Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Police work is not styling and profiling. It's about giving your heart and soul to aid and to assist a community into the throngs of serenity and safe havens. You afforded Dade County and its people with the very best work habits possible, Officer Cook. What transpired that tragic afternoon in Liberty City, Gladeview was heinous and certainly most ignominious. Your family and department had a giant burden to lay your sweet and heroic soul to rest and to mourn your loss, a terrible grief, anger and pain that sometimes never goes away. For honesty, integrity and dignity fought the good fights and never will you be forgotten for true and genuine character, commitment and the excellence of a trusted gentleman of God so faithful in your humble of earthly journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2022
Determination requires dogged grit, gumption and gallantry that shall be revered. You were consummate, sincere and surely humble, Officer Cook and now forever are you honored as a Dade County hero, a man of substance who sacrificed his life and career for the dignity, integrity and character of mankind. Its goodwill, hope and faith came through the streets where you protected and preserved the peace of humanity to be treasured for generations to come. Such dependability, wisdom and virtue all tireless and all encomposing through your heart and soul of unselfishness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A blessed man who has been rewarded by Our Maker for your contributions that have enhanced and furthered the missions of society
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 26, 2022
We can be angry and sulk for the rest of our very lives. What will that accomplish? Nada, nothing and leaves this place in a terrible tailspin going hopelessly out of control. Well on May 16, 1979 as on all other times, fairness, firmness and ferocity was handed down by you, Officer Cook, to the good citizens of Dade County. Your place where you grew up, matured and were a happy young man full of vitality, valor and humility from your heart and soul blessed with an abundance of honesty, dignity and integrity being put forth with intelligent decision making, hearty intuition and wholesome ingenuity. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2022
Endeavor must be uplifted, enriched and enhanced at every turn, at every block where tension and violence looks to build its offensive firepower. You patrolled, protected and preserved Dade County, Officer Cook, in a most profound and prideful manner. Such unselfish dignity, integrity, virtue and humbleness now and forever blessed by Our King who rules this land. You were resourceful, devout and dedicated to all your missions of hope, goodwill and versatility all being supported by your esteemed colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2022
Perseverance polishes the image of humanity making it look a little better. All public servants delivering upon their sacred affirmations cannot ever be squeamish or timid because a lot rides upon their very honor, reliability, dependability and accountability. Nothing can be amiss when integrity, character and dignity ride upon the heroic wings of such humble and distinguished warriors such as yourself, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero and defender forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2022
Terror tragically has more than a trickle down affect upon mankind. Society cringes at just such a notion. The potent was your everlasting, undying and unwavering honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, all spread throughout Dade County your community that forever reveres you their hero of character and so does your beloved family as they carry mightily the torch of your legacy. Commitment and truth run along the very same trails, paths and tracks of trust and virtue always saluted solemnly, a gentleman fondly remembered for his actions of heart and soul that sad and grief stricken day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2022
You lived a righteous, heroic and very humanely honorable life, Officer Cook and your family, comrades and friends all wish you were alive and happy this very moment. Precious moments must be shared and spent commiserating over how the world lost such a valued, cherished and noble warrior. Dade County's folks had a very sound minded and thoughtful human being so dignified and a man of principles and integrity bolstering boldness and bravery as they all battled and fought for our very stability and harmony at the highest plateau. Forever admired and always an angel so unique and versatile with your virtue you'll be eternally blessed and rewarded for having a compassionate, sincere and kind heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I know for sure Officers DiGenova, Edgerton and Lincoln think of you contemplating your charm, smile and charisma.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2022
A soul of salvation that patrolled for peace and serenity, your heart was very pure, humble and most heroic, Officer Cook. Dade County was well protected during your watch and the heinous actions of one man ending a life and career of character, commitment and trust all through the tunnels of honesty, dignity and integrity. They stood for truth and faced adversity straight on. Always cherished, loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 25, 2022
Wickedness makes waves of turbulence something humanity cannot tolerate. You did your very best, Officer Cook, to shelter and to shield Dade County from such evil. Youplaced your stamp of serenity upon your community never releasing the brakes of courage, trust and dignity, it's your unselfish integrity, wisdom and virtue that mattered the most when life was in peril. We don't forget men and women, angels of humbleness who go beyond their capacity to serve and to preserve the quality of life that at times seems so fragile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2022
We sleep soundly at night because of you, Officer Cook and the many other heroes here in Dade County who managed their success never letting ego intercede with your basic duties toward Dade County. A gentleman born with honor, conceived with class and decency, marching forward with unbridled integrity never losing sight of your missions of faith, hope and goodwill. It's always the loyalty and humility of your unassuming character that has garnered salutes and respect all these many decades later. I'm really glad to have spoken with your friend and partner, Officer Keith DiGenova who like you was a true hero and a mensch, a warm and wonderful human being. If the people of Ormand Beach, Florida knew a survivor hero lived there they would go all out to treat him to whatever he needs to manage his daily life and he said he has visited your grave to pray for your soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2022
Peril peeks its head out of the ground and searches where to cause problems, troubles and whatever it can wreak upon us. You put yourself in harm's direction, Officer Cook, to save us from such adversarial jeopardy and won't be overlooked. Dignity, integrity and mettle all shining through as your spirit keeps heaven lighted up for eternity. Character, commitment, conviction all because of trust and truth. An intelligent young man paid homage for his loyalty and esteem. Badge#1664 will be cherished and admired for building newer pathways for our futures and yet you, Officer Cook, should have been allowed to live on to witness personally these changes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2022
Each public servant stands for honor, dignity and integrity these must be carried out each time without fail. When the public faces danger it is up to the honest and dedicated men and women not to truncate their professional obligations to safety and prosperity. You lived up to your sacred oath, Officer Cook, with reverence, pride and due character never giving less than one -hundred percent effort. The citizens of Dade County have forever remembered you as their hero as much as your family has. They carry forward your heroic legacy signed and stamped with unwavering perseverance and proficiency. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it will stand for virtue, vision and undying heart and soul that complimented one another.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2022
Better to have a personality than not to have one. Yet, your charm, charisma and smile, Officer Cook, heroically spoke volumes regarding your outstanding work ethics all the morals, values, principles and ideals that supported your life endeavors and ambitions. To dream is one thing, to accomplish and to maintain a certain balance of enthusiasm while being honest and dignified is another. You had steadfast integrity, respect and the highest acumen, wisdom and vision needed to protect and to keep a close vigilance of all Dade County where your legacy continues to glow. As an angel in heaven may Our Creator watch over your sweet soul and spirit of virtue, its versatility and nobility was priceless. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2022
Every day is a learning experience for all who don a humble, honorable and heroic badge and crisp uniform of tireless energy, heart and character. You represented your family, department and community with the highest of professional service and conduct, Officer Cook. Dade County has always been thankful and grateful for you, your dignified life and career where integrity was plugged in at all outlets where you patrolled for our grace, stability and tranquility. Never a finer young man brave and with a soul of yearning and concern for mankind which has and will be saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 24, 2022
You would have shunned the limelight, Officer Cook, in order to perform all your official professional responsibilities on behalf of Dade County. A man blessed in acumen and who took his abilities to the highest of levels despite stress and duress following your every movement. Nonetheless, you'll be remembered for having humility of heart and soul, dignity and determination to strike back against the caliber of callousness and for fortitude beyond your years of service and intelligence. The quotient of quintessential sanctity and nobility will forevermore be documented for those bridges and foundations were all soundly built in peace and in your treasured loyal name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2022
Your role is being able and capable to stop something adverse before terror, violence and evil sets its wings of wickedness down in a community. Your sweet and gentle heart, soul and spirit, Officer Cook, all were sent from heaven in order for you to canvass the neighborhood where you grew up to become a top flight, top notch public servant. Service with a humble smile and honesty that was saluted and duly diligent. For having loyalty and for being esteemed may Our Lord bless, protect and reward your directional signals of integrity, wisdom and dignity all stellar, sterling and most poignant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2022
Curfews are supposed to curb crime. Not always the case and unfortunately you paid the ultimate price, Officer Cook, for Dade County to be safe and to prosper. a young man with manners, morals and a caring and sincere heart and soul defending our freedoms, what else can be stated? Your life and righteousness seemed to be humbly headed up the ladder of dignity, integrity and stoic character when a heinous man took your life and nearly those of your fellow officers that tragic afternoon. A gentleman to be respected, saluted and honored for satisfying society with your virtue, charm, trust and truthful virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2022
A legend with a bold story to be told. Nothing but direction, decency and esteemed devotion placed into all your earthly endeavors, Officer Cook. Dade County will never forget you, badge#1664 and the ultimate sacrifice you made to keep us safe and secure. If honesty, integrity and dignity cannot function as one oiled machine then the chances are evil and wickedness will continue to vex the virtue, vision and vigilance from society. We have to pray for our servants who toil, train and prepare for the battles that lately rage like wildfire spiraling out of control. Nothing can be out of sync nor kilter as every honest bone, your heart and soul must work to fortify the faith, hope and goodwill where sanctity and civility must be free to roam. We are not lions yet when we awaken we must be ready to perform God's will and its purposes and causes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2022
When violence evaporates you may finally see the light of day. For the time here in Dade County, your good name and blessed heart and soul, Officer Cook, made that heroic impression upon humanity. Honor, dignity and integrity facing adversity and giving every bit of reverent character and values back into the spirits of mankind. Such angelic virtue saw wonderful though I know your family misses you dearly. Trust and truth going down the trails of justice to unlock the tranquility we have all been awaiting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2022
Sometimes, Officer Cook, our world is very bleak. Filled with many problems and issues too difficult and too tragic. Your whole life and public service career was honorably and heroically dedicated to helping Dade County and its citizens live more peacefully and constructively. Consider integrity, dignity and character for starters and the genesis was humbly underway. Patrolling your community in search of serenity takes more than heart, soul, trust and truth. And your tireless virtue, unselfish elements of humbleness all went into the equation of effort and efficiency. Always saluted and remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 23, 2022
Your heroic soul and spirit, Officer Cook, are free to roam, free to soar and free to fly high. God's plains of enchantment and perfection are filled with many angels of valor, honor, dignity and integrity. It's the character, truth and trust of commitment, pride and conviction that helped to generate serenity, safety and security for all Dade County and mankind. A superb gentleman of ferocity, dedication and the frankness of your missions and journeys meant to steer violence away from our midst. Always remembered, saluted and honored for having loyalty, esteem and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 22, 2022
Talk the talk and walk the walk, for honor, dignity and integrity must display their fortitude. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your community of courage and diligence. Heroes demonstrate fortitude and character accentuated by their inspiring actions made to calm, restore that wheel of engagement as you embraced God's world of peace and humility. We salute your nobility, civility and refined dedication to advancing our missions through hope and goodwill when adversity looks to upend them Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero..
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 21, 2022
No mask or facade was needed to patrol Dade County. Just a humble, beloved and admired man on a trip of preservation to assure its residents of some quiet and unwavering safe havens for all to travel through. Officer Cook, you'll always be a hero to your family, friends and colleagues and by living an exemplary life of honor, heart and humbleness Our Master will heap his blessings and compassion down on your family that champions the enrichment of your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 21, 2022
When the rain pours down the tenets of honor, dignity and integrity must somehow shine clearly. They did as long as you were protecting Dade County as its hero of esteem, loyalty and honesty, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 had a mission to take forward and that was to keep and to maintain the proper semblance of goodwill, faithfulness and the hope of returning home to your beloved Karen safely. Six years of blood, sweat and toil, tears shed for harmony and freedom for mankind to pursue its aspirations. Forevermore will you be the light and beacon of inspiration and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 21, 2022
Direction really is the personification of one's heroic paths of character, dignity and integrity. All the heart, soul and due diligence poured into your passions and labors of humility, Officer Cook. For certain Dade County will not forget your most instrumental life of function and reason. Our very serenity all because of your undying soul on a mission of hope, smartness and the maturity to see true trust bear its allegiance. You'll always be well regarded and rewarded as a blessed public servant for coming through when the problems and dilemmas mounted. A young man built on the very foundations of ferocity utilizing tenacity to chase down and tackle terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 21, 2022