Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
You work for what you want to acquire. Nothing is handed or passed down for free. The citizens of Dade County were afforded humble and loyal service when you patrolled the area, Officer Cook. Coming from a loving and devout family, raised with integrity, honesty and morals, it's easy to see why you achieved. Others might not have. Peace and liberty can be traced to a hero of humane and pristine character. Enhancement can forever live on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The evils that are secreted by violence must be capped in order for humanity to live more fruitfully and faithfully.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 22, 2017
Woe to those who commit evil. Eventually those who pursue justice, fairness and honesty will seek the peace we strive for and track down the wicked and the wanton criminals. It's all a matter of prospective for those who seek peace and calmness and cherish it. You were a treasured resource, Officer Cook and the people of Dade County were its most humble and fortunate. Police work challenges the mind and body and though at tense moments it can be taxing, you paved the way for other colleagues to follow your brave lead. The class and candor of your care and consideration, Officer Cook, spoke humanely teaching those willing to lend an ear that if you toil and work diligently, then the success will seize the day. Always faithful and loyal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's lives that can be saved, there is where a reputation of humility shines clearly. Your grit and noble actions saved many lives that awfully sad day when you gave your life and God took your wonderful soul back to heaven.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 21, 2017
How proud we were of you, Officer Cook, the professional of understanding and compassion, of honor and respect for a humble and humane position where a calling is watched over by God. His mercy sustained and protected you and those you served loyally in Dade County. If not for humility and the integrity and dignity you possessed we not quite sure where peace and serenity would fit in this puzzle of enigma. Violence and evil call out and your voice of authority and reason, Officer Cook,answered those solemn assignments. Your character came through in the most dangerous of times and for this you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Faith and the hope of goodwill do we beseech you God, answer with your humane and loving mercy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 21, 2017
The cross in front of your parents' home that was swaying in the breeze was indicative of their devotion, faith and humility to all mankind. It was and continues to be your humble mantra along with your sister, Nancy's as well. Sometimes we pin our hopes and dreams in life on the things that are not realistic. Yet, protecting and serving all of Dade County and its people rested on your sturdy shoulders, Officer Cook. You were an officer of first class destiny and firm resolve who had the right sense and humble notions of where peace and security ought to be. All through your career and life the humility of having the keen sense and the vision of values and morals to back up your enhanced integrity and honesty was why you were accomplished and could take this understanding to other comrades leading them through it all. Calming and caring while concerned with the welfare of others will be your heroic legacy, Officer Cook and it will forever remain the poignant cornerstone of your life, one of aspirations, destinies and fulfillment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your quality of character and regal resourcefulness helped save the day on May 16, 1979 and Our Creator has you, Officer Cook and other treasured men and women sheltered for safekeeping as you walk that sacred beat up in heaven looking down on us and smiling as brightly as that big yellow sun. The darkness can be replaced and replenished by perpetual light. The light that illuminates our paths of justice and ferocity. Go right at life and grab it by the horns of humility toward all humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 21, 2017
All public servants must have a cavalry of not only courage and decency, but have on their professional attire, dignity, integrity and honesty in a most profound and demonstrative sense. You can't begin to humbly serve and protect citizens if your head is not in the right place. Sure you can smile and be friendly, what will take the direction of any officer down the righteous road is plenty of patience, resolve and faith. Something you had an abundance of, Officer Cook. Sheer sensitivity. Loyalty and the leadership abilities to help other esteemed and brave men and women through those dark clouds of impending violence and its vicious string of terror. Dade County was patrolled squarely and in a matter of your stellar character and commitment that won't ever be forgotten. You are a hero with a blessed good name and the humility that served mankind throughout your missions in this world. Journeys of fruition are difficult to make and to take, it requires one step at at time. You set the example, Officer Cook, it's now up to those who are intelligent and intuitive, brave and convicted to follow your tenacity and to display the proper morals necessary to carry on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. peace, unity and prosperity can live on in Dade County and where you have been so richly honored and deservedly saluted for nobility and gallantry.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 21, 2017
Sinister and sinful is the violence and evil that is perpetrated upon our honorable public servants. Those women and men who bravely go out on the streets to do a concise and yet a very perilous profession where peace and serenity mean everything to us. Your persistence, Officer Cook, was the pride and the integrity that was willing to risk your life and dreams for us. If dignity and determination stay glued together, then surely integrity and intuition will follow suit. Dade County was safe when you navigated those venues looking for crime and the opportunity to eliminate this from our midst. Your loyalty to comrades and the faith to stay affixed to being astute can never lead any duly noted public servant off that path of resolve nor take one's tenacity from them. You were our hero and savior, Officer Cook and won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 20, 2017
Nestled in your body of outstanding professional work, Officer Cook, was a soul of a man. A gentleman of caring and character, ingenuity and integrity, dignity, devotion and the breathing and driven desire to perform heroic actions on behalf of all Dade County citizens. There can be nothing but fond affections and the wonderful memories of a career and a life well spent on serving and preserving our peace and freedom, unity spelled out for all mankind. You were be saluted for honor and the humane humility to help all humanity out of its worst moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God forever shields His brave warriors from anymore harm. They served and fought the good and courageously difficult battles on our behalf.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 20, 2017
Violence flies right at us not sparing anyone. It has no honor, humility or compassion. Its very face is of the ferocity we don't want to see. It was your honorable presence, Officer Cook, that made the sun shine brighter and the nights a little cooler. Now your soul as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero can keep illuminating those darkest of skies. A man filled with integrity and dignity calming and strengthening our bonds of belief through bold and bravery. Courage and commitment nestled together with quality of character and morals so meaningful to fulfilling your destinies in life and during your professional career. You were a decent and classy gentleman, Officer Cook, there will never be any doubt as to your resolve, devotion and hope.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 19, 2017
Our parents tuck us in bed at night. In the morning we rise and shine to a new day. A start to an adventurous moment. Police face danger and turmoil on a constant basis. All each of them catch do is their part to make peace and liberty a reality for all mankind. Dade County had its reality check, the total loyalty and humility of your engaging personality, Officer Cook. Whether you were walking or riding in your patrol unit you were present and available to assist. On May 16, 1979, honor, humanity and integrity came through as did your dignity and character when you reacted and saved many lives. Your comrades have honored and saluted your inner courage and unwavering support of them. When times are tough you must not give up. Your fulfilled your role with exactly what was called for, ingenuity, intelligence and intuition that enabled us to carry on with your heroic legacy. It is where enhancement and conviction meet at the very same crossroad. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 19, 2017
The fulcrum of evil in our society is the blatant disregard for human life. And it starts with integrity, honor and respect for one and all. As a duly sworn police officer it was your job, Officer Cook, to patrol and serve in order to gain our peaceful frames of mind. Unity in Dade County as in all areas demands high proficiency and the professional character of morals in every public servant. You were a humble and able bodied gentleman, humane and wise beyond your years who analyzed what needed fixing and got right down to it. You'll always and forever be saluted for valor and effort so long as we live. A hero and a savior whose blessed name now resides in heaven inside those sacred pearly gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 19, 2017
History can be like a blip on the radar screen. One minute it's there, the next it's gone. Though, we try hard not to ever forget those men and women of honesty, heroism and humility who sacrificed on our behalf. It's peace and unity undisturbed that count the most and for Dade County's residents and your sincerest of efforts, Officer Cook. You brought vitality, vigilance and tenacity to your community, colleagues and department. Your class and character was propelled forward by your convictions to do the right thing, to serve, protect and to safeguard us from evil. Well done. A humble and prideful man doing what we expect from all professionals of resolve and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 19, 2017
April showers bring May flowers. Officers can never experience any kind of swoon. The public's safety would not want any part of this. You delivered, Officer Cook, no matter the month, time or moment. You gave your big heart and gentle soul of nobility and humbleness for a job you always wanted to become. You maintained proper dignity, considerable integrity and never lacked proper principles or morals which can be a deciding factor in life or death. Destiny is our calling. Your journeys, Officer Cook, were the fruits in life you relished partaking in, but only after you gave a supreme effort day in and day out. Class, decency and character strolled down those hallways at Norland Senior High in Miami, Florida and followed you down those trails of tenacity at the Miami-Dade Police Academy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An easier phrase to remember and keep in mind. Transparency. Integrity. Service. It all stems from proper upbringing and dedicated, loyal and determined work. Arduous yet rewarding. Sweat and toil bring us full circle. Police achieve when they make the right decisions. It takes a total team and department effort that functions together as a well oiled machine. If one cog is broken or one wheel needs repairing, then you fix it and move on. Violence and torment demand experienced and immediate attention. I noticed someone placed some new flowers at your grave, Officer Cook, I leave some rocks or stones for they have a biblical origin dating back to the Old Testament, our Holy Torah. The five books are: Genesis. Exodus. Leviticus. Numbers. Deuteronomy. A start and a finish with plenty of travel and torment meshed together. The Jewish people have survived. Catholics, Lutherans and people of all faiths must survive. You lived to assist us, Officer Cook and we cannot thank you enough. A sacrifice that has enhanced us and we are sorry you could not be a part to continue your faithful assistance, but we admire, love and cherish your memory. Your family, friends and comrades will never forget nor ever let you down. They carry your heroic legacy as tight as can be. Keep looking after their destinies and successes. They were your dreams, aspirations and now our inspirations. Forever and ever in eternity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2017
We reap what we sow. We take criticism for what we know. It is only a sparse amount and for what a dignified and respectable man or woman of the law enforcement needs to know, it's more than we could even begin to comprehend. One thing we should realize is that you were a fantastic officer, a gentleman and a prodigy of perseverance and resolve. All Dade County fights to stay safe, but with your heroic and honorable actions, Officer Cook, the tasks at hand were lessened a bit. If integrity and compassion could revive the souls of those serenely humble and humane servants of fairness and justice my oh my, imagine all the happy families God could shed His light, mercy and grace upon. Your soul, Officer Cook rests in heaven as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your fruition here was just beginning, we know you had many more years of good health, life and peace. God needed your journeys in a higher and more heavenly venue, to patrol His golden and holy streets watching over those brave ones who serve. Frailty cannot be destined for those who persevere. Finality in this war over evil must occur at some point, at some junction. You keep observing us and giving your sound and undisturbed wisdom. God has this and your beloved spirit wrapped in His arms for safekeeping.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2017
Peace and quiet are the two mainstays that keep us energized. Serenity and safety are our borders that are well protected and served by many honest and dignified public servants. Your love of life, Officer Cook and the total humility and integrity you had for your position paid dividends for those of us living in Dade County back in your time. Today, those salutes and honors have been bestowed by your comrades for a gentleman of grace, grit and the gallantry to hang in there and face derision head to head. Commitment and character as present and as accounted for as your durability and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The faithful and loyal answer those humane and yet perilous calls that no telling what might transpire. The people were most fortunate to have a hero and blessed warrior like yourself, Officer Cook, among them. When diligence and vigilance is called for, you raced with undaunted tenacity. What a lesson we could all learn from your life and career of humility and unselfish and undying courage and patience. Calming and yet accomplished. A journey that was navigated very surely and most humbly by Our Creator of heaven and earth. God has the most fit and excellent of brave officers among His flock of wisdom, intelligence and solid leadership.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2017
If courage and righteousness are called for from our beloved men and women, then so too is honesty, integrity and dignity. You can't even begin to fight these wars of violence and stamp out evil if you don't have what it takes. Dade County and its people had your advice, Officer Cook, your humble wisdom, knowledge and vision at their fingertips that helped to unlock the gifts of unity and peace among them. Character, consideration and endearment weigh heavily in this mountain of mischief and you did your part keeping safety, serenity and serenity close to the vest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your intuition and the humane ans humble ingenuity along with your quiet maturity helped to cast aside terror and torment. Never forgotten. A man of his word whose noble actions saved many lives of comrades and civilians who relied upon your professional responsibilities. Always taken seriously and with unwavering fortitude and ferocity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2017
If courage and righteousness are called for from our beloved men and women, then so too is honesty, integrity and dignity. You can't even begin to fight these wars of violence and stamp out evil if you don't have what it takes. Dade County and its people had your advice, Officer Cook, your humble wisdom, knowledge and vision at their fingertips that helped to unlock the gifts of unity and peace among them. Character, consideration and endearment weigh heavily in this mountain of mischief and you did your part keeping safety, serenity and serenity close to the vest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your intuition and the humane ans humble ingenuity along with your quiet maturity helped to cast aside terror and torment. Never forgotten. A man of his word whose noble actions saved many lives of comrades and civilians who relied upon your professional responsibilities. Always taken seriously and with unwavering fortitude and ferocity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2017
Never rest on laurels. Better to perform something that will benefit our world. You were a hero,humble and humane, Officer Cook. Not only a class individual, you were a giving person so full of life. Integrity, dignity and honesty followed you on your navigation of Dade County and its residents. peace and unity has certainly been enhanced. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2017
Meant to say when that awful bullet strikes our most beloved and esteemed servants what can we think? Deserving of salutes of courage and dignity, you will be remembered, Officer Cook, for sage advice, sound vision and humane and humble leadership. For the citizens of Dade County, peace and serenity came at a cherished price, a life so sacred, integrity so fundamentally important just as morals which you had, Officer Cook. A man of respect and resolve fulfilled. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Alacrity and clarity follow all devoted men and women who serve the cause of justice. Evil will be wiped out one day.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 18, 2017
When awful bullet strikes our heroes and heroines of bravery and decency, what can we possibly think? Taking away a part of their families, their friends and their colleagues who too serve bravely and with unprecedented humility. Your sterling and stellar character, class and convictions to justice and peace, Officer Cook, have never ever be overlooked nor forgotten. I remember hearing what happened to you that tragic day of May 16, 1979 and crying even though I did not personally know you. Though, I'm humbled to have met some of your loving family members and always that lovely and very touching letter from your mother, Mrs. Cook, may you live and be well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A curious man of care, compassion and concern for all and their welfare. You can rest assured your devotion, motivation and intelligent leadership capabilities won't be forgotten, only treasured and admired as one respectful and modest legend of calmness and civility through humility that now is the cornerstone of our society. Violence will dealt with and those gallant enough to test those waters of resolve will do so with unwavering honor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2017
You were a devout man, Officer Cook. It was your faith and ferocity that allowed you to patrol Dade County was the gusto and gallantry necessary for your position. A successful public servant, peace and devotion were your best friends. It's integrity and dignity set in motion that affords all brave men and women that unique opportunity through their cleverness and character to make a difference. It was set in stone and you'll always be saluted for courage, awareness and the ingenuity to face evil as we knew you would. You gave your life for the values of reason and resolve. God's golden streets has you now forever patrolling their pavements. You launched those trails of tenacity, those foundations perfectly laid down.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2017
A paradigm of virtue, you went right after violence, Officer Cook and never took your foot off the accelerator. Speeding toward trouble takes skills, honesty and the mental character to pursue peace and to acquire it for those who care to lead sounder lives. Dade County had its demons and dastardly cowards back during your watch, Officer Cook and through your vigilance, vitality, integrity and the dignity to fight on, enhancement can now and forever shine like a diamond. Those colleagues who worked with you my neighbor, friend and hero have remembered your thoughtfulness, faithfulness and resourcefulness all part of your heroically humble legacy. A message of devotion and determination that has been spread clear across our land recognizing your pride and commitment to excellence. A professional public servant who represented humanity through humility and exhibiting decency toward all mankind. Rest in peace. The chains of courage continue their stronghold, nothing will ever break those bonds that you created, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2017
We dare. We share. We care. Tragically evil does not share those same feelings. It permeates throughout our society wrecking havoc upon those who pursue their lives in an orderly fashion. You aspired, Officer Cook, to become a duly honorable public servant, one whose dignity, morals and integrity were flawless. Your character and passion for your job made you a most valued comrade whose memory will live on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No compromising. Only courage, humility directly from your caring and concerned heart of gold. It contributed and sacrificed on behalf of our peaceful movements. A journey and its mission deemed complete and now, Officer Cook, your soul can rest in eternity under those bluest of skies where our humane and humbly righteous servants find comfort never to be harmed again.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2017
The right attitude can make all the difference in this monumental battle over violence. You had the right mentality and physical make up, Officer Cook, to handle the every day rigors of your position. Integrity, dignity and honor blended well and Dade County could rest a little more comfortably. You'll be fondly saluted for gallantry and heart, the courage and character to commit to morals befitting a public servant of humility to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 17, 2017
Your cohorts valued your courage,compassion and concern for everyone, Officer Cook. That was and is because you valued life and took your career as any officer should, quite seriously. When life is being threatened by thugs and turmoil, one must be willing and able to answer that dispatch. Dade County trusted your instincts, integrity and intuition, Officer Cook and the loyalty and devotion that would cement our cornerstones and their solid foundations. Police reciprocate with one another when it came that time to honor your memory, that was sad for you stood for justice and fairness without doubt, hesitation or reservation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2017
Hi Mr. Spicer. I lived in the same North Miami Beach area as Officer Cook, your friend and comrade, Bill Cook. He had to be the most decent and honest public servant that Metro-Dade Police had back in the day. I don't know if you read any of these reflections, but you were humbly blessed to ride on patrol with a man of character, humility to all humanity and the proper morals and principles who went about his professional business as all police must in this unwavering battle over violence and its mayhem. Any friend of Officer Cook's is a friend to my family, would love to just meet and talk about his respectable and resourcefully faithful life and career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your impeccable commitment and valor will be forever remembered. You were a hustler and a go to comrade who went right after evil never turning your back on Dade County and its citizens. Their prosperity and peace mattered to you, Officer Cook. A noble gentleman and a mensch that means in Jewish a real man, undaunted and unafraid to tackle difficult circumstances no matter the stress, duress, danger or peril.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 16, 2017