Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Once we develop a deep sense of trust that God, by way of Divine providence, does everything for our ultimate benefit to guide us on the path of our needed soul correction, then the pieces of the puzzle of life suddenly come together in a picture of striking clarity. With these principles in mind, trust becomes the universal answer to all of life's questions. Sometimes, Officer Cook, I wonder why you decided to become a police officer. But, from the time you were a young man, you had a certain passion to help others, even though certain professions carry risks associated with them. To this day, we will probably never know why on May 16, 1979, events unfolded that ultimately ended with you making the ultimate sacrifice to protect your fellow officers. God has a Divine plan for us all. Sometimes, people live to a ripe old age, others do not. Some people who commit evil live longer than others who carry on a righteous life. You were blessed with a good life, a fruitful and productive career with the Metro-Dade Police Department. The world, your family and colleagues miss your presence. But, we know you are patrolling God's heavenly streets, where you watch is quieter. Rest in serene peace my neighbor, friend and hero to us all. You made that who knew you proud and I'm proud to have heard and read about your accomplishments.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2012
Officer Cook, you were a source of strength to draw from when your family experienced the loss of your beloved father, Charles. You were the loving and giving son who never gave your parents any problem. You and Nancy, your loving sister were the foundations of your parents. The embodiment of the very values that were ingrained in both of you. Long since your untimely passing, the values that stayed with you for the wonderful and meaningful twenty-five years of life so richly lived. You honored everyone regardless of faith, race, background, this is what makes a person the reason for them being created. We are placed in this world to do good deeds and make everybody appreciate their intrinsic value to one another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and help us understand what our roles are, in that which defines our existence. We need to maintain proper focus, complete trust and fruitful faith to carry us all the days of our lives. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, always displayed her trust and faith, even during the tragedies that occurred in your family and that is precisely why God has allowed her to live ninety-seven wonderfully healthy and prosperous years.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2012
In essence, trust is growth power. It's the moving force that helps a person such as you, Officer Cook achieve personal gain more than anything else in the universe. This trust gives a person the will to live and the power not only to withstand tough times, but to gain by them. Trust resembles the deep roots of a tree that enable it to withstand wind, storm, and drought. The power of trust is vast, and one with this trust fears nothing. My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, you were a confident person, a happy person, who faith allowed you to assist others even though what occurred that day was something that was not entirely in your power to harness. The evil that was perpetrated on you and your fellow officers, was based on anger a very angry young man who lacked simple faith in God and let his emotions get the best of him. Still it is not an excuse for what he did to you and your colleagues. Anger destroys lives and we can be sure not to forget the challenge you faced and the attempt to calm a violent situation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you dealt with life's challenges faithfully, placing complete trust in God and now God's watching over you, and shining your trust and faith down from heaven upon us.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2012
You gave your parents Officer Cook, much satisfaction and gratification. A beautiful human being. You were a sensitive, considerate, and humble son. You always evaluated yourself to see where you improve something. You were the loving son so devoted to your parents, and after your dad, Charles passed away, you visited your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, either before or after ending your shift to check on her. What a devoted person you were. You made your parents so very proud, what else could we say.Your thoughts, speech and deeds are how you are going to be remembered. Of course, the sacrifice you made in the line of duty will never be forgotten by my family or those who knew you and knew the trust you placed in Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2012
We have free choice over how we cope with life's difficult situations. They appear in our daily lives whether or not we want them. Happy is the person who readily accepts these tests or challenges. My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, you stepped up to the plate for six years recognizing the challenges of protecting and serving Dade County and its citizens. You didn't shy away from a challenge. You stood eye to eye and face to face to endeavor to confront evil along with your partner and colleagues that day in Liberty City. God watches over those who serve Him loyally and you sir did absolutely that. You did not back down. You were as calm as you could possibly be and when you needed to employ other methods you did the very best, as you and your colleagues were trained to do. You maintained a positive outlook during a tough dilemma, kept your poise. The trust you so possessed during your life allowed you to not be bitter and broken in spirit. We are broken-hearted at your loss. Patient endurance, the result of trust, paves the road to genuine tranquility. Without this trust the world becomes a purgatory worse than the purgatory itself. We face choices every moment of our lives, you faced one and you were not required to answer that particular call and yet you did and protected your fellow officers from harm and in doing so sacrificed your being so others could carry on your legacy. They don't make heroes like you Officer Cook. Rest in trusting peace along with your dad, Charles, my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2012
Trust enables us to be happy and to understand God's individual message for each of us.. Even when we don't succeed in grasping God's message, we should never the less accept out current circumstances happily. You were that kind of person who readily accepted the challenges and rigors of what was expected of you as a Metro-Dade Police Officer. We are obligated to make a blessing on the bad sincerely and willfully, in the same manner we do on the good. I'm sure you family as devout as they are say prayers thanking God for all the goodness both you and your dad, Charles represented in the world. I'll always keep your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook in my prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2012
To attain the level of trust that everything is for the best, we must learn that own path in life has been predetermined by God. You came into this world Officer Cook to perform a mission and achieve in making the world better. You succeeded beyond imagination and we are all better and safer because of the sacrifice you made. You performed your duties under unavoidable tough times and yet we have to trust in God that what happened to you on May 16, 1979 was God's will and you were not the kind of police officer to shirk away from difficult situations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Let us see if we are up to the challenges that lie ahead.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2012
How can one be both a stranger and resident in the world? The answer is as follows: God is saying if you feel too comfortable in this world, too much like residents, I will be a stranger to you. But, if you do not feel entirely at home in this world, if you feel a bit like strangers yourselves, i will be a resident-I will dwell among you. I know Officer Cook, you took nothing for granted from the day your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, gave birth to you, until that very tragic day of May 16, 1979 when you sacrificed your life in the performance of your duties. You enjoyed every minute of being a loyal, honorable and dedicated Metro-Dade Police Officer. You placed every ounce of ability on the line for your community and the safety of its citizens. Police have to deal with all kinds of conditions as well as people they encounter and are very well trained in such activities all throughout their careers. You performed under stress and were the epitome of calm during tense situations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you fulfilled our expectations and realized and reached your goals and were God's ever faithful and devoted servant. Your legacy is forever sealed and you will never be forgotten by myself, your family, friends, colleagues who loved serving along side with you.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 1, 2012
The virtues of trust are so vast that they defy description. Trust is the root and foundation of a person's task in this world. As such, every one of us needs to reinforce their trust. By strengthening our trust, we perfect our character. This trust is the spiritual vessel for Divine abundance, invoking the best blessings of health, personal welfare and livelihood. This trust is a mighty spiritual force. With simple and pure trust, one longs for a greater connection to God, and rises to higher spiritual heights. This trust is the foundation of holiness, and one who attains this trust achieves a purification of the soul. This brings a person such as yourself, Officer Cook, to the level of true patience, composure, and inner peace: in the context of such an emotional climate, you were able to maximize you intellectual and functional potential to the hilt. That fateful day of May 16, 1979, when emotions were running high, you and your colleagues tried to deal with a situation in which a gentleman was holding his girlfriend hostage and to defuse the strife, you just wanted him to drop his weapon and to surrender peacefully. Unfortunately, this did not happen and you and your fellow officers had to resort to using your weapons. You battled evil face to face, and in the end gave all that you had to attempt to calm down and silence the aggressiveness that was perpetrated upon you and your colleagues. You gave one hundred percent and did your duties as you were so diligently trained to carry out. The twenty-five years of your cherished life were so blessed with this trust and not only that, but spiritually speaking, you were able to comprehend the rationale behind the events not only with what you were dealing with that day, but other times when your calming influence and demeanor was necessary to help assist others. Your perfect soul my neighbor, friend and hero should rest in peace and give others the ability to trust in God who guides our comings and goings.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 1, 2012
Faith will not make the world right. Faith cannot guarantee that its adherents will be good, unswayed by anger or hate, lost in a mist of kindness and prayer. It does not eradicate conflict or eliminate pain. Faith can alter vision. But God can touch a life. Officer Cook, God certainly touched your precious life in many ways, as he did with your family. For many who suffer a tragic loss of someone they loved, this can be very difficult to deal with emotionally. For the last thirty-three years since you gave your life to protect and defend not only your colleagues, but the citizens of Dade County, I can say its probably been difficult in dealing with your loss, the gaping hole your passing left. You were so loved and adored by your parents, sister, Nancy, of course your lovely wife, Karen and all who came in contact socially and professionally with you. You were the virtue of what it means to"walk with God." As a man of faith, who walked the straight and narrow path in pursuing liberty and justice for all, faith and trust went hand in hand. "Come, let us reason together." Since we try to emulate God and His ways, let us walk and cope and console each other that all that you, Officer William Coleman Cook, badge#1664 stood for will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, along with your father Charles, as we share in the memories of two lives that were well lived. Two men who put complete faith in God each and every day. I will continue to keep your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook in my thoughts and prayers. A woman of valor, a devout individual who has served God with her entire being for over ninety-seven years in good health, peace and spiritual prosperity. One never gets over losing a child or spouse and yes, it is difficult, but with God guiding their every movement and from the help of friends and community it certainly can make for a brighter day. As I tell the people at my Sabbath Services, if we communicate with God some way, some how, we will receive an answer for what we are looking for.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 1, 2012
Law enforcement personnel are our friends. They work together with the community to help make this world a better place. When we create together we can go far beyond what is imaginable. The Lord revealed himself to me as old. Eternal love I conceived for you then. Therefore, I continue my grace to you. When decency and compassion combine together, the after product is one mighty fine accomplishment. The potential is there, it needs to be brought to the forefront. Officer Cook, you certainly knew precisely how to maximize your potential, and because of the zest and zeal you brought to the Metro- Dade Police Department, this is why we feel safer and more secure. Your sacrifice on our behalf, serves as the glue which binds our community together. if God is with us, why has all this befallen us? Some day we might be able to answer this question. Rouse yourself, why do You sleep. O Lord? awaken, do not reject us forever! Why do You hide Your face? Ignoring our affliction and distress? We are certainly distressed over your tragic passing, and God knows this. Your family will always be left with a void, you were the glue, the inspiration of your parents hearts, their pride and joy and God bless your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, who at age ninety-seven has been blessed with good health and spiritual prosperity. I will always keep your mother in my thoughts and prayers. Rest in peace, my neighbor, friend and hero and keep inspiring us on the right path. Come let us reason together as God has two very honorable men, you, Officer Cook and your dad, Charles cradled in the palm of His hand to guide our every movement. The lessons in life you so passionately taught us must stand forever and cannot be forgotten. The words you spoke also need to be reemphasized.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 31, 2012
As a photographer, discovery and exploration were essential Officer Cook for you to snap the greatest pictures of a world that offers goodness. Nowhere is God so needed by human beings and so vividly depicted by the tradition as in the decisions of human life: personal, interpersonal, societal, global. Dealing with our people is the first and most important measure of respect for or disregard of God. Guidance, comfort and governance- the search for all three has its place in the quest to find a "personal" God. God is everywhere, and touches each of us in happy and solemn times. From the book of Psalms: O Lord, you have examined me and know me. When I sit down or stand up You know it. You observe my walking and reclining, and are familiar with all my ways. Where can I escape from Your spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? The friendships you forged and the righteous life you led will serve as your living legacy. A man of compassion, goodness, tenderness and care. Rest in peace Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero and may the gentleness of your soul touch us all as you so touched us for twenty-five years.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 31, 2012
We no longer live in a world in which belief is the sole bearer of human aspiration. Like all confrontations in the face of death, faith may seem at times hollow and difficult to sustain. Still the depth of faith, should we achieve it, is often proportional to the pain undergone in the course of searching. Today, trust in God, makes its stand not on unimpaired certainty, but on the ground of trial and hope. Faith seeks to strip the ultimate time of our death. Death is not the final editor of human aspiration., There is the possibility of preservation and renewal. There is God. God remembers all the forgotten. Every person, achievement, deed is touched by eternity. Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero so courageous, you are still recalled for your uniqueness. Your positive outlook and manner in which you so vividly carried out your career and personal life with your wife, Karen and friends is not something that will just pass. The faith and trust you so displayed that day of May 16, 1979, will forever capture a picture of long lasting memories. You appreciated everything you had because of the excellent upbringing you and your sister, Nancy had. Myself as well as all your other family members, friends and colleagues are all left with broken hearts wondering why did this happen to such a wonderful and gentle soul that you were officer Cook? All we do and all we are is vitally preserved, not frozen in memory. Let not ambition mock their useful toil, their homely joys, and destiny obscure: nor grandeur hear with a disdainful smile. The short and simple annals of the poor. Full many a gem of purest ray serene, the dark unimaginable caves of ocean bear: full many a flower is born to blush unseen, and waste its sweetness on the desert air. The blush is not seen, nor is the sweetness wasted. The sweet demeanor you brought to your duties daily are there to remind us to keep forging ahead and not to look back. I'm sure Officer Cook, you would want us to stay the course, keep challenging ourselves to make this world a safer place as you so dutifully exhibited while you lived a very meaningful and successful life. Rest in peace and always smile down on us with that beautiful smile and may the sweetness of your life accentuate our lives forever more.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 31, 2012
I meant to say your cherished soul. Rest in peace Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 30, 2012
I'm sorry Officer Cook for leaving the same reflection three times. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth. As water reflects face to face, so does one man's heart to another. Tour cherished soul reflects off the water and all the good deeds you accomplished as a young man and later in your life when you stepped into a new profession. Rest in peace and thank you for improving and helping to make our lives better.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 30, 2012
The knowledgeable will be radiant like the bright expanse of the sky and those that lead the many to righteousness will be like the stars for ever and ever. Those who admonish will delight. Your cherished soul Officer Cook is forever illuminating us as it shines down brightly every moment of each day. You were absolutely wise beyond your years as you friend, classmate and colleague, Chief Geoff Jacobs stated in one of his reflections. If one has to correct someone, it needs to be done without shaming that person. My neighbor, friend and hero that was how you went about conducting your affairs. A lesson in life for us to learn. Rest in peace and let your brightness shine.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 30, 2012
The righteous shall rejoice in God and take refuge in Him, may the heart of those who seek God be glad, and thus says God, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the strong man glory in his strength, let not the rich man glory in his riches. For only with this may one glorify himself-contemplating and knowing me. happy is the man who finds wisdom and happy are those who act justly, who do right at all times. Officer Cook, you performed your duties with all your heart, might and resources that God provided you with. Your career as a Metro-Dade Police Officer was focused and centered only on do the correct thing at all times. Perhaps, we as a community could have done more for you that day and possibly you might still be here with us. You gave of yourself so that we could all be safer and for that you will always be commended and hopefully never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and may God in His compassion place us in the midst of those officers such as yourself who reached this lofty level and help us to be included in their assemblies. Amen
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 30, 2012
We give a voice of thanks for the privilege to have known you even though I still regret never had the chance to meet and greet you. We can still reflect on the many wondrous deeds that accentuated your life. You now reside under God's eternal wings and assist in protecting those you loved and cherished while performing the work, rather the career you so loved. If you ever want to reach me Karen, I reside in North Miami Beach around the corner from where your mother-in-law, Mrs. Julia Cook lived. I will never forget the sacrifice of your husband, Officer William Coleman Cook made on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. I never forgot that day of thirty-three years ago.The valor Officer Cook so truly personified.I can be reached at my e-mail: Rest in peace Officer Cook and keep those Heavenly blessings raining down on us all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2012
We give a voice of thanks for the privilege to have known you even though I still regret never had the chance to meet and greet you. We can still reflect on the many wondrous deeds that accentuated your life. You now reside under God's eternal wings and assist in protecting those you loved and cherished while performing the work, rather the career you so loved. If you ever want to reach me Karen, I reside in North Miami Beach around the corner from where your mother-in-law, Mrs. Julia Cook lived. I will never forget the sacrifice of your husband, Officer William Coleman Cook made on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. I never forgot that day of thirty-three years ago.The valor Officer Cook so truly personified.I can be reached at my e-mail: Rest in peace Officer Cook and keep those Heavenly blessings raining down on us all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2012
We give a voice of thanks for the privilege to have known you even though I still regret never had the chance to meet and greet you. We can still reflect on the many wondrous deeds that accentuated your life. You now reside under God's eternal wings and assist in protecting those you loved and cherished while performing the work, rather the career you so loved. If you ever want to reach me Karen, I reside in North Miami Beach around the corner from where your mother-in-law, Mrs. Julia Cook lived. I will never forget the sacrifice of your husband, Officer William Coleman Cook made on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. I never forgot that day of thirty-three years ago.The valor Officer Cook so truly personified.I can be reached at my e-mail: Rest in peace Officer Cook and keep those Heavenly blessings raining down on us all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2012
From the book of Psalms: You prepare a table before me in full view of my enemies, you anointed my head with oil, my cup overflows. May only goodness and kindness pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the House of God all the days of my life. Profound words Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. God prepared a table for you long before you so displayed your valor, courage and bravery. As nice a person as you were, I cannot fathom you having anyone dislike you. For the life of those that knew you it's hard to imagine why someone was bent on committing such an atrocity against you and your colleagues that fateful day of May 16, 1979. Your righteousness is watching over us as you dwell in eternity along with your dad, Charles. Rest in peace and may goodness and kindness help heal the loss your family, friends and colleagues suffered when you left this world to join your fellow officers who too made the ultimate sacrifice.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2012
Every person should spend an hour a day repenting, which is basically personal prayer and self-evaluation. A good warm-up is to start thanking God for all that you are blessed with. Health, livelihood, clothes on your back, food and a roof to reside under. Don't take anything for granted. Personal prayer is a guarantee for a happy and meaningful life. Confession, remorse, asking forgiveness, and commitment go hand in hand. My neighbor, friend, and hero, Officer Cook, you certainly illuminated the world for twenty-five wonderful, and happy and healthy years with your commitment to excellence in all that you undertook. We all wish you were here today to further enhance the world and this society with your faith and commitment. Karen and you were probably two of the most devout individuals that anyone could embrace. This all stems from the truly proper and forthright upbringing that so encompassed your lives. You never took anything for granted and we shall not take your courageous sacrifice for granted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You truly delivered excellence every day in a first class way. The acronym for DEED.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2012
Officer Cook, you were a very God-fearing and trustworthy person. You did not possess a measure of arrogance or a lack of faith. Your destiny was steered forever by God and He is steering you now in the heavens above so you can patrol the Gates of heaven watching over what we contribute to society everyday. The upbringing your wonderful parents gave you and Nancy, your sister, provided you the impetus to go out in the world and help make people and their lives a little more brighter. I hope there can be happier days ahead for all to be had and those of your family, despite your tragic passing will be bright. I know your family has a great deal of faith and trust in God, and this has enabled them to persevere the tragedies that have befallen them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2012
Peace of mind is only two words away- God provides. Working is a continuous test of faith. Police officers are battle tested each moment while on duty. Physically and psychologically you go through the rigors every day. Police work really is not eight hours and go home. Rather, it's a twenty-four hour seven day a week position. It can become very arduous. But Officer Cook, you remained focused, calm and composed conducting your professional affairs on an honest basis with aplomb. The style you employed in dealing with each challenge only personified your true character and that was honor and integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, and drink from God's silver goblet as you drank from the pipe of trust during your twenty-five most fruitful,productive and successful years.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2012
I am sure Officer Cook that you were overjoyed the day you officially had your badge pinned to your chest to begin your career with the Metro-Dade Police Department. God gives us the opportunity to earn a livelihood with no connection to our abilities or righteousness. The lovingkindness that was given to you was your proving ground for trust in God. God watched over you in both your private and official moments as a police officer. Even on May 16, 1979, that fateful day that you made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe and sound God's hands were directing you and your colleagues. You understood that God assisted you and your wife, Karen with sustenance and accordingly you are blessed as you now watch over us in God's heavenly gates. You constantly sought strength and trust in Our Creator. You lived humbly and for this you will forever be blessed. May your loving soul my neighbor, friend and hero rest in peace along with your dad, Charles.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2012