Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
It pays to take life seriously; things work out when you trust in God. A wise person gets known for insight; gracious words add to one's reputation. A more graceful person than you Officer Cook, cannot be found. Your stellar career is there for us to share and the memories to last a lifetime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's still sad that officers are either harmed or killed in the performance of their duties when taking things seriously. But, your mature nature and wisdom will last forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 27, 2012
Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue, keeps himself out of trouble. As you so did your job, Officer Cook, with grace and compassion, I'm afraid there are officers who would be in jail because of this statement. In fact, an officer was recently found guilty of killing I believe nine people, and was executed in Florida by lethal injection. He claimed he needed to rid the community of these people. It's still no justification for taking matters like this in your own hand. That is why they have a court system which we hope functions on checks and balances. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That clear thinking and common sense should have struck this officer and then perhaps, he would have changed his mind before committing this heinous act, a wanton disregard for human life, in which he took an oath to serve and protect, as you so solemnly did.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 27, 2012
Actions are fruits; words are but leaves. Officer Cook, to your community you were the tall and growing tree whose every moment let his actions and words reflect the honor, dignity and pleasure you delivered to your family and those who were fond of you. You will definitely be remembered for your brave actions that fateful day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The fruits of your outstanding work will never go bad, they will always stay ripe, for us to savor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 27, 2012
Dear friend, My neighbor and hero, Officer Cook, guard clear thinking and common sense with all your life; don't for a minute lose sight of them. They'll keep your soul alive and well, they keep you fit and handsome. I paraphrased a bit here, officer Cook, you more often than brought clear thinking and common sense to your position. Officers back then and today needs these important people skills in order to better serve the public. Rest in peace. Forever more your cherished soul will hover above making certain we are conducting our affairs properly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 27, 2012
The road to the head lies through the heart, and the riches that are in the heart cannot be stolen. Truer words could not superbly sum up what you, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero believed in. Rest in peace along with your beloved father, Charles. I believe the word auxiliary was not spelled right. Shame on me. I excelled in spelling, but do hope you can forgive these mistakes. It's the intentions that matter most.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 27, 2012
Let love and faithfulness never leave you: bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. From the day of your birth, Officer Cook, until the day of your passing these words never left you even when sacrificing your existence for our welfare. On the day you were laid to rest you were buried in your full police uniform, even with your weapon and cap and gloves on. At Tropical Park in Miami, your name as well as the names of other officers who gave their lives in Dade County are forever engraved on a marble tablet for all to see. You always trusted your instincts, it's a shame side panels were not provided for you and others at the time. But, because of Officer William C. Cook's sacrifice, all Metro-Dade officers now have these side panels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and keep us walking the straight and narrow path to accomplishing the right things.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 27, 2012
Hold a true friend with both your hands. Your father, Charles and you, Officer Cook, are forever holding hands cradled in the palm of God for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and sleep comfortably knowing you performed your duties with grace and exceptional intestinal fortitude.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
Friends are an indispensable part of a meaningful life. They are the ones who share our burdens and multiply our blessings. A true friend sticks by us in our joys and sorrows. In good times and bad, we need friends who will pray for us, listen to us, and lend a comforting hand and an understanding ear when needed. Your family and friends all gathered at your Inspector's Funeral, my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, to pay homage and to hear the eulogy of Auxillary Bishop John Nevins extol the virtues of your life and a well lived life. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
He is the Source. of everything, strength for your day, wisdom for your task, comfort for your soul. grace for your battle. provision for each need. Understanding for each failure. Assistance for every encounter. God was with you, Officer Cook, right up until the end of your watch. We only wish He could have given the doctors the power to save your life. Now your in heaven watching over doctors whose task is to endeavor to save your colleagues from harm. You always placed your faith and Karen's in the hand of God for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life's work will forever be treasured.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
If only man could get a little older a little later, and a little wiser a little younger. Absolutely correct Officer Cook. You were very much wiser and mature for your years. Your family only wished that you could have grown older. You still would have that great smile, Karen would be happy, as would your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and your sister, Nancy. Gina, Joshua and Justin would have pleasure given to them by you and you would have doted on Alexis, Skyler, and Legend. I know Karen and you would have made great parents to wonderful children raised with the proper morals and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
I have since learned that when a baffling or painful experience comes, the crucial thing is not always to find the right answers, but to ask the right questions. Self-questioning is a far more essential ingredient in life that I ever supposed. It's the water that keeps modeling clay of our life from hardening into something forever rigid and unchanging. To refuse to ask honest questions of ourselves ultimately means shutting ourselves off from revelation. Often it is simply the right question at the right time that propels us on into the journey of awakening. I can only say, Officer Cook, if I knew the answer as to why you are not here, I would say it. Till this day there are many questions that still need asking and answering. Only God knows why and he needed you more up with Him and your father, Charles. You has style and grace in all your mannerisms and for now until we see you again, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero and a big thank you for giving us support and peacefully watching over us.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
The fountain of beauty is the heart, and every generous thought illustrates the walls of your chamber. Since you and Karen were very giving people, it's time for us to give back something to you. That is the honor and dignity you so richly deserve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
The Lord's prayer is a floor plan of the House of God: a step-by-step description of how God meets our needs when we dwell in Him. Everything that occurs in a healthy house is described in this prayer. Protection, instruction, forgiveness, provision.... all occur under God's roof. I imagine by now Officer Cook, you and your father, Charles are assisting God with His works. You probably were a very handy person who could fix the simplest of things and as soon as you got to heaven you started fixing and helping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
Have confidence in God's mercy, for when you think He is a long way from you, He is quit often near. You are as near to God Officer Cook, as one can ever be. We all would have wanted you to be on this earth for a longer time, but God decided he had other plans. Your father was calling you and i hope and pray your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook is well. I sent a Christmas card to her and it came back to me. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There are about twenty-thousand merciful officers who have joined you together in helping look at us displaying your fine traits.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
In the last reflection, I meant to say you were an adventuresome gentleman. The best memory is that which forgets nothing but injuries. Write kindness in marble and write injuries in the dust. Well written on your ledger or stone is a phrase that describes your persona to the tee. Greater love have no man than one who lays his life down for his friends. You sure did Officer Cook, and for this there is not a man of finer distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. One thing to be sure Officer Cook, you were not afraid to explore and you an adventuresome gentleman. All of your learning made you the person you were then and now all these tears later. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
God's will is determined by His wisdom which always perceives, and His goodness which always embraces the intrinsically good. Officer Cook, you were welcomed by God with His warm embrace to be with your father, Charles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
We are forgiven and righteous because of God's sacrifice: therefore we are pleasing to God in spite of our failures. God alone is the source of our forgiveness, freedom, joy and purpose.God certainly has a true angel in you, Officer Cook, guiding His pathways and helping to watch over those of your colleagues who now so bravely protect us as you did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You sir, so bravely protected us and we are grateful for your efforts.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
The glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time you fail. You picked yourself up Officer Cook, and proceeded to your next assignment. This world surely needs individuals as stable and unwavering as you were my neighbor, friend and hero were. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
We were made for God. Only by being in some respect like Him, only by being a manifestation of His beauty, lovingkindness, wisdom or goodness, has any earthly beloved excited our love. Officer Cook, you certainly made a huge impression upon society, all of the above so aptly tells the legacy of your fine upstanding humanity and the large shoes you left for us to fill. It's impossible to fill ones shoes, we can only emulate your warmth and soothing mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
A cheerful disposition is good for your health: gloom and doom leave you bone-tired. An optimist by nature, this describes your career. You were Officer Cook, not afraid to take risks and on May 16, 1979, after six years of giving every ounce of effort that you could give, God called you home to be reunited with your beloved father, Charles in cheering up those officers who needed uplifting the most. Keep looking over us and rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroic actions will not be ever forgotten by me or my family.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
As a police officer committed to serving the public interest, you had to exhibit patience on more than one occasion, Officer Cook, it's a patient man that has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. That last part of this statement could certainly lead an officer to danger, but you maintained calmness many times when dealing with adversity in controlling domestic disputes. How else could you have vigorously kept the peace? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'm sure as I read about that you could say something a little off the wall to make people laugh. Nothing is wrong with that. When on duty you were as careful and bold as you needed to be to get the job done.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
Knowledge is proud that it knows so much: wisdom is humble that it knows no more. Officer Cook, you were a very proud person, humble were both you and your wife, Karen and very hard workers. Compassion and pride were the cornerstones of your careers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
Wise people store up knowledge, but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction. Your mind was like a sponge storing knowledge, Officer Cook, to enable you to transfer this to other officers. We can only hope they take full advantage of this. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012
A true friend is distinguished in the crisis of hazard and necessity: when the gallantry of his aid may show the worth of his soul and the loyalty of his heart. Your heart Officer Cook, was a big as they come, often lending a helping hand to your friends and colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2012