Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Golden never grows old. That fact of life is sadly true and tough to swallow for your family, Officer Cook. Nothing worse than never seeing your smiling face and hearing your laughter ever again. Dade County was humbly, stoically and heroically served and saved by your very actions of honor, integrity and dignity that all too fateful afternoon of May 16, 1979.Liberty City, Gladeview were where your journeys and missions came to a tragic end. No warning, the man who took your young life had no heart, class and respect for authority. Being able to recognize when you must use deadly force or otherwise restrain yourself. You acted, Officer Cook, in a professional manner that moment and as a fact every living second of your life never forgotten and certainly not overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2022
Mother nature can unfurl the unkindest of problems upon our world. Wars, bloodshed and evil just ratchet up something terribly wrong with mankind. Dade County was where your best steps were soundly placed down. Security, safety and serenity all from your heart and soul of gold and honor. Humanity trusts its public servants those with dignity, integrity and commitment flowing from their beings. God must have required you more in heaven and He then brought your spirit and virtue home to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Memories keep flooding in especially after speaking with Mr.DiGenova,"Officer Keith." We'll keep praying for him and your family as they hold dear to their hearts your legacy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2022
The trains of terror seem to keeping passing over us. Our community has suffered enough adversity and humiliation. Your honesty and integrity were fresh air that made our heart, souls and lungs more crisp. Dade County was and is exactly where your heroism and character lie. It's attitude, fortitude and gratitude that were all first rate and top notch. The residents have not forgotten your life and career and its examples of reverence, down right respect for civilization and the sacred dreams and aspirations you achieved. You'll always be blessed and rewarded saluted as an angel of bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2022
It must be repeated over and over, everyday, afternoon and evening, a person serving the public must be acutely aware of their surroundings while keeping honest and truthful. Never shall dignity, character and integrity escape their badge and uniform worn for a purpose. To protect, preserve and to make real sure the public and property are kept free of crime. Here in Dade County your business, Officer Cook, was to secure and make sure everything in your power could accomplish these sometimes arduous and most difficult assignments placed upon your shoulders, heart and soul. Humility that represented our very freedom and stabilizing lives of yearning and learning. Forty-three years later the messages are succinct, virtue and versatility understanding and undertaking the most important roles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2022
You must read between the lines. Your life, career and progress, Officer Cook, all grew humbly, humanely and honorably precisely because of your stellar constitution. A collective record of acumen, wisdom and vision all so mature beyond their years. You can say with assurance and clarity that you were simply one of the best patrolling our streets where serenity, safety and security are fundamental to our very lives. To breathe and to have a beating heart you must be strong, dignified and never have any lapses of integrity, respect and trusted character. We will not overlook nor forget the pride and excellence pursuant to your life and its missions of hope, faithfulness and esteemed goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2022
Your friend, Officer Cook, Officer DiGenova told me last night he thinks your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln works at Zoo Miami. Sure would love to converse with him. such an admired man, a hero for all Dade County and your family, one whose dignity, desire and integrity were exemplary traits of outstanding character, true commitment to serving the people and class, all class and all decency. They did not come any finer. Consummate and humble, loyal and esteemed, you will not be forgotten and will fondly be saluted forevermore. Eternity is where you walk your primary post of perfection, enhancement and now uplifting your family's missions and journeys of peace, stability and good health. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You might have known Officer DiGenova's brother Kenneth his identical twin. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The torches are lit and the tenacity is turned up to eliminate violence, evil and whatever threatens humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2022
Today is 3 years since your beloved mom passed, Officer Cook. One hundred and three years of devoutness, honesty and virtue. Just as your mother so too could Dade County maintain its peace and stability because of your bold heart, blessed soul and a spirit that keeps heaven lit forevermore. There are hills and mountains yet to climb because of all the wickedness, you were loyal, cherished and esteemed, humble at all times. A man of action whose affirmation meant everything, life matters when passing seconds count. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect, trust and truth lie above in heaven's palaces of perseverance and excellence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2022
A young man with a mighty heart and a humble soul should not have had his life of scruples and character usurped. Undone by such callous, heinous and reprehensible evil. You approached your position, Officer Cook, with the greatest care, concern and professional courtesies. Accountable and most reliable, Dade County could count upon your resourceful dignity, honor and wholesome integrity as they all fought against adversity face to face. You my neighbor built bridges and cornerstones for a safer tomorrow one that would have been better served if The Almighty had allowed you to live on and keep up this battle until violence was stopped. You performed in a most sincere and trustworthy manner to be solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2022
Pain is suffering and agony can be excruciating at times. The sorrow and grief felt by your family, Officer Cook, underscores the messages your sacrifice sent to our world. Our freedoms, liberty, honor and tranquility were all at risk. Thank God you came to that scene when you did for if not no telling what further danger lurked. A young man demonstrates his unrelenting dignity, unwavering integrity to right a ship that might have sunk. You saved your comrades and citizens from more certain harm and for giving your life may Our Lord display His mercy and compassion upon your heart, soul and spirit of virtue and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2022
Character is courage, charm and charisma all placed in the shells of honesty, integrity and dignity. Your class, desire and steadfast dedication, Officer Cook, displayed always was loyal and esteemed no one can forget a young man whose respect and virtue filtered throughout Dade County even as tensions boiled over. You are to be commended, saluted and paid noble homage for endeavoring to stop such a person with no reverence and truth trying to do harm to authority. You placed your life and career in the lines of fire to serve, save and protect the ingenuity and intuition of why we live and that is to fulfill God's purposes for having created mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2022
A couple of hours ago I spoke with your friend and partner, Officer Keith DiGenova. He called me because I sent him a birthday card as I looked up his birthday on the internet. We had a very humble 30 minute conversation and yes we remembered you, Officer Cook, as he told me he has visited your grave. Such a tragedy all the way around the community and I told him he was a survivor hero as you will always be a hero for your outstanding and honorable professional conduct that awful day your family, department and the citizens lost you, Officer Cook, a gentleman who enriched his loved ones and community precisely by your tireless and unselfish actions of character and dignity to stop an evil and wayward man. Your friend, Officer DiGenova lives in Ormond Beach, Florida and has never forgotten you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your spirit lives on in the hearts of your family as they carry the torch of your legacy. Such a powerful lesson to be applied to life and hope. Goodwill, thoughtfulness and faithfulness distributed among society. It's humanity that misses you and shares in your loss.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2022
Expending energy and expanding your horizons, You embraced life, Officer Cook, you envisioned a newer Dade County full of vitality and prosperity. With honor and virtue so too did your integrity and dignity carry your trails of trust and truth far down the lines of learning. A man with due diligence and unselfish vigilance providing our semblance of serenity and boldness to be revered and saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2022
Your engines, Officer Cook, were powered by unselfish, tireless, unassuming and unwavering passion and charisma. Your smile and charm were classy and priceless and forever cemented your heroic legacy here in Dade County for all you accomplished in twenty-five humble years of righteous service devoted to life and property. Your journeys were directed by Our Lord Himself and He never steered your compasses wrong my neighbor, friend and hero. Possessing character and truth made your mettle, ideals and scruples respected. Never more dignified and full of compassion and humbleness. Rest in peace. So adored and beloved you left this earth way too early, being faithful and devout you accepted your responsibilities willingly and without regret. Badge#1664 was without a doubt loyal and virtuous.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2022
A proud and solid individual who provided his community of Dade County with every weapon of integrity, honor and dignity so humble just as your heart and soul. The vehicles of your sacred missions, Officer Cook, that remain cherished and so loyal to the calls of duty. Men and women of wisdom understand their onuses and take the bull by the horns of humility and concern. Cornerstones all aid down for a safer and sounder future. You just should have been allowed by Our Maker to live on. Your spirit humanely keeps heaven aglow as you walk your perfect beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2022
X marks the spot where all your best resources of resiliency, resolve and resolution tried to come to fruition, Officer Cook. You put in six years of most solemn and loyal endeavor to see that Dade County would be properly maintained and nothing was going to derail nor sidetrack you from your daily professional affairs. Integrity, dignity and honesty were symbols of justice, trust and truth, the allegiance of your unassuming virtue and undying versatility where your outstanding character has always been saluted for its bravery and boldness never overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2022
The birds sing and chirp away. While those who have succeeded you, Officer Cook, heroically try to chip away at this onslaught of wickedness that yearns to destroy our world, this will never occur not with too many honorable and dignified women and men fighting these extremely important and most essential battles. Dade County was where you gave integrity, dignity and trust the gentlest of character and sincere dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family misses you and will always admire and carry your spirit forward as God rewards your life and noble career of virtue.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2022
A life and career fiercely determined, with your humble, heroic and honored devotion, Officer Cook, your heart, soul and dignity made Dade County and its people more peaceful, more secure, more stable and always remembered and saluted for invigorating your community that reveres and greatly admires the acumen, awareness and a truthful character of virtue, commitments to excellence and pride. Trusted convictions, ingenuity and the insightful intuition that allowed you the opportunity to protect and preserve the integrity of life that is seemingly always troubled by a quagmire of callousness these days. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A good man who enjoyed his youth and sacredly completed his journeys in life all too soon because of one man's sensation for violence. Never again and always fondly honored. Building the bridges and foundations of a safer tomorrow just hoped you could have witnessed all these changes.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2022
A faithful servant until the end, that evil and heinous afternoon when you gave your life for Dade County, Officer Cook, will forever be remembered for heroism, your humility and honorable heart and soul. They gave dignity and integrity the enriching and enhancing uplift for placing stability and serenity within the walls of your community forevermore to be admired, solemnly cherished and they will remain a vital and wise element of your legacy which represented true character, trust and the reverence of a true warrior devoted and dedicated to his labors of love, loyalty and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Just so sorry we never met, just a wonderful human being full of hope, goodwill and virtue. Your loving parents raised two honest and loving children. You both grew up to become valued members of society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2022
Dade County was lead by you, Officer Cook and many other excellent servants whose dependability was well pronounced. Values and scruples were your vehicles of virtue, heart and diligence that placed an impression so revealing. Your life and career were blessed by acumen and astuteness. If integrity, honesty and dignity could ever more versatile, well your life produced many memories but just too tragic your life of excellence and pride was cut way too short. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, a salute of solemn proportions for having perseverance and endeavor tucked into your tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2022
A young man of charm, candor and character who left his courage forever imbedded upon Dade County streets where you fought the most difficult of battles, Officer Cook. The honor, the dignity and integrity all implanted positive results and forever all your heart and soul so serene and enhancing may Our Master bless and reward your spirit of sanctity and nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2022
The trails and tracks were covered by your unselfish, unwavering and tireless honor, humility and heart, Officer Cook. Heroism and dignity combining forces to wipe out violence and adversity. A gentleman of integrity whose virtue and versatility were solid and always so enriching. Dade County will not forget badge#1664 worn by you, Officer Cook and forever remembered for stellar and stoic public service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2022
Vision and virtue lead wisdom and honor through the forests of ferocity and character. You were a man who focused on a mission of trust, truth and justice. Dade County was where your life and career began, Officer Cook, with hope, goodwill and faith and ended heroically while defending our reverence and serenity. Always saluted nd always esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2022
Vision and virtue lead wisdom and honor through the forests of ferocity and character. You were a man who focused on a mission of trust, truth and justice. Dade County was where your life and career began, Officer Cook, with hope, goodwill and faith and ended heroically while defending our reverence and serenity. Always saluted nd always esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2022
You gave effort, all heart and heroic soul, Officer Cook, to honorably discharge your professional onuses towards Dade County. No one will forget humility, respect and the dignity placed forth with unselfish integrity to save us and to create a serene environment. We salute a gentleman of character, class and virtue now now eternally patrolling the skies above where angels are uplifted in spirit by Our Maker Himself. So disciplined and devoted to be truthful, trustworthy and most faithful when lives mattered. You'll always be missed, adored and have your legacy carried forward by your esteemed and treasured family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2022
Once, twice and forever a hero. Your good nature, goodwill and humane thoughtfulness, Officer Cook, embraced our world as a humble and much adored public servant who diligently gave Dade County every element of effort, heart and soul to save lives. And yours, my neighbor, friend and hero was character, commitment to excellence and pride and truth and trust all placed here in the name of heaven where God continues watching over your spirit, virtue and valued integrity and dignity that faced evil regularly. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2022