Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Born to be free, you were indeed the apple of your parents' eyes, Officer Cook. So much more to live and accomplish and yet that humble reminder, that Our Lord runs this world. The land we nurture, the earth our goodwill and honor walk, the pavements of freedom all shared by your smile and virtue, the epitome of a man with truth and trust in every piece of integrity, dignity and character. So genuine, so emotional the day all Dade County joined your family, colleagues and friends to say goodbye to a soul of a man. The gems and pearls precisely placed where their affects would be felt. Violence took the handsome man, the charisma of courage, the candor of concern, just a heart and soul of consideration that have forever been saluted and poignantly paid homage. To forget would be a transgression. To remember are the rewards and blessings God has enriched and uplifted your spirit of adventure by. Policing a community is something most don't want to become but you, Officer Cook, were undaunted and unafraid to face peril each moment you went on patrol. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2022
You hit the bricks each new day, Officer Cook, with an open heart, an unwavering soul and a spirit undying and unselfish, they all gave excellence and humility a new feature of your ferocity. Such honesty, dignity and integrity were born from your life as you matured and grew up to become a man, all class, desire and the dedication to unearth the menaces of wickedness that had Dade County begging for tranquility. Proudly and prudently your career and humble life captured the imagination of a public so destined for harmony. A man of esteem, cherished and always admired for heroic work and saluted for versatility, wisdom and virtue coming together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2022
If can persuade someone to function as a good citizen you've conquered one less thing to battle. Evil and violence do not need more fuel added to their already raging fires. You put many out during your tour of six years patrolling the corners of Dade County, Officer Cook. Forever a man revered as a hero of justice, the truth and trust humbly demonstrated their honor. Dignity dug their holes and integrity assisted you in being relied upon as an accountable public servant whose cherished, blessed and rewarded name stands forevermore tall and proud. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2022
Hunting and photography were some of your humble passions you enjoyed doing outside the realms of police work, Officer Cook. I can see why you applied to the crime scene squad. The dangers on the streets can be difficult to absorb. Though you did your roles with a zest of humility, a gentle smile of integrity and true dignity preserved the lives of Dade County residents. There will never be another legend as you were. God created us each in His own manner and you certainly shaped the landscape of society to be warmly and richly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2022
A stroke of fortune saved your fellow officers and the citizens of Dade County that awful day of tragic consequences though you'll forever be a hero to your family, department and the entire police world, Officer Cook. Not only a shiny badge and polished shoes, a truthful heart and soul one whose spirit will continue to fly higher in heaven because of your precision ethics, values and morals all stemming from a proper upbringing. Honest, sincere, dependable and full of integrity, dignity that never lost sight of its missions of faithfulness, hope and goodwill accentuated and perpetual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So dearly beloved and truly missed by everyone.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2022
Your days and youth, Officer Cook, were very well spent pursuing a law enforcement career with Dade County. The appeal and the humble admiration everyone had for you and forever displays to an honorable man, a dignified crusader and a gentleman of integrity, reverence and the truest of character, loyalty and virtue providing us with serenity and that heartfelt measure of unselfishness. You will be saluted for wisdom, passion and a persevering passion and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust and tenacity teaming up to take down adversity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2022
Eternity is the venue reserved for extra special human beings called heroes because they were undaunted in their tireless and unselfish efforts to maintain peace here on earth. You kept your wits and calm about you, Officer Cook, because Dade County relied upon your instincts and intuition. Honor, respect, dignity and integrity were well earned and every ounce of heart and soul putting forth their patrols for our freedom without the slightest doubt, resignation and hesitation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2022
You saw it all, Officer Cook, nothing was going to detain nor derail your best endeavors put forth. You had the stoic and sterling honesty, integrity, dignity and everything a good public servant requires to serve and to protect. Dade County was your territory and you performed in an outstanding fashion to secure our stability and peace with undying virtue always to be treasured and saluted fondly. A man's character, truth and trust all greet those men and women who have been sadly sent to heaven to serve their angelic roles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2022
Tomorrow, Officer Cook, your heroic friend and colleague, Officer Keith DiGenova turns seventy. Your heart and soul can humbly watch over him and his family, your own loved ones for you my neighbor, friend and hero paid the ultimate price for the security and safety of Dade County's folks. Never overlooked nor forgotten for extra special courage, passion and tireless fortitude, the articles of perpetuating honor, dignity and integrity each looking down the barrels of this evil young man's violence. Sinister and totally without scruples, morals and all the decency, the respect you attained by being loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2022
Tomorrow, Officer Cook, your heroic friend and colleague, Officer Keith DiGenova turns seventy. Your heart and soul can humbly watch over him and his family, your own loved ones for you my neighbor, friend and hero paid the ultimate price for the security and safety of Dade County's folks. Never overlooked nor forgotten for extra special courage, passion and tireless fortitude, the articles of perpetuating honor, dignity and integrity each looking down the barrels of this evil young man's violence. Sinister and totally without scruples, morals and all the decency, the respect you attained by being loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2022
A day of dignity, an hour of honor and years of integrity, Officer Cook, a heroic life and career well lived. Dade County was really under the humble esteem of a solid young man with all the makings of a special public servant. Violence took you away from your family, department and this world it's always so terrible and heinous. Your loyalty and character was from your unwavering and unselfish heart and soul always vigilant and forever accomplishing its due diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2022
One lightning strike could spell doom. One violent outburst that hot day cost you, Officer Cook, your young life of tenacity and talent that was irreplaceable. Nothing can bring your heart and soul back, all your family can do is to carry on with your heroic legacy representing dignity, humility and the reverent heart that was strong and stellar. Always admired, loyal and esteemed, a man on a mission of hope endearing, faith uplifting and goodwill that enriched and enhanced all those searching for a semblance of liberty, freedom and tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We pray for the humanity that deserves peace and prosperity as our angel looks down upon us.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 1, 2022
We get one heart, soul and spirit to perform accordingly and the purposes were pursue are our very passions that can make or break our very lives. Yours, Officer Cook, was tragically stolen from under you because of one evil man with a heart dirty from disrespect and no humility whatsoever. Dade County was patrolled by your capable virtue and clear directions. God never steered your soul of accomplishment wrong He did create a man who filled in the blanks that needed coverage and a young man of boldness and outstanding work continues to receive the humane salutes of valor. Your vision saw what needed fixing and did just that. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 1, 2022
The villains who victimize our world will sooner than later face the music and I guarantee you the beat of the drums will be loud and clear. The punishments will fit the crimes and God displays His perfect mettle and palms of compassion when directing His gracious servants. You served Dade County and your family, Officer Cook, with heroic honor, upstanding dignity and integrity that was humble, loyal and succinct to the point. serenity, security and stability all were directed by God's hands moving your travels from place to place. Character from a humble gentleman, a hero devout and faithful to the dangerous assignments that lied ahead at the fork in the road. Resiliency, deliberation and accountability all fashioned the knots of yearning and comprehension never overlooked and saluted for their vision, wisdom and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 1, 2022
By being firm yet solidly fair, Officer Cook, you demonstrated both the precision and the passion needed to enrich and to fortify the folks of Dade County who were blessed by Our greatest Humanitarian Himself, the Lord. Nothing but perfection and you always exemplified good commitment, grand conviction and checked all the boxes of acumen, honor, dignity and integrity, the resources of resolve and virtue never slipping away from your constitution and by performing in a stoic manner may you be humbly and humanely rewarded for your leadership roles, an officer born to inspire and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 1, 2022
One last brick of boldness and bravery were added to your heroic legacy, Officer Cook, that shines brilliantly in the skies above. Yes, honesty, integrity and dignity can in no way, shape or fashion be completely out of kilter or sync when violence and evil came howling by our front steps. You delivered on your sacred affirmation to heal and to reattach the pieces torn apart by this sheer caliber of callousness and Dade County will always remember with fondness and fairness virtue and character coming as one in truth and in trust. A man of heart and soul whose spirit of adventure flies higher every moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 1, 2022
You utilize your eyes to see and your ears to hear. There was no impairment whatsoever with your honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, as they set in motion the wheels of yearning and a thirst to learn more. Sad that your whole life and public service career of proper conduct, character, heart and soul ended. While you were guarding, protecting and providing the means of humbleness, blessing, virtue and loyalty this young man was plotting and planning an outrageous action of heinousness against you, your fellow officers and Dade County residents all in stability, responsibility and versatility's name and your heroism is forever being angelically rewarded for its gallantry and gumption. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 1, 2022
One sentence at a time. One word for the moment. One line of learning left on the field. The fires of fierce terror are still raging on today as we fast forward our very lives. Seconds are too precious to lose and nothing can be spared in these fighting endeavors. You gave everything for Dade County to be free of pain and problems, Officer Cook. Twenty-five years old and you gave your life while giving us hope. Honor and integrity were just some of the most profound impressions you left behind for your family to carry forward along with your dignity and fortitude. The capacity to think and to inspire sometimes in a scarce few seconds. Life passes before a blink of the eyes. But, your virtue, versatility and sanctity promoted newer leases on life so valuable. The lessons of having mettle and morals tied to reverence and excellent character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 28, 2022
You can yearn for the days of old, it's the young and old together who count on the most reliable of public servants to enrich, uplift and to vitally enhance society. Mankind cannot continue at this pace of prolific evil it will choke the living life out of civilization. Dade County was represented by your resources of resolve, resiliency and relevance, Officer Cook. Always admired and always a treasured hero forever among us even as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's fruited plains. The gifts of excellence, your humane and superlative dignity and inspiring integrity are the routes for all who serve us to take. The roads, corners and streets are marked with obstacles yet somehow with your soul, heart and spirit watching over us and your family we can achieve and overcome. Such defined character, superb commitment and advanced convictions all greatly aided your patrols for serenity and security.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 28, 2022
Our Lord shall truly bless us but only if we offer our sincerest prayers on behalf of the many who paid the ultimate sacrifice to create a more stable and enhanced culture here in Dade County. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, helped to make that difference and the impressions of decency, desire and dedication are truly forever. You see a gentleman with honesty on his lips, integrity and dignity upstanding as you were always composed and comported yourself in a most admirable manner. Nothing will be forgotten as mankind longed for a public servant worth his salt who pulled his weight and was able to direct fellow officers through danger and peril. It's about you drive to become an excellent human being, a humble and devout man who prayed with character, truth and trust coursing through his veins. Vigilance and vitality were your roles of doing your due diligence to preserve the integrity and quality of lift here in your special community where homage continues to be paid to your memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 28, 2022
You interceded in our lives, Officer Cook, to heroically make a profound difference in the way Dade County could live and thrive. The beating of your dignified heart, the humble anticipation of your earthly soul all made that unselfish and distinct impression upon society never to be overlooked. You could bank on your thoughtful intuition, enhanced ingenuity and uplifting intelligence as you drove around and walked the pavements looking and searching for any essential symbol of peace and reason. Suffice it to say you built bridges, cornerstones and foundations to a future of promise and prosperity that you should have been allowed to live and thrive along with your beloved Karen. God obviously had other humane master plans for his angel of sacred missions stoked by hope, trust and truth, faith and goodwill carrying you and your enriching legacy step for step. True allegiance and trustworthy character produced a life and career well spent, well planned and well trained. Besides your loving family we are all bereft of your smile and presence, the personification of proficiency and versatility, virtue, vision and wisdom all exercising their loyalties and duties to promote an everlasting bond of harmony for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 28, 2022
Your spirit rests in peace forevermore in heaven, Officer Cook, first represents a heroic life taken by violence all too soon and of course honesty first class, dignity top notch and integrity wise and virtuous beyond your chronological years. A life and career protecting the residents of Dade County just snuffed out by an evil man with venom in his heart and veins. How can we say he had a soul? You did, Officer Cook as you were consummate in your efforts to eradicate crime delivering peace, liberty and unity for humanity always remembered solemnly and saluted humbly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and know you are forever linked to the past, present and future, those men and women whose heart and soul remain vitally important in out hunts for stability and happiness to be cherished.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 28, 2022
A life truly lived and a career born of honesty, integrity and the humility of dignity. They all went into your earthly journeys, Officer Cook, to make Dade County more upstanding and surely more tranquil. Violence just seems to be a major conduit of society and if our best and most fiercest of public servants cannot plunge their hearts and souls into eliminating this terrible element, then humanity will certainly falter. That did not happen when you served and protected mankind, Officer Cook, because of your valiant character, trusted and truly wise commitments to pride and excellence and the intuitions of ingenuity spreading their wings forth. Always cherished and saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 28, 2022
The decks of dignity, devotion, desire, decency and dedication were full of earnest and youthful determination and virtue. The history of your heroism and humble esteem, Officer Cook, was felt and still all these decades later will forever the pavements you pounded in pursuit of a measure, semblance and a healthy balance of stability, unity and cognitive serenity all cherished and all beloved. Integrity was not just ingenuity, intelligence and intuition, they were a living part of your life, career and the valued ethics and behavior you delivered to the tables of truth, trust and justice. You will be saluted fondly, solemnly and humanely for summoning courage, blessings and for bestowing an awareness that was your wise heart and nobly humble soul of loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wickedness has never tarnished your treasured name of admiration, respect and an unselfish, tireless and tenacious spirit that now looks down on your beloved family, professional colleagues and a whole plethora of friends you acquired by being stellar, stoic and sterling in your earthly missions and journeys of faith, hope and goodwill on behalf of mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 27, 2022
Calmness is not always so readable but what is available for all loyal and esteemed public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, was your honor, integrity and genuine dignity distributed throughout your community one that still and forever salutes your spirit, soul and enriching heart of gold. Never far from your loved ones as they carry forward your legacy of virtue and pride, morals so beloved and quite revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gallant young man taken by evil way too soon yet heaven has a most special angel walking his pristine beat without any harm following your eternal days.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 27, 2022