Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Responding to all calls with resourcefulness, you were the reason, Officer Cook, that all Dade County and its citizens may now and forever live in high esteem and in humility. Your kept calm and yet did all you could in dignity and in honor to save your colleagues from certain death and as well those civilians from the very same fates. Destiny truly dug in and your missions of endeavor were well founded in faith and hope for more peaceful and tranquil times. Desire, care, class and character were humbly instrumental in the cornerstones of enhancement and justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The quintessential public servant of professional perseverance and now one of Our Lord's many noble and gallant angelic heroes.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 3, 2017
Robed in glory, police officers are dressed for their roles of protection and perseverance having shiny black shoes, a polished badge and clean and crisply worn uniform that is meant to keep those who bravely serve morally straight and able to tow that trail of tenacity while terror, torment and turmoil try to interfere with their chosen pathways in life. You decided to become a policeman, Officer Cook, a prudent and wise choice from a dignified and honorable man. All the nobility, humility and fruition helped you at least function in a civil and calm manner. Peace and its effort are too important to slip up and bungle any resolve and boldness that needs to come through. Flying colors, Officer Cook, for your treasured and legendary service to Dade County and its folks. Your candor, class and extremely likable character assisted in saving your comrades and those people involved in that tragically awful day on May 16, 1979. No one will forget your kindness, your golden heart of gallantry and the affects it has had on our enhancements over these last thirty-eight years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones of the devoted and pious are forever in our thoughts and souls. Your wonderful soul rests gently in God's calming shelters of serenity where those who served and guided our paths watch over us as we aspire and take in your articles of inspiration. Amazing what a little maturity, intellect, ingenuity and intuition will do for a resourceful gentleman of faith and hope. Optimism for today, right now, tomorrow and the future. You paved those roads of future accomplishments and fruition for others to follow. You place the right person in charge and the outcomes are there for observing. A square peg in a square hole and a round peg in a round hole. Crime under your watch, Officer Cook, was diminished and that was explicit, no questions asked.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 2, 2017
To procure peace and resolve you must have dignity and integrity tucked away in the pangs of honesty. Perseverance must be served by only those brave and reverent officers of enhancement. Dade County cherishes its heroes of character, determination who serve without any reservation or hint of hesitation. You were a mighty man of faithfulness and devotion, Officer Cook, who answered those bells of tenacity and common sense. Your maturity, experience and gallantry was the lessons of courage that have been shared by all those who attempt to stand up to evil. You did this very humbly, Officer Cook. The results were accomplishment and fulfillment of your missions watched over by God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were the testament of what morals will do for any worthwhile public servant. The salt of the earth and our warrior and savior.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 2, 2017
Memorandums and notes on the blackboard are meant to inspire an officer's safety. Roll call is that quality time and yet the moments before one takes to the streets. Stay focused and be careful, words of wisdom meant to be heeded. Indeed you listened to your superiors, Officer Cook, as you were among their best public servants. Integrity and honor are meant to aspire brave and valiant men and women to live up to their affirmations. Morals and character is what brings people together and stabilizes the peaceful pursuits of their lives and property. If something needed fixing and resolving, there you were, Officer Cook, trustworthy and tactful. You saved and preserved our dignities, this won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 2, 2017
To deliberate takes some effort and the time to properly plan out your decisions where preparation and planning do go hand in hand. If your morals and honesty are squarely placed where they can do the most service all the better. Dade County and its residents deserve the finest quality of service from its brave and dignified servants of character, courage and conviction. You displayed these essential work habits, Officer Cook. It takes a lot of achievement to construct a life and professional career around a demanding position of onus and accountability. You remain a cherished humanely humble gentleman of class and decency that will always be supremely saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Any action including those of a heroic nature call for contemplation and the peace and unity of all mankind was brought about through encouraging personality, Officer Cook. Enhancement will definitely be here forever thanks to your faithfulness and passionate resolve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 2, 2017
To perceive and to pursue, all this and more is asked of every honorable and courageous public servant. Dade County and its citizens require great diligence and effort from its men and women of humility. You had the desire and drive, Officer Cook, to see things through. Those missions of commitment and character were directed by God's hands of grace and you delivered the peace and safety that was sought by all. If you put a cherished man who was greatly respected and revered by all peers and your family in a position of responsibility, then you got the desired resolve. Intuitions and ingenuity can only meet at the same crossroad when integrity and dignity are there to greet them. Always a hero of high regard and top notch humility to humanity. Your humbleness is forever left with your family members, Officer Cook and it won't be forgotten. They pursue their dreams as vivaciously as you did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If you see something not just right then go and try and fix it.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 1, 2017
From days of old there's a story to be told. It's the truth of the matter that means the most. Sometimes it is chilling, but for the most part it's quite revealing. As we look back into the character of an honest gentleman of persuasion and class, the decency and determination to carry on with the everyday rigors of a job, a calling where common sense and reason must prevail. Officer Cook, you were the fitting example of a humane public servant of valor and virtue. One whose character was concealed in humility and the proper integrity to further man's dreams and aspirations. Dade County and its benefactors were the recipients of your kindness, caring and consideration. Their peace, stability and prosperity were the direct results of your unwavering resolve and resourcefulness. In stressful moments it's in the hands of those loyal and humble enough to come up with solutions which in turn can be the resolutions to problems that crop up from time to time. Your life and family can fondly look back on your life and the destinies of your missions that were in God's eyes. His eyes and ears reveal and see everything. They viewed your character, courage and convictions, Officer Cook, all in the name of peace and security where violence and its torment tends to leave stains of violence. You were a gifted and faithful servant who protected and served like no other. Preservation with no consternation. All delivered by a truly blessed and treasured gentleman and a heroic Godsend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 1, 2017
We spill our hearts out for those humble and humane souls of serenity who sacrificed their lives on our behalf. Devoted and dignified men and women serving and protecting us with every ounce of energy, integrity and morals. Your effort and endeavor, Officer Cook, was just what the people of Dade County needed to further their plans for a better life. Courteous and well mannered carried your life and professional pursuits. The fruits of wisdom and the kindness of knowing what to do. Accomplish and acclaim can only occur when humility toward humanity is front and center. A wonderful man whose character, class and concern are all a part of your endearing heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sorrow shall one day be replaced and replenished with joy and gladness when we reunite with you. God's celestial heavens are filled with ingenuity and intuition from those angelic heroes of bravery and commitment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 1, 2017
Dignity deserves respect. Boldness beckons courage. Integrity and honor trust in one another. The systems of checks and balances for all police departments relies on each hand steadying the rudder. If one soldier falls out of line, then it's up to those brave and faithful to bring that servant back to where they truly belong. You either serve and protect properly or choose another endeavor by which to succeed at, You chose police work, Officer Cook, it was what you loved and aspired to become from when you were a young man. Bravery and valor subscribe to the ideals of firmness and fairness for all. Justice cannot be blind nor can it become perverted. It must be the goal by which all determined men and women acquit themselves in an intelligent and articulate fashion. Dade County and its folks were made much more safer and sound by your humble esteem for them, Officer Cook. Let it be told and without any doubts that you were their hero, humane and full of unwavering character and commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 30, 2017
The habits of people and their customs change from minute to minute. Sometimes one must draw a fine line and not cross that line. Those who are humane and decent recognize where they stand. We rise and fall, yet through it all we remain a stable nation. The wars, the violence, the bloodshed and the baseless hatred must soon stop. It must cease if peace and prosperity is to be rightfully obtained by all. You provided us with excellent care and compassion for every person, Officer Cook. Not sure just a thank you would suffice after all you gave the ultimate sacrifice of your character, integrity, leadership and vision on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. The consideration, the cooperation took part in warding off consternation. Your tenacity and ferocity were a powerful duo in this fight over evil and in particular that ugly domestic dispute which took you way too soon from your family, comrades and close friends. You'll never forgotten. Heroes and heroines of valor are those humbly righteous servants of God who know their destinies, their fruition and their missions when Our Creator deems them finished and brings them back to heaven to patrol those golden and sacred streets of eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's never too late to say a humble prayer for both you and your dad, Charles, may he to rest in peace. Mrs. Cook, you should live and be well. I'll keep praying for your welfare and devoutness and continue to honor the memory of your son, "Billy," Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664. It certainly and surely served with much pride, diligence, vigilance and perseverance. A gentleman of humility who gave humanity all the preservation one could ask of a public servant, professional and personable. Well liked. Respected and treasured among all those who ever wore a police uniform and a badge of boldness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 30, 2017
I spoke yesterday morning at a Sabbath service I lead in the town of Pembroke Park, Florida in Broward county. I visit and try my best to guide these folks who average ninety years of age. Officer Cook, you carried yourself with professional pride, integrity, honesty and humility in order for your messages of peace and unity through constant determination and the self-motivation needed for this to sink in. I used two words, "Homeland Security," and they were used because where they residents live is in an adult congregate living residence, not a facility, this is akin to a jail. They have freedoms to move about, some may even drive. I was told of a one-hundred and one year old man driving from this same place where I visit to Boca Raton, Florida to work. This is in Palm Beach County. In Dade county where you humbly patrolled you were well admired as a hero and an intelligent man. An officer of first class decency, desire and devotion to faithfully and loyally discharge his duties to serve and protect. I admire men and women who tackle tough and demanding jobs where challenges must be met. There must be efficiency, proficiency and no deficiency. Astuteness and awareness must travel around with each brave soul of character, conviction and commitment to both excellence and pride. You donned your uniform and badge for a reason, Officer Cook. The supreme test for any person's morals and ethics are their work habits and how they measure up during stressful situations. You towed the company line, Officer Cook, obeying and following rules and regulations designed to keep both you and the public safe while on duty. You have been saluted and remembered for humility and the noble actions which you executed on May 16, 1979. Always a true savior and a blessed Godsend. You took care of us very well, Officer Cook, our venues were properly maintained and the enhancement of peace shall be the foundations you masterfully have to set down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our homeland was honored and will forever be in debt to your gracious and gallant missions of fruition you performed on behalf of all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 30, 2017
To the highest degree is honesty and integrity expected from all dignified servants who go out and patrol the many venues within our country. Dade County is a large and populated area and one where unfortunately crime is prevalent. All you can expect is for public servants to protect and secure peace for all utilizing all reasonable means at their disposal. You served, Officer Cook, risking your life for our serenity and the means for us to continue living productive lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Treasured and beloved. A man of humbleness diving in the waters of wickedness to save lives while your heroic legacy remains etched in out hearts and minds.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 29, 2017
Like a person clunked on the head by a coconut, what will it take for that proverbial light to go on before we realize our responsibilities at hand? It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what plans need to be adopted in this war/ You took part in the process, Officer Cook, spearheading Dade County's best effort. Your dignity and knowledge all combined with character and integrity made enhancement through peace more plausible. You were a hero and a humane gentleman whose affection for his fellow colleagues will be so honored and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearment is everlasting and so was your devotion to detail and the gallantry to give. Now we understand why you were a born leader of other brave men and women. Keep observing us, Officer Cook, for God's giant lookout tower of faith and unselfish tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 29, 2017
Police work is not meant for idly passing the time of day. It takes hard work and a yearning to learn the ropes and the rigors of what is demanded from all brave and honorable servants of peace and prosperity. You gave your life of nobility, humility and accountability, Officer Cook, for the sake of Dade County and its hope of renewal and a brighter tomorrow. Cherished and admired for bravery and integrity that all heroes live by Your unwavering and undying commitment to justice was complete and now God has taken you back to heaven for an eternal journey of patrolling His streets where your character and convictions will surely mesh with those many other brave and superior angelic heroes and heroines of resolve and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humble people take action. The loquacious are just that idol chatter that produces nothing but waste. Violence and evil require doing. You did all you could, Officer Cook. The battle, the war, the fight only rages on. You must be passionate, yet care and be compassionate to steer evil away from those who pursue peace and really want it. This is our mission and destiny and its desires are calling us to answer the bell. It tolls for us. The bells at St. Mary's Cathedral tolled for you, Officer Cook and the supreme sacrifice you made on our behalf. Bagpipes wailing. Helicopters hovering above. Guns going off saluting your courage and inspirational determination and self=confident motivational skills. Preparation leads to more optimistic conclusions.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 29, 2017
Good manners and politeness begins in one's home. And so does integrity, honesty and dignity. Your career came full circle, Officer Cook, in conviction, character and stellar commitment to the people of Dade County, a place where you were a very fair minded and loyal servant. Peace and quiet, liberty and unity can only start when one is poised and focused on those critical tasks at hand. Your colleagues and friends knew you and recognized your insight, impact, wisdom and keen vision as this all resulted in mostly peaceful outcomes. Resolutions are at times tough to acquire, a little perseverance never hurt anyone. You're surely missed, but not forgotten. Your bravery was the kind of heroism that all police must somehow possess. You kept your cool and positively influenced folks in the right manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those angelic heroes and heroines are reunited with you, Officer Cook, making God's firmament that much more safer. you proudly walk that beat on those sacred golden streets. Nothing can ever detour nor distract you ever again. You performed your job ever so faithfully on May 16, 1979. Dade County has seen the light as your soul burns brightly everyday.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 29, 2017
We cheer on the underdog. We champion the causes of goodwill, faith and hope. We challenge ourselves to do the will of God everyday to make our society a little better. Police must summon up their humility, find the honest and dignified ways to solve crime and to preserve our peace. Life demands this. Our movements in Dade County were tied to your resourcefulness and integrity, Officer Cook, a gentleman of humbleness and esteem whose mission was to battle and to fulfill God's wishes. Our character, your character, courage and commitment was and always will be of a heroic nature. Enhancement should be anchored forever in those cornerstones and foundations of fairness, firmness and ferocity you began to lay over forty years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 29, 2017
Fairness and firmness requires a certain tact. A certain sure fire way of uncovering something from under the rock that might lead to a hopeful outcome. Crimes are tough to solve at times especially when you think you have all the evidence, the i's dotted and the t's crossed. In the courts of law thing shave to come together properly, one little thing missing and it's back to the drawing board. Nothing out of place when you worked and served our interests, Officer Cook. You gave Dade County and its residents that respite fresh air to breathe that was essential. You humbly carried your character, honor and humility straight forward never looking back. The pathways of justice are filled with obstacles at times, we need brave souls to unravel those mysteries that turmoil produces. You gave and delivered the best results, Officer Cook, one man's enhancement that has been etched upon those granite walls of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You performed in an equitable and exacting fashion. Now those who take the baton are charged with being culpable and courageous in all their affairs. You must think and yet react with the same measures of urgency. Violence doesn't take time off neither can we tarry in our attempts.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 28, 2017
To those whose ideals revolve around evil, better think twice before digging in and committing violence. It's stench will be tracked down by those public servants loyal and sincere in their challenges to meet evil and knock this foe for a loop. You did that for six years here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of meticulous meaning whose measures of resolve and resourcefulness were on par with your dignity and integrity. A man humbly patrols his venue with vigor and helps his peers in their search for peace. The meanings of life and the character of a righteous hero that lives in the hearts and minds of those who respected your leadership and ingenuity. No one will forget your maturity, experience and ability to accomplish what you set out to do. Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What our heroes and heroines champion shall stay forever grounded in the guises of grit and unwavering gallantry.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 28, 2017
God has granted your mother and your extended family a multitude of blessings and long life. The reason was your devoutness, faith and honesty, Officer Cook, in dealing with whatever came your way. You were unafraid and unwavering in your endeavors to fight off evil. The trauma of losing you too soon left a gaping hole in the hearts of your family, colleagues and close personal friends who came to rely upon your integrity and desire to see justice properly dispensed among all mankind. It's those valiant and hardworking heroes and heroines who go out on patrol looking for an edge in this war over terror. You came through, Officer Cook, accomplished and succeeded in cornering peace and laying down the trails of peace and resolve that will last forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Some holes are easier to fill in, this one is a tragedy that might take much longer to fulfill. You had more left to accomplish. I guess God saw your journeys to completion and needed your efforts in heaven where nothing will ever harm you again.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 28, 2017
Denying anyone the right to live is akin to denying one their rights to be in peace with others who choose to pursue freely those passions that intrigue them. Officer Cook, you lived in Dade County and in North Miami Beach, Florida where you grew up. Good manners, politeness, neatness and just being a kind soul of a man. Police work exacts a toll of its brave men and women, we know that. The hero in you, Officer Cook, was dignified, centered on integrity and honed in honesty. Never a truculent moment. Never a rude remark, only first class resolve and fruition in your battles over violence. Your missions and their journeys, Officer Cook, were designed to enrich people's lives, your consummate character, conviction and commitment all were driven by God's stellar and perfect hands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 28, 2017
We continue to pay it forward, Officer Cook, for your honesty and goodwill on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. Dignity and integrity always displayed. valor and humility always centered right on your uniform and badge. All public servants must be accountable and loyal to their peers of perseverance. It all came down to your family life and the values of character and courage by which your parents instilled in you and Nancy, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We leave enhancement to Our Lord who furthers your heroic legacy and the very foundations of ferocity and tenacity you set down here in a community where you have been and continue to be saluted.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 28, 2017
Police must be graceful and polite. They cannot function like deer in highlights. Dade County relies upon many heroes and heroines of skill, wisdom and honesty to fully comprehend and complete the daily tasks in this battle over wickedness. You fully intended to do your job knowing the risks involved, Officer Cook. You were a passionate and yet humane gentleman who knew what was necessary for peace and freedom to become a mainstay for all whom you protected and served. Your life of character and rational was the realization of what we say you were, a grand man and a thinking officer who was concerned for everybody. Never a day goes by without thinking of you and your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice on behalf of us. It has opened new doors to prosperity and the gates of gallantry are now opened for you and your colleagues who too were brave and noble. The pious shall rejoice, while the wicked are being hunted down and punished for their wrongdoing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. a joy and pleasure to your parents, you gave them nothing but pride, Officer Cook, your smile and a badge and uniform worn crisply and succinctly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 28, 2017
Memories stay etched upon our hearts and thoughts forever. You cannot erase the past, you can only move on with the matters at hand. The presence of honorable and dignified men and women who continue maintaining your legacy, Officer Cook. They seek to wipe away evil in Dade County. a venue you so passionately cared for. Its people and your comrades have all saluted your valor and bravery, the courage that was summoned from your heart. A heart of gold. Intellect and insight, ingenuity that has stood the test of time. Your character and commitment, its boldness humbly pronounced remains the cornerstones by which we keep aspiring through your journeys of inspiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Twenty-five years of due diligence and the very devoted vigilance that all people come to expect. Those morals and your professional conduct have been reinforced within all those souls as brave as you were who have taken over your watch over us. Vanity is what it is. One day triumph over evil shall reign in our society of which you were an integral part of, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 28, 2017
Courtesy and kindness go together on any public servant's watch just as honor and integrity. Without dignity and eloquence nothing can be accomplished, the peace and unity, the prosperity of all communities depend upon these work habits. Everything that was essential was utilized by you, Officer Cook, a man of devout faith, wisdom, knowledge and the understanding of what it took to become a fine officer. A fine gentleman of humanity whose unselfish humility helped you conquer violence and bring out resolve in a respected and resolute fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You endeared yourself to our world and now Our Creator has you sheltered up above for eternal safekeeping. keep patrolling His golden gates of gallantry and those pathways of prosperity for us all, Officer Cook. A dear man and a hero who saved Dade County and its residents. cherished and most beloved. A kind man with a giving spirit.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 28, 2017
We will continue honoring your memory, Officer Cook. Today, I was dropping off a friend of our family off at Jackson High School in Miami and I wanted to drive on 17th Avenue at NW 75th Street to see the sign bearing your humble and heroic name. Naturally, I cried a bit after all you were my neighbor, friend and a hero to all Dade County and its folks whom you served with distinction and dignity. Your class, character and integrity as just like your beloved soul, enhancing our world with nothing but the warm rays of the sun. Rest in peace. You dreamed and accomplished. You left more to fulfill, God saw your destinies of ferocity and tenacity through for others to tackle those challenges. Big shoes indeed. Your badge of honor and high energy and intensity surely enough for any brave soul to aspire to become. Nothing lacking, always prepared, fruitful and firm when it mattered the most. Peace needs to be realized. Why violence happens there can be no rationalization, it just has to be stamped out, fairly and firmly. You took an affirmation and lived up to your word, Officer Cook, morals and proper conduct from a professional public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 27, 2017