Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Joy that we experience is a by-product of the Almighty. After all, we have our good moments and those not so good moments. We choose what to make of our lives and careers they we endeavor to achieve. Officer Cook, it was always about the other person, never a bad word uttered by you. Never a complaint, only humble kudos for outstanding service. Police must devote their entire make up to their careers and by making those they protect their number one priority, at least some sort of enhancement can occur. If only you were here today to personally witness those changes that you were a part of. Your sterling character always remains with those loved ones and colleagues left to cherish the wonderful memories of a well-lived life and a career that was destined for more humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your gusto can still be felt swaying in the breezes in and around Dade County. The citizens were never disappointed. You gave your best and that is all we can expect from a valiant servant of God. You were the joy of your parents, the pride you displayed made them and your sister, Nancy, very proud and honored. Your uniform and badge were worn with quality and dignity. No one will forget Badge#1664. Rest assure.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 4, 2015
In police work sometimes compromising is what it takes to make peace. So if this is what it takes to get the job done right than so be it. Before anything is completed, what does have to happen is that the officer must have dignity, integrity and honesty. Before you went out on your patrols in the Dade County community, Officer Cook, you made a checklist of what needed to be done, but you performed more than admirably. Your commitment rested on the cornerstones of pursuing peace, focusing on the unity and welfare. You were a brave and humble young man whose legacy just keeps growing by leaps and bounds. You were a treasured and courageous soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 4, 2015
When someone does well we shake their hand and congratulate them for a job well done. If someone does something we deem improper, we take them aside very politely and correct them in a positive and constructive manner. It's obvious you needed no corrections, maybe once, twice, Officer Cook, we all slip, the plan is to pick yourself up gracefully and continue to carry on. Carry on with honor, dignity and integrity. Something you always did in an expeditious fashion. Police work demands and expects so much from our bravest men and women. It is the decency and decorum that lies within their souls. Yours my neighbor, friend and hero is resting in peace with Our Creator who has you sheltered for safekeeping. Your an angel and were a very loyal and faithful public servant. You'll never be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2015
When reflecting on a person's life and its accomplishments we focus on the good nature and quality of service that benefited those in need. The supreme sacrifice that you made, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County citizens has and forever will live on in the hearts of all. You were a very dedicated and determined gentleman who saw a niche and pursued very vigorously its challenges which you were able to steer around. Your legacy of heroism will forever be remembered by its very strength of courage, character and commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were humble, respected and cherished. Take care Mrs. Cook. That big day will be fast approaching. Good health, peace and lots of spiritual prosperity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2015
You were enable to serve and to protect our serenity with a graceful and gallant preoccupation as is the history of all honest, decent and dignified men and women of the law enforcement profession. You brought a sense of pride and joy to those who came to admire your serious work ethic. When the time came, Officer Cook, to relax and enjoy life there you could be found at a grill. Women and men who exhibit good work habits sincerely deserve our salutes for what they endure on a daily basis. We can be certain you will be given all the tributes that befit their official positions. You were cherished and caring, courageous and valiant. Integrity and intelligence all helped maintain your humbly implanted self-confidence in your God-given abilities to lead and to patrol the welfare of the public. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2015
In life taking chances is a part of how one can achieve success. Police officers risk everything, their lives as sacred as any other person. Officer Cook, your existence as a most compassionate human being and consummate public servant was the very driving force behind the security, peace and unity of all Dade County residents. No matter how much data one has gained from their various learning experiences, you can never be sure as to how a dilemma will resolve itself. By being the ever faithful and trustworthy officer, you insured enhancements will last forever. Generations to come can read and learn of such an unwavering courage that you displayed and delivered in pride an din excellence everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For our sake you were a Godsend and a humbly respected hero forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2015
Class with dignity, kindness with passion, humility and a sense of pride devoted to honorable acts of valor and courage, what more can be stated regarding your remarkable life and career, Officer Cook? We take baby steps by crawling, we reach for things of interest that pique our curiosity. You reached for your common sense and logic that dictated your every movement in Dade County my neighbor, friend and hero. Now is the time to give back to a cherished gentleman whose heart and fighting spirit graced the venues where you were known and loved. Your comrades admired and respected your leadership skills and fairness you displayed towards all mankind. Rest in peace. It was your unwavering character, commitment and unbiased gallantry that will be forever remembered.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2015
Concerned, caring and compassionate is what we should all comport ourselves by. When it comes time to fulfill the needs of the citizens, there you were, Officer Cook, performing a profession you dreamed you would someday become. What a career! Destiny takes us to places we never even dream we would travel to. Dade County has you and the many other brave, honorable and valiant heroes and heroines to thank for your esteemed service. Esteemed service led by dignity, integrity and a sterling resolve. You'll be forever saluted for having the gumption to protect the liberties that we sometime stake for granted, though you took nothing for granted, living each day as a special gift from Our Creator. God protects the dignity and courage of our heroes as their legacies stay alive in the spirits of their loved ones. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2015
During your time in the Miami-Dade Police Academy you were always either in the field learning or in the classroom gaining, gathering and gleaning more information. One can never learn enough regarding their fields of endeavor. That field, Officer Cook ,was planted with the finest seeds and yielded exciting results. All of your positives were garnered from first a cheery disposition, a calming and soothing voice, compassionate when the occasion called for it. Sternness and fairness were meted out by you, Officer Cook ,when it was necessary. But, first and foremost it began with your quality of commitment, courage and a level head guided by honor, integrity and dignity. What more can we demand from our bravest of heroes? You were devoted and determined to help take a bite out of crime, you did your part in a humbly unwavering fashion. You will never be forgotten, only saluted for having the keen sense of awareness and the vision to see things through. Of course you should have been granted this privilege. Only God has those and many other reasons and their answers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, one day we will met up with you and your father, Charles, who are in heaven assisting those brave souls who are now watching over us.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2015
People have egos, just don't let them expand like the dough of freshly baked bread. You kept your humbleness and humility centered on the tasks at hand, Officer Cook. The vision, grace and courage you displayed each and everyday only fortified what the residents of Dade County already knew about you. That they were your number one priority on your daily agenda. For it is in the eyes of the righteous women and men who deliver honorable and dignified performances that they shall be remembered one day when the time comes to reflecting back upon their lives and careers. A tall order, but you my neighbor, friend and hero were always up to the challenges at hand. No confusion. No mirages, no smoking guns, you just were cherished and possessed the integrity that is required from all officers to do outstanding work which now is your legacy, glowing in character, valor and the commitment to pride and excellence. Rest in peace among those terrific heroes and heroines now among God's treasured angels. Humanity and honor stand tall as you stood when you served and protected our freedoms, peace and unity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2015
Life can be lived with gusto. It can be learned with grace and gallantry. Challenges can be faced with humility, honor and dignity. For it is in those dignified souls who protect our common interests that we can face another new day of the sun rising as well as viewing it set. You were a happy man, Officer Cook. You were a terrific officer, so having the right morals and makeup was just part of your success where it begins in one's home while we are still young and a bit rough around the edges. Your parents, your supervisors all realized and completely understood that you were going to perform more than just admirably. Chief Dale Bowlin knew the officer, the person he was getting to properly police his area where he supervised other officers. A man of monumental vision, perseverance and of great humbleness that was exercised in going around and rightfully doing an outstanding job, let it be known you were treasured and cherished, dignified and caring. May 16, 1979, just reinforced what people knew about your pride and excellence to commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies are born from humble introductions to life and its pitfalls, you steered clearly and cleanly around them and made your successes matter when you were counted upon the most.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2015
Reflecting on the entire context of good that happens to you. We go through rough patches in life, there peaks and valleys, up and downs, positives and negatives. We struggle at times to focus on the good and try to eliminate the negative. For police officers who are properly trained how to deal with everything from the mundane, the everyday situations to those dilemmas which need a little more common thought, you were superb in formulating plans of action, Officer Cook. The content of your twenty-five years of life including six as a Metro-Dade Police Department police officer were outstanding and stellar. Why? Because of your calming voice of reason and logic which went together with your dignity, decency and integrity. Honorable people perform good deeds for others which in turn help make this world a safer place to live and to achieve. Accomplishments come from labors of love and much practice, something you always ascribed to do, Officer Cook. Officers who give their lives for a just cause, do so willingly, courageously and without any doubt as to where their priorities lie. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of strength and commitment represents the very heart of a man of character. A gentleman of intuition. A public servant who served and protected all citizens in Dade County with every ounce of extreme credibility, reliability and a passionate devotion. With three police officers being killed in the line of duty within the last seventy-two hours, I shudder to think how this can happen. Evil can spring up when these men and women least expect it. Their souls and the gaping wounds left by their untimely deaths sadden us, but, yet we keep their loving spirits alive as we salute their valiant efforts to make unity and peace a reality for all mankind. Wickedness cannot hold us hostage, we must fight on with the same fierce determination and dedication that you, Officer Cook and these outstanding individuals exhibited.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2015
When times get tough, those who stand on guard get going. They do not sit back and wait for the action to come to them. For what it means to wear a police uniform, Officer Cook ,you stood tall and loyal to the cause. It was driven by your passion, your desire to assist others and all of your actions laid the future foundations for all officers to follow in your humble and humane footsteps. A tall order indeed, but with hard work and some ingenuity and perseverance, the job can get done right the very first time around. Bravery, commitment and conviction all can have an affect on swinging the pendulum in the right direction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You never gave up. You did your job well and enhanced the citizens whose very lives hung by your professional demeanor, one deemed proper and outstanding. Everything you achieved, Officer Cook, has made your legacy of strength continue to grow today just as your younger family members who have been reminded of you and your exemplary service to all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2015
In moments of stress, in moments of duress, there you were, Officer Cook, coming to the rescue of Dade County and its residents. How could such an honorable and dignified young man and exceptionally brave public servant who was just trying to diffuse a situation you handled many other times have his life taken so ignominiously? One action, one callous and wanton act of violence perpetrated against an entire nation of police officers who stand together left a gaping hole within your family and a community where you were known loved and respected, but this act did not ruin nor tarnish your character and the humble legacy it heroically imparted among all who ever came across such a beloved and treasured gentleman. You will be revered and saluted for courageously acting in a very professional manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2015
You'll remain our shining star and our heroically humble guiding light, Officer Cook, forevermore. Nothing can take away your unselfish dignity, integrity and honor as you loyally and resourcefully served and protected all Dade County residents with the same charisma that was a telling characteristic of both a well-lived life and a law enforcement career that was destined for even greater heights. Violence may have taken your life my neighbor, friend and hero, it did not take away your bravery, boldness to act out of courage, conviction and valor. You attempted where others may not have even dared to go. You went out patrolling with a calming influence not often witnessed by today's officers. Sheer energy and diligence when connected with you vigilance helped to provide the sparks of enhancements for us today and forevermore. Rest in peace. You live on in spirit as does your legacy which continues to illuminate this world. A place you should by rights be a part today, only Our Creator knows the reasons of why.? You are saluted for having the compassion, the care and kindness you exhibited in the face of wickedness. In a few weeks your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, will be celebrating her one hundredth birthday, all the very best and I'll continue thinking and praying on your behalf. That was a very beautifully written letter you sent me and I will never forget your son or that letter. Your family was the real deal in the sense that you would have been one of my family's truly best friends.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2015
Constant drilling and practice helps anyone become better in what they choose to do. Police academies around the country stress this fact over and over and for you rpart, Officer Cook, you understood your role in law enforcement quite well. Otherwise, for your heroically honorable actions on May 16, 1979, the people of Dade County could not have been placed in better hands. professional courtesy and dignity all need to be located at all times within the being of a police officer. Reading manuals about ethics and morals, well needs to be reinforced from the moment of that officer's birth and it stays with them throughout their lives and careers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your watch may be complete, your legacy is too and it ascends to heaven just as your cherished soul does.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2015
I have no doubt that everyday when you came home safe and sound you offered a prayer and both Karen and yourself, Officer Cook were glad. I'm sure you thought about your wife's career and prayed she would be fine. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, being as devout as she is offers prayers. You were to your mom and dad their most beloved son who was the epitome of a Godsend. Nancy, your big sister remains as proud of you as she ever could be. You were engaged in a dangerous profession that while it carries many risks, also rewards its faithful servants of which you were. God gives us tests each day to witness Himself if we are up to the challenges and temptations that stand before us. Police officers and firefighters all have these issues to deal with, some perform better than others, but the one common thread that attaches all of you as brothers and sisters is your uniqueness to bond, as honest, yet dignified and as valiant people who too have families and lives you leave behind everyday to go off and to fight a seemingly never ending battle. Arson, domestic disputes, whatever it might be, you are there to be counted and relied upon with a sound body, its strength of character and a sound and logically functioning mind. Sadly, it never ceases to amaze me that some officers still go off the straight and narrow path. And that is why we have so many heroes and heroines who were dedicated, determined, devoted and loyal to their causes to see things through. God is guiding your wonderful soul, Officer Cook and He is helping you keep watch over them, if they stray He will let them know about it. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your strong character coupled with your sense of fairness remains a part of your glowing legacy in that it will never be extinguished. You lit the lamp forty-two years ago, it has stayed lit ever since and forevermore. Convictions, common sense and compassion all played a vital part of your daily patrols in and around Dade County and its streets. The people are so grateful for your integrity and congeniality.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2015
We nourish ourselves in order to serve Our Master of the universe. You fulfilled your missions in life and during your police career with the Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook. You were and still are a shining example of what the good citizens of Dade County come to revere in all their brave and honorable servants. Officers who protect the public with gallantry, with dignity and an urgent sense of compassion and enhanced integrity. You remain a hero, humble and humane, cherished and respected. Those fruits of labor have a mighty good scent and it's all because of your courage and valor which rests for eternity where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 and the uniform your wore proudly and with an unwavering commitment to all calls of duty, Officer Cook, shall remain as our constant message of what is out there in our society and the role you undertook in making our lives that much more secure and peaceful. You will never be forgotten by your family, friends and esteemed colleagues. Your picture that hangs in the lobby of your division and the main headquarters is there for visitors to stop take notice and to look back on and to reflect on the meaning of perseverance and the roads one must travel down to achieve their goals in life. No high road. No shortcuts. Only arduous work and consistency on a daily basis.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 27, 2015
A person who stands and lives by their morals and principles is servant of the Lord. A person who strays from their beliefs and rebels against that which we deem as proper is a transgressor. You were a strong man of loyalty, dignity and possessed a vision so clear it made you always aware of who you were and what your goal was in this world, Officer Cook. Police officers try not to sweat the small stuff, though they take nothing for granted. Each moment of their brave and courageous lives must be measured precisely by honor, dignity and integrity. You were a gem of an individual and a treasured public servant whose legacy rests as soundly as you my neighbor, friend and hero. This much is clear: your boldness, strength of character and commitment to excellence and pride is what has made you the hero Dade County citizens came to know and to admire. You were humbly speaking the very best who had all the God-given talents to go much further up the ranks. God knows the reasons. Dade County knows you enhanced their lives by your very heroic actions on May 16, 1979.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2015
A cautious man by nature, you were the very essence of a faithfully devoted son, husband and police officer. So when it came time to perform your professional responsibilities, Officer Cook, you were able to do so with honesty, dignity and integrity. Those who cling to God and serve Him loyally are in the very end rewarded for all their efforts. Police officers have enough on their plates to worry as they police, patrol and serve the public interest. Your heroic missions around Dade County, Officer Cook ,were paved by diligence and renounced sense of vigor and positive zeal which in turn made you a very cherished and humble colleague to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your comrades have taken over your watch as you look down guiding with God's assistance their every movement.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2015
As a lover of God and as a servant of God, faithful, loyal and dependable, you were the consummate officer, Officer Cook. If people stopped and thought what their lives would be like if they took a little time each day and offered a small prayer, it would do so much for their beings. Karen and yourself were well-liked and respected where you prayed. You were known to be a gregarious and a most friendly individual. The stained glass window in the church where you worshiped, donated and dedicated in your memory by Karen, serves as a constant reminder for us to maintain honor, dignity and integrity at all times as God watches over our every movement. Your travels throughout Dade County for the protection of its citizens were well measured, well calculated and calibrated to enhance the very peace, liberty and unity those people rely upon from individuals like you who were brave, courageous and valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your grace and gallantry now and forever stay as one of the many links to your heroic legacy of commitment, boldness and excellence in both service and in compassion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2015
I meant to say, Officer Cook, that some of us dream big. You pondered. You wondered. You were astute and the kind of intensely studious individual of sound mind and character so that no one had to worry what might transpire. You led by example. You fought the battles over evil with a fire in your eyes and a passion within your being and that is the reason as to why your honor, dignity and integrity are being forever saluted. The courage and convictions you were raised with and the dedication that will forever be cherished has made you the humble hero we have all come to respect and admire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2015
I can't necessary picture this, but you my neighbor, friend and hero were willing to do whatever the job required to keep people safe. Police officers have to be honorable and in being dignified they have to go to great lengths for the welfare of all residents. We are dream big. Some of us succeed, but if we fail or fall, we then dust ourselves off and get up and try again. You endeavored. You achieved, Officer Cook, realizing your goals and aspirations were the total byproducts of intense training and arduous work. What made you the gentleman you grew up to become was that you weren't afraid to tackle any challenges put on your plate so to speak. A person who is of sound mind and strong character never lets anything deter or keep them for accomplishing. You were a goal oriented person and an officer of compassion and concern as you protected and served the ideals and values of those who were unified and peaceful by nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You humbly formulated your future and laid the solid foundations for a brighter tomorrow as did your comrades who like yourself served and paid the ultimate price for our freedoms to pursue whatever we choose to to keep marching on.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2015
Appreciate opportunities to express our gratitude and when it comes to thanking our women and men of the various law enforcement communities for their services, we may become a bit laid back even though we should be grateful for these brave, treasured and resourceful individuals. Among our many heroes and heroines who paid the dearest of prices, Officer Cook, you were loyal and dedicated, devoted and determined to quash evil from our midst. You can be sure you won't be forgotten and your legacy as humble as it was remains steadfast in character, courage and commitment. Legacies of valor are like chains, they can be pulled, but never broken. Colleagues, comrades and friends have remembered your dignity, honesty and integrity as they navigated you throughout your trails in Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We salute your boldness and reliability, Officer Cook, because of your performance can these citizens live and thrive as humanely as possible.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2015
Destiny travels as we go. So as we gently move ourselves through our daily routines it is in God's gentleness that guides our pathways. Your paths, Officer Cook, were steered with care and consideration, grace and gallantry, honor and dignity, with this in mind, what more can we ask of our diligent and brave heroes and heroines? Destiny comes calling we must be available to answer any calls that may come our way. Officer Cook, you answered that call on May 16, 1979 and performed in an exceptionally outstanding fashion. Your treasured soul and faithfulness has been rewarded for achieving the much needed unity and peace in the Dade County community that has assisted and enhanced the lives of many residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Well done our cherished and loyal public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2015