Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Courage and honor are the very salt and pepper which mankind craves. They desire hard working, vigilant and dignified public servants sorting through a mass of troubles. You were the consummate go to leader for advice and sage wisdom, Officer Cook. Where integrity and intuition lied there was your personality, charm and charisma making strides to preserve the quality of life here in Dade County. Not many would venture where your earthly missions of goodwill took you. Your community forever salutes your versatility and sacred heart of heroic actions every second of your waking life. Nothing was more important than your family and department. They'll never forget you! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 14, 2022
A tap dance won't stop evil. All toes must be affixed to the roads and streets one protects. It's not artistry, it's ingenuity and integrity that make the most essential of decisions when life and death are straddling that line. Your desire, honor and humbleness made that difference, Officer Cook, in how Dade County would prosper in tranquility and not in violence. Taken too soon, your soul of virtue still watches over your family and those humble servants who have taken over your important watch over us. Such a blessed man rewarded for heroism and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 14, 2022
A humble leader knows where their eyes and ears need to be.That's exactly why Dade County relied upon your wisdom, virtue and vision, Officer Cook, sheltered in the wings of honor, dignity and integrity. Eternity contains a human being with a heart and soul of sincerity, one that trusted society for being a place where peace and stability can co-exist. It happened because of the tireless effort of badge#1664, yours, my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman blessed with knowledge, revered for possessing character and always being truthful. Rest in peace. Humility and hope try their utmost to ward off adversity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 14, 2022
Gallant as gold, giving as a gracious public servant, your paths and trails, Officer Cook, were marked with heroism and humility, it was the honor, integrity and dignity that was placed inside of you to watch over your family and Dade County where your legacy serves as a hopeful inspiration of faith and goodwill all locked within the chests of trust and courage endless and most bountiful. When a man of class and character seeks out the truth it will come from somewhere. Heaven is where angels of bravery soar every second as they humanely patrol the streets above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 14, 2022
The villains who victimize civilization will soon be apprehended and convicted of their crimes. While patrolling Dade County your eagerness, astuteness and awareness, Officer Cook, was always central to the well being and welfare of those citizens whom you served with honor, reverence and all the dignity that was found in your humble integrity. Everything laid out with a plan of attack to get to the root of the problems confronting humanity which like your beloved family misses you very much. Such a wonderful soul with a sincere and a kind heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 14, 2022
Your spirit, Officer Cook, gently embraces mankind everyday in some way, shape and manner. For all that you accomplished in twenty-five years of living, honesty, dignity and integrity are all implanted within the hearts and souls of your beloved family. As they carry forward your heroic legacy may they be blessed as Dade County was and is with peace of mind, virtue and diligence in all their earthly pursuits. And may Our Lord shine His countenance upon you forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and conviction born with desire, passion and unwavering trust and truth.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 14, 2022
A life with a gentle heart and soul patrolling Dade County for the welfare of humanity. Your years of experience, education and heroic authority, Officer Cook, are now and forevermore a part of the history of your community never to be taken in vain only revered and solemnly admired for giving every ounce and morsel of honor, dignity and integrity. Like the sand in an hourglass, you never wasted a single second conquering the callousness that continues its invading of society. Power is a tool not an ego and to be utilized with virtue, wisdom and a balance of vision poured forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's pristine gates are guarded by fortitude and the ferocity necessary for angels to soar and to roam freely as Our Master's flock of tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 13, 2022
Lethargic will not cut the mustard. Yearning, heart and honesty do better against foes that seem to perturb and disturb the make up of mankind. Dade County is not window dressing, the community is a place where effort, efficiency and an unrelenting heart and soul will more than likely get the jobs done right. You functioned as a duly sworn officer, Officer Cook, character, commitment and convictions all remembered for their desire, dedication and decency. The letters of integrity, dignity and intuition rest comfortably in God's heaven where angels patrol and walk their beats above unharmed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 13, 2022
Dates and calendars are our crucial reminders to help our thinking process, to ponder, to understand and to comprehend the hope of society as it battles adversity every moment. Each waking second is valuable and cannot be lost. Officer Cook, your life of substance, serenity, honor and integrity all were dignified and all magnified in character, heart and hopeful desire, the decency to provide safety for the folks of all Dade County. Badge#1664 was reverent, reliable, versatile and virtuous to the letter. Never overlooked, shelved or forgotten for now you take your angelic place as your family and department's hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 13, 2022
If you speak, talk only the truth the words of its virtue, wisdom and solace will set your mind at ease. The comfort and the feeling of safety was your onus, Officer Cook, an assignment accepted freely, willingly and without regret nor hesitation. Dade County was where your humane patrols occurred and everyday was a newer beginning. The sun rose that day you said goodbye to Karen, no one ever conjured up the thoughts of something going so wrong. Dignity, integrity and ingenuity all presented the hopeful scenarios of our peace and everlasting freedom of movement to chase after our humble passions. The pursuits of life, health and prosperity all joined together by your scruples, values and principles. Sorely missed, solemnly blessed and rewarded by Our Maker. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 13, 2022
Reminders are memories to be solemnly shared throughout the lives of those who carry on with the legacies of their treasured loved ones. Your family, Officer Cook, loved you, admired you, respected you and your aspirations to make a career out of police work. So tough, difficult and dangerous but nonetheless your honor, grit and gumption serves today to inspire those who join the sacred ranks of responsibility, dignity and integrity. It must come straight from the heart and soul of their wisdom, vision and maturity nothing shall stand in their direction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clearly character and truth must be present not just make a cameo appearance during times and situations of strife and wickedness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 13, 2022
Glued to gallantry and bolder than most, your ventures and vision served as your humble vehicles, Officer Cook, all reminders of your hope, trust, faithfulness and goodwill shared for twenty-five years a quarter of those years toiling with tenacity for the stability and security of all Dade County. Humanity certainly cherishes men and women who act the part a role that most yearned to become. Nothing is forced upon those devout and civil minded individuals who want to become a part of the law enforcement profession. A gift to mankind that had a heart and soul so caring, uniquely passionate that was placed here for a mission to endeavor to undo violence and evil. Your life and career went down those tracks and trails where truth and trust go hand in hand with respectful character and convincing convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 13, 2022
Pencils are made with erasers. Guns are not made with mechanisms to take back a live round fired. Its trajectory is destined to strike and the only thing is that is it never takes or hurts someone. Sadly, honesty, dignity and humility all commitments and all from the reverence of one's integrity which can be lost suddenly because of someone's heinous actions which cast a pall over society. Dade County was your home and location, Officer Cook, of your heroic fortitude and diligence. Trying to convince Mr. Pearsall to give up that awfully tragic day won't be forgotten and neither will your heart, soul and versatility so sacred to your unselfish, unassuming and tireless virtue to be remembered for eternity as you serve God as one of His many angels of accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 13, 2022
Daily prayer and dedication surely assist the brave and honest through their humble callings in life. A career of virtue, heart and humility, Officer Cook, that Dade County will forever enhance and salute your heroic legacy of both integrity and dignity. Wisdom placed forth to deliver upon our very serenity and unity always like yourself to be properly cherished and fondly admired for enhancing character, truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 13, 2022
The dirtiness of evil threatens to destroy humanity ending its dreams, hopes and aspirations. You are now an angel of heroic effort and you serve your family, Dade County and the entire world with your inspiration just as the truth and trust never left your side, Officer Cook. Durable, reliable and resourceful during times of strife and tension. Virtue and character are musts if one is to accomplish their goals and missions as directed by God. So much promise and talent taken suddenly as you fulfilled your travels and now walk those perfect trails above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 12, 2022
You cannot tinker too long for tenacity may wither away. When terror strikes its chords of callousness all devoted and dedicated men and women must on alert. Acumen, awareness and honor must be demonstrated just as you calculated your integrity and dignity on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. Succinct and serene, the messages were and are very crystal clear today as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of commitment, conviction and excellence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 12, 2022
Society can fall prey nor victim to volleys of evil it just can't be tolerated. Mankind has its practical causes, purposes and reasons for living and you furthered the journeys by your very own special missions blessed and watched over by Our Creator, Officer Cook, as you endeavored to make Dade County greater once more. Every bit of your unselfish soul and valiant heart went into this difficult navigation one of truth and trust so everlasting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 12, 2022
When shots are fired public servants must be prepared to face those perilous battles. It's what separates the good from those not so inclined. You cannot ever recline unless you are off duty and even then dignity, morals and the fabrics of integrity must proceed you as they did during your life and career, Officer Cook, humbly installing and implanting goodwill and security into Dade County. Such a blessed man taken way too early. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 12, 2022
Violence corrupts, robs and saturates society with unthinkable harm. A gentle soul with a strong heart in your being, Officer Cook, protected the residents of Dade County with nothing but reverence, truth and trust. Sincerity and honesty, dignity and integrity all displaying their loyalty and charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 12, 2022
Exalt only when effort is expended for humility seats the rightful seats of honor, dignity and integrity. Dade County was where your heroism and focus was, Officer Cook. Your legacy of concern, character and commitment will never be overlooked for the bridges to the future were built by your loyalty, esteem and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels are saluted for their valor, vision and undying wisdom.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 12, 2022
Never pivoting from perseverance, you placed goodwill, hope and faith in the hearts and souls of every Dade County citizen, Officer Cook and the honesty, dignity and integrity will not be forgotten. Your character and respect will be saluted for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 11, 2022
Meant to say a confident man not brash and never boastful. The roads, corners and streets are perilous enough without further strife and chaos. You pitched in, Officer Cook, that day that you made the ultimate sacrifice and everyday honesty, dignity and integrity powered your engines of energy, effort and endurance so enhancing and so noble as you lived and patrolled through your missions in life. Dade County saw your ideals, morals and conduct for six years of constant service providing a glimpse of more that should have come. Heaven that terrible day received a Godsend and most humble angel now walking your beat above guarding the pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 10, 2022
If only danger would decrease and with no one evil or violence. If only you were here right now, Officer Cook, enjoying your family, your beloved Karen and the happiness of life and marriage you would have shared for forty-seven years now. Fate and destiny are tied to each other's boots. Your uniform and badge represented the very virtues and values for which you lived by and followed faithfully to the exact letter watching over Dade County. Fine and upstanding character that only Our Lord now blesses and rewards as an heroic angel. The light of your soul, heart and spirit sparkles forever in the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A confident not brash only humane and willing to fulfill Our Creator's purposes.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 10, 2022
Yearning makes youth worthwhile. Learning is a most powerful tool that can be utilized to make civilization great once again. You were such a wonderful human being, Officer Cook and always so well mannered and polite. It's such a travesty of justice that Mr. Pearsall did not cooperate with your orders that fateful day and surrender. Just give up and let the authorities get him some much needed help. Integrity and dignity that stared adversity right in the eyes and never blinked. Your compassion was persevering, proficient and most humble. But , then again having having a loyal heart and a blessed soul that supervised the peace and stability of all Dade County will certainly be fondly paid homage to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 10, 2022
The shield of any officer is their bold undertaking. The affirmation of acumen, astuteness and awareness that rests firmly upon their broadest of shoulders. Yours, Officer Cook, were most honored and heroic in that every vein and artery in your being solemnly preserved the quality of life for all Dade County citizens. A tall order filled with peril yet handled by a loving and devoted young man. A gentleman who loved his entire family and cared for his mother's well being after your father may they both rest in peace passed. Determination covered with grit, gumption and gallantry taking the baton of strength and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character builds hope, conviction bonds truth and trust together while commitment is meant to blend in excellence and pride, you were revered, admired and esteemed in loyalty to cherish, Officer Cook, no one will forget you.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 10, 2022