Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Security preserves the integrity and dignity of life. Life is not just a fling, it has its purposes, causes, reasons and passions of which you pursued, Officer Cook, with an everlasting heart of heroism and a soul of honesty that protected Dade County with humane wisdom and vision that shines from God's eternal quarters of perfection. One should never over indulge unless whatever you do is performed and accomplished solely in Our Creator's rvered heavenly name. You'll always be respected and admired as a man of authority but more importantly for dignity, integrity and character that was born of scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2022

When dealing with emergencies always have a plan and be prepared as best you can. You were so beloved, adored by your family, so honored and most diligent, Officer Cook, a hero of integrity who stood his ground patrolling Dade County's streets and roads where your consummate character and humane commitments to excellence and pride preserved the trust and truth of the public at large. A young man with virtue, wisdom and proper conduct never shirking responsiblity to handle your required roles where our peace and security is forever on the line. Danger and peril must not be allowed to go about its business of destroying lives. We salute your courage and conviction as an angel of bravery, heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2022

The tracks of faith, devotion and thoughtfulness stayed open throughout your career and life. You gave Dade County every effort of excellence, Officer Cook, honor, dignity and integrity all heroic andallvery decenct and desirable. A gentleman of gallantry who galvanized his community in esteem, hope and the blessings bestowed upon your wise and strong heart and spirit. God has you cradled for eternal safekeeping my neighbor, friend and hero. He won't let your family down even now as they march onward with your trusted and true inspirations in their hearts and minds. A prayer or two would surely benefit mankind as they trudge along. Rest in peace. Character that concerned itself with the basics and your bravery and boldness made that ultimate impression.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2022

The springs of knowledge all flowed with dignity, character and integrity all of your blessed belongings that prevailed in their battles against adversity and harm coming to unglue the silence of its people. You put your trust,truth and tenacity together to save the lives of Dade County folks. Officer Cook, you were a consummate individual, caring and humble, all well remembered and all duly recognized for their perseverance. Character shadows humility and faithfulness while your heart and mind concentrated on their sacred onuses. Virtue and versatility were your vehicles of valuability and accentuation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy that continues pouring forth its most greatest of attributes of esteem and loyalty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2022

Kids this time of the year romp around and play. Despite summer swelter heat is not going keep them for having a blast. Police work is not a blast and it is all about being honest and very serious in performing your labors of love. Your dreams, goals and aspirations, Officer Cook, all centering upon the goodwill and hope that society places within your heart, a most notably heroic one honored and paid respects for doing its roles with resolve, fortitude and virtue's wisdom. Never forgotten for having a spirit of acumen and awareness that brought your earthly missions forward until they were deemed as complete. They ended all too soon sadly but badge#1664 was reverence, vigilance and diligence personified around integrity, character and dignity that was tireless. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2022

Flowers in full bloom and courage that was consummate and perpetual. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was totally about service and being responsible. No better a person to lead others through peril than yourself and Dade County was situated where your essentials of honesty, integrity and dignity would have their greatest affects. A young man with a wealth of know how accomplishing what you set out to do. A heinous man was not going to delay, derail or deter you from aiding and saving the lives of your fellow officers and the citizens of whom your sacred truth and trust meant everything. Each second was valuable and now for what you did performing beyond demands and expectations may Our Maker shelter your sweet heart, soul and spirit within the perfect nests where angels of heroism rest in peace. Again a neighbor and a friend I never had the humane privilege to meet. Rest in peace along with your beloved folks who raised a dear son and a dear daughter, your big sister, Nancy may she and her family be granted the humbleness and blessings to carry through with your heroic legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2022

A public servant so regal, passionate and persistent. God created you, Officer Cook, for a duly specific role. That was to become a first class human being with a caring and heroic heart and soul. A man devoted to his family, friends and department who gave of himself unselfishly to protect and preserve the integrity, reverence and dignity of his neighborhood. Dade County andits residents were grateful, thankful and blessed by a truly worthwhile and trusted gentleman. God's angels are the pearls of unwavering bravery, undaunted by danger and just considerate and concerned for the welfare of humanity which continues to miss your face and smile daily. Character constructed. Conviction curtailed. Commitment consentrated all on its accentuations of making society greater once more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2022

Serenity and happiness are what is supposed to be normal in our world. But, sadly and tragically violence and callousness uproots the branches the humility and heart implanted within the seeds of honesty, dignity and integrity. You stood for pride and excellence in all your undertakings, Officer Cook. heroism and a soul of virtue, sanctity and wisdom protected Dade County beyond your normal assignments. You'll always be saluted, remembered and lauded for your unselfish, undying and unwavering efforts put forth to end a disturbance. That day you and your last partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln answered that day well it just ended so terribly and your humbly devout family had to bury you and mourn your sudden loss that changed the area and the citizens who witnessed pure character and journeys all made in heaven's name of valor, versatility and the truthfulness of being accountable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2022

Your life today, Officer Cook, well we do know you and Karen would be celebrating 46 years of happiness, health and humble bliss together. One lousy minute of ignominious outrage ended a wonderful career, a life filled with joy and everything retirement represents. It was honor, diligence and devotion that steered the rudders of faith, hope and trust. The truth of dignity and integrity facing a dire situation that needed prompt attention. That and more you gave stoically, heroically and willingly without looking back. Protecting Dade County was where vision, virtue and wisdom rowed the oars of outstanding service. Today, you are missed as always very much with your heart,soul and undying spirit resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2022

Officer DiGenova and Officer Edgerton have not forgotten you, Officer Cook, as their lives which were nearly taken that fateful day continue theirs and share the bonds of humility, heart and hope as they live and move forward with their aspirations serving too as inspirations. Yours, does, Officer Cook, as honesty, integrity, dignity and virtue all carried a sure sway that terrible day. Your mother, Mrs.Julia Cook,may she and your father, Charles all rest in peace my neighbors,friends and hero. Her devoutness allowed her the purpose to champion your class,desire and character nearly forty years after having everything taken in a few precious minutes before God called your home taking a shining soul and spirit of accomplishment back to heaven to walk thegolden pavements above. Once again, Officer Cook, rest in peace. Badge#1664 did everything that was asked from a sterling, stoic and stellar man of tireless and unselfish sacrifice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2022

Your boyhood destinies, Officer Cook, took shap and in turn lead you to your career and chosen profession serving Dade County as a public servant. No fear, no regrets and certainly no hesitation. You went about your business patrolling the streets of Dade County where crime needed to be eradicated. Nothing easy nor simple. But, a man of morals and the fabricsof character and commitments going about your humbleness with everything attached to the words of honesty, integrity and dignity stoking your fires of ferocity. Now the angels in heaven yourself and so very many who made the ultimate sacrifice are resting soundly while those who have taken your watch continue the aspirations and wisdom that defined your life of scruples and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2022

Fate leaves honor in a tailspin yet dignity, integrity must keeping walking those trails of trust and truth to locate solutions and resolutions to any dangerous problems that lie ahead. No one would have thought that such a reliable and hard working man of God and one who was sincerely caring of his family would have it all ended because of one man with no heart, character or the decency that you possessed, Officer Cook, serving the loyal people of Dade County. Where emancipation and relevance looked for happiness, peace and prosperity all you were consummately doing was your exact job. Trying to extract evil and to create an aura of acumen and quiet so that the folks could live safer lives. We will not forget your discipline, valor and virtues all meshing and blending with your upbeat attitude and serene smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2022

The duality of dignity and integrity only serves to bolster the shields of honesty, respect and character all of which were duly accounted for, Officer Cook, as a proud and never forgotten Dade County hero. to think a young man bent obevil and terror created a wave of wickedness that hot afternoon which took your life and career away from you and your beloved wife, Karen, your family and comrades, just so sad and sorry you could not be here today to witness all that your stoic heart and soul built for future generations to bask in. But, you'll be solemnly and humbly remembered and saluted for poise and humane perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2022

A uniform and a badge worn solemnly, honorably and heroically were signals that you were present and all accounted for, Officer Cook, to share in these fights, wars and battles trying to climb over the mountains where evil and adversity looked to ruin our very world. Dade County was where our peace and essence was created through your lasting heart and soul of character, truth and virtue all to be saluted as the frontrunners of your resolve and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2022

The duality of dignity and integrity only bolsters the heroic shields of honor and heroism, they uplifted, enhanced and enriched your life and career with Dade County, Officer Cook, making a more successful public servant which of course you forever be remembered as. Our tranquility and stability all came about through your boundless virtue and wisdom, the courage to see your missions and journeys of hope and goodwill until that awfully tragic hour when a man took your life and career away from you and your beloved wife, Karen and your devout family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2022

A signature that was stamped,signed and sealed in faith, heart and honored humility. It surely was, Officer Cook and always a sad conclusion to a life and career consummated in dignity and integrity. Your unwavering character and trust was spot on and sincerely the truth beyond anything else. Dade County was promised protection and accountability your affirmation upheld the wisdom and virtue of why pubic service requires a steady rudder and a compass that ids functional. They never betrayed you. Young and gifted God has an angel of gold with a solemn and caring spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2022

The tolls were paid. The sacrifice you made, Officer Cook, benefited Dade County beyond any words. Your sage advice, eyes as sharp as eagles made that distinct impression that has built the foundations of dignity, reverence and the due vigilance that was poured forth on a daily basis by a gentleman of gallantry whose faithful missions of hope and goodwill were met at every turn by grace, heart and hope. Humbleness makes a person more equipped to handle the toughest of situations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2022

You keep a distance when devious people are plotting and planning to destroy our lives and best efforts. Your happiness and business meant Dade County was going to be safe and sound. You are missed and yet most appreciated for honor, integrity and determined dignity that faced wickedness right on. You'll be saluted and paid humble homage for living and performing a perilous job. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust and truth is character, commitment and conviction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2022

A man or woman does their job accordingly and by right should be alive today to enjoy his retirement with his beloved Karen. You should, Officer Cook, be here still humble, heroic and honored for accomplishing your roles with resolve and virtue flowing from your veins of wisdom and dignity. Integrity that was esteemed, loyal and cherished. You were consummate with a humane heart and soul so decent and permeating. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2022

Kind, friendly and concerned, you surely cared and were sincere, Officer Cook. Your demeanor that day was professional, loyal and honorable and your family and peers should have seen you for a long time. Integrity, dignity and reverence meant everything in your battles over violence in an effort to shield us from something totally against humanity's beliefs. Dade County was serene and a bit safer because of your morals and mettle to be fondly and richly blessed by Our Lord. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2022

You raised the flags of ferocity, heroism and heart, Officer Cook, all be being honest, most dignified and by possessing and maintaining integrity, character and respect to be eternally saluted. Dade County was a venue where your virtue, vision and versatility enhanced and uplifted the spirits of all lives who matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and unwavering unselfishness captured society's eyes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2022

Thoughtful and polite by above all honest, heroic and loyal. A heart and soul that was perpetuation in motion, Officer Cook and where Dade County was properly watched over by your unassuming, tireless and unselfish labors that you relished accomplishing. You'll never be forgotten for true and trusted devotion, dedication and character that remains esteemed and cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2022

Your train of tenacity was stopped sadly forever by a wanton, callous and a most notorious man of evil. His soul,heart and spirit shall earn their punishments while yours, Officer Cook, reaps its humble heavenly rewards and blessings for coming through when dire circumstances dictated. And believe me Dade County needed every piece of hope, honesty and integrity to uphold their integrity. You were a public servant who earned his stripes and the trust of the public whom you protected with truth and everlasting salvation. It goes back to mettle, morals and their definition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2022

To silence wickedness, to quash adversity, one's dominance in heart and soul must be well planned and well thought out. You were a thinker, Officer Cook, consummate in enriching the basins of Dade County where serenity and humanity can feed off of each other. Your heroic legacy leaves no doubt as to your unassuming sincerity and dignity all patterned after integrity, respectful character and your life and career poignant and outstanding. Your family walks and talks, pursues their lives hoping to enrich them as you my neighbor, friend and hero ethically and resourcefully did. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2022

The basic principles of faith and devotion were amplified and exemplified daily by you, Officer Cook. Heroism is not a tool to be worshiped nor is it something to be taken for granted. Dade County received more than hope, goodwill and reverence from a duly organized man of honesty, integrity and most impressive character that was loyal, esteemed and humbly dignified. You certainly remain in everyone's hearts and thoughts that will be your humbleness and blessed virtue. The streets you patrolled are somewhat different today yet violence still requires the quintessential politeness and common sense that is to be displayed, demonstrated and sharpened everyday. An angel now in eternity walking his heavenly beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2022

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