Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Most of all your were honorable and dignified, Officer Cook. We can never fault a person for trying hard. You gave it your all and were outstanding in the face of evil. Brave and decisive marked your career and life, one lived by the values of consideration and good intentions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were loved and admired by all. If I had the opportunity to have met you, I too would have cherished the times together. The world's inspirational public servants protecting and preserving like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2015

Love and hate. Sadly our world revolves around these two words. You were about peace and harmony, Officer cook, achieving where most of us would not dare to venture. You were resilient, resourceful and most of us honorable and most dignified. We sure could use more Officer Cooks in this world. Quite a few police officers named Cook who sacrificed for a better world and you know what they were decent and caring, driven to wipe out evil like you. Your colleagues have paid homage to a wonderful man, a hero whose determination, marked with valor and loyalty protected Dade County residents like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your strength fights on in your family and they have never let you down, only kept your good name alive in their hearts. God's chosen angelic heroes and heroines took their cues from Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2015

For your motivations, Officer Cook, ours should be just as lofty. A person's dreams, goals and aspirations should motivate us, especially when you wanted to become a police officer. You would be amazed at some of the changes. It's still a crying shame you couldn't be here to witness them. You will be remembered for possessing honor, class, dignity and integrity. A hero is never far from our hearts and minds. You certainly won't be far. We just have to look up at night and see the glaring light from your beloved soul. A gentleman's charm, charisma and commitment, like the cream always rises to the top. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2015

For having the gumption to enter the police department, Officer Cook, you should be saluted and you are, for your bravery and honor. People make decisions everyday that carry with them enormous onuses. Since you were fearless and humble, no wonder you were accomplished. Those successes have been taken to heaven with you my neighbor, friend and hero where you rest in peace. You rest knowing you were the hero your family and colleagues knew you to be. Your dignity and integrity have stayed within those who came to admire and cherish their moments with you. We comprehend the gravity of what any officer may or must do for society to live in a peaceful and prosperous manner. We shall overcome the grief and live as righteously as you did. Morals and character, its strength and resolve can be emulated, it just takes a little longer for some to catch up.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2015

Construction versus destruction. One having proper manners and ethical conduct to be able to patrol and preserve the public domain. First, your life, Officer Cook, started as a child growing up and being given the very best tools of success that would later serve as your instruments to lead and yet take instruction from other officers. There can be no doubt as to your honor, dignity and core of integrity as it navigated you through the havens of Dade County and its residents. We must be strong and brave and with humbleness strive to reach our goals as they are a part of our daily agendas. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Through your commitment to excellence and pride are we able to march on as boldly and with a purpose as you carefully did. One day the devastation of wickedness will be annihilated.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2015

Ramifications and results of success in destiny are how officers are judged. You were rated as a top police officer, Officer Cook and it was your honesty and intuition that led to your accomplishments. No one can ever forget your smile, congenial disposition or voice of calm that helped you protect and serve Dade County and its residents. A pillar of strength and humility are some of your outstanding characteristics by which you have been fondly remembered. Legacies don't just come and go, forever they stay cemented within our humble heroes and heroines who were brave enough to sacrifice so we can aspire to bigger and better things. You did have goals, Officer Cook, dignity and integrity came to the forefront on May 16, 1979 when you performed in a supreme manner saving your comrades and civilians from further harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You remain respected and treasured throughout the entire police world. God has taken you to a new calling where you now commit to an even more important role, looking out for your colleagues here who attempt to rein in evil through honesty and truth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2015

I meant to say six years of reliable service. Those six years were better than some officers. Well spent. Most meaningful. Desirable and dignified. You upheld your end, Officer Cook, it's time we upheld our end. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If legacies as humble and loving as yours was could speak, one can only imagine. Those good values, morals and sterling credentials allowed you to succeed where others may not have. There was more to fulfill, nonetheless, your inspirations have stayed with us forever. Memories of a hero never get washed away. They stay with forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2015

You were that shining star, Officer Cook. You were Dade County's best and one of its most valiant public servants. One can only ponder what things would be like if you were alive today. Your spirit's alive and well, it does constitute the reasons of your honor, dignity and humility. As calm, cool and as composed as you always were, it's no wonder the people smile when they saw you out on patrol. Folksy, not phony. Beloved and benevolent all marked the answers as to why we celebrate and remember your well-lived life and a career that though it was ix years of loyal and dependably reliable service had much more left to fulfill and to enhance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Caring commitment and a sterling character, one of humane giving takes over as does pride and excellence. Never to be undone. Never to be forgotten. A hero through and sure.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2015

To dream the impossible dream, to fight with unbearable sorrow, to reach the unreachable stars, let's just say for all that our bravest and most courageous men and women police officers have to put in to be able to shake out the evil, we as ordinary citizens can only imagine. Exactly, as you made your life and career, Officer Cook, into a prosperous and thriving achievement. No matter the time. No matter the day. Everything you worked very hard to accomplish mattered. Your integrity, your dignity, honesty and composure all factored into making you a humble servant, one who is very deserving of the salutes for all your heroic actions. May 16, 1979 did matter and is very relevant when one of the many fearless and outstanding officers gives their life, something we sometimes take for granted. Take nothing for granted. Your diligence and commitment was from the roots of your quality of character and spurred all your efforts of peace and liberty into the Dade County community where you were admired, revered and cherished in a most profound and beloved fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We do bear the unbearable sorrow, your family bears a hole, a loss impossible to fill. Their fruits of work and fulfillment are a direct effect of your endeavors as tireless and as unwavering as they always were. The benefits can be felt. Life does march on as does time which never takes a break. You were beloved and are missed tremendously back then and today. Though your spirit flies high and does reach those stars at night, look up to the big blue sky, there's Officer Cook's spirit illuminating a world still filled with too much darkness. You'll never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2015

I must apologize to you, Officer Cook. I meant to say uncharacteristically deficient is something that is not, repeat, not to be tolerated by any police officer. You stood for observance and compassion and expected your colleagues to tow the same line. Honesty, dignity and integrity lead to the best achievements we can hope and pray for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You led by example and battled with the utmost grace and valor anyone could expect from a professional public servant. Nothing can ever disgrace nor tarnish a uniform and badge worn with pride, excellence and loyal commitment. Badge#1664 rests easily and peacefully upon your cherished spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2015

Seeing and hearing were a very diligent individual and an even more outstanding police officer, it goes to reason why you were such a beloved figure among the many Dade County police heroes and heroines, Officer Cook. Though you deserved a better fate, we know the wonderful enhancements were made through your ultimate sacrifice. The price we pay for our unity and peace goes right through our bravest men and women who preserve and protect, patrol and persevere like nobody else. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In spirit you will always be my neighbor, friend and hero. Just wish I had the most humblest of pleasures to meet you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2015

Clean living and an honest upbringing go hand in hand to a successful career. You enjoyed accomplishment for most of your twenty-five years, Officer Cook. How else were you to humbly perform? By being dignified, loyal and very faithful to Dade County, its citizens and comrades who went toe to toe with you to fight the fiercest of wars against evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and its heroic legacy really mean so much to the entire world. You were a treasured Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2015

Police officers just as all people have to distinguish between good and bad. Having a good eye and keen sense of logic you were able to look and draw conclusions, Officer Cook, upon your years of training and experience. And having the prerequisite of honesty and integrity, surely they assisted you quite dearly in helping to overcome any problematic dilemmas. One thing stands for certain, your pride and passion made you among the finest officers in the history of the Metro-Dade Police Department and surely worth the salutes of respect and admiration that have and will forever come your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was always in good hands as long as you patrolled and preserved the dignity of all people. Officer Cook. No mistakes about that statement. Intellect and diligence directed both your life and professional prowess.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2015

Professionally proficient. Ethically efficient. Uncharacteristically deficient, this last trait is something to be tolerated from any officer. And you were that caring and concerned public servant, Officer Cook, who cherished life, valued your career and gave up something we consider very treasured. The many improvements and enhancements in and around Dade County can be directly linked to your supreme and outstanding protection of all mankind. It all goes back to character and commitment, you can't have one without the other. You'll be looked upon forever as our hero as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No bias. Just truth, honesty, dignity and sterling integrity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2015

We leave these reflections for the families of these brave and valiant men and women which we can ponder about. Officer Cook, you were raised with character and honesty. So it's no wonder you have been saluted for doing more than an ordinary job. It takes a yeoman like effort to calm people and to save people from inevitable harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God has taken your legacy of magnificent achievements to a higher level where you can now patrol those golden streets with no more harm coming your way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2015

I meant to say we laugh. But violence is no laughing matter. You were a gallant and honorable man, Officer Cook. Dade County can surely remember your heroic actions which in turn have led to the many enhancements for the folks that you served and protected. Always saluted for being there. Always cherished. Always humble and loyal. A man of distinction who distinguished himself with proper conduct. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2015

We ;augh. We cry. We scream. We rejoice. All the things you should be doing with your beloved wife, Karen, Officer Cook. We do celebrate your honorable life and police career. One filled with the most noblest of intentions. The citizens of Dade County could not be any more grateful for having you serve them with exemplary commitment and pride as wide as your smile taken behind Old Glory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You remain forever in our hearts. God surely takes His very best servants to know serve and protect us as guardian angels. Only tears of joy and yet the sadness of losing you at such a young age with more left to achieve. More promise and more humility left for us to appreciate. You were a very gallant gentleman. Bravery and valor to last forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2015

If dreams ever came true to such a fine person, then Officer Cook, you were just that person. So compassionate and considerate, diligent and dignified, honest and full of integrity, you have become Dade County's inspiration for aspiring to serve and protect us over and beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy so humble and with a heroic seal of approval. Your commitment and character should forever rub off onto our comrades.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2015

All police work involves a chain of events and proper procedures put into place to get to warrant results that best serve the public. All of our lives and waking moments we just attempt to be honest and sincere. Knowing full well we can make a difference somehow, it just takes a little effort. For everything you were worth, Officer Cook, it took a whole lot of invested time, training, practicing and learning not only in the field, but in a place where you are taught along with other recruits and that is in the classroom. Certain things are spelled out as to how they should be carried out and when you first went out on patrol, I'm sure your field training officers could spot a genuinely caring and professional police officer among their ranks. No doubt a humbly born leader waiting to lead others. Your peers and friends do honor and cherish your memory. A life and career composed of dignity, pride and excellence establishing a legacy full of character, bravery and the commitment to serve all Dade County in a first class manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Perseverance pays dividends to those dedicated men and women.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 10, 2015

Extraordinary people deserve the same kind of special attention when they give their lives for all the right causes of peace. And you were just that kind of officer, Officer Cook. Your honesty, dignity and integrity is what separates you from those public servants who are in taking the proper heroic action. We salute your loyalty and compassion, while remembering your driven desire to succeed. And faith was only a tip of your success. Your professional accomplishments speak louder than anything. You learned from a young age how to deal with adversity and utilized a positive means when protecting the public and in maintaining the peace and much needed freedom in Dade County. Now thirty-six years you continue to be saluted for your unwavering courage and bravery over and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 10, 2015

Decency and desire are well and good. Put them together with integrity, dignity and honesty. It makes for a much more rounded career. And since all police officers must display this upon their badges and uniforms, it goes to reason as to why most men and women are exceptional and professional in their mannerisms. Officer Cook, Dade County and its people have a lot to be grateful and thankful for. One of their truly loyal and faithful servants went out of their way to respond to a scene and to be courageously able to apply your skills and voice of reason to attempt to get a troubled young man to surrender, can't say enough. You continue to stay saluted and to be given accolades of honor for heroically and humanely saving quite a few lives, your colleagues and those civilians who relied upon your ethical conduct to see them through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those valiant and brave heroes and heroines are sheltered by God's loving kindness and grace. Your exact attributes, Officer Cook. One needs to only look back at your loving, caring and most humble upbringing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 8, 2015

Receiving compliments are nice. Professional courtesy while keeping one's honor and dignity intact means so much more. When a servant of both God and the citizens of which they strive to protect is humane and loyal we call them outstanding. You were a very trusted gentleman, Officer Cook. It was always what could you do more to assist the situation. Legacies and character run along the same tracks as does commitment and courage. You sir had the undaunted compassion to tackle any challenge and to be able to uplift the spirits of all, we cannot say anything finer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your everlasting grace and gallantry saved the day on May 16, 1979 and has since made an impression to stay with us forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 8, 2015

Self destruction may lead to a loss of character, commitment and morals. So constructing a career of validation based upon the ideals of honesty, integrity and dignity is the one surefire way to stay straight and to be able to survive the rigors of a demanding career. All the signs pointed to you, Officer Cook having a functionally sound career. The journeys we make are not always our doing, as it is Our Creator who pilots our every move. And you were a sound officer, full of life, vision and personality whose leadership role endeared you to so many comrades in arms who battled against the same enemy on a daily basis, evil, wickedness, the very heinous violence that took you from our midst while you were a young man so full of life and energy. We must keep in mind your bravery, boldness to act and the unselfish sacrifice that has led to many positive changes for all citizens of Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 7, 2015

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that your life and career were marked with priceless moments. Innovation that excites the residents of Dade County as they looked forward to your patrolling and preserving their dignity. That can only happen if that particular officer is attuned to honesty and integrity. Central to any successes in one's own life and chosen line of endeavor. Remember one thing the key to achievement to to maintain conviction, character and commitment to duty, pride and excellence. You mastered these skills very well and have been looked back on as a solid professional carrying valor and bravery on your uniform. Always revered. Only loyal and trusted among your peers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We salute the heroic legacy that you have passed on to others to model themselves after.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 7, 2015

As precious as the sand of time in an hourglass, so too are the moments that we accomplish something extra ordinary. Anything a police officer does to achieve peace and unity in our nation is mighty humble. So those twenty-five years of your life and career were marked by priceless. Having never withered away your time, Officer Cook, a man's honor, integrity and dignity are too marked by time. The good Lord gives us life and vitality and in an instant it can be gone. You lived for a reason and that was for you to work hard to become a highly seasoned officer who took direction and was able to mold and shape character and commitment out of other comrades. Only a few brave and resourceful men and women can lead by example. It takes diligence, vigilance and perseverance, along with a keen sense of vision to look clearly at what needs fixing and to repair the situation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You helped others help themselves. Dade County was furthered by your humane actions of nobility and of gallantry. We don't forget our heroes and heroines. The upbringing spelled it out as to why you were successful. You did have more left to accomplish. You are observing us, Officer Cook, hopefully we are upholding our end of the deal. Honesty is what helps us stay afloat.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2015

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