Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Heroes and heroines are the bravest men and women who take on complex challenges that most people would not dare tackle. As just this example, Officer Cook, you were one of the most courageous and committed officers of your time. One does not have to look past a man of valor, heroics and achievement to understand why you performed as you did and acted accordingly on May 16, 1979, sparing the lives of your esteemed comrades and those civilians whose lives too hung in the balance. All these years later, the scales of justice, equality and enhancement have been properly maintained because of your unselfish and unwavering honor, dignity and integrity on behalf of Dade County and its residents. Loyal and cherished, resilient and revered, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The walls of remembrance here in Miami and in our nation's Capitol hold the solemn reminders of why we have so many angels who God has forever sheltered in His wings. You were that kind of gentleman, Officer Cook. You were our guardian and staunch humanitarian. When action was called for, you were there to either backup or handle by yourself a dilemma, a problem that needed positive resolution, top notch reinforcement. Nothing but first class service, decency and desire.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2015

I know God has you sheltered for safekeeping, Officer Cook. Your extra special loving kindness and generosity has never been overlooked by your brothers and sisters in law enforcement. Your family has never forgotten your humility, your bright smile and your efficient ways you handled any circumstance given you. If only every single officer in this land could act as rightfully and as honorably as you did to every person who came to you for assistance. Sure goes a long way to the kind of classy gentleman you were. treasured and revered. Loyal and unwavering. Humble and devoted to the causes of hope, peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hero of humane proportions. A legacy legitimately founded upon the boundaries of morals and excellent character, all a byproduct of your terrific upbringing. Your parents are proud of you. I know your mom, Mrs. Julia Cook, who celebrated her one-hundred birthday last week is certainly proud of her "Billy." I know she referred to you as Bill too. Your were her beloved and darling son, who loved his parents very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2015

Confusion, confounded and controlled, all words that spark or could set off trouble in any community where officers bravely place their lives in jeopardy. As one of the many dignified and honest public servants, Officer Cook, it was up to your passion, dedication, devotion and determination to secure the safety of all citizens and for this Dade County can be quite grateful to you. When you work at anything you at least should endeavor to do things both correctly and promptly. Emergencies call for strong measures, even the mundane and routine matters call for common sense approaches. Whenever you answered calls you did have the motivation and the drive to do what you thought was right. As fiercely loyal and as cherished a colleague as you were, you have been remembered for having the awareness and the mental acuity to handle anything given to you. And on May 16, 1979, without being required to go to a scene in your area of watch, there you were securing and attempting to calm a crazed young man. That day make no mistake you were a lifesaver and your comrades and those civilians have been forever thankful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your thoughtfulness, your sincerity and resolve have remained the enhancing factors all these years later for all of Dade County, its venues and residents. Strong character, bold commitment to both excellence and pride. Only goodness shall reign forever. Thank you Officer Cook. Confusion and befuddlement have been replaced by confidence and continuation, as by your heroic sacrifice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2015

Justice, equality, fairness and peace, police officers lives and the lives of the people they protect and serve hang in the balance daily. Every action has a consequence that could be deemed proper or heaven forbid it could yield something much worse. As a thinking man's police officer, Officer Cook, you meted out justice and fairness equally well. Your calmness and attitude had everything to do with being honest, dignified and prudent in all your professional dealings with the public. You kept the peace. You stayed the course and that is all we can expect from our men and women who valiantly and gracefully go out on patrol to canvas their communities and spread the goodwill among mankind. You were the class of your division. The cherished and loyal member who heroically aided his comrades who were trying to maintain peace in Dade County on May 16, 1979. A day never to be overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were the right person to lead other colleagues who needed that little gentle touch of motivation and positive persuasion. Legacies are not won in the streets, they are the genesis of the solid character, commitment and excellence that is exhibited from the time a person can begin to walk, talk and appreciate the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead of them. You performed in an outstanding manner, a credit to your parents, sister and those men and women that trained you and served as your inspiration, a guiding light so to speak. They were the bridges to you being able to safely navigate through any pitfalls that accompany police work. Humility and compassion have to be utilized when trying any task that may not always yield the best outcomes. You were successful and had much more to offer this world. It needed you. God I guess had other plans for an angel such as yourself.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2015

Lackluster and laziness are the phrases that do not fit in the description of police work and surely good hard working women and men in law enforcement recognize the awesome burden they carry upon their uniforms and badges of honor and pride each watch. You took your affirmation very seriously, Officer Cook, like certain things in life they are to be undertaken with humility and extra caution. Decency and dignity, class and consideration, care and a calming concern are the influences that assist each public servant in doing their official duties. Your role and direction was in service and in keeping the peace of all Dade County residents. Sacrifice and heroic actions are the cornerstones by which you have been remembered, saluted and admired for achieving. A legacy of love and determination is what greeted you when your cherished soul returned to Our Creator where you forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hearty vim and vigor went along on your daily patrols. Your treasured personality and congeniality was shared by all. Loyal and dependable. Integrity, dignity and responsibility help you carve a niche in the hearts of all mankind. It remains everlasting. Nothing but good old fashioned hard work and training took you down the righteous pathways of both your life and career with Metro-Dade Police Department.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2015

You were a staunch supporter of peace and unity, Officer Cook and this was carried out everyday by yourself in a manner that brought honor and pride to both your family and your department. To think about all the times you must have gone out and to be able just to function honesty and with valor, most of us cannot say much more. Your bravery and dignity stood out among your peers who came to respect and admire your determination and dedication to duty. From a well lived life to a career that was outstanding and it was just six years old. It had the makings of more surely wonderful moments to come. God determines our lots in life and He made certain that you would fulfill them, as a hero, and as a humble servant, faithful and resourceful forevermore. The people of Dade County have spoken. Your legacy of hope, peace and unity stands straight and tall this day and everyday because of your unselfish sacrifice for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a veteran officer, treasured universally by all members of your department and around the nation. Reverence and respect meant the world to you and to your family, as this is how you were greeted and welcomed by the Cook Family. The name humbly and with humility says it all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2015

Tradition calls for one to act in a manner that is recognized universally by any organization or department. The morals and honorable work ethics of all police officers are expected no matter where they serve and protect the public interest. Where you lived and worked, Officer Cook, you represented all citizens of Dade County in a functionally structured way each time you were out on patrol. Integrity, dignity and compassion must take precedence over anything else. You will forever be revered and saluted for courageously aiding your comrades who were nearly killed and those of the civilians who too were nearly killed. Legacies sometimes call for drastic measures, your commitment and character stand front and center. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Pride and grace were on the centerpiece of your loving parents home along with class, decency and devotion to both faith, your life and professional career. BY the way, there was a picture of your late father-in-law, Mr. Kenneth Toussel. in yesterday's Miami Herald, as it was the anniversary of his passing. A handsome gentleman just as his heroic son-in-law, yourself, Officer Cook. You married into a very special family as did Karen when she married into the Cook Family. Take care Mrs. Cook. I'll keep saying prayers on your behalf.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2015

Police work is not a profession of convenience. For we know it is a job where honor, dignity and integrity cross paths. You were deserving of much more life, you had more to fulfill, goals left unfinished, Officer Cook. Men and women of courage and conviction need our salutes of remembrance. Your caring compassion, sincerity were some of the many staples of both your career and life that was well lived as you acquitted yourself with grace and commitment only those born with morals would understand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. But we realize your loving family members carry on your legacy and humanity toward all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2015

The voyage of heroism begins at one's birth an dis calculated by the meaningful actions by which they perform and carry out their tasks in life. Life itself presents many challenges, some good, some not as favorable, but we try each new day to enhance this world. Precisely, what you achieved, Officer Cook, each moment of your twenty-five years. God gives and He takes. We don't always comprehend the rationale behind His decisions. Being as devout and as faithful as you were, you placed your trust in His hands to safely get you through your watches. You were treasured and humble, honest and full of integrity, May 16, 1979, will not take away your humanity or humility with which you treated all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your legacy and its character are very much endowed within those who respected and admired your work ethic. You have been missed, but not forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 25, 2015

Temptation can lead us all astray, police officers and public officials must remain clear of any of these negatives. Driving away from bad for any police officer does leave a bad impression. For while you patrolled, Officer Cook, you had unique perspectives each and everyday and yet your reinforcing influence remains etched in the hearts and minds of all Dade County residents even those who did not know who you were. The uniform you donned meant honesty, bravery and yet doing something you dreamed to become and that was to be loyal and faithful, diligent and reserved when called upon. You can be sure for the respect you afforded others, this has been given to you this day and everyday. May 16, 1979, will always be remembered as the day you battled and fought the wars against evil courageously and with a heart of sterling resolve. You will not be forgotten. You left a legacy for your family to carry on by and for those who enter the police academy, it is up to them to properly maneuver themselves with the same sense of reason and skill you so demonstrated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2015

First I meant to say what we choose to accomplish and you would have been one of my closest friends. I apologize for the spelling mistake. This was one of my strongest subjects. One of your stronger priorities in life and during your police career was to be considerate, honest and dignified. You were fortunate enough to steer clear of trouble and navigate around Dade County and its venues maintaining the public trust in an outstanding and heroic manner. You can be certain that you will be saluted, remembered and cherished forever as a Dade County police hero. Your badge that you wore represented class, integrity, character and stellar commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davi

September 24, 2015

I hope Mrs. Cook, you are doing very well out in San Diego, California these days and enjoyed your special one-hundredth birthday. Your very much beloved son, Officer William C. Cook, your Billy, must be looking down along with his dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace and they are crying tears of joy. For all your son's heroic accomplishments and stellar life of humility and humbleness, he will continue reaping the rewards for putting his life on the line and you can be mighty proud of his honor, dignity and integrity. This always came to the forefront. He never left anything back at his station. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, keep smiling down on your family, friends and colleagues who have cherished your memory and continue honoring your bravery and self-motivation, unrelenting as it was. You performed professionally and with all the character of a righteous servant of God. God expects that we only give an effort. You, Officer Cook gave way beyond what anyone would want from our duly gifted police officers. Noble and magnificent. Diligent and vigilant. Dade County rests easier this day and everyday thanks to you and your leadership and maturity beyond your twenty-five years.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2015

To know someone is really to know someone. It's very sad that I never had the humble pleasure to meet and befriend you, Officer Cook. You would have been one of my very best and closets friends along with your honorably loving and giving family. Your integrity, esteem and dignity are all the proper reasons that we celebrate and duly pay homage to all of our law enforcement heroes who risk everything to enhance our safety and allow us the freedoms to choose to accomplishment whatever we want to do. Dade County can humbly look back on your life and career and find all the valid reasons as to why a cherished man like yourself deserves our deepest respect. Of course you gave this back to all citizens, Officer Cook and you demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt as to why you were one of the top officers during your time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment, boldness and forthright character led you down all the correct trails. Justice and fairness always prevailed when you watched over those you took an affirmation to serve and to protect.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2015

I meant to say today, Officer Cook, in yesterday's reflection. We place our priorities in their proper order each new day. When the sun arises we awake feeling refreshed and looking forward to celebrating a gift from God. You looked at each day as a way of helping others, just that simple. Just as simple as being honest, dignified and having the integrity to carry out all your assignments. As a police officer and one very highly trained and motivated, you were able to distinguish all your situations you faced and you faced evil eye to eye with a humble courage, bravery and valor. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you will be saluted and cherished forever and your strength of character which never let you down nor your comrades who fought those fierce battles on the streets of Dade County with you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2015

Todat Officer Cook, we celebrate the holy Day of Atonement, you should be celebrated for having the gumption, honor and bravery to serve and protect Dade County with a treasured soul of reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2015

Police officers are unique people. In that they must be focused, honorable and maintain a sense of calm. They too protect and serve, lead and instill in their comrades knowledge which they have gained from training on a rigorous basis. Because of your style and focus, Officer Cook, you were able to lead others. Your level headed approaches were well known in your day and were the essence of how you kept the peace. You remained calm and dignified, cool under pressure. Your legacy of commitment and the boldness of your persona rests in the heavens above as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I mean that sincerely you were my friend, your parents and sister were our friends. I hope today's men and women of bravery transmit the same knowledge to others as you imparted, it's the only way to take a bite out of evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2015

The friendship of a person is an off shoot of their upbringing. How one is raised can have and usually is a direct correlation to how successful they might become. We can say with clarity that you were a cherished and a loyal police officer, Officer Cook, you never disappointed your family, friends and colleagues. The Metro-Dade Police Department recognizes its loyal and reliable servants by virtue of their honor, valor and integrity. Friendships live on, one who sacrifices for their friends is a truly wiser and more humble individual. Functioning as a unit helps move the peace process along quicker than one who works solo. You were treasured and dignified and your spirit lives on in all of your family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2015

If only we the residents of Dade County could reverse the course of time, our gallant men and women of law enforcement who have given their lives could be back with us today. Of course we cannot change time and bring you back with your family, Officer Cook. Time marches on. The memories of a wonderfully warm and humane gentleman stay with us forever and cannot be taken away. The violence of the wicked shall one day be brought to a final end. The world depends on police officers of honesty, intelligence, dignity and courage to fortify our lives in peace, unity and freedom for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2015

We raise our hands to salute you, Officer Cook and your comrades in arms who bravely went out on patrol to insure safety and peace. When honest, personable and dignified public servants lend a helping hand to the causes of justice, we remember them. Their legacies cast no shadow of doubt whatsoever as to the kind of gentle souls they were in life and during their watches. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character, as cherished and as humane as it was will not be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2015

Revered, respected, resourcefulness and resolute, these are some of the words that humbly conjure up the success of a person's life and the career paths that they choose to follow. You chose to become a police officer, Officer Cook and by going out into Dade County promoting peace and togetherness, protecting the safety of all, you have been and will forever be remembered for having that distinction of using a calming and soothing voice of reason to resolve any dilemmas assigned to you. Your colleagues regarded you as a thoughtful and honest man, a treasured influence among your peers and when the time came for performing under stressful times there you were coming to the scenes to aid and assist those who needed it the most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of valor and courage, dignity and integrity, no questions ever. You were one supremely articulate and astute colleague who gave your life in order for others to live. Sacrifice and bravery at the highest level. Never to be forgotten. Always there to be saluted for having the wisdom and the keen vision to observe where others may not venture. Whenever intellect and passion crossed, you were always there to be found and you cared deeply for those citizens you served and protected.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2015

Repaying a debt. How can one give back to the family of someone they loved and adored? I would imagine one of the things we could do is to go out and act accordingly. Do a favor for a friend, speak nicer to your wife or neighbor. Help those less fortunate than yourself. All of these characteristics were precisely the reasons, Officer Cook, that you achieved success in both your private life and during your professional career as a Metro-Dade Police Officer. Integrity. Dignity. Honesty. They followed along with you while you were watching over us defending our honor, our right to live peacefully.Your compassion and concern was among the best there was. Your humility and commitment was endless. God only knows why He needed you back in heaven patrolling His golden streets. He took you away from all this wanton violence and evil, a force surely to be dealt with someday when there hopefully will be no more wickedness. We preach and practice. We learn, teach and train for all kinds of situations that may confront us. It was your inner strength that drew the masses closer to you. Your calming voice of hope and valor has spoken louder now than ever. Hopefully we can hear and visualize the devoted young man, yourself delivering this powerful message. Police officers do this on a daily basis in their communities. Dade County has fought long and hard, through tooth and nail to decode these stirring words of inspiration. They came from your heart, a heart of humbleness, a heart of reverence, that same respect you gave your parents who loved you and raised both you and your sister, Nancy with the same values of decency and faith. Where you prayed, where you lived and where you worked to battle those seemingly unending battles of violence, they were the castles where most of us challenge ourselves to be better people, to be more giving. You were that kind of individual, devout and vigilant. This provides the proof of your being, its care and passion reaching to newer heights. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day we all will have a day of telling Our Creator what we accomplished in making this society a better place to both thrive and to live. God takes those heroes and heroines and has them well protected in His heavenly shelter, taking with them three important things: their courage in conviction, their valor that validates their missions in life and their enhanced bravery beyond the scope of any ordinary person who dares to risk their life on behalf of their fellow neighbor. This is their legacy, untarnished and made safe for all eternity. We can only thank you, Officer Cook, for standing in harm's way to save us and to steer our paths of righteousness in a resolute direction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2015

We all have goals, at least the majority of folks. While attempting to fulfill those aspirations, you might have to think twice regarding what your priorities will be in achieving them. A means to an end should include diligence, honesty and integrity. Jumping in and getting started without thinking or having a plan of action may prove to be fruitless. At least when you began a project, Officer Cook, while training or whatever you were occupied with, you thought, you communicated based upon facts and sound logic and reasoning. Your dream to become a police officer was realized and from the day you first donned your uniform and had your badge of honor, pride and commitment pinned to your chest, Dade County and its residents recognized a hero among them. A support of consideration, a class and decency that is expected from all public servants who bravely and unselfishly go out to serve and to protect the public interest. You were well respected, well regarded an dwell versed in the basic essentials, Officer Cook, to carry on professionally. You did not just do your job, you performed humbly and with a sense of fervor and purpose. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy endures forever as does your beautiful soul continuing to shine forth its brilliant light to dispel this evil that still permeates in our world. You were a warrior and a very well revered gentleman. Your family, your colleagues and a host of all your personal friends were well cared for, your vivid smile helped brighten the days when the morale may have been a little low.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2015

You were an intellectually sound and sensitive individual, Officer Cook. We, meaning the people and your comrades had no issues with you going off and wildly doing whatever. Rules and ethics should be a daily part of any officer's routine and yours, Officer Cook, was no different then any of your colleagues. You always had their backs. It was your leadership, keen vision and maturity beyond your twenty-five years that both steered and guided your pathways in life. An honest, dignified and forthright gentleman who remains treasured, cherished and saluted for having the bravery, valor and courage in character, its strength and the boldness to act and react, staying within the department confines of ethics and the standards by which all public servants are measured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a truly humble man, a humane and decent person who was the eyes and ears of the people whom you served and protected.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2015

When people are on the same page, they can achieve more than ever. You would be surprised how much you can get done. Officer Cook, you assisted greatly in the peace process of all Dade County citizens and for what you meant as a person and as a cherished police officer, you'll not be forgotten, only saluted and revered for bringing about humble enhancements that have helped to continue the stabilization of a community where you grew up and aspired to reach higher levels of communication with the public. Legacies are founded upon the principles of dignity, honor and integrity. Your heroic life of character, commitment and charm enabled you my neighbor, friend and hero to go out on patrol calmly resolve conflicts that would endanger the liberty of all mankind. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2015

We don't always get to make some decisions on where we work. But you made a very wise and prudent choice to work here in Dade County, Florida where you grew up and prospered beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Born into a loving and nurturing home, Officer Cook, you succeeded where others may have not. Your dignity and integrity worked wonders when they were called upon. You were loved, admired and respected for performing in an outstanding fashion. You'll always be cherished and treasured for giving back to the residents the unity and freedom they deserve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A truly humble and humane legacy, spirited by a labor of love and care. Your considerations and concern for all mankind were legendary. You went over and beyond the calls of duty. Your soul keeps lighting up this universe, it will never be extinguished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2015

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