Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A hero is one who lives honorably and with dignity. A champion is one who pursues the causes that represent a healthy atmosphere in society. Officer Cook, your stellar personality and character epitomized the values all persons should strive to live by. When integrity and devotion cross together the results of success are felt in a mighty manner. When police officers function in unison, their departments take notice. And so it is the a man of virtuous courage, a paragon of virtue should be honored and celebrated as a great servant. God expects His people to perform humbly, stay focused and speak in a reasonable tone of logic and calm. All the needs of the Dade County citizens were met and fortified by the personification of your engaging style of fairness which in turn delivered peace and unity to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All that can be asked of our heroes is that they act competently and with a sense of urgency when dealing with any issues that come about through their demanding professional position. Champions charge head on in the face of calamity they don't runaway and hide. They show up when called or not and endeavor to quell disputes and just keep serenity and safety among mankind so they can carry on and enhance what you, Officer Cook achieved during your watch.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 26, 2015
A day of awakening, a day of renewal, when we are born this is the very genesis of our tests to see if we are worthy of continuing. Everyone who shall live is judged. Police officers, doctors, lawyers anyone who puts forth the effort to make this society a better on to live in. You made this world, Officer Cook and society a better place to exist because you cared, because you were honest. The legacy you left behind was one of commitment to goodwill, to submitting yourself to God's will. A hero never gives up. They do not run nor turn their backs when evil approaches. You remain treasured and respected for enhancing all Dade County and its residents. You are a man of character and valor. Gallantry and grace, humility personified. Integrity and resolve etched on those granite walls at Miami's Tropical Park for all to witness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those that rest at night or by day can thank you, Officer Cook, for your righteous ways, your powerful perseverance.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 26, 2015
As we gather to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, let us pause to reflect back on the lives of those humble heroes who have given their lives in honor, bravery, courage and in character. Character, a word that says it. What does spell it out is your character, courage and commitment. I'm grateful to have received the warm and most sincerest of letters from your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and to have met your niece, Gina Wilkerson and her children. You will always be saluted and remembered as an honorable man, a dignified gentleman and a hero whose legacy reflects the noblest of actions. Integrity takes us places we have never been to. God's shelter has so much honor and dignity, we who stay prosperous, who live in content can cherish a man who served his Creator literally with all his heart and soul, you, Officer Cook, a most loyal and devout servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 26, 2015
Running into resolve and honor can be a bit daunting for some of us. It is also apparent it can be mind boggling for police officers as well. You would not believe all the violence and shooting these day involving young people and the police. Some departments employ body cameras so officers are taped performing their jobs. If they measure in honesty, dignity and integrity the public finds out. After buying side panels because of your sacrifice, Officer Cook, it should not have taken your life and career. Dade County and your department should have taken the steps to purchase these. You were an honorable man. A man of valor, courage and distinction where destiny took to keep the peace and unity tied together. You will be revered, respected and saluted for saturating us with your smiling presence and friendly persuasion. All it would have taken on May 16, 1979, was for Mr. Pearsall to quietly surrender, that sadly did not occur. No matter you are our hero, your family's beloved and darling hero whose death was not in vain. Your actions and the badge you worn on your uniform were donned properly for everyone to witness true humility from a most faithful and resourceful servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The Cook name stands for dignity, humbleness, love and commitment. A life and career lived par excellence. Admired and saluted for giving your all out efforts. Dade County can be truly grateful.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 25, 2015
Police officers deliver distinction through honor, integrity and dignity on a daily basis. Anything less and those citizens of which they serve and protect, their lives would be put in great peril. Police work while difficult and dangerous has its moments where those humbly able bodied men and women brave and loyal are rewarded for all their professional achievements. You were awarded for your accomplishments, Officer Cook, but better yet it was your cunning boldness, commitment to pride, excellence in character and heroism that you will never be forgotten. A good man's deeds, a gentleman's righteous valor shall never be overlooked, for we know as does your colleagues and family members that you were a gallant and most treasured individual who took nothing for granted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Take each day as it comes and try to be cheerful, positive and upbeat and considerate. God judges us from day one of our lives until we pass and then we can reap what we have sown on this Earth.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 25, 2015
Police officers cannot ever succumb to the traps of temptation nor fear. Although being cautious is certainly more advantageous than running away from evil. As brave and as valiant as you were, Officer Cook, with your calming influence and most humbly dignified disposition you were able to accomplish your assigned professional tasks all in stride. Honesty, care and consideration as well as being poised surely helped you patrol and to maintain the much needed peace, freedom and unity in and around the Dade County community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your much needed character, commitment and comraderie is missed today and each day. It is in those many brave and responsible public servants in whom we now place our loyalty and trust. Your legacy stands for the most decent and desirable upbringing any person can have. Only truer words came from your lips. From a faithful and devout man who served His Creator in righteousness and in acts of kindness and love.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2015
While sitting on a bench today at a park while the sun was shining, I was thinking of you, Officer Cook. Boy, you certainly are missed. I was also thinking of your esteemed colleague, Officer Frank Piloto, Jr. who worked with you during your time on the force. To short a period. There was much more left to fulfill and to achieve. You were simply put a very honest, hard working gentleman, treasured and cherished by both your comrades and those Dade County residents you protected and served. When integrity, dignity and honesty collide the proper way, the direction of all brave and courageous men and women then go down that straight and narrow path. To be skilled and talented takes a lot of effort that you put in, God knows those that give the endeavor. Your commitment to do good and do it in an outstanding manner is the thing all of God's creatures are made of. You were there. No quit in you. It was just one-hundred percent full blast everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The respect and admiration you garnered would be beyond any words spoken. You spoke with a calming voice of reason and passion. Your compassion carried your professional performances.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2015
It is in our darkest days and in our darkest hours that we rely on our sworn police officers to deliver honorable and quality service and protection. Metro-Dade Police Department as all other police departments do utilize and observe those brave and dignified men and women who risk their lives for our safety and serenity. Officer Cook, you were one terrifically humble and loyal servant who steered your way around Dade County venues guaranteeing resolve and integrity through and through. You'll never be forgotten with a good name in strength of character, commitment and in courtesy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of heroic dimensions will be passed down among your loving family members and those colleagues who went toe to toe with you daily to battle this monster we brand as wickedness. Violence has no place in society. Your spot, Officer Cook, has been kept alive in God's heavenly abode along with your shining soul. At least those dark moments become a little brighter because of what you sacrificed to enhance the futures of all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2015
When we hear the sounds of thunder and the strips of lightning, we know Our Creator is fast at work. We know He has His angelic guardian angels like yourself, Officer Cook, fast at work helping to patrol His golden streets. The beat you now occupy my neighbor, friend and hero is maintained by you and your fellow comrades whose bravery, honesty and decency always carries itself within the ranks of Gods Eternal Heroic Honor Roll. A list we pray never increases anymore for we know the importance of those talented and dignified officers who have succeeded you in your watch. We know the type of ethical character that is demanded from them. They try to navigate Dade County as you so excellently did and stay away from anything that gives the impression of improper professional conduct. Rest in peace. One legacy passed down to others as the torch of passion and compassion handed over to those who wait their turns at accomplishing acts of endearment and enhancement. Stay the course. Commit yourself to be bold and yet humble. You can only imagine how well you will do.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 23, 2015
Construction of good principles begins when one is first able to speak. Proper speech and communication all starts in one's home and is taught and exemplified by one's loving parents. For you, Officer Cook, good manners, courtesy and discipline took shape in California and in North Miami Beach, Florida. Having attended Sabal Palm Elementary School at a time when children were well behaved and there was not any bullying I can see where you acquired your wisdom, honor and the future leadership skills that would become very invaluable while patrolling, preserving and protecting Dade County and its residents. Your humbly driven desire, devotion, dedication and sincere determination to perform in an outstanding fashion is what navigated your success.And I'll always say if Our Lord gave you more years to continue your fulfillment of what was best in the total enhancement and education of all individuals. Your remain a hero through and through with a legacy that glistens as brightly as does your soul from the heavens above at night. A man of commitment, poise and honest and dignified motivation you were out there making sure we were safe and sound and were not going to be fearful of this epidemic we call violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, we sleep soundly because of your unselfish and unwavering actions of bravery, courage and valor that won't ever be forgotten. Treasured and talented. Cherished, caring and most considerate with a calming passion to resolve those dilemmas that needed solving. It is your humility personified and your wonderful and loving mother and father who raised two wonderfully gifted children.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 23, 2015
Resolve and reliance as compared to revenge and violence when dealing with any individual must be utilized to its fullest. That was why you were a very successful officer, Officer Cook, the most violent of disputes could be resolved just be using a calming tone of voice, rationale all while staying honorable and dignified. Since your passion was for caring for all people, exhibiting consideration and concern for all mankind, it's a shame some of today's men and women do not own up to this motto. The majority do. It's up to all departments to weed out those that don't uphold their solemn affirmations. Character requires commitments. Decorum results when one carries on in a dignified and desirable manner. The residents of Dade County witnessed true heroism, true humbleness through bravery and fortitude on a daily basis. You were one of the best, the most loyal and faithful of public servants in Dade County history among around one-hundred and forty other women and men who paid the ultimate price for peace and serenity to prosper among the masses. We salute and honor your trust and accountability. Your congenial personality is always going to be highly thought of as will your legacy of optimism, hope and professional achievement within your ranks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2015
Energetic and efficient, words all law enforcement personnel try to live by. It is their creed and part of their proper code of ethical professional behavior. But, then most people believe that no matter what line of endeavor one chooses, you should try and measure up to this way because there is a good probability you will go along way. Having ascribed to this way, Officer Cook, this made you one of your department's finest and most reliable officers. As always one must stay honest, be dignified and stay within the framework of stellar integrity. No matter the time or situation one faces you must stay the course. For your boldness, bravery and astuteness you'll never be forgotten. God looks at His heroes and heroines, He knows their roles when they are called home sadly, even though their sacrifices have led to enhancements and to peace and unity for all citizens. The Honor Roll for eternity, for safekeeping where you now patrol God's golden streets, Officer Cook, no harm can ever come your way again. Your commitment, class and decency have been and are still continuing to be rewarded for your heroically righteous ways of life and your cherished career of which you were outstanding in leadership and in performance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2015
As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday we are grateful for good health, peace and prosperity. Especially, we should be thankful for the many brave and courageous heroes and heroines of the various law enforcement communities who have sacrificed their lives so we can continue our lives living in peace and in unity. I'm sure before your family commences their holiday meal, Officer Cook, they will offer a prayer with you and your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. You were a humble man who enjoyed and relished serving as a Metro-Dade Police Officer. You gave something not too many would give, your life and career to secure the necessary unity and freedom for our citizens. Your integrity, dignity and honesty shall cast no doubt as to your unwavering commitment to pride and excellence, trustworthiness and resourcefulness to travel above and beyond the calls of duty. Everyday people should wake up and be thankful for a truly trusted and extremely loyal Godsend like yourself. They don't come along too often. But, My 16, 1979, you were there to answer a call and your versatility and reliability shined through. Officers need to be accountable, driven, determined and dedicated to all causes of educating, enlightening and in enhancing the masses of which you performed in an outstanding and brave manner. Never forgotten. I wish your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, the Tidwell and Wilkerson families a very happy holiday and a blessed year of good health, peace, prosperity and all the blessings of goodness. May they shine down upon you. Regards to your children whom I was humbled to meet, Alexis, Skyler and Legend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and grace, gallantry and leadership stay firmly entrenched within your family. A lesson for us all to learn.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 21, 2015
That is what police officers do, they are supposed to treat everyone with respect, young and old, the rich and the poor. You treated all citizens with respect, Officer Cook. You were very much admired and revered for your dedication and loyalty, bravery and unwavering commitment to serving and in protecting our basic needs and rights. Dade County continues to salute your honor, dignity and integrity. Whenever I walk or drive by where an officer was killed or they have something that memorializes them I stop and reflect. When I drive by NE 191st Street by the Visitation Catholic Church where you and Karen worshiped I look at those stained glass windows, one of which she donated to honor your memory. You will remain a pillar of strength for which your family can look to for hope, faith and your watchful eyes from God's heaven above where you now serve as our hero and guardian angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies and courage in character all help enhance that which you and your comrades and family represented, humility and faithfulness. All who came upon you either personally or professionally were treated and assisted with much love and admiration.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 21, 2015
Moments to share. Thoughts of how to care. Daring to be courageous and bold when honor and dignity count the most. All we can do is look to our heroes and heroines of law enforcement to provide the right lessons. You were known, Officer Cook, as Bill to your friends and comrades, built in leadership with logic and calmness prevailing. The Dade County community salutes your life, your value and valiant mannerisms. Surely a legacy built upon decency and class that can never be tarnished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 20, 2015
A pillar of the community, a rock of strength, a humble legend of enduring character, everything and more that is and what you were about, Officer Cook. Principles, morals and honesty can take any person as far as they desire to travel. Dade County and in its various venues your dignity and integrity shined through. You remain a hero who will forever be cherished an dwell thought of. Remember the good times, the proudest moments and of your life there were many. You heroically saved many lives on May 16, 1979 and won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 20, 2015
In eleven days, Officer Cook, you would have been celebrating your sixty-second birthday. All the what ifs, could, should or woulds, you can roll them around in your mind and you still come up with why. Why did this happen to such a terrific man, a well trained officer and simply put a supremely outstanding public servant? God knows. He knows. You placed a life of service and pride, commitment to battle, the courage to confront, all placed squarely on your big broad shoulders and were fortunate. For those of us who know those who patrol and preserve our dignities, we have been honored. Your honor, trust and integrity backed your every movement. Faith and hope lie close together as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The optimism that allows Dade County citizens to live in peace, to entertain enhance, to educate others and most of all to eradicate the stench of evil that took your young life, Officer Cook, this has served one important lesson, to be on guard and use your common sense and rationale, you always applied this to your life and career. A trusted and treasured hero for all time sake.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 19, 2015
I still visit your son, Officer William C. Cook's grave which I did this morning. Your cherished son, Mrs. Cook, was loved by all respected by his peers and most importantly, cherished and miss very dearly by his entire family. What he meant in terms of serving and protecting Dade County residents, humble and caring. loyal and faithful, the honesty, dignity and integrity always figured into anything he pursued during his life and in his professional police career. Officers thrive on serving, so any challenges that await them must be faced bravely and with a confident resolve. Getting to the bottom of things only just is the tip of the iceberg. You have not been forgotten and your actions of heroism always stay in the thoughts, hearts and minds of all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 19, 2015
If all the words of these reflections could bring those we love back from the heavens above, I would say you've created a miracle. It can't though they are never out of sight or from our hearts and thoughts. We pray, Officer Cook, your family stays strong and for the welfare of your one-hundred year old mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. I have come across parents of fallen officers who have reached that milestone, if only your darling, beloved and most humbly treasured son, Officer William C. Cook, could have lived to see his extended family. It continues to thrive and to pursue through his good deeds of character, commitment, courage and class, while his honesty, integrity and dignity stays based in their hearts and souls. His legacy of accomplishment, his mission to patrol, preserve and to protect stays within those comrades who have long since succeeded him on his watch. We pray they remain safe and stay focused in their convictions to eradicate wickedness from our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God watches over your beautiful soul that still shines as brightly as the constellations above us at night.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 18, 2015
Living in a world full of wonders and no telling what might happen. Last week in Paris, France there was another act of terror. Hundreds killed and injured. Makes you think, Officer Cook, how all the times you spent patrolling Dade County streets in an honorable and dignified fashion. Police can only do so much, this is the bottom line. Of course they answer calls like you did even when not called upon. This is what is meant by heroically and with a sense of urgency and decency going to a particular scene and trying to save lives while serving and watching over your own by calmly and cautiously evaluating the situation to see what needs to be done to bring about a peaceful resolution. You stand as a man of commitment to excellence, a humble and respected officer with a constitution of endearment always enhancing and making those individuals safer. Excuses have no place in any professional line of endeavor. Only the most sincerest and most compassionate persons belong in public service. Heroes and heroines after all are to be saluted for their outstanding valor, courage and bravery, something always displayed in your home, Officer Cook. For the righteous there is a blessing. For the evil the punishment is meted out by Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sacrificing for the people is what may be called upon by our dearest loved ones.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 18, 2015
For some the punishment fits the crime. Taking the life of any police officer, a person of humility, dignity, integrity and most of all honesty demands the most severest of punishment. Officer Cook, the man who took your young life, robbed you of your dignity and what was still left for you to fulfill had his life taken by your friend and comrade, Detective Daniel Blocker. Make no mistake you were and will always be admired for having the boldness, the commitment to excellence and pride, the faithfulness to act accordingly to save at least seven lives that awfully tragic day of May 16, 1979, a day never to be forgotten in Dade County history. History and heroism does run together along the same track as does peace and unity.It is the glue that keeps us the residents surviving and thriving in enhancement and in prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your memory, your life and career was exactly as Our Creator planned. Your mission was completed sadly and now you can humbly take your position patrolling God's golden streets forever. I still am amazed how persons can get away with taking the life of any officer without any punishment whatsoever. Really sad, burns my britches so to speak.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 17, 2015
Pounding the pavement, walking a beat, protecting, serving and preserving our safety, peace and unity. So many different things for any officer to comprehend and be able to maintain their professional courtesy, honesty, dignity and integrity. So much and yet you handled all, Officer Cook, with respect and admiration that your position called for at all times. We the citizen has to keep in mind is that you go out, leave your home and hopefully God willing you return safely by day or night to your loved ones. Your family, your colleagues and a host of your personal friends all know your were gallant, not timid, firm and focused, not off on a wild goose chase. You were reserved and humble, fearless and brave, your legacy of heroic actions reflects as such. You'll stay cherished and forever remembered for having the decency, class and proper ethical conduct to produce outstanding achievement. Six years maybe a short stint, but the maturity to lead others far surpassed what other comrades were capable of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officers as maddening as it is out there, still need to think and properly employ a plan of resolution. Actions still resonates louder than words alone.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 17, 2015
Gallantry and grace, pain and suffering, some of us experience one of these things during our lives, maybe more. One thing for sure, Officer Cook, the rewards of heaven are surely reserved for the heroes and heroines of yesterday and the past who have provided us with more than a passing eye, a glimpse of their integrity, dignity and inner strength of commitment. Undaunted by the challenges that all officers need to go through to properly carry out their just duties. But you remain treasured and cherished by your characteristic mannerisms that allowed you to meet the needs of all Dade County residents. Never forgotten. Always greeting people with a smile and courtesy that far transcends anything we might understand, your upbringing, humble and proper, only the truth came from your lips, advice to lead, maturity unmatched, you were and remain always our savior and fearless warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God gives us these tests daily to see if we can maximize our days, lives and years. Twenty-five years of enrichment, enhancement, honor, pride and excellence, what more can we say? You had more left to fulfill, it's up to those who faithfully and with a boldness like no other pursue and track down evil and wipe it away from our society. We realize even the finest men and women can only do so much. Police work demands accountability, acceptability and must importantly reliability. You had that Officer Cook, from heaven above keep filtering it down to your friends and colleagues who proudly wear the Metro-Dade Police Department uniform. It is worn with a reason, a purpose and with a plan of action heroically in mind. No gimmicks. Only the best of intentions and profound thoughtfulness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 16, 2015
I just found out yesterday, Officer Cook, that you have another niece, your nephew, Josh Hyatt has a sister and that she manages the home of your parents and where you and your sister, Nancy lived. You live on in the hearts of so many people who knew you and admired your integrity, honesty, bravery and resounding faithfulness to your comrades. Truly a legacy we all would want to emulate from a humble gentleman and an outstanding public servant. Dade County and its citizens stay bonded in peace and freedom where their enhancements can further be pursued because of your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice to all calls of professional duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The slumber of the wicked will be one day awakened by the actions of God's righteous heroes and heroines.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 16, 2015
Officer Cook as one of the many heroes of law enforcement, you were most beloved in and around your community. North Miami Beach and the Liberty City portion of Miami where you served and protected is one that they will always know what you sacrificed in order for strength in honor, peace and unity and in order for this to stay bonded as one. It takes the most skilled and the most humblest of human beings who served an important role. Some roles are difficult to maintain much less to achieve. Remember the good times, your family certain has, though we all wish you were still here with us sharing happy times. You were a cut above most individuals and gallant until the end. Everyday, every watch you displayed the necessary resolve and resourcefulness to properly and promptly take care of your professional assignments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The stain of wickedness can never tarnish your heroic actions and a badge you wore along with your uniform which stood for pride and excellence. Treasured and trustworthy. Bold and benevolent. Helpful and considerate. We try to live by your creed and proper morals.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 15, 2015