Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Let all the world perceive and know that righteousness will bring salvation, that you reveal Yourself to those who seek You with a perfect heart. The honesty you possessed will one day bring the redemption of your blessed soul. I still miss you this day and your family should know I'll never forget that day. I sticks in my gut and it should stick in others guts too. Rest in peace among the righteous souls of your colleagues who made the ultimate sacrifice as you did to maintain law and order. Officer Cook, the photos you took of the beauty of this land should serve to remind us of all the good that exists in this land of the free and home of the brave. You were brave and valiant beyond any shadow of doubt.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 16, 2012
And we, like them make answer: and that the Lord has spoken we will do. Open our hearts to your great love, our eyes to the beauty of Your world. Help us, O God of revelation, to glimpse Your truth in every person and nation. Officer Cook, the day of your birth, your parents had a hint of the genuine success you would grow up to become. The thoughtful insight and intuition helped you perform your duties with maximum effort. You gave that very effort the day of May 16, 1979 when you made the ultimate sacrifice to help eliminate evil and your ingenuity will forever be remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 16, 2012
One who shames any person in public is not worthy of a share in the world to come. Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero, you only tried to assist people, and if you chose any other profession other than police work, you would have been a success. Cool, calm and collected is usually how to get the job done. I salute you on a job well done. Your name will live on in the hearts of those who were so dear to you. Your sacrifice on our behalf will never be forgotten Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 16, 2012
You are the fountain of all life: Your light illuminates our lives. Bestow loving kindness upon those who love You and Your righteousness upon the truly upright.Teach us all of our days, that we may attain a heart of wisdom. Grant us love in the morning, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Give us discernment and understanding. keep us from falling into sin, transgression, or iniquity. Bring us not to trial or disgrace. let no evil impulse gain mastery over us. Keep us far from wicked men and corrupt companions: strengthen our desire to perform good deeds, and bend our will to Your service Lead us back to You truly repentant. Heal us, O Lord, and we shall be healed, help us and save us, for You are our glory. Grant perfect healing for all our afflictions, faithful and merciful God of healing. O Lord consider us with kindness, as we have placed our hope in You. For all the training, the blood, sweat and tears you poured your very soul into your passion as a police officer, the very least we can do for you, Officer Cook, is to remember your exemplary service to Dade County and its citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in honor and dignity with those officers who have laid down their lives like you to make this world safer. Your very soul is what helps a person heal and the compassion you brought to policing the streets. The situation with President Obama's Secret Service Detail was such a disgrace, all of you fine men and women who gave your very souls would be turning over in your resting places. A real black eye to the law enforcement profession.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 15, 2012
Heavenly father, grant perfect peace to our people and their leaders, disciples, to all engage in performing their law enforcement duties, here in this land and in all other lands. Let there be grace and kindness, compassion and love for them and for us all. Grant us fullness of life and sustenance, save us from all danger and evil. Amen You saved us from evil with dignity , compassion and grace under fire. It's truly a crying shame, tragedy what happened on May 16, 1979. But, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero, you won't be far, as you are always on my mind along with my parents and other beloved relatives. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 15, 2012
May the Lord open our hearts to His commandments and inspire us to love and revere Him, to do His will, and wholeheartedly serve Him, so that we may neither labor in vain, nor give birth to confusion. Amen My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, the six years of sweat and toil you gave as a Metro-Dade Police Officer was never in vain. You always looked out for us regardless of our circumstances. You stood for equality and justice the American Way and gave up your existence so we could pursue happiness and prosperity. You are a shining inspiration for your loved ones and colleagues from all across this great land of liberty, freedom, and opportunity. Rest in peace and may your soul burst through the clouds in happiness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 15, 2012
May the King of the Universe extend your lives, increase your days and add to your years. may you be saved from all trouble and delivered from all mishap. May the Lord of Heaven be your help at all times and in every season. Amen. Officer Cook, I know of of those who you knew and loved would like for you to be alive and well today. We thank our Creator for putting such true men and women such as yourself in the profession of serving and protecting our interests. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We will never forget your sacrifice on our behalf.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 15, 2012
Officer Cook, in one reflection today, I meant to say you were of upstanding and of fine character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2012
As a drop of water in the sea, as a grain of sand on the shore are man's few days in eternity. The good things in life last for limited days, but a good name endures forever. The good name you personified Officer Cook, will last as your legacy for all your days. You family and friends are very proud to share your good name and professional accomplishments that were achieved with honest hard work, done so with morals and ethics. The dignity shown to all who you came in contact with will remain equally important. Rest in peace, in dignity and honor along with your father, Charles, my neighbor, friend and hero. Please send some more droplets of water our way.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2012
True instruction was on his lips and he did not give voice to unrighteousness. he walked with the Lord in peace, uprightly, and he turned away from iniquity. Truer words could not be spoken. Officer Cook, you were the upstanding police officer that all who knew you, still cherish and honor you memory through the great deeds that you performed daily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2012
O Lord, who shall dwell in your sanctuary? who shall abide upon Your holy mountain? He who lives with integrity such as you, Officer Cook. You did what was the right thing to do that day and always dealt with others honestly. A vile person is to be despised, but God honors those who revere Him. You were very revered and you fine and upstanding character will forever follow you as you patrol heavens streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2012
Wealth and honor are yours to dispense. It is God who bestows greatness and a good name on a person. You utilized your mouth and lips properly all during your life, Officer Cook. When you needed to address a person on duty, I'm sure you were polite and yet firm when called upon. Submission is the character trait of humility. lowliness and felling insignificant. The character trait of a person's soul is humility which allows itself to manifest through one's actions. A person will speak gently and quietly, and will remain sweet-tempered, not vengeful and retaliate. Officer Cook, God provided you with loads of understanding and enduring compassion, and I can see why such a wonderful woman, your wife Karen , came into your treasured life. You and Karen uplifted each other daily through your compassion and devoutness to God. We all try to carry on that which you left for us and the valuable lessons of what it truly means to give up one's existence for others. Rest in peace and let your smile shine bright with humbleness and compassion for all to witness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2012
The powerful person is one who can master themselves. Dedicating one's actions to God means that whenever one serves God- either publicly or privately-his intentions are for the sake of His Name alone and not to impress others. As devout a gentleman as you were Officer Cook, and the exemplary life you lived, you employed these particular steps to achieve success at work and when you and tour wife, Karen lived privately. You accepted God's Oneness. You had recognition of God constantly bestowing kindness your way. You served God as a devout person and public servant. Trusting God to help you through your shift. No one could harm you or your family without Our creator's will. To let praise and insult go to your head as so many believe they are better off this way. You remained humble and patient. You conducted your law enforcement affairs and stayed on the proper path and you let god guide you intellectually and accepted advice when you needed it the most. A veteran officer of thirty years still needs to rely on advice from time to time and make proper decisions accordingly. My friend, neighbor and hero you were wise and mature beyond your twenty-five years and it is this inane wisdom that allowed you to function with honestly, dignity and integrity throughout your distinguished career with the Metro-Dade Police Department. Rest in peace and your honor will forever be your legacy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2012
Arrogance breeds impatience. This my neighbor, friend and beloved hero, Officer Cook you were not. The fruit of rushing is regret and as a duly trained Metro-Dade Police Officer, you and your partner had to think things through. That terrible day of May 16, 1979, you drove to a call that you dealt with many other times. At least while driving to the scene, you had a few moments to ponder and then you had to react and make split-second decisions. You had to employ patience as a dialogue, cope with uncertainty, and assert yourself as an officer respectfully. This definitely is difficult to accomplish for a normal thinking person. As an officer you don't get too much time to think. How you react to take control of a situation becomes critical. Officer Cook, you reacted properly and as best as you could, God was steering you and your colleagues through a web of evil and you were there to diffuse a dilemma gone wrong. You were brave and courageous beyond a shadow of doubt and for this Dade County citizens should be forever in debt to you. Rest in peace and assist us on how to cope with life's share of issues.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2012
Everyone faces choices in their daily lives. It is the one who stays totally committed to the tasks at hand that will succeed in the end. I would imagine in all the classes you took in college, Officer Cook, this served you well while studying in the police academy. The long hours spent were well worth it. Yet, the physical and emotional rigors of the school prepared you for what you would face when you began your Metro-Dade Police Department career patrolling Dade County streets. The total commitment to your family, and position demonstrated the work ethic and intensity with which you brought to work each day. Your calming demeanor and passion to help make people safer will never be forgotten. The sacrifice you and your forty-one other colleagues at the Metro-Dade Police Department made shows the fabric of your beings. The families you came from, the many colleagues you worked with and made friends with from other departments, only reinforces the uniqueness of your personalities. The skill you so portrayed in calming those who needed someone to listen to, this takes someone special as you my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Rest in peace and the commitments you made to others, will never go undone nor be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2012
The quality of unconditional love and compassion is something that is ingrained in a person from the time they are old enough to comprehend. My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, you were meticulous in showing everyone respect, on and off your position. A person who constantly works on acts of kindness, will free themselves of anger. You were not a man of anger who held grudges against anyone. Just a water reflects a face, so too does the heart of one person reflect that of another. you epitomized the role of an officer who was "centered and balanced." Rest in peace and every time you smile down upon us, we should think of a stream of water.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2012
Patience is a virtue which a police officer must practice daily when dealing with the public. officer Cook, you were a master at this and because of this you are reaping your reward in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 8, 2012
There are those who speak like a sword that stabs: and the words of the wise heal. There are two basic approaches that are possible to take when you see someone doing something wrong. One is to speak harshly, I don't think on duty you did this Officer Cook. You tried to observe and correct with your calming tone and peaceful manner. Be wise. Words spoken in anger can only escalate a problem. Unfortunately, on May 16,1979, you tried your very best to do the right thing and a calm a very despondent young man down who had taken his girlfriend hostage. Tragically, he wanted to end his life in a what we refer to as a "blaze of glory." This was not the way to deal with his problem. We all have problems, I cannot fathom that every one in this world has no troubles. My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, you and your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln tried your utmost along with your two colleagues, tried to end a tense situation and in the end your life was taken for no good reason. The only thing positive to gain from such a tragedy, would be to utilize your sacrifice in training future police recruits on proper police conduct and how to maintain law and order by the book. All of your actions were deemed proper and I guess possibly if Metro-Dade police officers were afforded side panels, you might be alive and well today enjoying your retirement. God had other plans, and has a true blue and humble angel to help Him watch over us. Rest in peace and help those who serve and protect do it correctly,as you so achieved with the department. I'll always say a prayer for your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, and my family hopes you enjoy a healthy and peaceful Thanksgiving day holiday.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2012
The virtue of humility, arrogance's opposite, is an awareness that everything we have is a gift from Our Creator. Humility has nothing to do with feeling inferior. It is rather an accurate perception of reality. It is an awareness of one's smallness and limitations in comparison to the vastness of the Creator's creation. Humility contains an awareness of our own intrinsic worth as well as the inherent value of every other person on the planet. True humility which you possessed Officer Cook, allowed to go about the physical and mental rigors of your position. We all make mistakes and it takes a humble person to admit when they are wrong. You and your wife, Karen were probably two of the most humble and joyful people to be associated with. Although, you were married just for a short period of time does not mean that you were not happy. From the day of your wedding until the day God called and took you suddenly from our midst those that knew you were very glad to have known you. for the sacrifices working nights and I believe you were going to have you first weekend off together since working the day shift. I'll never forget you even after these thirty-three years. You are missed by your mother, sister, all of your relatives, friends, colleagues and community at large, those you served and defended. You were a brave person who stayed the course to defeat evil and your sacrifice will forever stand as a legacy for us to carry on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2012
Each and every one of us would like to go through the day feeling happy and enthusiastic. Who does not want to feel calm and relaxed tackling life's challenges? Positive feelings of patience, compassion, empowerment, and love are too precious for us to allow them to be dependent on external factors. It takes time to develop emotional self-mastery. But it's worth it. Control over own state of mind puts the buttons to happiness machine in our hands. When happiness fills our lives, anger is left out in the cold. Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero you were able to harness all of the above. In your position as an officer, you had to be firm and unyielding at times, calm most of the time. Compassion you maintained when the situation called for it. A police officer cannot bring anger or any sense of tenseness to their jobs for it could lead to a dangerous dilemma. Your calming approach in dealing with individuals served you and your partners during your six years as a dedicated Metro-Dade Police Officer. Rest in calming peace and shine down on those who serve and protect us with your compassion and youthful enthusiasm.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 7, 2012
We can't possibly know when our making the world better has been achieved. No one knows when they are going to leave this world. Yet, we should remember that we are mortals. The living shall take it to heart. I'm sure Officer Cook, you took nothing for granted. When brave men and women sign on to become police officers, it is with free choice and they are told of the risks. My neighbor, friend and hero, you accepted these challenges readily, and were passionate in everything you put your whole life into in making us safer. God only knows when He is ready for us. Our days of reckoning should begin long before our final journey. Our priorities on how we think, speak and conduct our daily lives should standout. Our objective is to perform good deeds, emulate how you comported yourself and have complete trust in God. Rest in peace and help us stay on course in carrying out our objectives.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2012
God gives us tests each waking moment to see if we are up to the challenge. Understanding that a given situation is for the best is not trust that everything is for the best. Comprehension is a much lower level than trust. At the point where the brain no longer understands how God is doing everything for the best, trust begins. In other words, trust kicks in when the brain kicks out. When we put our brains aside and activate our trust button, we are happier, and our brains operate more efficiently. Trust now enhances our brain power and our ability to cope under any situation. What transpired to you Officer Cook, is normally and understandably difficult to figure out why, but your family, friends, colleagues and those who cared so much for you, can still cherish the wonderful memories of a life well-lived and all the accolades that come your way are well deserved. We must still subjugate our will to God's will. When society can rein in evil and corruption, then perhaps we can sit back and say this is what God planned all along for us. Your were the savior and knight in shining armor, you made yourself available to serve and protect us and you left a beautiful legacy for all to cherish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2012
He shall be like a tree replanted by streams of water that yields fruit in due season, and whose leaf never withers. And everything he does will succeed. Not so the wicked: They are like the chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked shall not be vindicated in judgment, nor the sinful in the assembly of the righteous. For God recognizes the way of he righteous, while the way of the wicked is doomed. A refreshing thought Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero, a quiet and humble caring soul, who looked for the positive in people and dealt with the everyday challenges of your profession with grace and humility. The sacrifice you made on behalf of Dade County and its citizens, should be compared to a flowing stream of water. The patience you exhibited on May 16, 1979, as well as each day of your six years of duty was well planned, and only we might know one day why God needed an angel such as yourself to watch over us. The heroism you displayed will never be forsaken. You are an inspiration to all. Rest in peace and watch over us as your colleagues in this world wage war against evil and corruption.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2012
You acted as a true hero the day your life was suddenly taken Officer Cook. You transcended above normality, and that in itself is why the world is a safer haven for all to live and enjoy. When attitude and action are combined together with trust, they can for sure form a pretty powerful and yet positive result. It's men and women like you, Officer Cook, who risk their lives daily and have to make split-second decisions in the face of the evil, that one day we hope will be totally eradicated from society. To have stood your ground, and give all that God created within you and try to make a peaceful resolution, that says plenty of of stellar character and makes people proud of you. A brave soul who yearned to make a difference, we can't say enough. We just need to remind ourselves, that you can make a difference. You kept your compass pointing in one direction, and that was to stay the course and do whatever was in your power from an ethical and legal course to make individuals behave in a more peaceful manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, as your soul ascends to the heavens above.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2012
Creation, revelation, and redemption are the three pivotal aspects of human history. All were ascribed to God. God created the world, revealed His will to humanity and promised the ultimate redemption. Each act undertaken by God, was for the benefit of human beings, and humanity has a share in all three tasks: in creating the world, in revealing God's infinite will, and in ushering in redemption. let us hope and pray when we a long least are united with the cherished souls of you, Officer Cook and your beloved dad, Charles who so touched this world with passion and grace and and channeled that into making this a better place to live and be prosperous. I can't imagine two finer men than the two of you who are forever being cradled in God's palm.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2012