Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Not everyone is adept at everything. Certain people pursue things as a passion, while others choose a profession where their God given skills, talents and humility are better suited for the rigors, demands and pressures of the position. You had better take advantage of the humble opportunities God has bestowed within your framework of heart, soul, honesty and character. You did everything the Lord asked of you, Officer Cook and for being a trustworthy, loyal and heroically truthful young man and a gallant gentleman, may your versatility, vigilance and virtue be humanely blessed for achievement and humbleness. Dade County was your home, your life and career and environment warm and embracing with your older sister, Nancy and your beloved parents devout and dignified may they and you my neighbors, friends and hero rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Being able and durable is a first step in solving hardships and conflicts. Tensions that boil over at times need simmering and one with class and a calming voice of reason, a sense of both direction and leadership. Taking command and giving sound, humble and sage advice means your honor and dedication are at the top of the ladder. Obviously, your soul, heart and spirit, Officer Cook, were all intertwined together forming a unit of fairness, trust and truth that made the residents of Dade County more aware and loyal to you. First you must follow and then when deemed sufficiently prepared may you humbly and heroically go out and teach, to lead by example, to possess the proper fibers and fabrics of reverent character, commitment to excellence and convictions that are never derailed nor sidetracked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A friend until the end and always so esteemed and consistent with your paths and trails of justice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Forty-three years of your family missing you, Officer Cook, a hearty laugh, a smile, a simple greeting, all of that snuffed out because of a man so criminally bent on violence. Terrible, sad and plain tragic for everyone who knew you personally or professionally. Dade County was under the watchful eyes and ears of a gentleman who carried perseverance as an equal to humility and heart. The desire to succeed and to accomplish something very special that not too many would pursue because honor, integrity and your dignity were virtuous and brave as well. The foundations and their cornerstones have been laid now it's up to mankind to perform its part. The essentiality of ethics and excellent conduct reflects upon every member of the team holding up their onuses and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God has a plan of action to rectify the world's challenges and problems. We are not always so privy to those secrets. He is perfect, merciful and loves everything He has created. We take the blueprint from there and start the ball rolling. The wheels are set in motion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Terror only makes one more tenacious in their job to eradicate evil. You did an outstanding job, Officer Cook, heroically securing the streets and roads of Dade County for its folks to enjoy tranquility and freedom of movement. Integrity and dignity along with honesty did not just blow in the winds as the leaves of a tree. For generations to come your blessed and cherished good name of reverence and character shall be solemnly saluted for its genuine heart, soul and endeavors placed forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2022

Dade County had its fair share of tension and turmoil. It surely does not need anything else other than the pursuits of peace for us to have happiness, health and prosperity. You were entitled to those very same things, Officer Cook and because of an evil man you were robbed of everything civil, sacred and devoted to those elements of living. Twenty-five years of heroism, humility and a heart of respectful character all taken in a matter of a few seconds. Too precious to measure and for dignity, integrity to have definition determination and dedication must unify to deliver the truth and trust that motivates wisdom, versatility and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2022

You read books to gain insight and information to create more sensitivity and awareness. Your acumen and knowledge, Officer Cook, was a journey, a quest to learn and to yearn to become better public servant. Dade County was blessed and humbled by your heroic and honorable heart and soul, a dignified gentleman carrying his integrity, respect and esteem down the bridges of boldness and bravery. All meant to build solid foundations for a humble and humane tomorrow. Your family misses you very much and it's a crying tragedy you could not be here to see all the change, its genesis because of your battling spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2022

Resourcefulness, resolve and resiliency can relate to society's problems if one's honor and composure match the spheres of their dignity, integrity and respect. Wisdom, vision and versatility were your partners in these ventures where fighting off violence, Officer Cook, was your number one objective and to keep the residents from being harmed. Dade County salutes your vitality and vigilance all enhancing and most uplifting. To be relied upon and to be responsible are the very elements of your top notch efficiency. Never better and outstanding work performed to benefit us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2022

Everyday the morals, principles and professional standards must be all class, desire and honesty. Nothing in dignity, integrity and reverence maybe lacking. Those who commit crime think they can getaway with it. The Lord above is looking down and those righteous and humble public servants whose decency it present will ultimately be so honored for their efforts put forth. You gave your life, Officer Cook and heart to search and save lives so that serenity and safety will trail us in freedom and trust forevermore. Dade County had your eyes. ears and attention to every detail that would lay down proper foundations for a safer tomorrow. Your legend and name are all essential in these most trying of times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2022

Trying to translate why there is so much envy, evil and enigmatic problems causing humanity to flounder that's the big question. You transferred your honor and tenacity, Officer Cook, right to Dade County streets making us feel free and safe once more. Always polite and with a gentle heart of heroism, dignity and integrity, your character, commitment to trust and truth will always be those humble of convictions. We salute you as does your department and family who carries the baton and torch of your virtue and resolve forward in their lives of accountability. You'll forever be blessed and rewarded for possessing the heart, soul and spirit of wisdom, vision and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2022

To reflect is to remember. To remind is not to overlook. You'll never be that, Officer Cook, overlooked and you'll forever be saluted for having the pangs of perseverance to search and patrol the roads, corners and streets of Dade County where you were raised, grew up to become a model citizen and come from such a warm and nurturing home raised by your loving folks may you all rest in peace my neighbors, friends and hero. May your sister Nancy and her family live and be well as they forever carry your legacy of heroism close to their hearts and souls. So admired and grateful for the opportunity to serve the causes and passions for which our harmony comes. Virtue, trust and truth are the role models that all who serve and don a uniform must comport themselves by.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2022

You were so virtuous, Officer Cook and so clean cut. The residents of Dade County who are alive and well today can certainly salute your destinies, devotion and the dignity which faced terror and evil head to head. Integrity, heart and soul were placed in peril's way to shield and to save. Never a more prepared human being who carried humility wherever you went. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You had a veteran's intuition, ingenuity and intellect that were most valuable never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2022

The wickedness that seems free to roam will soon be rounded up and taken out of circulation. Every accumulation of violence must be eliminated from humanity if dignity, honesty and integrity are to create inroads in this never ending war. The streets were saved and watched by you, Officer Cook, forever a Dade County hero of resourcefulness, virtue and the versatility of sacred missions to further the pathways of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and conviction muster up their companions of trustworthiness and truth. Always a man of action who relied upon his heroic instincts to stay the courses of esteem and loyalty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2022

Trouble, chaos and evil just seem to haunt society and now it rests upon the shoulders of our cherished, admired and esteemed angels of devotion and goodwill who must summon the valor to deal with such adversity. Dade County had your wise and persistent vigilance, Officer Cook, all directed where its effects would be most essential to securing the public. We honor and pay homage to your life, career and the memories of a Godsend take from his beloved family and peers too soon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor, dignity and integrity follow our angelic heroes all their eternal trails of perfection.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2022

Foundations must be planted by one's diligence, determination, devotion and dedication. Dade County was preserved and protected by you, Officer Cook, an honorable and heroic gentleman of gallantry and integrity. Your humility, heart and dignity dug deep to come up with plausible solutions in locating the rocks of peace, stability and reason. Your missions and journeys were all guided by scruples, principles and reverent character to be duly and faithfully saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2022

Honor, dignity, integrity, the cornerstones of a public servant's life and career and all these traits and characteristics that must be applied to the everyday rigors of a difficult and dangerous profession. Your destiny, Officer Cook, was to become a well trained and well prepared man who went out on the streets of Dade County to patrol and search for a vignette of virtue and peace. Our stability was because of you my neighbor, friend and hero. You were bold and brave, wise beyond your years and very visual. May Our Lord always protect your spirit and bind your heart and soul together with all heroic angels. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2022

Maintain the streets and keep peace from going blind. Its violence that never lets up. You were sincere, caring and very heroic, Officer Cook, in giving Dade County its inspiration and articles of integrity, dignity and humility all from your enlightened heart and soul always incorporating trust and loyalty, ferocity and concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor now given its solemn homage and salutes of endeavor spread far and wide.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2022

You followed rules, Officer Cook and stayed attuned to the meaningful tasks at hand. For citizens of Dade County this meant stability and tranquility would forever be at their front doors. A man of desire and dedication never usurping his honesty, integrity and treasure dignity all battling tooth and nail to stop a wayward and evil man. You gave your life for your family, peers and host of acquaintances and made them humbly proud. Heroism that lives in your family's souls and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2022

With faith, devotion and goodwill you can not go astray or wrong. The tracks, trails and paths you blazed for other public servants, Officer Cook, is all honesty, dignity and integrity meeting the important needs of Dade County. Your heart, soul and spirit were pure and your sacred journeys were given a special blessing of bravery and boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect and admiration shall follow you all your eternal life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2022

Heaven is that sacred haven for heroic angels to roam freely while walking a humble beat. Honor, dignity and integrity don't play games they perform as instrumentally as they can, all equal and versatile in their earthly roles to restore and resolve sometimes perilous conflicts as you did, Officer Cook, in the good name of Dade County and its people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Conviction was clear and trusted. The truth rises from among its pillars of perseverance. No doubt your life and career would have been bound for more diligent accomplishment if God had allowed you to live on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2022

This world was your life and career, Officer Cook, a hero bountifully blessed and adored by your family, friends and humanely honored comrades. Dade County was where loyalty and esteem brushed the gentle wings of integrity, character and dignity forevermore. Our serenity and security were in the hands of your virtue, wisdom and acumen to be duly saluted for their solemn efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2022

Power is not an ego trip or at least having authority is a tool to be used truthfully and in a trustworthy manner. To commit to fight the good battle, Officer Cook, you gave every bit of heart and soul to right a ship that was sinking in unrest, torment and tension. Your honesty and humbleness was as blessed and as cherished as was your fortitude, integrity and dignity now serving a more humble calling as an angel above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2022

To the weak let us pray and have compassion. For those honorable and devoted may our thoughts and prayers carry sway as you are led down the trails of truth and tenacity. The power of trust can do very much when one is concerned and caring as you found out during your life and public service career with Dade County, Officer Cook. A heroic legacy that stands today as class and courage battling terror and adversity while staying dignified and principled to the ideals and values of integrity. Thoughtfulness and a humble smile blessed, treasured and rewarded for giving the ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2022

The messages are clear and caution is to be heeded. To act the part is not just wearing a badge and a uniform. It's how you compose yourself in dignity, honesty and integrity. Always doing so meant performing at a higher level. And every waking second, Officer Cook, your wife, your family, your friends and colleagues were those chains of humility that allowed you to carry out your roles and continue down the paths and trails all accentuated by faithfulness, loyalty and bridges to resourcefulness. Dade County will not forget their hero who wore badge#1664. It was respected and gravitated to where virtue, morals and conviction all belonged. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2022

A general leads by example. A gentleman gives instruction and direction by virtue of being duly qualified for this particular role. You learned and gained insight, Officer Cook, on how to perform under the most stressful of conditions. Dade County was where your prime duties were centered around and everything dedicated to dignity, commitment and integrity was sincerely implemented. Reverence, diligence and total vigilance patrolled with your soul and heart. The heavens above have their stoic, stellar and sterling angel walking his eternal beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2022

Your family has a piece of mind, closure is another element where families try so hard to heal the gaping holes left by the sad loss of their loved ones. You were beloved that's for certain, Officer Cook and are missed constantly. Dade County suffered too because of one callous man costing you your life and career where honor was sacred and integrity coupled with dignity formed a powerful connection in these wars over wickedness. You are never forgotten and are to be saluted for every versatile means at your disposal to rid our community of evil. Humble and humane, truthful and most trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2022

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