Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The projects that all police officers begin, hopefully they can all finish their assigned tasks at hand. Sometimes the good Lord has other plans for these very brave and honorable individuals. You all have one mission in mind and in common, that is to keep peace and unity tied together as one unit. You shared this, Officer Cook with so many other colleagues and these men and women went to battle in the community alongside of you and on May 16, 1979, you help pay them back in the sense that you came to their aid. You at least cared and displayed a calming concern. You performed so admirably that those who teamed up with you or worked with you have never forgotten you and your integrity and dignity. For we know this stays etched upon their minds and hearts forever. You wore class and decency on both your uniform and on badge# 1664. This is your humanity, humbleness as a top notch Dade County public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We, the citizens express our sincerest gratitude to you, Officer William C. Cook. Resourceful, faithful and loyal beyond any doubts whatsoever. As with anything in life and during your career, you should have been allowed to fulfill all your dreams, goals and whatever aspirations you planned to pursue with Karen supporting you by your side. God has that special heavenly key He uses to unlock those mysteries in life that we just ponder all the what ifs.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2015
If we pause and reflect back, in reality it is God that we all serve and everything that comes down from heaven to us is for our best interest. You were indeed a Godsend, Officer Cook, so humble and yet so confident in all your abilities to get the job done right the first time. Having said this, it still rests upon your morals and ethics along with honesty, dignity and integrity, otherwise what may transpire might not be for the best outcome. Dade County, the community and its residents were well protected and served by your inspiration and keen sense of total awareness. Nothing was ever lacking from your solid effort and that maturity that your friend, Chief Geoff Jacobs reflected upon. You paid such a dear price and your loss left a gaping hole and yet the sacrifice you made has continued its instillation of unity, peace and freedom to thrive where you were admired, respected and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You left behind a wonderful and very loving family to carry on your legacy of character, commitment and the courage to battle wickedness. You walked the walk so to speak and communicated wisely when necessary. No additives were needed, just plain old straightforward and to the point honesty.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 22, 2015
Police officers are like anyone else in the truest sense in that they too view each new day as a gift from God. Therefore, they take nothing for granted when they say goodbye to their loved ones before embarking on their mission. Those moments certainly are the most treasured ones of all time. Surely, Officer Cook, you welcomed and cherished those moments with Karen, your beloved wife, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and Nancy, your darling big sister. We live for now. You live on in spirit as your wonderful soul, your honest and dignified soul continues its ascent to God's heavenly abode where you now reside alongside your father, Charles may he too rest in peace as yourself my neighbor, friend and hero. You were an excellent inspiration to not only your entire family, but to a community and your comrades who admired and respected your values and work ethics. All part of your humble and most humane legacy of character its strength and commitment to both pride and achievement helping to keep and further enhance the security and serenity of all residents.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 21, 2015
In any endeavor bring sanctity, this means besides being dignified, devoted, dedicated and determined, be yourself and be honorable. Police work has many difficult moments in which any officer may be required to perform something that may not be proper and yet we know that they must remain true to the badge of decency that they wear. Being a very cherished and loyal individual, Officer Cook, you made sure everything you maintained was done with the utmost decorum and stellar integrity. You can be certain that your heroic legacy of achievement had its boundaries of fairness and impartiality at all times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a human being and a person whose compassion permeated within all citizens of Dade County. For it was your sterling service that has guided them to more peaceful times.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 21, 2015
Any undertaking must be founded upon dignity and proper respect for all mankind. All sworn law enforcement personnel are expected to live up to these standards. It was a central motto, Officer Cook, a creed you utilized to get through the daily rigors of your professional position. Honesty without integrity and essential dignity is paramount to any officer running into a major problem while out on patrol. Using your calm and soothing voice to settle any disagreements was the only way, Officer Cook, that you could function. Your service and protection of all Dade County residents was of a high class and it further emphasized the point as to why we have so many dedicated and devoted men and women willing to risk their lives for our safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your heroic feats stand out in the history of our heroes and heroines as to how they live and perform their assigned duties. They newer give less than one-hundred percent full effort. You gave all your strength and vitality to master the very violence that still looms over our society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 20, 2015
The word I meant to use is to seize the opportunity, not cease which means to stop. We should always move forward and never go backward. You were a fast thinking person, Officer Cook and a refreshing free spirit whose dedication and desire drove you to all your successes in both your life and during your police career. Being the ever consummate gentleman, you viewed each challenge as a way to make people feel more secure as you humbly pursued truth, justice and the very hard to come by at times righteousness. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it is your soul that soars to greater heights each moment as achieves its mission of serving on the patrol of God's golden streets. And having the maturity beyond your years helped mold and make you into a better leader of other officers.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 20, 2015
All police officers are sisters and brothers, one to another. They stand for honor, dignity and integrity and in doing so lookout for the safety, while at the same time, they look to preserve our individual rights to live and to prosper freely and without any restraints whatsoever. As a master of your traits, Officer Cook you stood for and represented quite proudly and humbly the very ideals that our country has been founded upon. You served, you accomplished your mission here that very sadly God needed you for a greater mission up in heaven where no harm would ever come your way again. You faithfully and competently held up you rend each and every watch, so now other officers who have succeeded you take up the same principles and common cause. Cherished and treasured, humane and full of strength of character, your unselfish actions on May 16, 1979, represent the goals and cornerstones of what we as residents demand from our duly sworn men and women surrounded by bravery and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We may still experience dark moments, but sooner rather than later the light of your beautiful soul will light up the entire world. You left us too soon, Officer Cook ,but, at least you left behind hope, optimism and more than a glimmer of renewal. The time is now to cease the opportunities that lie ahead of us.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 19, 2015
The perils of police work include but are not limited to perseverance and the mastery of persuasion. Pestilence and famine are just some of the things that officers endeavor to alleviate from our community and our society. You were a loving and resourceful gentleman and public servant. An honorable man of passion, courage and dignity, you will always be saluted for having the fortitude and finesse to handle everything placed on your professional plate. As a person of integrity and ingenuity. your undeniable compassion when coupled with your skills guided you through Dade County roads where you served and protected the calmness of each citizen, thus enhancing the liberties and unity of a very grateful area where you were admired, revered and respected greatly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 19, 2015
One has to practice patience in order to witness the good that is in others. The perfect person to master their traits, Officer Cook, you had the perseverance and persistence to carry out all details of your professional career. But it takes much more to be able perfect the skills and the art of being honest, dependable and sensible. All of which made you a most admired police officer and the humanely quintessential hero for all time in Dade County. Surely a legend of reverence, respect and character surrounded by the foundations of loyalty and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 18, 2015
When one needs to rebuke someone, it should be done with hope and praise. Opportunity, when it knocks on our doors has to be carried out with a sense of urgency. Praying that things will turn out well is just a beginning. You were a humble man, Officer Cook, one who would lead his colleagues by the examples that your loving parents set for you as you were growing up. They stayed with you and for your all too brief career because of the dignity, integrity and honor you carried while on patrol. And it is up to Dade County and its citizens to see that your values and ideals continue enhancing those who depended on your intellect to protect and to serve them righteously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We live on through your beautiful and treasured spirit of a gentleman revered by all and respected for your boldness and firm commitment to excellence and pride that is expected from all public servants. You were just the right person to assist others in a constructive and humble manner.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 18, 2015
Self-improvement is an area where even our very best police officers could use a lesson or two. And for that, Officer Cook, you would be the very best instructor. Though now those lessons must trickle on down from the heavens above. You were thoughtful, insightful and known to be a very congenial person, yet serious when the time came to perform your tasks at hand. No one will ever begrudge what you meant to our world. You maintained honor, integrity and dignity at all times. One cannot ask for anything else. We reap what we sow. We, the residents of Dade County gained heroically from your intervention in our community where you were honored, admired and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, a legacy untarnished, a life well-lived, a strength of character so resounding, it all goes to show us that you were truly dedicated and remain a hero for all future generations of men and women who enter law enforcement looking to make a difference. What a difference! No matter what the circumstance was, you were there, dependable and reliable. No second thoughts. You preserved our liberties, peace and unity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 17, 2015
Our awareness of the suffering of others is a partial consolation. The families feel the stinging pain of a loved one's loss. The gaping holes in their hearts and souls indeed feel enormous grief when their loved ones are taken home by God. Your loved ones, comrades and close personal friends all felt the loss they suffered when you were taken to heaven. Officer Cook, you have been for the last thirty-six years an heroic angel who did his job well, with honesty, dependability and an accountability that no one will ever duplicate. Humbleness, bravery and courage are not acquired overnight, for they are learned and skillfully practiced with maturity and leadership each new day. Every new dawning of the sun and setting when the moon comes out at night we remember your sacrifice. Unwavering, unselfish, dignified and devoted all come to mind conjuring up thoughts of what would we do if placed in the situation you had to deal with that day on May 16, 1979. Your actions of valor and gallantry represented the very heart of your department and goes to show us, the ordinary citizen why we depend on humanely cherished public servants. You were saluted by an entire country and not forgotten for all your efforts. Dade County and its citizens have continued to shine on because of your boldness ,alacrity and urgency all carried out with decency, desire and class. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I never met your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, the letter I received spoke volumes of humility regarding your stellar and sterling life and police career. I'll continue my prayers for you Mrs. Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 17, 2015
When you feel regret for harming someone, the pain is the cure.When our duly affirmed public servants lay down their lives in the line of duty, what can we think? That they were honest and decent individuals who too lead lives, had families and possessed the "right stuff" to carry out the rigors of a very demanding and yet a very rewarding career. No telling, Officer Cook, where your career would have taken you. Your life had value, logic and reason all guided by honesty, integrity and dependability. Who else would stand toe to toe in the very face of evil unafraid to assist his comrades and those residents who relied on your instincts to function in a professionally proficient manner. You were legendary and humbly able to overcome any obstacles placed before you. Hope does spring eternal and one day your family and friends will reunite and catch up on the happenings taking place between your dad and yourself in God's heavenly abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you are honored for your service to all mankind and in keeping the freedom , peace and unity glued together where it legitimately belongs.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 16, 2015
Keeping your environment free from dangers was always your concern as long as you patrolled admirably and with honor and stellar dignity. The streets of Dade County and its residents could not have been made more safer than by your unwavering commitments. People can pray, they can hope that there will be a brighter tomorrow. Thanks in part to your loyalty and everlasting faithfulness to devotion, determination and in desire to see things through. Our bravest heroes and heroines truly deserve a hearty salute for your service and sacrifice which has continued those enhancements you started forty-three years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your legacy all began when you were first born, raised in a dignified manner and carried on as the cherished and treasured gentleman we all knew you would grow up to become. The stench of evil from our society has been somewhat removed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 16, 2015
One who forsakes his friends it's as if they forsake God's holy name. Since you were a proud, humble and devout man, Officer Cook, you displayed the reliability and loyalty that has endeared you to all Dade County and its citizens. God just expects His servants to conduct themselves honorably, with morals and dignity. Something your colleagues knew you would do at every turn. Police officers look to cutoff crime and to help bridge any gaps left between peace, liberty an dunity. All done in a focused and constructive way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy you left for others to follow has since remained as steady as though you are still with us. We wished you were still here because you have been missed more than you could ever imagine.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 14, 2015
Tenacity and torment seem to run together. Afterall, a tormented person demonstrates a somewhat negaative zeal to do things not accepted by most normal yhinking persons. You were a man, an officer, Officer Cook, of sheer tenacity all powered by your honest and dignified motivations. Crime and evil were combated by your concern and caring approaches as cautious as they needed to be at times. One can't go wrong doing the right things in life and in the careers where they lead by exemplary mannerisms. You are missed and cherished forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Let us pray thos eofficers today deliver results with a youthful zeal and resolve. you performed admirably and in a bold and swift fashion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 14, 2015
We live in a society in which temptation can lead us astray. Police officers know this better than most I think. Officer Cook, you were one man, an integral part of your division who recognized his strengths and utilized them to the fullest to help you get a better pulse of what was transpiring in the Dade County region. Since officers need to have a sense of responsibility and reliability, they must make judgments sometimes in a matter of seconds. What you did on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, was that very pinnacle between common sense and bravery. Although, you did as any officer would do in that situation, you acted boldly, honorably and with an unselfish courage to save your colleagues and those civilians from further harm or maybe even death. You laid down your life in a humble and humane manner, helping to keep peace and prevent even more trouble than what was already there. All those folks can thank you, Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664 for your love and admiration, a treasured soul whose cherished legacy glistens like a finely polished diamond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Strength and power were always properly channeled and harnessed when the need arose. Those who worked with you knew you be be exceptionally loyal and fierce to a tee and understand what you comprehended to be courageous and decent. It's the desire, decency and class that drives those to their humble accomplishments an din police work, employees work to secure a common goal, unity and peace as they band as one. No straying, only sincerity from your golden heart.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 13, 2015
Realizing your true purpose in this world will eliminate violence. One-thousand percent true, if only the ones carrying out these wicked acts would realize this. For all that our bravest and most valiant men and women of the law enforcement profession do for us on a daily basis we must be very grateful and most appreciative. You stood for congeniality, resourcefulness and dignity, Officer Cook. You accepted those risks that accompanied your career. At least you made a difference in the lives of all Dade County residents. Honorable and humble. Courageous and full of integrity. Forthright and faithful. Loyal and compassionate. If we were to piece together all the attributes that go into making a quality police officer, then surely you were the epitome of the revered and respected gentleman that oversaw all these enhancements. Your achievements have been carried on as your legacy of character and the sheer boldness of your commitment continues its watch over us in God's enchanted heaven above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The stakes are high, the lines have been drawn, the bar is high, let's hope and pray that serenity rules over all mankind forevermore. Amen. Your life and career were taken way too soon, but we must remember what you stood for in ideals, values and morals and salute your heroic sacrifice daily. You'll not be forgotten. I'll say prayers for you, Mrs. Cook, you know your son will be admired and cherished for eternity. He was a wonderful son, husband and uncle, great-uncle too, he would have made an excellent father because of his calmness and caring concern he had for all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 13, 2015
A man's actions represent not only his conduct, but his upbringing. One cannot have an unhappy childhood and expect to survive the rigors of police work and what it entails. Officer Cook, you were an officer of both sound mind and of sound body, so there were no issues there. You possessed a charm and a charisma that afforded you the opportunity to serve and protect people of all backgrounds. Your unwavering honor, your humble dignity and your humility when coupled with your stellar and outstanding integrity made you exactly the kind of officer, brave men and women dream of becoming. You were the salt of the earth and as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known that your legacy stands firmly entrenched in character, boldness and in commitment to excellence, pride and humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 12, 2015
I meant to say, Officer Cook, your headstone, one that shines brightly in the hot sun and represents the climate the day of May 16, 1979, when you gave your life for all residents of Dade County. One that was given honorably, with integrity and all the professional dignity that is called for. You were the kind of person, the type of police officer who would have done anything to save and enhance the quality of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hero yesterday, today and forevermore. A legacy of hope, peace, unity and reverence for all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 12, 2015
Take pleasure and be humble when not hurting someone with words. Words are like a knife, for they cut through our very souls. Police officers have to be able to properly and with a sense of authority communicate with the general public to spread their message across. Your wide smile and engaging personality, Officer Cook, captured the moment and for all time sake. Over these past forty-two years, your picture of you in uniform behind our American flag has served as our inspiration, you really meant that much to Dade County and its citizens. You exemplified honesty, dignity and integrity that when placed beside your bravery, valor and courage do memorialize you as a true police hero in every sense of the word. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your kindness and compassion do shine so brightly, it makes your legacy even that much more revered and we salute your boldness and commitment to both pride and excellence. You only excelled in assisting people, Officer Cook, you were raised in a truly humble home with all the love and support from your parents. They are certainly proud of their loyal and heroic son. The world is indebted to its heroes and heroines who stand up and try to expel evil from its midst. they all patrol down one path, that being of righteousness and reverence, with all the due diligence and vigilance that your positions call for.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2015
Your good deeds, actions of heroism, bravery and humbleness standout in a person's life and surely during your life, Officer Cook, they represent the very essence of why we have so many dedicated and trusted public servants such as yourself. Statues and monuments are big, but it takes an even bigger heart and frame of mind to succeed with the ultimate humility. You had the proper mindset to carry out your professional tasks, whereas others require a bit more prodding. You headstone my neighbor, friend and hero says, "We Shall Be One" and I believe that signifies one unit, one department with exceptionally brave women and men doing similar jobs to keep the unity and peace 'moving systematically. You were the best, you fought hard, trained hard and had the resourcefulness and strength of character to both prove it and to back up your endeavors. Rest in peace. Legacies of cherished and admired individuals like yourself, Officer Cook, need not much more embellishing, fort hey are like the breezes that blow against us cooling us down.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2015
If brevity is the soul of wit, then bravery must be that which is transplanted within us. In police work there are lighter moments, not too many, for as long as bad people roam the streets we need good hard working officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, policing and protecting the public from any harm that may come their way. And as surely as I reflect upon your honorable life and career, certainly the sun will rise tomorrow morning and your soul which continues its ascent to the heavens above will guide us on our pathways in life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2015
Each day we relish our opportunities to set down a fertile path of growth. To live in a world where many wondrous and yet unusual events occur, it is still in us to utilize this occasion to perform our lives properly as we see fit. Police officers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, whatever one chooses to pursue, you should strive to do your very best and let Our Lord take care of the rest. You operated by this exact plan, Officer Cook and God never let you down. You were faithful and committed to all the right causes. The very foundations you laid down for the citizens of Dade County have been enhanced this day and will continue to be as long as there are honorable and dignified officers performing their professional responsibilities just as you did. Bravery, valor ,courage and a commitment to pride and excellence all take their cues and follow close behind. You will not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2015
Life finds the unique beauty and the essence of a person in their ability to grow, prosper and to flourish. Such as trees growing and bearing fruits, we walk, breathe and are able to communicate with one another. Somewhere within the crevices of our bodies a voice says keep trying, keep moving forward, keep achieving. And for most of us we listen to that mystical sound. You listened to your body, Officer Cook and the voice within it said keep pursuing, stay focused, remain honest, dignified and loyal to the causes that would soon become your career and a cherished portion of your life. One lived each day by morals and values that surely we all want to possess. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out, to comprehend why you were so giving and trustworthy. Dade County and its residents at large knew you to be an outstanding public servant whose reliability and faithfulness never waned, nor did your bravery, valor and courage, it stayed fortified and alive as long as you were watching over us. You now take up a position in heaven watching along with your colleagues who too made the ultimate sacrifice. And you'll never be alone as God has you cradled in His arms for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy represents the very notion of movement, of give and take in a proper atmosphere, of growing and maintaining steady accomplishment throughout your twenty-five years. Our securities have been tied to your integrity, maturity and keen intellect and vision of what you saw and tried to fix. That's the general role of any police officer and for its value you served mightily and with a pronounced passion. Your engaging personality was the catalyst for all your actions of kindness and heroism.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 10, 2015