. May Our Maker shine His grace and countenance upon your soul of virtue and sanctity for all mankind will not forget your missions and journeys put forth in goodwill, faithfulness and versatility. Rest in peace. I will try and visit your grave todayand offer a prayer for you. You were consummate and humanely speaking the very best! Your beloved family carries your legacy forward with renewed wisdom and humility from their hearts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2023

Evil and violence can wipeout a community, but it can never ever tarnish a righteous public servant of Our Lord such as yourself, Officer Cook, who served and preserved Dade County with a special heart, soul and heroic passion. Our harmony came about through your outstanding character, commitment and convictions of dignity, integrity, trust and faithfully ordained truth. Never forgotten and saluted for valor and virtue all implanted within your sacred journeys here in this world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2023

The book of bravery forever contains those chapters of your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, that served Dade County and its citizens with a passion and unrelenting heart and heroic soul. God's many angels dwell high above looking down upon their families forevermore protecting them as they carry forward their legacies of enrichment, loyalty and by being esteemed and certainly most devoted and dedicated to the calls of duty. Where resiliency and relevance share the roles of faithfulness and goodwill you made very sure to perform nobly and with a sacred mission delivered to us in the forms of tranquility and contentment. Character, commitment and conviction that was the total truth and trust of a grateful community where you remain beloved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 26, 2023

The beams of boldness, enhancement and engagement were all alive and well when you served Dade County, Officer Cook. They opened newer doors for peace and security to walk through. A refined gentleman with dignity, integrity and honesty all flowing inyour heart and soul of character and class never to be overlooked as we salute your life, career and heroic legacy now stamped as one of God's angelic and most faithful of peacekeepers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 26, 2023

Those bonds of solemn faith,devotion, dedication and determination were strictly carried out by you, Officer Cook, so wisely, so dignified and with humbly blessed integrity, honor and heroic intuition, the ingenuity of a man so well revered, Dade County, your family, comrades and friends will never forget you and what you stood for as a loyal and most esteemed public servant. Our way of life and security all came about because of your undying and unselfish heart and soul so giving, caring and sincerely kind it's mankind that continues missing you but does receive your angelic messages from the heavens above where you now and for eternity walk your perfect beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2023

A servant, a messenger sent here for a sacred mission, journey and profound purpose, Officer Cook. To protect, enhance, enrich and to uplift the values and morals of honest hard working people here in Dade County. You were a heroic man, young at heart with character, dignity and integrity who forged new bonds while sacrificing your life for serenity and safe trails for all mankind. You'll be saluted and forever for being your family's guardian angel. Their shield and warrior never forgotten for being a gentleman of wisdom, virtue and thoughtful faithfulness and beloved resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forty-four years later and still esteemed and humanely cherished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2023

The script that God wrote for you, Officer Cook, was punctuated and accentuated with heroic honesty, integrity, character and dignity. Never simple for some you received the messages of commitment and clarity very succinctly and comprehended your all essential roles quite well protecting the folks of Dade County with acumen and the esteemed loyalty that who serve must strive for. We remember with distinction your life and noble career cut way too short because of evil and violence of a disrespectful and cowardly individual. We salute you for having wisdom, virtue and sacred journeys that brought a sense of directional peace to all. Keep looking down upon your family and may your angel wings perfectly keep your spirit soaring higher. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2023

Your soul, heart and spirit all rise in humbly proud and heroic glory in the clouds above. A Dade County public servant always aware of his surroundings and a beloved community where you lived and gave your solemn and sacred life of virtue, valor, vision and the wisdom that supported the legs of dignity,integrity and humane character and loyal commitment to excel. The truth and trust spoke loudly, Officer Cook, your unrelenting, unselfish and unwavering actions that day and everyday saved more lives than we could ever ponder. The sadness of your family and colleagues losing a great guy, a man mature beyond the crowd and certainly deserving more now. You left behind a legacy accentuated, validated and most appreciated by the public never to be overlooked or forgotten.Generations from now will look back and remember what a talented and tenacious man you were consummate, considerate and most caring. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2023

The stars of serenity have a most humble, honored and heroic angel shining brightly among the many heroes and heroines who made the ultimate sacrifice. Yours, Officer Cook, placed down the markers and boundries for peace, decency and prosperity to forever flow rightly here in Dade County. Not one citizen has forgotten you for having politeness, heart and soul and the integrity and dignity that is created along the tracks of truth, trust and excellent character and a loyal commitment to everything a public servant and a devout messenger of Our master must maintain that was accentuated and accelerated throughout your life and all too short of a career where professional acumen, virtue and sacred versatility and wisdom was always so dedicated and determined. We salute you my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, for being there when precious lives were at risk. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2023

You were a very experienced and efficient public servant, Officer Cook and it was about protecting and preserving life and property here in Dade County where your heroism, honesty and integrity all made a dignified difference. The citizens have stability and tranquility at their residences because of you and your outstanding commitment, conviction and most truthful and trusted trails of bravery, virtue and sacred wisdom. Always so loyal, dependable and surely dedicated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2023

I talked with your friend and partner, Officer Cook, Officer Keith DiGenova. He is doing fine and the memories seem to come back. After all you protected Dade County with your heroic heart and soul of character, integrity and dignity. The class of your life and career is forever rewarded and angelically blessed by Our Creator as we salute you for valor, virtue and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 was revered and quite diligent in all that you accomplished. Twenty-five years was too short of a life and you'll always be esteemed as a most humanely loyal officer.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2023

A really smart young man whose heroic heart and soul did everything possible to serve and to save Dade County and its residents from unrelenting violence and your blessed name, dignity and integrity shall stay forever blessed in heaven as your family's and department's heroic angel. Officer Cook, the lessons are many, the humility and virtue stays forever within your spirit as your loved carry out your legacy of character,conviction and trusted commitment all truthful and all tenacious. You are to be saluted as all who have given their lives for serenity and liberty to be realized. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 20, 2023

Destiny is the foundation of purpose and fulfillment. Your treks and trails, Officer Cook, were solemn and sacred and no one will ever forget you, your life and career which were honesty, integrity and dignity supporting your loyal character, conviction and commitment to excel despite the dangers of your professional exploits. Dade County experienced peace, prosperity and a humbly guarded sense of awareness and security because of your heroism and heart, a soul that together served and preserved the essentiality of why we live. Our Creator has plans for us and for His beloved angels of accentuation and wisdom who sacrifice their lives a mighty heavenly reward awaits their spirits in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2023

Meant to say Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, Officer Cook. You surely were brave, honest and heroic displaying the proper behavior and highest of standards expected of every public servant who is supposed to have the trust of those whom you watched over. Dade County and its folks received your assurances of integrity, character and dignified commitments spread far and wide leaving your valor, vision, wisdom and virtue on those perilous streets where peace, security and serenity are not always to be taken for granted. Versatility, sanctity and fortitude all followed you down the righteous paths and trails of truthful tenacity. An angel saluted for boldness and bravery combining to shield us from violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2023

The bright lights of the stars above all have you, Officer Cook, your heart and soul forever encased within them. As Dade County and its residents were served and protected most diligently and vigilantly by your kind, sincere and humbly blessed and heroic heart and soul. Leaving no shadow of doubt that our stability and tranquility came through your bloodlines of boldness, passion and commitment to have dignity, integrity and character accounted for at all times. This day, May 16, 1979, a hot and sunny day saw you and your three fellow officers, Keith DiGenova, Robert Edgerton and your final partner, Scoot Lincoln a reserve officer endeavoring to reach out and convince Mr. Pearsall to give himself up. He did not listen to your commands and the tragedy still lingers today causing a renewed sense of grief and loss for both your beloved family and friends all wondering the same question why were you taken. Your sacrifice instilled and implanted serenity and security for all homes just that you should still be here enjoying the retirement you worked very hard to achieve. Our Lord must have had other plans for a tireless and dedicated warrior of truth and trust, one whose paths and trails were paved by perseverance and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2023

Your adored and humbly blessed and beloved family members strive to carry forward your honorable heroic legacy marked by dignity, respect, integrity and straight faced character that accomplished in setting up the tents of peace by means of your unrelenting and unselfish tenacity and critical fortitude as all your trails and paths were created by God's compassionate mercy and perfect humility. Your consummate heart and soul my neighbor, friend and hero were wise, visionary and so sacred in all that was laid out during your professional life cut too short and for twenty-five years of earnest preparation, training and learning, all meaningful learning once again may your angel's wings soar higher each day as you forever in eternity walk your beat. Rest in peace. Commitment and convictions all truly trustworthy and most notably faithful and resiliently resourceful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2023

Succinct and everything you did was in sync without any source of disruption or derailment from your basic obligations protecting and serving Dade County, Officer Cook. One genuinely well liked man, reverent, honest and heroically loyal and esteemed. For dignity, integrity and consummate were our very shield and your name cherished and forever saluted remains the standard bar for those who have succeeded you. A tall order and big shoes left to fill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Homage is for dedicated angels of valor, virtue and wisdom who have sacrificed their very hearts and blessed souls for our liberties, prosperity and sacred missions to proceed forward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2023

Meaningful, distinct and heroic. a life and career, Officer Cook, that you lived, preached and praticed for since you were a humbly blessed young man. Where would the citizens of Dade County be now if not for your dignity,commitment and integrity. All so true and trusted. You remain cherished, esteemed and forever loyal to all your responsibilities that are an integral part of policing a community. It's where your legendary name of virtue, vision and wisdom will be saluted for being a caring, concerned and consummate gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character,dedication and class. You really are missed by your loved ones everyday second as they carry your torch of effort and principles forward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2023

Such a classy man born and bred with an honest and a humble heart and soul blessed by dignity, upstanding integrity and dignity that protected Dade County. This was you, Officer Cook, your family's hero, your department's bold warrior, a gentleman whose spirit was girded in wisdom,virtue and the sacred missions put forth to shield us from from violence. Our harmony and security came at the saddest of days, your life and career was given in scruples, morals and principles, Officer Cook, a legend of legitimate faith and unwavering and unselfish conduct have been upheld by those who have carried on your watch. We salute you and have never forgotten your truthful and trustworthy life and trails of vision that have validated everything your uniform and badge represented. Rest in peace my my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2023

So much honor, heart, humility, soul and character, Officer Cook, so why did your life end in Dade County the way it did? Only God knows why? This world and your family lost a man whose faithand devotion never wavered and only was trusted, truthful and loyal to your colleagues. May Our Creator hold your sweet and special spirit close to His side forevermore. Commitment,conviction and consideration were your consummate partners. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2023

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