Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Encouraging and enlightening, you will be saluted and remembered, Officer Cook, for your concise courage, determined dignity and unselfish integrity in helping to save and protect all Dade County and its citizens. No more a classier man than yourself, Officer Cook. It's resolve and resourcefulness that conquers evil and gets the jobs of gallantry and humility accomplished. Take pride in your peace and survive with serenity. You have brave and decent heroes to thank. You were a blessed man and a genuinely devoted public servant of morals and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 27, 2017
The dog days of the summer are just around the corner. Time for the bad guys to rethink their summer plans and to commit to doing something prosperous for the world to be better. Service with a smile starts with hard work and the pursuance of honor and integrity. It's what all brave and driven men and women strive for. Behavior and boldness running side by side of each other. Dade County and its people had your hopes and humane and loyal esteem, Officer Cook, leading others through this violence and vindictive pattern of evil. You take a man's class and couple it with character and engagement, the results will be of a positive nature. Saluted and recognized for courage and bravery, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your civility and reliability were your accountabilities that allowed peace and quiet to remain in our homes and community. An area that respected and revered your diligence and validated what we already knew, that you were a humble legend and an outstanding officer. First class service and the very same compassion, care and concern for mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 27, 2017
The fruits of one's labor are the brave actions that saved lives and offered peace its chance to humbly enhance our society. Your unwavering courage, Officer Cook, enabled life so valuable to reach its accomplishments. If a man of dignity, integrity and honesty patrolled all Dade County we knew the results would be outstanding. Character, class and decency took your life and career, Officer Cook, on those rides of resolve and your faithfulness and loyalty to your fellow officers was par excellence. Conviction and devotion really do work together as much as motivation and dedication. A true humble servant and a very blessed gentleman whose heroism shall never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 27, 2017
Escorting excellence throughout Dade County, you will be remembered, Officer Cook, for having the due vigilance and the due respect your position called for. It is in the genes of those gallant enough to serve and to persevere. At least you had a clue, Officer Cook, on how to get a better handle on evil. The clutch character, commitment and courage from your heart was always accounted for and will forever be saluted. Gentle souls keep our pursuits in life moving forward. Yours, Officer Cook, was beautiful and was instrumental in making our world a bit more safer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your crusade to promote peace stays forever anchored as your cornerstone of faith and hope which still springs eternal. Our Creator has those humble, humane and brave servants in His heavenly abode each with a story to be told. Eternity bares witness to their heroic actions all in the parameter of common sense and wisdom beyond the normalcy of what we the people do. Action still and will always speak louder than words. Your words and mannerisms are etched on walls of honor here in Miami and in Our Nation's Capitol.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 26, 2017
We choose life. Therefore life should be allowed to carry on and maintain a sense of serenity and dignity. It is a right and privilege to be able to lead peacefully among others. Dade County and its people were granted welfare and prosperity all because of your unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook. Integrity and ingenuity must follow a devoted and brave public servant down those tracks of tenacity not tyranny. Although, torment and terror do leave more marks of mischief and violence than we could imagine, you kept your cool and calmness about you, Officer Cook. A man revered and respected for his diligence and gentle approaches to solve crime. Fruition must begin someplace, your home in North Miami Beach, Florida was the focal point of all your successes. A true hero and a blessed man of character and trust. You made us feel safe and sound, Officer Cook. You remain cherished and loyal to your family members, friends and valiant colleagues who along with you went toe to toe with this very violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 26, 2017
Police take on many objectives than the ordinary person could ever ponder. They must be physically able and mentally primed for whatever tasks and their challenges come before them. Dade County was your prime area of protection and service, Officer Cook and you gave them solid support and serenity without a doubt. To have humility wrapped around the roots of resolve, honesty and integrity, that alone says a lot. The brighter days are on the horizon because of your zealousness. All positive. All fruitful. All divine. Those cornerstones you achieved, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten nor dismantled. For they are the works of a loving and treasured hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 26, 2017
The sun peaks from inside the clouds. The honor and dignity comes from within the hearts and souls of our devoted and very fair and faithful public servants. You were one of the many humble and adored men and women whose bravery has stood the tests of time, Officer Cook. To maintain peace and justice for all Dade County residents and to do so with a smile and an engaging persona means more than you'll ever know. You kept the wheels of firmness and nobility moving forward. Never one to dodge nor shirk responsibility, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 26, 2017
To bare responsibility, you first must be humble, loyal, honest and dedicated. Dade County and its citizens have come to expect top flight service from their heroes and heroines of integrity. It's that driven desire and dignity that brings peace and unity to the forefront. You were a very blessed man, Officer Cook, a devoted and resourceful servant who cared deeply for the healthy, welfare and stability of everyone. A gentleman who called and visited his mother to check on her, what more can one say? It was your stellar character, wisdom and vision that helped to set down those enhancements in our lives and your goodwill is still valued and felt throughout a community where you cared and have been proudly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 26, 2017
To be brave you need a little humbleness. Fear is not unhealthy, though all police officers surely must deal with every circumstance as they happen. For the public's sake you handled things with integrity, dignity and character, Officer Cook. Dade County and its peace and unity were always in gentle and tender hands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forever beloved and cherished for fruition and fulfilling Our Creator's plans.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 26, 2017
We divorce ourselves from the problems we seek counsel. Police officers being our friends and ears listen and see what can be done. They function under the guises of good sense and common decency and valor. You fought for our rights, Officer Cook, with the hopes for a brighter tomorrow. A day after where dignity and honor are expected for our more decent of public servants. Dade County was left safe and secure by your unwavering character and conviction. It is those who faithfully discharge their faithful and ethical duties of desire and dedication that in the end signify achievement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 25, 2017
Boldness is not benign. Boasting is not humility. That can only come from the hearts and souls of the decent and honest men and women who risk their lives fighting for our peace of minds. You pulled no punches, Officer Cook, risking your life and safety so that Dade County and its residents could unite and thrive in a more taciturn environment. Being clever and not conceited is better than fooling around with dishonesty and deliberately not staying the courses of class, integrity and dignity. Dedicated and reliable individuals know their limits and like yourself, Officer Cook were discreet and took what they learned to another level. That being your infinite wisdom, maturity beyond your youthfulness and the leadership that set down the branches and their roots of resourcefulness upon which to sprout forth newer insight and intuition. It still will never be the same without your engaging personality and that big wide smile. November 30th you would have been sixty-four, Officer Cook, you were special in character and heroism, reserved and yet candid, the total personification of peace and vigilance through perseverance. A humble man with a go get them attitude. No laying back waiting. Evil must be addressed face to face, head to head, straight forward and no looking back. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 25, 2017
Fierceness strikes a chord of ferocity like no other. Tenacity on the other hand supports the resolve of one who is brave and honorable enough to fight through the dust of wickedness. It causes shambles and ruins the sturdy foundations of humble fruition. You battled, Officer Cook, unafraid and undaunted by this monster of an adversary. Dade County was well represented by your humane and giant stature of security, serenity and safety. It all balances out in the end as a means to creating harmony and tranquility among all good law abiding citizens. You were a tremendous asset to your department and those highly brave and esteemed colleagues who respected and admired your devotion and loyalty to them. The care you offered, the compassion and consideration within your heart of courage, the spirit of goodwill and loving concern, it says it all. God knows and does watch over your soul and that of your fellow brothers and sisters who have made that ultimate sacrifice. If only those who commit this wanton violence and its offspring of evil would finally give up and surrender. Capitulation at times is difficult, it can and must happen very soon. Sometimes I think our world is like a ticking time bomb about to explode. Terror, treachery and torment must cease for the peace, hope and faith of the people who choose to live freely and pursue their happiness and freedoms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 25, 2017
Resiliency builds resolve. Boldness constructs bridges for other humble and humane public servants to pass under. Rhetoric does not build nor construct. It comes at a price and costs time and effort and takes away from the tasks at hand. The tenacity made through unwavering courage and honor. Ferocity spreads its wings as the fierceness to fight that raging battle over violence. Integrity, humility, capability and reliability, whatever was called for, Officer Cook, you had. You possessed a strong sense of awareness and agility to carry out your service and patrols in and around Dade County fruitfully and faithfully tried to tie the knots of peace and unity together. No small task. One monumental challenge for any duly sworn police officer. Success and accomplishment can only come about if one heeds caution and care, all while staying compassionate for those you protect. You were a hero and a genuinely diligent man, Officer Cook. A cherished man of patience, perseverance and ingenuity now the enhancement and cornerstones of your legacy of leadership and dedication. No doubts or reservations. You'll be saluted and so honored humbly for wisdom, vision and knowledge that will be shared by other brave comrades who have taken over your watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In God's courtyard lies many righteous and divinely humane angelic public servants who got it. They understood their essential undertakings. If you listen and endeavor, God works His wonders. This world is too important to allow the significance of evil to perpetuate its corridors. You spotted and stopped mayhem the only way you knew how, face to face. We must not allow ourselves to be prisoners of fate and fickleness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 25, 2017
History recalls. Honesty relates. And dignity and integrity are the soulmates of every public servant worth a grain of salt who go out and patrol for liberty, peace and prosperity. The welfare of Dade County and its residents were placed on your shoulders of endearment, Officer Cook, a man and a gentleman of humility. Sometimes it is hard to locate the real gems that Our Creator has bestowed upon us. One did not need to look very far. Character, commitment to both pride and excellence and the conviction to lay down foundations of fruition were very much present. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let all know you were a devoted and determined young man whose crusade was to stop wickedness and corral corruption. Violence spreads its wings of wanton kayos and you answered that call with class and efficiency.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 25, 2017
Everyday we just try and be as diligent and faithful as we can. Police work is hard and trying as it tests the mettle of every brave soul whoever pursues this profession where evil must be handled with quickness and honesty. You dealt with Dade County in a dignified fashion, Officer Cook, making peace and unity a transparent object of life. Your integrity and character made you the humble and beloved hero who put vitality and vigor into enhancement forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 25, 2017
There can be no camouflaging deficiency. Public servants must live up to the loftiest of standards as set forth by their departments. Respect is earned. Enhancement is gained through work, the effort expended and the boldness in commitment to excellence while devotion to dignity, integrity and honesty is something preached and practiced on a daily basis. Your exploits, Officer Cook, enabled Dade County and its citizens to live more sounder and serene lives of pursuit and its happiness. You can be sure you will be solemnly remembered for character, motivation in leading other comrades. Taking those reins can be tough, it is in those humble and loyal men and women where a difference matters. Life and death are part of our cycle to those who are born. Yet, somehow your appreciation for awareness and bravery must never be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A good name for a treasured man of peace, faith and the hope that we can carry on with your heroic legacy accordingly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 24, 2017
Tired and weary, officers may from time to time be asked to work overtime. Their beings taxed by a full day's effort of resolve, determination and the devotion to do the goodwill of God. Officer Cook, thank heaven for your integrity and unwavering dignity which saw peace and unity walk together down those cruel streets of Dade County. Violence can surely curtail the best laid plans of mice and men. In the end, the bottom line was that you were a blessed gentleman and a cherished savior to all. With character, commitment and decency that will be saluted forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tenacity requires a supreme effort and your sacrifice, Officer Cook, proved that humanity can sleep soundly in the humility of its noble angelic heroes and heroines.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 24, 2017
I meant to say, Officer Cook, your ferocity was the right reason Dade County and its residents could live safer lives. The brave and honorable dignify their righteousness by their heroic acts of humility and integrity. This is when peace and prosperity can stayed anchored together as a foundation of fruition. Your desire and devotion, Officer Cook and your character won't be forgotten. Only saluted and remembered for its integral role in keeping peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 24, 2017
Behind the badge is the bravery and boldness of an extraordinary gentleman. Officer Cook, your humbly amazing feats of ferocity and heroism were and are to this very day the reason why Dade County and its people, Officer Cook. A brave and character filled hero of legacy whose journeys justified the spirit and meaning of what a professional public servant is all about. You kept calm while maintaining dignity, integrity and vigilance.centered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 23, 2017
Reverence and respect may help repair this world full of woe and despair. But, it may only proceed forward if resolve and resourcefulness surely follows those blazed trails close behind. Ones of honor and humility that you helped to lay down for Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook. Inner valor, inner spirit of courage and a mountain of meaningful integrity and dignity which articulated your protection and preservation of our land. Our pursuits of happiness can be resourced to your vim, vigor and vitality which help all public servants carry out their entire professional duties while enhancing those cornerstones of accomplishment a brave hero and blessed Godsend such as yourself fulfilled. You took an affirmation and the declarations you undertook were in fact your destinies and missions of faith, hope and mercy through compassion for all humanity. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known to your comrades that your loyalty to them saved lives and allowed aspirations and dreams to reach fruition. Nothing wrong with reaching for the stars, those now lit up by your wonderful and cherished soul of serenity and security. You were respected and very much admired by family and friends. They can tell us your story. The telescopic lens of a very proud and humane life of doing good deeds for the goodwill of mankind. Those lens big and powerful. You were a tenacious warrior, Officer Cook, ferocity and fervor assisted your every watch.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 23, 2017
Courage is that badge of honor that symbolizes humility, honesty, faith and dignity toward humanity. You cannot even begin to know what it means to finish and graduate from any certified police academy in which structure, sense of awareness and the intense integrity and loyalty must be exercised at all moments. Danger and evil lurk out there in our streets, just as much as excitement and fun. Police work has its rewards and benefits and you performed a role heroically, Officer Cook, in order for Dade County and its residents to be safe and sound. Never any better preservation and perseverance from a gentleman whose class and character achieved more than one could ever begin to wonder. With the blessings and goodwill of all who have remembered your stoic sense of drive and desire, may the cornerstones and very foundations you laid down remain the enhancements for which evil will be expunged from our pathways for a better life. The pursuits of happiness shall bear the fruit of your endearing and unselfish labor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your destinies and missions in your life and career, Officer Cook, were ordained by living and breathing as a hero of trustworthy designs.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 23, 2017
A panoramic view of any given situation gives that officer perhaps a moment to reflect on the job that lies ahead and what needs to be done to fix and correct an injustice. It's fairness through ferocity, honesty, dignity and integrity through intense training and work in the field that offers any public servant the chance to keep not only themselves free from harm, but to shield other people as well. You worked hard, Officer Cook, to carefully and to make a difference in our society in a calculated manner. Dade County and its citizens were courageously served by your unwavering character, undaunted commitment and unselfish convictions to limit the strike of evil and the terror set off by its very hideous violence. Those who have succeeded you, Officer Cook, those brave and humbly humane souls now do so with the utmost respect and reverence for a position of responsibility that accepts nothing short of failure. Failure cannot happen, at times when things get heated the circumstance dictates certain rational to be implemented. You did everything right on May 16, 1979 and everyday of your treasured and heroic life that God expects from His servants of serenity, safety and security. Those comrades now salute and honor your faithful devotion and esteem you took out to the streets, Officer Cook, they will never forget the paths you paved, the trails you blazed nor the tenacity that was your humility and your class toward all mankind. Civilization records the deeds of love and the actions of hope and optimism exhibited by you and those who sacrificed for the goodwill to be spread out like a blanket that keeps us secure and warm at night. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We shower our prayers upon your angelic soul, Officer Cook, in the plans for a brighter tomorrow and in the future.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 23, 2017
There can be no hidden agendas among any public servant. They must have awareness, astuteness and the undeniable boldness through humility and honesty to battle these wars of wickedness. You gave your life and career for our benefit and that of all Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of intense wisdom and maturity and experience that assisted you in your professional endeavors. No running from superior character, commitment and the inclusions of courage and decency through loyalty, devotion, desire and faith. It helps to restore the confidence that people place in their public servants who serve and protect our vitality for a just and a noble cause. You'll be fondly remembered for having the infinite ingenuity and intelligence to handle anything placed before you because of your peacefully serene and gentle nature. Staying focused, cool and collected during tense moments helps to alleviate those tensions which may boil over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Peace and unity received your full attention to details, your motivation to lead others and your inner strength of determination from your giving heart.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 23, 2017
I don't know if we could survive without the internet. We do realize the world has changed and that evil and violence cannot be tolerated and accepted as normal. You did everything you could, Officer Cook, for Dade County residents to stem this tide. Your honor, pride and integrity was out there on the streets in this line of mayhem. And for what you meant in character, devotion, fairness and loyalty, it means every ounce of your life and soul was utilized to serve and to protect lives. You were a champion to humanity in courage and humility destines to leave a heroic legacy and mark to be followed by other brave public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 23, 2017
Behind the bushes lies those waiting to commit who knows what? Police must be on guard and alert to any and all possibilities that may happen. You traveled and patrolled all Dade County on behalf of our stability and serenity, Officer Cook. Doing a job where danger and pressure must be handled and balanced as well as having the stellar character, vision and dignity to maintain that happy medium. You were a man of knowledge, wisdom and leadership to carry out those core roles of resolve and determination. You were a motivated person and a true gentleman with a kind heart and a free and wonderful spirit. God has that and more in His heavenly abode. An angelic and valiant public servant who knew his role and accomplished without any doubt. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
May 22, 2017