Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The cages of sin are opened for those to leave and commit evil. We must keep career criminals locked up and never again allow them to view the light of day. You possessed a variety of skills, Officer Cook, no telling what integrity, dignity and good old fashioned honesty can do to resolve a dilemma. Here in Dade County where you were respected, admired and revered, your courage and clarity along with your stellar character was pristine. Your calming voice of reason and inspiration shall never be forgotten. Peace and unity live in the humble actions of the righteous. God guards those faithful public servants of which you were one of the most blessed heroes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2017

For our heroes who give their lives, the days of old, each with a heart warming story to be retold. Though, I did not know you personally, Officer Cook, from what I heard about you from your family, your mother's beautiful letter she wrote to me and from your niece, Mrs. Gina Wilkerson telling me wonderful things about you, just wonderful. You were an inspiration to all who knew you. Your desire, dignity and dedication was par excellence. Integrity and character unquestionable, no doubt Dade County and its folks were well protected and serviced loyally by a most faithful gentleman with a heart and spirit to match. You were well received and very beloved by comrades, friends and your family. Peace and unity are the starting points in these battles to defeat wickedness. It must begin now. Those who fight on do so with your esteem and fruition in mind. Your bravery now becomes a part of them forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mountains can be tough to climb. Your aspirations, goals and dreams now serve as motivating elements in our daily pursuits. Better utilize them wisely and soundly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2017

As we get closer to May a flood of memories seems to overwhelm our thoughts. Always the what if this happened or if that happened. Nevertheless you gave your life and career, Officer Cook, with full devotion, deserved dedication, resourcefulness and the honor, integrity and dignity that's expected from all public servants in the face of evil. Evil seems to catch us looking and yet it won't ever beat us down. It's the one opponent police have to be cunning, yet courageous, keep peace and unity while maintaining a professional character, commitment and wisdom over things. You always had Dade County and its residents in your heart and mind, Officer Cook. You got it. The right tools of tenacity following you down those tracks of terror in an effort to stamp out violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humble and well liked, well respected and admired for class and proper morals, they are always the best partners of any law enforcement official. Foundations and cornerstones well constructed and never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2017

Momentum is a force to be reckoned with. Now whether that is a positive or a negative depends upon the role and performance of each officer. You made changes happen during your watch, Officer Cook, peace and unity was safely delivered by your cunning and courageously heroic actions. But then again, you went strictly by the book and your sincerity helped bolster the dreams and plans of those whom you served and protected. You put your life and career on the blocks for us, Officer Cook, no one could be any greater. You led by example, maintained good relations because of your composure, conviction and the drive to achieve. Comrades have remembered your style and principles entrenched in your work ethics. Never out of sight, never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A life of balance and common sense exercised by a thinking person's mind and the desire to grow within your responsibilities. It's a crying shame you could not be a part of today's enhancements, Officer Cook, some started happening while you were with us. Violence and its trails of terror, turmoil and torment need to be permanently eradicated from our society. You did your part, it is now up to those honorable and brave enough to battle its winds of rage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

If any public servant feels a compulsion to break with tradition and with a cadence of honesty, dignity and integrity, then better leave the police department. You see clearly all loyal and devout officers, men and women must carry with them a cadre of courage and character. Character equals dignity, integrity and commitment. To police the streets and to serve the interest of all citizens certain characteristics must be enforce and they are what is spelled out above. You had morals, knowledge, maturity and leadership skills, Officer Cook and you were able to make a smooth transition from the police academy to the streets of a community where you have been paid tributes and salutes of sanctity and valor. A man of sure fire resolve, humility and the humbleness to accomplish your missions as faithfully as possible. Heroic, humane and most beloved, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A devoted gentleman cherished by all, your left a legacy of endearment for all to aspire to. You are our warrior and hero. May God's light shine brightly on your soul. Our freedoms and liberties depended on your reliance and those broad shoulders which carried onuses too great for us to comprehend. Just ponder and imagine what you had to go beyond to become the very professional that Dade County folks witnessed for six years of excellence and proficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

Calamity and prosperity are the touchstones of integrity. In order to achieve one must first be honorable and dignified. And only then when integrity and loyalty are exercised then success can rise or fall depending on the exertion of fruition. Dade County prospered greatly under your spirited watch, Officer Cook and for your heroically humble endeavors were they able to stay unified and peaceful. Today and forever will your memory, its messages and your life and career be so honored. God's honor roll of humane angelic heroes and heroines sadly has grown halt this violence in His everlasting mercy. Their righteousness stays ingrained in our thoughts and hearts as does yours, Officer Cook. Your humane public service shall stand as the character, commitment of a truly valiant gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

The eyes and ears of Our Lord in heaven gaze at us as we pursue our loves and make hopefully wise decisions based on the positive outcomes they hope to yield. You were a relentless source of resolve, Officer Cook, the kind all humanity hopes to have from its bravest heroes in their fight over violence. Dade County and its residents were the ones who gained peace, prosperity and so much more. Fruition is only fulfilled if integrity, dignity and honor are so maintained. You kept your cool and wits about you, Officer Cook, in times of trouble and so was your unwavering tenacity to solve whatever problems occurred. You won't be forgotten as you served and protected us with pristine clarity in order to lead other men and women through times of duress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

There are reasons for everything and yet understanding those explanations are seemingly far out beyond our wildest reaches. Today, we still cannot fully comprehend why your life was taken from us, Officer Cook. Dade County and your colleagues missed out all these years later in seeing and greeting you. Your soul of serenity floats high above us daily, your honesty, wisdom and dignity were the reasons why you succeeded in making peace and its unity a thing that has enhanced our venues forever. Humanity and hope if applied properly can have long lasting and very powerful effects within our society. You possessed the right character, righteous and devout, brave and bold. Your commitments, Officer Cook, were fulfilled, those who have taken over your watch proceed on with the greatest caution and consideration. A foundation of goodwill and hope have been spread throughout by your respected endeavors, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

Bite off more than you can chew and you may encounter difficulties swallowing. Officers must accept risk, danger and who knows what else. Officer Cook, your dream was to become a police officer and an excellent one at that. A charming and handsome young man who greeted everyone with an engaging smile, a hearty laugh and a kind word. Maybe like my dad, Officer Cook, you were too nice to be a public servant, yet service and protection was in your blood. Your veins carried vigor and vitality while distributing resolve and fruition in all your missions. There was more left to accomplish. God directed your life and its fulfillment, now God has you and your beautiful soul sheltered for eternity in His palace with other brave souls who too sacrificed for mankind to aspire and endeavor to finish their assignments of astuteness. Your intelligence, maturity, integrity and dignity carried you from venue to venue in Dade County. Peace and calm was realized by your faithfulness, loyalty and devotion to your colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism and humility are learned and practiced, yours, Officer Cook, was preached in your loving home and taught by your wonderful parents. We shall all ascribe to learn and live these lessons well. The golden rule in the Cook Household as in any house should be to treat others as you would want to be treated. Respect. Good manners and morally acceptable behavior. Not to be overlooked nor forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

Insightful and fulfilling. Your destiny, Officer Cook, was to lay down paths of protection and perseverance for all citizens in Dade County and there was no doubt your ferocity and tenacity opened many doors of opportunity for those to pass through. We may take for granted police officers. We should not, for their professions call for integrity, dignity and honor as much as other chosen endeavors ask of their employees. You brought a personable care and concern, Officer Cook, for your family, friends and those esteemed and humble cohorts who like yourself fought a daily battle in this wrath of wickedness. Thank God for your humility and tenacity. Missed everyday, but never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

Proliferation. Penetration. Perpetration. Ruination. One's thoughts can be penetrating. I believe proliferate is to add on, the abundance of something. Goodness shall follow us all of our days. Honor comes to those who display display the loyalty, integrity and the unwavering bravery and courage to see them through on their missions in life. What saw your travels of success to completion was your dignity, character and the morals that mean something. Piercing through with perseverance and the resolve to act humbly and heroically to bring peace and civility to all Dade County residents. You'll never be forgotten for your wit, smile and engaging personality that led others through terror and turmoil. Remembered and so honored for class, devotion and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With the right motivation and sheer determination one can accomplish almost anything they set their hearts and minds to do. Challenges are what make us more humane and tend to humble us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2017

Patience. Perseverance. Professionalism. Of all the traits public servants need and much more. You place your humility and humbleness on the line, then only resolve and fruition shall follow you. Dade County allowed you, Officer Cook, the privilege to serve the. You kept the shelters of peace and security close to one another. Dignity and integrity deserve the sincerity of each other if we are to live our lives peacefully and fruitfully. You remain treasured and adored by all mankind. You made your parents proud, Officer Cook. Your concern, class, decency and character helped enhancements stayed forever etched into the landscape where you served. A hero is honored for their bravery, your courage, Officer Cook, will be revered forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2017

Police work requires at times sophistication, being subtle and the greatest care, concern and consideration for the public at large which is both protected and served by the many brave and honorable men and women. Public servants whose integrity, faith, dignity and unquestionable character are tested each moment of their duties. So its mandatory that they all stay abreast of the situations as they unfold. In Dade County you were up to snuff on all the pertinent information, Officer Cook, as you were a gentleman of commitment, conviction and the proper morals to deliver the peace and efficiency to all residents. More beloved, respected and cherished by your family, peers and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2017

You are who you are if you are brave and honorable, devoted to the calls in life that may take us to places we might not want to go to. In Dade County, a man lays his character and life on the line as you did, Officer Cook, for the staunch realities of freedom and peace to take shape. Now many decades from that awful day you have been so fondly remembered for taking the corrective heroic action that saved your comrades and no telling how many other civilians. Domestic violence is terrible just as much as any other crime is so men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, who are honest, have dignity and integrity can fairly represent those of us who need assistance. Never forgotten. A blessed Godsend and a resourceful hero. Humbleness shares its roles in the chambers of all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2017

Fundamental and fair. Firm and yet unwavering in ferocity, you cannot ask for a more accomplished and humble public servant. Officer Cook, you were one of the many superb professionals who was relied upon for peace and liberty to march together. The essentials of good morals beyond question and the character that dignifies a beloved and faithful man in all his missions and journeys of justice. You'll remain cherished and so honored for your unselfish bravery and conviction, it was your leadership, vision and knowledge which in part led to the enhancements we can all share in today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your deserved to live on, Officer Cook, it was Our Creator who took your treasured soul to a venue of golden streets where our angelic heroes and heroes sleep soundly in eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2017

Delving. Driving. Desiring. All brave and dignified law professionals must somehow concentrate on the eradication of evil and what its presence means to the peace and unity process. Here in Dade County we need firm yet fair men and women of honor to sort out the kayos into a more nurturing environment. You accomplished this, Officer Cook, by being acutely aware of your surroundings. Now decades later you have been so humbly saluted for having the heroic skills and integrity to have kept people calm and informed. Nothing better than having the proper frame of mind and the morals to be able to find danger lurking and to lead other colleagues through these extreme dangers. Noble and never unselfish. Unquestionable character and commitment to excellence and pride. You took your duties seriously and fruition in all your missions was reached. God somehow needed your destinies to continue in heaven as you were our savior and warrior. A blessed man and a gentleman of genius and ingenuity. Situations call for special measures, your resourcefulness never shined more brilliantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Loved and admired by all. More importantly, missed by all. Hope you are doing well Mrs. Cook and your grandson, Josh Hyatt received my Easter card. Your son was a darling young man and an even more esteemed human being who saved his friends and those civilians on May 16, 1979 from even more harm. He will never be forgotten. I try and visit his grave each year on that day and on his birthday and few other times as well. He meant everything to Dade County and its people in being able to enhance their peace and freedoms to live in humility and with a semblance of honor. Evil beware you will be hunted down.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2017

Carving out a career of courage and boldness you will be so honored, Officer Cook. Your loving and most proud family members can take comfort in knowing you served Dade County and its residents smartly, honorably and with unwavering dignity and integrity. Character and conviction must somehow travel down through the pathways of precision and perseverance. A humble man who protected with the heart of a lion. We shall salute your inane wisdom, leadership and the intelligence needed to battle evil. Violence must be cutoff before it mushrooms into more wickedness. Public servants give humility a ride through the corridors of resolve as you did ever so faithfully, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2017

No style points. Only the finest service and dedication to mankind that our society could ask for. Giving and protecting. Securing and keeping the crowns of peace and unity where they ought to be. That's right. You gave your proficiency and honesty for all Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of God, a most devout and proud servant, a gentleman with integrity, dignity and a wise heart. Humble and esteemed, one can always remember the days you served with commitment, character and distinction. The cream most times rises to the top. As all public servants in times of torment and turmoil must do. A shiny badge, polished black shoes, a personable demeanor that led others through peril and danger. The courage, Officer Cook, while keeping morally just. Fairness and firmness the way determination must travel, down the roads of resolve, ferocity and unselfish tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No points, only the rewards of Our Creator for a job well done and a life and career carried out with boundless humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

A wise guy is one who jokes about something. A mature and disciplined individual does something constructive to correct a problem. Deficiency occurs when extreme care and caution is not properly utilized. One has to have the humility first and then to trust their honorable instincts in order to succeed. You did achieve, Officer Cook, going over and beyond the calls of duty to secure and reign in terror. Your utmost integrity and dignity was enforced on May 16, 1979, Liberty City and for that matter all Dade County was well stabilized precisely by your leadership, character, courage and wisdom. The vision necessary to curb kayos and mayhem. Comrades from around the world and this country have all paid tribute to your memory and the foundations of fruition launched by your efforts of heroism and noble morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.We lavish praise on sports heroes even ones who loose their lives over incidents that may happen and should not have happened. Boating and driving under the influence costs lives. Giving one's life in service to their community deserves all the humane salutes of honor, class and decency. Your life, Officer Cook, will always be respected, revered and remembered as the one of many brave Dade County Police Heroes and Heroines. Accomplishments such as yours, Officer Cook, shall never be relegated to the back burner. Those cornerstones you firmly and fairly set down are now front and center forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

Adoring and endearing, you were the honest and classical humble example of a hard worker, loyal and dedicated to the causes of peace, Officer Cook. It's heroes, those humane and gifted individuals blessed with an inner strength that carried you on your missions where destiny and peace came together. Now and forever does Dade County and its citizens share their thoughts and heartfelt reminders of what you meant to your family, peers and esteemed colleagues. It was your grace and sincerity along with integrity and dignity that fortified your faithful journeys coupled with morals and principles that all public servants must never lack. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

Determination and drive power all public servants who grace us with their bravery and humility. Humanity presents us with Godsends of gallantry, valor and honor who go out in their chosen communities and serve and protect us allowing peace and stability to be a staple of life. Precisely what you did, Officer Cook and very confidently too. All anyone can ask of all police officers is to just be fair, calm and level headed in making split second decisions. Keep dignity and integrity pinned to your badge and uniform. Take those dangers and their challenges in this battle over evil and turn negatives into positives. Character, class and decency all were a part of your righteous and devoted life. A faithful and treasured servant who relished giving back to his community where you have been so honored, remembered and saluted for courageously heroic actions that saved your comrades and civilians too. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

Easter and Passover coincide this year and with these holy days brings a renewal of spirit and giving. Your family, Officer Cook, gave and brought their community only peace and prosperity, hope and faith, integrity, honesty, humility and dignity. Your career and life, Officer Cook, were all because of hard work and a loyalty you had among your professional peers. And for this reason and your character, the residents of Dade County have peace and tranquility spread out among them. Enhancement can forever its journeys all because of your unwavering missions that were accepted and accomplished in a cherished and respected manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

Crime and evil just keeps getting worse and in doing so dares its perpetrators to commit more heinous evil. Violence stands up and dares those who serve bravely and with unquestionable honor and character to do something about it. No second thoughts, Officer Cook, no waffling, no hesitation. You just gave us and the good people of Dade County heroic service and laid the ground for enhancement to continue its steady elevation. The peak of perseverance and preservation all carried out by a loving and loyal comrade and friend to so many. So very many thought highly of a young and engaging man on a mission of achievement. You accomplished . In this war, Officer Cook dignity and honesty went hand in hand with your valor and integrity. The best result was for peace and calm to take shape. Though, you are missed very much by family, colleagues and the many friends you and Karen had from around this country. Gallantry and humility rest solely in God's loving embrace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You have been honored and will forever be in Dade County as its hero along with other colleagues who led the way for others to follow in their steps of tenacity and unwavering ferocity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2017

If all we desire is peace and decency, then at least let those who serve with dignity accomplish their jobs without danger. That statement is not always plausible. Officers when they go to the police academy and then pass all their required tests recognize all too well the risks associated with their chosen avenues of astuteness and endeavor. You knew it, Officer Cook and yet this is what you wanted to do. To go out and serve a community, one that honors your bravery and courage, acumen and alertness, dignity and morals all a part of your conviction, commitment and stellar character. Dade County was protected and looked after very well under your leadership, vision and sincerity. Today almost forty years after your sacrifice you are being honored and saluted for bringing peace, civility and sanity back to those citizens who deserve the opportunity to reach fruition and to accomplish whatever they set out to do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clarity clearly was your main mission and your goals of focusing and deterring were not impeded. Violence one day will be escorted from our society. Keep observing us, Officer Cook. A humble legend of a treasured gentleman. Humanity's gift was your humility and heroic life and career shaped by the finest virtues a man could possess.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2017

Concealed in humility, conceived in liberty, police go out on their daily patrols under the watchful eyes and ears of Our Creator. It is after all He who bestows their honor and integrity within their beings. Their exploits are diligently observed and that is where their vigilance in gaining our unity and peace occurs. Dade County had the noble and gallant eyes and ears of its guiding hero, yourself, Officer Cook, a young man on a mission of hope and optimism. Those challenges that awaited you were long and perilous, but with dignity, courage and character you came through on our behalf. Your family and comrades have saluted, remembered and honored your valor which has brokered enhancement and those cornerstones of fruition and fairness for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your beloved soul, Officer Cook, shielded in God's palms of mercy and faith will always hover overhead. Its light will always shine brightly as that glowing smile of pride when you had your badge pinned on your uniform. Worn and donned professionally and very humbly the way public servants are expected to dignify their official positions. Morals never to be forgotten. First class in decency and in leadership for all colleagues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2017

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