Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The death penalty is supposed to be for people who are found guilty of heinous crimes and sentenced by either a judge or jury. Nowadays, it seems police officers who perform their jobs heroically and with honor are needlessly taken from our midst and their loved ones by wanton violence. You were a good man, Officer Cook, full of integrity, dignity and a loving character to last a lifetime. Sadly, your lifetime ended way too soon. A loss for your family, friends and department while an entire police world suffered too. Your legacy of valor and commitment to excellence fortifies those deeds that you performed and now God has set your soul free to patrol His streets as our guardian angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2016

We call God's name and with kindness and mercy does He answer our calls and prayers. Being loyal and devout surely assisted you greatly, Officer Cook, in all your efforts. It all goes back to the factors of being honest, dignified and responsible for your actions. Your valor, your bravery has placed in that humble row of heroes and heroines who are being saluted and honored for having the proper mettle and intuition to act accordingly. Those officers who were most fortunate to partner with you could not be any less grateful, in fact, they are the blessed souls to have known your treasured soul. The soul of wit, wisdom, leadership and knowledge that has been passed down to other brave hearts. This is to be utilized carefully and most wisely. The lives of Dade County residents rely upon them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2016

God does humbly reward His grand servants of heroism, humility and honesty. We can't see you, Officer Cook, though we can imagine your soul and the presence it keeps as it goes from one place to another now in God's heavenly shelter. From dignity to integrity, from courage to valor, you remained very beloved and respected for all your positive actions. Helping those to help themselves, saving lives, no small feat in a day's work. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No small legacy. Why? Because yours was and is constructed upon all the proper values society places on its people. Mankind was served and when you came calling. Violence should never ended a beautiful life with Karen and a police career bound for much more fulfillment. Always fondly remembered and never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2016

To see your smile as bright as the sun, Officer Cook, to see togetherness and calm on the streets, this is what we come to expect from our officers who bravely put their lives on the line for us to cherish and to salute their honorable memory. At least those who worked with you can always fondly remember your warm and giving nature. Giving back more than we could give. The venues were well policed and protected with dignity and integrity, the courage you had to achieve mightily. It's the values and ethics of each woman and man to humbly stand tall and endeavor to take a bite out of wickedness. And because of your talents and humility will your legacy reflect as such. Badge#1664 was only worn with honor and pride with excellence to commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The most loyal and faithfully devoted individual who knew the right way to seek liberty and justice for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 11, 2016

Fairness when imbued with honesty and integrity never leaves the hands, feet and lips of the righteous. When evil lurks it is up to the very many brave and humble public servants to seek out peace and unity in its place. You always sought out good over evil, Officer Cook an done day with your cherished soul looking down on this earth, violence will once and for all be conquered. A giant chore for those officers who have succeeded you, but with a little ingenuity and resourcefulness the job will get completed. Your missions of twenty-five years have been completed and yet to even to fathom why violence took you way too soon, it's still a little hard to comprehend. Your family, colleagues and many friends do admire, love and respect your unselfishly heroic actions on May 16, 1979, aiding and saving lives while you faced danger face to face and have provided the much needed enhancements that have made Dade County residents feel easier about their safety and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 11, 2016

The values that we place on the sanctity of life cannot ever be measured. For we never know when Our Creator will call us. You were an inspiration to us all, Officer Cook, how could a young man filled with humility, honesty, dignity and integrity not be? Your colleagues and department salute you and your fellow officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice that has forever bonded goodwill and enhancements in Dade County and its corridors all by your labor of love and caring concern. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A treasured individual with a humble legacy of hard work and diligence that backed your every movement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2016

The astuteness to ascertain, the boldness to be brave, the courage to convince and the determination to drive your achievements, all made possible by your family life and upbringing, Officer Cook. The passion to go where not many would travel, the perseverance to both protect and preserve the dignity of human life, Dade County and its citizens could not be any more appreciative of your heroic actions. Dates, times and places where all our public servants go to seek unity and forge peaceful relations among all mankind. Your grace and gallantry went together to bond an entire community where you were devoted and admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2016

Staying positive. Being honest and sincere. Being devoted and faithful. All the signs point to one having success within their grasp. Only thing, you must be humble, steady and maintain a semblance of humility while channeling your efforts into making lives, good health and peace matter. You wanted to become a police officer, Officer Cook, since you were a young man, you took direction and through your thought process did what needed to get done to climb the ladder to start a successful career. The streets of Dade County where your extended home. You made friends. You spoke. You kept your cool and wits about yourself even in the face of adversity. When wickedness strikes caution and prudence must be exercised. A thinker. A leader treasured by his peers and loving family members. Your heroism will not be overlooked nor ever forgotten. Enhancements and admiration for those changes always will be respected as you have been saluted for having the unselfish bravery, the cunning courage and the validating valor in character, concern and consideration to all citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legitimately one whose legacy rests and keeps growing on the statutes of good morals and excellence in pride and in resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 9, 2016

When working as one community in peace and in good health, one can accomplish so much more. Police officers who patrol and serve the many venues around this country do so in honesty, bravery and reverence. As a gifted and humbly talented police officer, Officer Cook, you were our hero whose calming influence, voice of reason and persuasive passion helped settle down those residents who may have gotten out of hand. You were a cherished man, one who intellect allowed you to command other comrades in this seemingly never ending fight against evil. The strength of a person's commitment and character leaves no doubt as to how you will be remembered. Your legacy was founded and stays grounded in loyalty and dignity. Working in a profession where a lot is expected and demanded from its public servants, your uniform was donned with excellence and a compassion to protect all folks no matter their background. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 9, 2016

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that surely the residents of Dade County gained respect for the enhancements brought about through your valiant service. You were their to give something. Perhaps next time we give, we should contemplate why we are giving. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 8, 2016

In a home filled with love and respect, it is no wonder, Officer Cook, as to why you were so revered and adored. It must begin here, just as honesty, dignity and integrity must travel. Dade County and its residents have gained no respect as for what their enhancements have meant to their lives all these years later. A man and his character are how we come to judge why accomplishment in the police profession is quite important. A strength of your legacy was the willingness to pitch in and do whatever needed to be completed for peace and unity to stay with us forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment, not conceit, dignity and pure desire, not deceit can carry a person through their daily challenges. You accepted the risks of your job, Officer Cook and still performed in an outstanding manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 8, 2016

Taking care of those that take care of themselves, you did that for your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, quite superbly. The humbleness and love you had for your parents and for mankind can never be overlooked. Neither can your honesty, integrity and dignity be either. You were that special officer, whose heroic actions were the compliment of your life. A life and career based upon the ideals and values that are central to any accomplishments that have kept your legacy shining our does you marvelous soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of character, devotion and passion. A treasured human being replete with ethics and intuitiveness that assisted you in all your travels in and around Dade County. The citizens are forever grateful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 8, 2016

We witness the boldness of our law enforcement heroes and heroines on a daily basis. It is not just a matter of routine. Rather, it is a labor of love and dignity that they get to perform a job they willingly chose to accept. And accept without reservation you did, Officer Cook. Sheer determination and the driven devotion to achieve made your watch a bit easier for Dade County and its residents to relax and to be able to thrive and to live peacefully and with unity for all. Integrity and intelligence were among the many reasons you were able to lead other officers through danger and to keep honesty where it needed to be held. You were respected and admired and so today and forever do we salute your courage and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your beautiful soul our days and nights, when we cannot rest properly we look up to God's skies for sagely advice. You were there in good an din not so good times. You'll never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 7, 2016

To forgive is divine. To give one's life for the will of God and those professional calls of duty, we can't say enough. We cay state emphatically Officer Cook, that you were a brave man, a noble hero who was filled with class, decency and honesty. It's a shame some of your peers today can't follow suit. You will be fondly remembered for having the personification of concern, character and commitment to excellence which at least gave you the change to succeed at all challenges. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies are divine maintained by Our Creator who gives His servants the will to both aspire and to lead through inspiration. These are the cherished souls of sacrifice and enhancement. Dade County should always stand tall. You stood humbly, Officer Cook, forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 7, 2016

The price men and women of nobility pay for our safety, it can never be more. We ask that these unselfish servants stay honest and dignified, have care and concern within their uniforms and badges they carry with pride and loyalty to their commitments. This was what made you, Officer Cook, a most venerable officer. A trusted individual who fortified your endeavors to bring together people of all classes in security and solitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy remains of character and consideration. It's the morals of your family and a motto we should all try to emulate.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 6, 2016

Commit yourself to courage through honor and dignity. Have the bravery and valor to perform your job freely and without doubt or reservation. Officer Cook, you worked as a police officer preserving and protecting the enhancements all people deserve. Dade County has come to salute its most skilled and humble public servants. You were reserved, yet distinguished, hopeful not boastful. You stayed the course and served as a calming influence for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 6, 2016

Commitment means having the honesty to submit yourself to the will of God. You had the humble pride, Officer Cook and yet possessed the necessary dignity and integrity to keep Dade County individuals on a higher plane of peace and unity. That today is surely missed. Though that is the challenge all police officers face each day as they expose their lives and careers to this evil element. The starting place for you, Officer Cook, was in your home where you learned from your devoted parents all the right lessons Humility and good character must begin someplace, if not here then where? You will remain cherished as a loyal officer, a brave comrade and a gifted leader who prided himself in excellence where it was most wanted. Your legacy of honesty, class and the will to survive won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your friends are still here looking up to your soul for some sage advice. It rubbed off on many people and has carried them through their lives today.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2016

Captivating and communicating are too part of any public servant's resume. And yet without honor, dignity, decency and integrity you can't begin to function as you should. This very dangerous profession, police work, demands that its brave and talented men and women have certain qualities which in turn makes them a cut above other hard working people. Fortunately, Officer Cook, you were able to maintain law and order in Dade County by being honorable and sincere. You were a master speaker whose calming influence has led to so many changes, changes you should be allowed to witness, though you will never be forgotten for courageous performing that day. Humility and humanity always came together to produce the finest results when you policed and protected the public safety which in turn has kept peace and togetherness as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2016

One who commits evil and runs through the gates of wickedness has to lie in a hornet's nest of stinging pain. One who seeks peace and pursues it is called a righteous person. As an honorable and trustworthy gentleman, Officer Cook, your family, your professional peers, personal friends all had partaken in the fruits of wisdom. Even with your congeniality, sense of humor and engaging personality, you had the decency, dignity and integrity to make people feel wanted, safe and secure. Nothing more could the residents of Dade County ask for other than you still being here today spreading goodwill, good cheer and offering the enhancements of optimism, hope and equality. You were well respected, admired by all and most of all remain a hero forever treasured for acting in an unwavering and unselfish manner to save many lives that sad day of May 16, 1979. A day humanity won't soon forget. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2016

For the wisest of people they try to perform their daily jobs based upon good work and honesty. Police officers on the other hand have to perform dangerous assignments that they chose as a profession where character, dignity and integrity carry them through. You performed as a person, Officer Cook and who was looked upon for sage advice, sound logic and leadership capabilities that not too many possess. When we look to our bravest and most courageous heroes and heroines who maintain the calming influences as the fundamentals behind peace and serenity, Dade County surely was guided by these traits and you will forever be remembered for having the sound mind and fairness in judgement to see these things through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clarity has been and will always be attached to your heroically humble legacy of strength in commitment to pride and excellence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2016

The phrase I used in the last reflection should have read to try emulating this over and over and that Metro-Dade Police Department was glad to have you, Officer Cook, among its ranks. Sometimes it is easy to overlook a person's accomplishments during their lifetimes and in the professions they choose to follow. Since a police officer's life and career is judged based upon, honesty, dignity, integrity, character and performance that alone would be a handful for most to digest. Your resourcefulness was spread far and wide around Dade County and its various venues. I know I could not do what you did. It takes sheer fortitude and faith that Our Lord will guide your travels accordingly. He did for six years of solid and outstanding effort and for twenty-five years gave you the sage wisdom and knowledge to serve and protect us with a calming influence and a voice of reason. That leadership is ringing loud and clearly from God's heavenly shelter where you now patrol His golden streets. There is no tumult. There is no war. There is not hatred nor bigotry. There are only His many brave and guardian angels of heroism, action and hope. This springs eternal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In sickness and in health you are there hovering above us and guiding our pathways in life to the humble fruits of success which you partook from. You can only take if you make a deposit of some sort of action which will in turn better this world. One made better and enhanced further by your labors of love and reverence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2016

To live each day and to enjoy the fruits of success is what brings us happiness. Trying emulating this over and over for most of us this would be next to impossible. For one who's faithful, honest and devout, we praise them humbly speaking. This was how your life and professional career, Officer Cook, was formulated. It starts in one's home life and how they are raised upon morality and dignified actions. It then translates as they grow up and mature into people who have a sense of balance between good and what is deemed not good. All the time, the training, the field and classroom hours spent helped mold you into the fine police officer that not only Metro-Dade Police Department among its ranks, but the residents of Dade County where you were respected and honored and continue to be admired for your dedication and perseverance to security and peace. When these two forces combine as one, people feel a sense of relief in that they can fulfill their goals, dreams and aspirations just as you did for twenty-five years with more left to accomplish. The mission in life is clear, pursue what makes you happy, challenge your inner being to fairness, decency and integrity. It will by itself leave a legacy that is more than a footnote. You left us too soon, Officer Cook, you achievements serve as a balance beam for us stand tall as you did when confronted with violence. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul stands out among the many courageous heroes and heroines who sacrificed for a just and a noble cause.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2016

Your attitude is your gratitude. Meaning one thanks their Creator for all that they have. Being a police officer can be a thankless job for all that one must juggle. Balancing what needs to get done in order for citizens to live safe and sound. This is always a top priority. Placing things in their proper perspective, always how you lived your life and performed your role, Officer Cook. After all for one to achieve, honesty, integrity and dignity must be placed at the top of your professional agenda. And I know you were thankful. I can't think of too many sons who would visit their mothers after work to inquire how they are doing. You did. I could tell by your mother's letter to me what kind of a loving son and a hero you were to her. If only you could have celebrated her one-hundredth birthday with her and Karen out in San Diego, California. You were a loyal comrade, a treasured friend to all and the ultimate personification of a warm and congenial gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies of hope, faith and peace last forever as does your soul, it continues lighting up our world from all this evil that you fought on a daily basis. You fought tooth and nail to preserve, serve and protect.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2016

For one to achieve success and accomplishment in their life and chosen endeavor, trust and faith in God is essential. Being the devout man that you were, Officer Cook, those who knew you saw greatness and humility in whatever you undertook. Your police career was drawn from your pleasant and honorable upbringing by your two loving and devoted parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your beloved heroic son, Officer William C. Cook, possessed that natural ability to lead other comrades through his dignity, integrity and respect he had for authority and for having certain God given talents that not everyone has. To become a leader, one must first aspire and then to be an inspiration for others to properly follow their lead. You were admired and remain cherished among your peers and those residents of Dade County whom you faithfully protected and served. The world lost a great man on May 16, 1979. Your family continues serving and striving to maintain with loving humbleness all that you fulfilled during your life. Never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2016

The calming influence that all police officers should rely on serves as the measuring stick for how any outcome will be positive. When you went out on patrol, Officer Cook, Liberty City or wherever you served and protected, the citizens knew they would be treated in a first class manner by your courtesies. Not everyone is covered by decency or morals, your life and career was the epitome of class, honesty and dignity. God takes those truly righteous heroes and heroines to heaven, sheltering them as their souls that were most beloved go from one point to another. You'll always be treasured and admired for the life and career you assumed. W make choices in life that will benefit society. Your decision was based upon deductive reasoning and sound logic. What else can we say? You were a hero and warrior until the end. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2016

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