Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Society wants peace and serenity to last forever. Sadly, evil seems to interrupt the best laid plans of those desiring prosperity and happiness filling their trails of humility and heart. Your soul, Officer Cook, was heroic and founded in goodwill,truth and sincerity which made Dade County better equipped to handle the rigors of a difficult position that demands openness, dignity and integrity. You'll be saluted for having the acumen and wisdom to see virtue through during your years of service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2022
We are born to be free. Free of problems and any violence that seems to perturb mother nature. Always a gentle man and a completely thoughtful, resourceful and faithful public servant who gave everything to his neighborhood of Dade County for tranquility to stretch far beyond its means. You couple virtue with dignity, integrity and respect then you've got a truly heroic warrior who welcomed his tasks and assignments with a cheerful heart, soul and disposition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, your badge#1664 was tireless, unselfish and unwavering.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2022
Mettle supports the pillars of morals and meaningful engagement. Your whole life, Officer cook, was about embracing and enhancing Dade County and its folks. A sure young man with a sweet heart, soul and disposition who never gave evil more chances to attack its streets threatening its serenity and humble stability. You were a blessing to your family and were a much beloved son, brother, uncle, great-uncle and husband to Karen. Character and class are desire and decency molded into commitment and conviction all trusted and heroically true. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Salutes are for angels who sacrifice their lives of esteem, goodwill and loyalty.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2022
Humility and heart are all steered by one's perpetual soul of wisdom, vision and maturity. There can no mistaking your goodwill, hope and faithful fortitude, Officer Cook. A mainstay of Dade County whose life and career were the epitome of excellence, valor and virtue. Your upstanding character and sincerest of commitments to serve and to save a community yearning for a sense of direction. Never forgotten and forevermore saluted for your complete balance of wisdom and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2022
Eternity is where we depart after our earthly missions are completed. Your perseverance and pride, Officer Cook, heroically protected Dade County with honor, assurance and acumen. The citizens always deserve quality care and humility and yours, Officer Cook, came from your most compassionate heart and soul of both dignity and integrity, where character, commitment and conviction were both true and trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 9, 2022
A man of distinction who distributed devotion, determination and steadfast dedication in all your given directions in life and during your all important career serving Dade County. Heroism and honor will not be forgotten noroverlooked because ofyour given pursuits and passions you had, Officer Cook. Never afraid, it's always a shame your life ended too soon. Your parents and sisterall cherished you, admired you for having the heart and stamina to perform such a rigorous and a most dangerous profession with its challenges. A gentleman to be sincerely saluted and fondly remembere as your legacy of dignity and integrity shines brightly and most vividly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You cherished and embraced mankind uplifting its spirits with your handsome andhumbly blessed smile of kindness and wisdom.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 8, 2022
You utilize your heart, soul and brains to be innovative and intuitive. With clear vision and ingenuity, Officer Cook, your honesty and dignity represented what genuine integrity and thoughtful character and positive commitment can achieve. It was during your six years of determined and dedicated service that allowed us the essential need to move. Peace and prosperity were gained through your unselfish heart and soul. One human being loyal, treasured and esteemed who is very missed by your family and comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 8, 2022
Your sincerity and courtesy, Officer Cook, always humble, always heroic, honest and very frank and to the point. Dade County was where you persevered through your daily patrols keeping us safe and secure. Its citizens appreciated your sense of awareness and wisdom, virtue and sacred journeys put forth to create a stabile environment. We salute your versaility, reliablity and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 8, 2022
Security and serenity are the seal of a duly ordained public servant who served his beloved community with every particle of honor, integrity and dignity. All fair and firm, the entire truth and trust of Dade County residents whom you heroically protected, Officer Cook and won't be forgotten. We salute your undivided character, respect and due diligence through tough and extremely difficult periods of evil and such ghastly adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day after day your family has treasured your legacy as the torch of its tenacity travels with them on their earthly missions in life. Their happiness,safety and health were yours to enjoy during what should have been a retirement to enjoy with your wife Karen. Our Lord obviously had other plans for His devoted and faithful angel of valor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 7, 2022
Honor and virtue humbly validated your most passionate life, Officer Cook, so dearly cherished as your family and department's hero for saving the people of Dade County who relied upon your resources of dignity, integrity and revered character. Never a more outstanding gentleman whose conduct and performance reflected the highest of professional scruples, values and ideals. An angel of heart and soul who soars above as your family marches forward with your legacy soundly by their sides. Unselfish and tireless in your efforts to preserve our very security and safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 7, 2022
Your killer, Officer Cook, received his punishment for his downright disgusting, reprehensible and cowardly actions taken against you and your colleagues that afternoon on May 16, 1979, a day Dade County, your beloved family and department will never forget. You were a consummate joy to your family, friends and a man whos ewords of virtue and wisdom always brought honor, integrity and dignity to a higher level upholding the standards with tru and trusted unselfishness and humbly blessed tireless heart, soul and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 6, 2022
Never a more congenial human being, a man molded in morals with every fabric and fiber of honesty, dignity and integrity flowing in his veins. Dade County and its people were protected by your loyalty, esteem and cherished nature, reverence and virtue, Officer Cook. A heroic gentleman whose legend continues fostering goodwill, hope and faithfulness all these decades later after you gave your life and career for your neighborhood tolive serenely and humanely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels are heroes who soar in eternity's perfect skies above.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 6, 2022
You expedited all your sacred paths and trails of truth and trust, Officer Cook, securing Dade County's freedom and prosperity. No one will ever forget your honesty, sincerity and above all integrity, dignity and character, thoughtful, expressive and all with a calming and reassuring voice of wisdom, virtue and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It all digs down to your roots and branches of tenacity, hope and faithful goodwill, loyalty and esteem.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 6, 2022
A life filled with passion, compassion and God's eyes and ears carrying your heart and soul through peril, Officer Cook. Heroism to surely be cherished and saluted for every versatile vehicle of accountability, responsibility and reliability, just so tragic you cannot be here to see the changes happening and Dade County thriving in safe havens because of your outstanding trust, truth and solid work ethics. Rest in peace good character nourishes commitment and conviction. Yours was pinpoint to a tee. You were one great gentleman and an excellent servant to God, family and to your esteemed peers of justice.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 5, 2022
Live and for real that is what presents all duly sworn public servants who face a seemingly never ending blanket of terror. Your bravery, boldness and humble heart and soul, Officer Cook, steered adversity away from your proud community of Dade County. Forty-three years your life, career and everything to do with dignity, honor and integrity is still kept burning within your family's hearts and souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 5, 2022
You expedited all your sacred paths and trails of truth and trust, Officer Cook, securing Dade County's freedom and prosperity. No one will ever forget your honesty, sincerity and above all integrity, dignity and character, thoughtful, expressive and all with a calming and reassuring voice of wisdom, virtue and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It all digs down to your roots and branches of tenacity, hope and faithful goodwill, loyalty and esteem.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 5, 2022
The paths to perseverance and profiency pay dividends down the road for those who endeavor and demonstrate their acumen and versatility in honor, integrity and in dignity. Your sweet and special heart and soul, Officer Cook, displayed their wares so welcomed by Dade County. The hero of character, commitment to excel and the right frames of conviction helped to broker our very stability. security and safe trails of truth and trust. Nothing will be amiss and you are going to be remembered for your fighting spirit never giving up when danger lurked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 4, 2022
Police work is not a talent content there are no contestants for the people whom you serve and protect depend upon your badge and uniform of honesty, dignity and integrity to pull them through adverse times. You'll always be accorded the full humbleness and blessings of your proud family and fellow comrades, Officer Cook. Forever enshrined as a Dade County hero of wisdom, virtue and reliability so sacred in all your earthly journeys of faith, hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 4, 2022
To embrace is to endear yourself to society. Dade County reached out to you, Officer Cook, their heroic public servant who sacrificed his life and career of dignity, integrity and character. You'll forever be saluted and remembered for everything sacred and noble in a humble and blessed soul of wisdom, virtue and acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 4, 2022
Effort is not being erratic. This would be a colossal mistake underestimating violence for evil and terror only know one direction straight ahead. You exhibited patience and the practicality of a persevering young man, a gentleman whose honor, humbleness and dignity lead your paths and tenacious trails in life and during your career, Officer Cook. A hero blessed with talent and the proper aptitude to carry out your duties. Nothing limited you from protecting and preserving the image of Dade County where your name remains cherished, admired and sincerely loyal to all your fellow officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 3, 2022
Watching over us was your task, chore and assignment, Officer Cook, always taken seriously. If you ask your colleagues that fateful day who survived the horror that took your young life, Officers DiGenova, Edgerton and Lincoln will all state in the affirmative that you were a most capable, able and truly honest young man with a humble heart and soul to match up with Dade County's essential expectations. Faithful, resourceful, resilient, and with the endeavors of both compassion and passion all running on the same cylinders of true character and trustworthy commitment to be saluted and etched within your family and department's hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One brick and block at a time built the very humble cornerstones and foundations of wisdom and your fruitful missions.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 3, 2022
Taxis, trains and planes move us today from place to place. Police navigate from point A through point Z. Anything and everything is forever on the line when stability, security and safe trails are threatened. And that is the precise reason why you were needed, Officer Cook, a career you chose freely and without regret. Integrity well carved. Dignity well etched. Honesty excellently honed. Your heart, soul and made created that distinct impression that remains blessed and honored at every corner and intersection where ingenuity, intellect and intuition shared the very same, attitude, fortitude and undying, tireless and unselfish tenacity. Always a man of your word with God securing your bonds of bravery and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 3, 2022
Peace alone is a device to be humanely used to drive our directional compasses and their signals. You had the ethical motivation to drive your life and important public service career through Dade County, Officer Cook. Where heroic honor lies is where dignity, character and the integrity of intelligence stoked mankind's passions. It's very sad, tragic and horrible that your plentiful and beautiful life had to end because of one man's wicked escapades. Where a heart and soul travel after being here for a relatively short time displaying morals, fibers of mettle and insight, maturity and wisdom that were the versatility of virtue and valor saluted for their boldness beyond your sacred responsibilities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 3, 2022
The launching pad needs to accommodate all the spacecrafts just as the streets need to be used practically by all folks. No exceptions made. Dade County was furnished with a wealth of seasoned knowledge, wisdom and heroism from you, Officer Cook. Your memory did not die in vain rather the flames of honor, humility and dignity forevermore shine brightly just as your wisdom, integrity and wholesome character refined and refreshing. You laid down your life and career so we can carry on with big tests ahead of us and those paths, trails and roads ahead do have peril which tends to be an obstacle. But, with you observing from heaven maybe the chores will be easier to achieve. God did not promise a bed of roses, just human beings creating quiet and purposeful lives to live. Always loyal, thoughtful and considerate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 3, 2022
If society ever recognizes its stake in humbleness and in blessings the rewards of hope, faith and goodwill will be everlasting. A community where you reverently served and protected, Officer Cook, Dade County pays you fond homage at your career and a life well lived by virtue, valor and wisdom. such character and heart has sustained your family as they carry forward your legacy of honesty, integrity and dignity which hung in during the most terror filled moments never to be forgotten. We should salute inspiring maturity and pray for your spirit to encircle us at every second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 3, 2022