Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Transparency, integrity and professionalism were traits that you so often exhibited Officer Cook. If only you were with us today, you could share this wealth of knowledge you gave to other officers. All too often today, we have some departments with officers who are rogue officers and need a true hero like you to set them straight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your actions here and your patrolling from above hopefully will have a positive influence on today's officers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2012

The evil inclination is a necessary part of our spiritual anatomy just as two arms and two legs are necessary parts of our bodies. We channel the negative energy of our evil inclination into positive endeavors. As one of Our creator's creations, Officer Cook, you were higher than an angel who achieved lofty spiritual heights. For all the good you provided us with, you now are being rewarded. You made the right choices in life, sought guidance from those capable of imparting wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and shine forth your bright smile down from heaven and provide those of us who need wisdom so badly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2012

During your lifetime and professional career, Officer Cook, you followed the advice of those who wisdom touched your very soul and allowed you in part to bestow this wisdom to others. The main perfection of the soul is contingent on becoming close to the righteous. The proximity of the devout is beneficial in this world and the next. The coming of the Messiah depends on getting close to the devout. Those who are close to the devout in their lifetime will be close to them when they pass. That which you hear from the mouth of a righteous person is more beneficial than that which you learn and read from books. As a righteous and devout individual, I can only hope that your beautiful soul Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero will speedily bring the ultimate redemption for all to witness, along with the wonderful soul of your father, Charles. May you both rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2012

By evaluating ourselves every day, we are reminded of our relationship with God. Four wonderful things happen when we judge ourselves on a daily basis: We remind ourselves of God and that which we are commanded. We make decisions to correct what needs correcting and therefore do not accrue spiritual debts that lead to stern judgments. Since God does not allow double jeopardy when we judge ourselves, the Heavenly Court is not allowed to judge us. Daily self-evaluation reminds us that there is a Creator in the world; when we contemplate whether our actions are in accordance with His will, we we contemplate Him and by thinking of God, we enhance our trust in Him. Officer Cook, you performed your duties and constantly checked and made sure of your actions. Your actions on May 16, 1979 spoke volumes of your outstanding character to protect your fellow officers. Your sacrifice only enhances your commitment and trust in God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2012

Prayer is the vessel or receptacle of Divine abundance. A person must be specific in prayer and devotion and elaborate on what he or she needs. Exactly as you carried on with your life, Officer Cook. You learned from a young age as taught by your beloved parents, Charles, your father and Julia, your mother how to channel your trust in God. Your father who should rest in peace along side of you. Your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, who should live and be well. Your parents I'm sure made great sacrifices that would be most beneficial to both you and your sister, Nancy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and continue watching over us as we pray to God for our safety and freedoms each day.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2012

It is said that whoever honors his wife gets rich. The richness we mean is by cherishing and providing for her means. This is something that you, Officer Cook, excelled at and your lovely wife, Karen who worked as a registered nurse did. You both worked hard to provide all of your essential needs. As devout as you were my neighbor, friend and hero, you prayed for not only your own health and safety, but, that of Karen's and your entire family. God took care of you and Karen and He now watches over your beloved soul. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2012

You are My witnesses said the Lord. You are My servant whom I have chosen. That you may know and have faith in Me and understand that I am He: before Me no God was created and neither shall there be after Me. You were one of a kind Officer Cook, dedicated and devout to your wife, Karen and to your loving family who knew your profession was dangerous and yet they supported you a hundred percent in your decision to become a law enforcement officer. As I reflected in the past, you never disappointed your parents and family and you are revered by all and missed this day and forever by them. We know that God has you and your father, Charles cradled in the palm of His hand for eternity. Keep watching over us and rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God basically has over twenty-thousand witnesses, your colleagues who gave their lives in the line of duty to protect and serve the public trust. So now God's heavenly streets are well guarded.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2012

Honor shall uphold the humble in spirit. For You have made him but lower than the Angels and you have crowned him with honor and glory. By devoting yourself along with your lovely wife, Karen to your community and by serving the citizens with humility and distinction, you now reside among God's blue angels, Officer Cook, men and women who were ready to meet the challenges and make the ultimate sacrifices so we could live in a safer environment. God has crowned two exceptionally wonderful people yourself, Officer Cook and your father, Charles with distinction for having served your government in the military and yourself as a dedicated Metro-Dade Police Officer.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2012

Every living individual will render Your praise like myself this day: the father to the children shall make known Your truth. A father and a son share a very and intimate bond. A father helps his son take the next steps that are necessary for the son to realize and achieve success when he grows up. Officer Cook, this is exactly what your beloved father, Charles, may he rest in peace besides you my neighbor, friend and hero. He was there along with your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, may she live and be well. Even in spirit, your father was watching over you as you served and protected Dade County citizens. Now in the eyes of God, because of what Officer William C. Cook so epitomized , you and your father, can rest forever in eternity knowing you fulfilled your mission in this world with the utmost honor, respect and dignity for a job well done. There could not be a more prouder moment for your family to take notice of and remember you for all of your good deeds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2012

Then the righteous will be glad, the upright rejoice, the pious celebrate in song. When You remove the tyranny of arrogance from the earth, evil will be silenced, all wickedness will vanish like smoke. I know from heaven Officer Cook, you have been looking down over your loved ones with a great deal of pride and amazement and your Mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, God bless her has been saying prayers for you and those who made the sacrifices that allow us to carry on with our daily lives. We all wish you were here today and celebrating the milestones of your family's achievements. But, one day your father, Charles and yourself will be together with your loved ones. You are their salvation and were the apple of their eye. Every breath you took, signified success in all your efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You fought gallantly to preserve our right to live with honor and dignity personified.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2012

Open for us the gates, even as they are closing. The day is waning, the sun is low. The hour is late, a year has slipped away. Let us enter the gates at last. Lord, have compassion. Pardon, forgive, take pity. Grant us atonement. Help us to conquer our iniquity and sin. God's heavenly gates always are open to receive His servants such as you, Officer Cook, who along with twenty- thousand of your colleagues now walk "The Blue Line." Regardless of the time of day or night, whether it is hot or cold outside, God is watching and waiting. For all of the above which you willingly sought and empowered yourself to reach out to others, there will be a heavenly reward for all your endeavors. You placed yourself ahead of others, risked bodily harm to make the community you so loved a more safer venue. No one can ever take away the lessons in life you imparted on us. Another year, 2012 is about to finish, as we enter the new year of 2013, let us pray that it begins on a good note with peace, good health for all mankind and we can be allowed to pursue all of our dreams and desires with you and your father, Charles guiding us on the proper paths. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You and my father, Owen, who was a long time New York City Police Officer are probably smiling as you pull open with pride, God's gates for all to view.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2012

Just as God separates night from day and aligns the stars in the skies, so too we pray that one day soon all wickedness will be eradicated from the world. The world needs more brave people such as you, Officer Cook, to stamp out evil. Your devoutness and the honor with which you treated others shall not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2012

None shall hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the love of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters fill the sea. For the respect and dignity you afforded your fellow man, Officer Cook, God is watching over you and your father, Charles and those officers who made the ultimate sacrifice before you with His bountiful love. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and I'll keep your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook in my thoughts and prayers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2012

As a couple are joined in marriage and they enter their home, this is their sanctuary. The wise woman builds her home. Whatever is said of the wise woman can be said of a wise man. A home must be created and they requires two things: wisdom, which involves looking ahead and laying out plans. Building, which involves a constant and sustained effort throughout one's life. Despite, your brief life my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, I do think you and Karen worked your tails off to provide a very special loving and nurturing home. If you were still here today, I'm sure you would still be very happily married and your love for each other would be as special as the very first day you met. Other creator has plans for us and He needed you to be reunited together in heaven with your loving father, Charles to oversee what is transpiring here in this world. Rest in peace and know that your life was one built on the foundation of humility and humanity and the rock of success and honesty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2012

All my life, I grew up among wise people and I found nothing better for the body than silence. Getting along with one's in laws is very important. I'm sure Officer Cook, you personified this by doing various activities with your father-in-law. You both entertained each other at your homes and relaxed from the everyday activities that you undertook as a police officer. You are to be praised. You were a humble man and your devotion to God and your church is to be though of highly. Karen and you were well thought of in the community and both of you should never be forgotten. I know she remarried, I don't know where she resides, but when I see or speak to Gina, I'll tell her to send regards to Karen, Aunt Karen, and tell her I still think the world of you after all these years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. United we stand and you were as brave and valiant as they come.Silence is golden and you knew, Officer Cook, when to speak with a calming influence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2012

Back in the day Officer Cook, you and your wife, Karen always encouraged one another. You both sacrificed for one another and life back then could have been perceived as a struggle to earn an honest living, which both of you earned. Nurses back then did not earn what they earn today and so too with police officers and in particular with the profession you chose to perform under constant danger and adverse conditions day and night. When you came home from work, Karen was there to provide a cheerful and encouraging word. No one is an angel, but a sympathetic wife listens to her spouse and her calming tone is like a balm. I still say the two of you, Officer Cook and your lovely wife, Karen, would have made excellent parents. God sometimes has other plans. Your accomplishments as a dedicated Metro-Dade Police Officer will never and should never be diminished, they should be there for us all to see. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero with the angels above as you and those who sacrificed their lives before you walk the "Thin Blue Line."

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2012

You and your wife, Karen married when you were young. I'm sure you supported and provided for her needs dutifully. I don't know if her parents were living in Florida when you married. perhaps they were. But, I know that you continued to check on your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and visited her often, as a good son and devoted son should do for their mother and father. When your father, Charles was alive you came to visit and inquire of their welfare. You should be commended for this. Your house was one of peace and unity because of your family values as well as Karen's upbringing. Karen also worked as a registered nurse, so being compassionate ran in your families. You loved each other so dearly, that when you sacrificed your life, one can only imagine how Karen and your families felt. I'm sorry I did not know you back in the day, when we lived around the corner from each other, but, I'll always remember your nephew, Justin and his sister, your niece, Gina and being comforted when I was in your mother's home and showed a picture of you on my cell phone and started sobbing like a baby. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, my family and I will never forget you and your special family, my dear friends for life, the Wilkerson's and their children.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2012

In the previous reflection, I meant to say Officer Cook, you were a Godsend. Every kind of problem is sent our way and it is up to us to handle it either positively or God forbid negatively. We are constantly being tested on many fronts even if we are not aware of it. Life is like a battle, the battle is on all sides and it never ends. One moment in your life is calm and uneventful, the next moment is chaotic and full of challenges. Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero, you battled evil each day on duty and defended not only the people you were protecting, but your fellow officers and yourself right down to your last breath. You were tested even back in the 1970's where temptations tested officers and their reactions were being recorded for departments to observe if their officers were acting within the confines of the law. When an officer puts on their uniform they must be beyond reproach and carry out their responsibilities faithfully as you did. Rest in peace and assist your colleagues in this world to carry out their duties as honestly and truthfully as you so performed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2012

Life is full of variety and is planned by God for a reason. We are tested by God as soon as we enter this world. The purpose for the variety is precisely to test us under all circumstances. When we achieve success, what will our reaction be? How will we act when we are faced by obstacles or worries? I can answer in the affirmative that you, Officer Cook, were a Godsend who answered your calls with zest and eagerness to achieve solutions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and your sacrifice will always be for a blessing. You gave your life so others could thrive.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 10, 2012

God surely took one very special person Officer Cook, when he called you to patrol from the heavens above. Open the gates of heaven, open Your bounteous storehouse. help us, rebuke us not, Save us, God of our salvation. I sure hope that one day we will all get to view salvation firsthand. The citizens you served have to believe your patrolling all of God's heavenly possessions with dignity and respect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The way you treated people is how we in turn should treat others.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 8, 2012

The sound of violence shall be heard no more in your land. We can only hope Officer Cook, that because of your special being and the man that you grew up to be, evil is permanently eradicated from the face of this Earth. You stood face to face with such a situation and gave your best and complete effort to take down this monster that reared its ugliness. You will not be forgotten by me. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 8, 2012

Officer Cook, you were Metro-Dade's top officers during your tenure with them. The acronym for stop to act responsibly is the word star. Humbly speaking you approached your duties with a sense of confidence and assurance. The pride with which you served the people will forever be remembered. There was never a moment you disappointed anyone. We should all feel indebted to you for your sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend, and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 8, 2012

Your devout faith enabled you, Officer Cook, to channel your emotions in a sincere and genuine manner that appealed to the citizens you took an oath to protect. Faith is the best tonic for mankind because faith in the Lord will reward you with courage in time of trouble and an adequate purpose in life. The reason birds fly and we cannot is simply that they have perfect faith. Faith encourages reliance and in times of trouble you were able to rely on your faith and its teachings to maintain an even keel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and guide as on our journeys through life faithfully and with a real conviction. There were times I'm sure you couldn't please everyone, but for all those times you were able to appreciate your chances to assist others. Officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, come to us once in a lifetime. For this we are thankful and grateful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2012

A man's pride will bring him low, but the humble will attain to honor. It is best to remember that for the righteous, the more honor is bestowed upon them, the humbler they become. As a leader of our other officers and as a follower you, Officer Cook, were able to perform your daily tasks at a much higher level then some of your peers. This is not bad, it just go to show that you truly were mature beyond your years. You set the bar high so other potential officers could follow your example of how to conduct themselves while on duty. You demonstrated professionalism at all times and for this my neighbor, friend and hero you'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace along with your father, Charles who taught you and your sister, Nancy, the true meaning of humility and how to earn it from others.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2012

Each member of the household is expected to have a distinct ole. Parents are accorded positions of honor and respect. They are the ones to exercise authority. Children, secure in the thought that their parents love them, are to be loyal and obedient. Parents instill in their children, faith, morality, truth and honesty and as the family goes so goes society If family values are reinforced, then society will portray civil order and happiness. I can see why my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, you were so well liked and respected for the profession you chose to enter and all the rigors of your position to serve and protect the public interest. Rest in peace and help us keep society running like a well oiled machine.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2012

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