Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

As I drive around working on a daily basis, it's truly amazing all the newer buildings and homes in the Liberty City area of Miami where you served passionately and honestly, Officer Cook. A humble and loyal public servant facing the everyday challenges that all officers must conquer. Fear is one thing and yet officers must somehow remain geared to combating this very terror that reigns havoc upon those residents who look for happiness. Your achievements, Officer Cook, were founded in the cornerstones of admiration, knowledge and the open integrity and character that all servants have to carry while out on patrol. Peace and unity require this sacrifice and your courage and conviction to see justice dispensed equitably and firmly won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. From your family, friends and close personal comrades, it's a tragedy you could not personally witness what you set out to accomplish. God knows and He shelters your soul for safekeeping as you patrol those sacred golden streets paved by perseverance and an unwavering resolve of the many angelic heroes and heroines of faith, mercy and mankind. A humble and humane legacy toward all humanity. It all took its genesis in your loving home.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2017

With responsibility comes the brave and honorable souls of the law enforcement profession who serve our needs, our quality of life, its happiness and the pursuits of peace. You protected and preserved mankind in all Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your might, humility and humane respect. Today, we can look back on your life and career of courage, character and the humble consolidation of enhancement for all. Your role and its responsibility went far beyond those calls of duty. Those heroic actions of resolve spoke as loudly as did your leadership skills, the wisdom and virtual vigilance you provided in restoring calm, safety and the quietness we all demand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who commit this very evil that you helped to stop, Officer Cook, will share in the culpability. The gentleness of your brave soul now rests in God's enchanted shelters of eternity where peace and serenity are the rule. You were much beloved and continue to be missed terribly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2017

The call for help went on the radio and with lighting fast resolve, there you were, Officer Cook. With honor and dignity comes class and integrity. They stay in our heroes and heroines forever. Your family and comrades can look back and remember with certainty your humane and loyal feats of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fruition comes with a price and you, Officer Cook, served Dade County, fought for its peace and prosperity with every beat of your heart. Never forgotten. Always beloved, treasured as humanity's angelic hero of bravery and nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2017

Authority and innovative. Police work as difficult as it may be at times comes with no guarantees. All public servants must however take an affirmation to be honest, dignified and have integrity within their badges of resolve. Dade County and its residents were under your watchful eyes, Officer Cook. The eyes and ears of morals, character, commitment and humble decency. Your convincing manner of service and protection of peace and unity was never in question nor was your sacrifice. It was and will be cherished and respected forever. Valor and courage, Officer Cook, will be the heroic legacy of your department, uniform and the symbolic life you lived. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2017

Intelligence lies in the humble and brave servants, those of noble character who dare to fight off the forces of wickedness. Your central task, Officer Cook, was to preserve and to stave off wickedness. The good folks of Dade County depended on your savvy instincts and the integrity, dignity and honesty to see your through. A humble man of class and character who saw his pathways in life through devotion, loyalty and faith. This never wavered. Enhancement trails right behind your reverence for a position you relished undertaking. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The beauty that lies in the eyes of the beholder bares witness to your heroism to all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2017

Rest your tired head on My pillar and I will take you on a journey of remarkable gentleness. God lays His eyes and ears upon His reverently devout public servants and brings them to a place far away where no harm will come their way again. Heaven has the golden streets where you now walk that proverbial beat, Officer Cook. Everything shines and is polished so that it gleams very brightly. You chased after evil and pursued it with a certain vim and vigor, a classical honesty, integrity and dignity that all proper and mature men and women follow during their careers and lives. The venues of Dade County and its citizens were properly maintained by your humane and everlasting vigilance, Officer Cook. There was no time to tarry. No time to procrastinate. Only to deliver undaunted and unselfish peace and liberty for all mankind directed at those who yearned for this. Safety and security rested tightly within your arms, Officer Cook, a master at calming and influencing those who needed a little lift. Those public servants of character, commitment and conviction, their decency understands the meaning. The ramifications of resolve are plenty. The tasks you handled, Officer Cook, were filled with onuses and responsibility. Take morals and pride, mix them well together, the blend results with satisfaction for all. Enhance enters through those doors of endearment and you'll fondly be remembered for accomplishment and fruition in all your journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2017

Tour guides lead visitors through their attractions. It's all in Our Creator's eyes to guide those brave and honest to the weary, tired and sick. those folks require as much love and attention as do ordinary people. Your conduct and dignity, Officer Cook, made for more peaceful resolutions in Dade County and if not for your courage, humility and unwavering faith then peace and unity might have just passed us by. Indifference must be replaced by intelligence, ingenuity and intuition which thankfully you had, Officer Cook. Wisdom and sagely advice beyond your years of experience. Conquering those who conspire to commit violence takes great pains and the effort, your sacrifice bears this out. The stellar and humble character did its communicating by diligently serving and protecting the masses. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The Chief Guide leads His angelic heroes valiantly through those still waters, those fields of eternal shelter are paved by heroically persevering ladies and gentleman all cherished and respected, saluted and humanely honored by their communities where they served out their life missions of mercy and goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2017

The fear is present. Violence and terror crossing paths to confront the wits of those ferocious enough to tackle this perplexing adversary head on. You were a tenacious warrior, Officer Cook and your life and career life left behind no shadow of a doubt as to the consummate public servant of constant integrity, dignity and honesty that gave Dade County and its citizens all the protection and serenity they could ask for. Thirty-eight years after your missions of faith, devotion, goodwill and resolve ended very tragically, those accomplishments have been taken to a higher shelter where other brave and humane comrades rest in God's arms. Justice and righteousness make right and yet they cannot cure what continues to confront our society. You were a man of ideals and character, Officer Cook, those morals and humility left an unmistakable imprint upon our community and nation where you are forever saluted for unwavering valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2017

Violence ravages the very heart of the peace and unity process. Perseverance and its persistence is what pays dividends for those of us who come to rely upon the morals of those humble, honest and bravest of public servants. Dade County was under the guidance of your eyes, ears and bright smile, Officer Cook. This war keeps circling its wagons and one day real soon evil shall be eliminated. Your integrity, dignity and class along with stellar character, commitment to excellence and pride led the way. Those colleagues continue to fight on as your spirit observes from the heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2017

It is so vicious and heinous, the cowardly actions of those gone crazy. Police officers try to stay in the framework of ferocity and keep tenacity attached to their gun belts. Something must give in this overwhelming battle over wickedness. You gave the effort and the energy that you summoned from within your heart, Officer Cook. Sometimes, I wonder why a young man of valor, honesty and devotion would answer that call although I know perfectly why you went. You were trained on the finer points and you would have never left your colleagues facing imminent danger. You did the right thing and sacrificed your life for Dade County's peace, protection and the continued happiness of all. Mankind salutes those valiant servants of persuasion, peace and the humility to carry you through your missions and tasks in life. It's a challenge no doubt that Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664 relished and accepted freely without any reservation whatsoever. And you'll be fondly and so honored and saluted with all the humane prayers and thoughts reserved for our angelic heroes and heroines. mankind can pursue as others now serve bravely, their turn has come to make a difference. Yours came, Officer Cook, the integrity and dignity were marvelous and your mettle was tested and with ingenuity and proper morals you succeeded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2017

As brave and sure as all public servants must be, unless their pathways in life and during their professional pursuits have honor, integrity and dignity following behind, the success may not be happening. Your pursuits of perseverance, Officer Cook, were maintained by an everlasting coat of character, class and the wisdom to direct other comrades around and through this maze of violence. Its turbulence is quite disturbing to the peace and unity of the people who call upon it. Dade County called out for your resources and were given steady and fair justice. You were loyal, devoted and faithful to any assignment placed before you. Never wavering or giving up. You kept fighting until the end as all humble and humane heroes and heroines must do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Knowledge and vision from righteous individuals kept the forces of evil away from us. You deflected devastation away from us, Officer Cook. Your career and life, their missions and destinies meant the world to those who surrounded themselves around your good grace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2017

The clocks that keep time remain ticking. The bells that toll for our brave and honest of heroes ring louder than ever. Dade County and its citizens have never forgotten you, Officer Cook. A man of sterling intellect and stellar character, class and decency all placed together by the ferocity of dignity and integrity. Your colleagues have remembered your solid character, courage to commit to pride and the excellent performance you gave in acquitting yourself in this fight over violence. We let cornerstones and those enhancements stay permanently affixed to our thoughts and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Determined, devoted and faithful, no more a loyal friend and honorable colleague to all than you were, Officer Cook. Success breeds success. You fruitful missions were all fortified by good morals and the principles to carry out tasks timely and correctly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

Public service requires the top of the line diligence and the patience put forth as vigilance roams the various venues in search of peace. First when you battle evil, you must stay on the pathways of honor, integrity and the living and breathing epitome of dignity. When Dade County called upon your exploits, Officer Cook, the excellence shone through. That bright smile and charming personality were the perfect combination as the components in your unwavering battles. You give the effort and God views our endeavors and those missions become clearer and more poignant. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook, heroic and stoic, you made peace and calm that living reality for all concerned citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The brave and bold all live by that golden rule and that is to treat others favorably, fairly and when firmness beckons, let common sense and rational reign down upon us. Your soul, Officer Cook sees and keeps the wheels of justice moving forward under the guidance of God.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

Only the finest and humble things could be solicited regarding you, Officer Cook. First and foremost you were a true hero. A first class citizen and a highly decorated police officer. You work portfolio speaks of your intensity, integrity and unselfish ingenuity. Dade County received the very best care under your watch. Comrades, friends and your loving family have the best of memories, those of your life missions and their fruitful destinies. Character and the badge and your uniform spoke of humanity the greatest of your stellar humility. Foundations can only rest when those who achieved them are resting in dignity as angelic heroes and heroines of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

There is nothing improper when using flowery language when describing the life and career of a humane and humbly beloved and honorable police hero. You developed a relationship with all mankind, Officer Cook and the residents of Dade County were the recipients of your wisdom, vision, integrity and intelligence way beyond your twenty-five years. You provided the living assurance that things would be unified and centered in a first class and noble manner. A courteous and courageous gentleman who will be forever saluted and honored for giving of himself. No sacrifice shall go without notice. Your heroic actions set the tone for tenacity as you were determined to calm and to stop this menacing enemy. Wickedness awaits those dedicated and passionate public servants who look to dish out nothing but positive results for those who yearn for life. It's so dignified that it calls for all measures in this battle over violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your concern, care and consideration all a part of your character and conviction shall be fondly remembered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

Doing the right thing takes proper motivation and the skills sets in place where nothing can pierce the shields of honesty, dignity and integrity. and if only that awfully tragic day of May 16, 1979, when you gave your life, Officer Cook, to enhance the peace and security of all Dade County and its citizens. You were a man of action, astuteness and the undaunted boldness to battle a foe so ferocious, it lets nothing stand in its way except a loyal and respected public servant which you were, Officer Cook. Head to head, face to face with an adversary so dominant. One day though that monster which has wreaked havoc will be brought down. Humanity will have its turn at living in peace and determination will reign. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

Practice makes perfect. Yet it is in the humbleness of God where perfection is clear. The bell toils for those who sacrificed and paid the ultimate price. You gave us, Officer Cook, unwavering and unselfish commitment, its honor and integrity like no other. Dade County salutes its heroes and heroines dignity, brave and sure. Their courage to stay and fight for our peace. Never an easy chore. We look up to the heavens and find that God has your character and smile, Officer Cook, safely in His arms. Those big humane and merciful hands of humility as only Our Creator can have. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearment and its companion of enhancement always everlasting. Keep smiling down on your family, colleagues and friends, Officer Cook, today and right now we can only sit and wonder. A life of destiny, your missions very clear, peace, fruition and fulfillment handled so wisely. Evil cannot take everything, for there must be those left to mourn. The hope is that time can heal those deep wounds. A wonderful man and a cherished Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

When a valiant public servant gives their life, the truth shall be eloquently stated that they gave their all. You stood happy and proud, Officer Cook, doing a job you really loved. Nothing can change the past, for it's your dignity, integrity and honesty that will forever last. Dade County can rest, its residents due to your diligence my neighbor, friend and hero had peace and unity delivered to their doorsteps. Thank God for your ingenuity, intuition and uncanny maturity, it travelled well beyond your years. Humanity has you to thank, Officer Cook, for spreading a wealth of goodwill and humility. Let us pray that those who have succeeded you dedicate and motivate other brave comrades in order that they may keep up this unwavering battle over an enemy of such grand proportions. One day this giant will fall, never again to get up and create panic and kayos, riots that shake our peace and quiet. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

Perseverance and preservation the two words so true. It's the heroes and heroines humble and bold, each with a story to be told. They shared and cared, their lives so true. Their tasks never easy, just keep honor and never stray. Those trails of tenacity you built, Officer Cook, are to be shared by all. But most of all, it was your decency and desire through and through, that kept Dade County and its citizens near and dear. Dedication and devotion clear as a bell. Leadership and character, commitment and conviction to pride and excellence will be how we forever salute your unwavering humility and grace. Violence and evil, its wickedness so bad, it is how you gave your life and career, Officer Cook, that makes us cry and be very sad. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were our hero. Your family's love and cherished warrior. You saved lives and maintained calmness through insanity. Our warriors today keep morals well grounded, their bravery and courage stay affixed to their badges and uniforms well mounted. Your soul of serenity, Officer Cook, hovers above us, it brightens the darkest of days, its rays of hope and faith spring forth with optimism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

We publicize perseverance, that much is clear, those brave and honorable were so near and dear. You were the apple of your parents' eyes, Officer Cook, their loyal and dignified son. Dade County stood ready to await your call, a man of humility who stood tall. Those colleagues salute your unwavering character, it went face to face with danger. You'll never be forgotten, only remembered for saving lives when it mattered. Peace and unity stand forever as the cornerstones you carved for enhancement to fruitfully continue. You were humane and carried integrity with a smile and a shining grace. Never again will an angelic hero like yourself, Officer Cook, be harmed. God watches over us, your soul beautiful and serene observes our coming and going, it soars higher everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2017

The uniform is donned justly and proudly. It is the badge of honor and humility that permits all brave and dignified public servants to stand up for our liberties and freedoms the one and only way. By confronting evil head to head, face to face. Nothing worse than having a young and productive life and career snuffed out with more left to fulfill. It was confiscated from you, Officer Cook, in front of those whom you protected and served. Your outstanding character and leadership founded in the paths of prudent and proper morals shall never be overlooked. We honor your integrity, achievements and the faithfulness you had and utilized to bring calmness and goodwill to all Dade County and its citizens. God reveals His glory through His most righteous men and women of undaunted, unselfish and unwavering bravery. Humanity will forever be indebted to you, Officer Cook, a gentleman with a smile and personality to match. The charisma and passion were tied as one, today they beat in the hearts of your loved ones. It becomes their onus and responsibility to carry out your heroic legacy with the very same class and decency that Dade County witnessed for six superior years of fine quality service. A friend to all. A hero to our world. Mankind embraces those efforts put forth by noble and valiant warriors.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2017

Bravery and integrity are the roads by which honesty and dignity travel must through. No job is really safe, the only way to be safe and to secure life and property is to follow rules and stay morally upright. You followed those trails of devotion and dedication, Officer Cook, while maintaining sanity and civility throughout the venues of Dade County. Trust is a must as is true character, the kind you possessed to see your missions of faith and hope through until your fruition was finalized. That's the sad part. Finality. It can be a cruel word and yet officers go out on patrol doing a job, performing a profession they chose willingly and without waiver nor hesitation. You will be fondly saluted and remembered by colleagues for wisdom, the gusto to commit to excellence and the pride in knowing you wore your badge and uniform wisely and humanely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were an expert in ethics, courtesy and efficiency, Officer Cook, never the lack of endeavor. You assisted greatly in this war to short circuit violence and the torment and turmoil it brings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2017

Astuteness and alacrity are bold enough for most ordinary people. For police officers, honesty, dignity and integrity are their best policies. Dade County was your main grounds of gallantry and humility, Officer Cook. No finer a person, no more humbler a gentleman with a caring heart and a compassion to match. When work and patrolling needed to make their rounds, it was your proficiency and resourcefulness that set the tone. Tenacity was employed in your quest to rid violence and terror from our midst. Only we wished you were still with us. To search and to look for men and women of character, your blessed name and pursuits in life are etched on a granite wall here in Miami. You certainly remain treasured and very much respected and beloved by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Proper morals and honor rests with your soul, Officer Cook, in God's divine and devoted eternal home where you can walk that proverbial beat without a threat of harm. Keep watching over us with your humane and merciful spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2017

Thank God for friendship. It's the saving grace for all mankind. When honor and loyalty were demanded, you performed, Officer Cook and discharged your professional duties with all the class, perseverance and resolve that was called upon. Public servants must remain dignified and have a humble dose of integrity surrounding their every move. Dade County pays homage to its heroes and heroines of courage and valor as we know your efforts helped to deliver peace and serenity to a community looking for calmness and boldness from its heroes. You were a considerate man, Officer Cook and a caring man with a humane and noble heart. You'll never be forgotten for leading other comrades through danger and achieving a measure of fruition that has only enhanced our society for the improvement of prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'll will always keep your family and your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, in my thoughts, heart and prayers. You were her beloved and darling son of heroism who directed evil away from us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2017

Valor validates what we already try to understand. Heroes and heroines like yourself, Officer Cook, don't spring up every moment. Dade County appreciated your honesty, effort and energy in making peace and unity at least have the opportunity to nourish one another. Humility and humbleness are just a piece of the puzzle. Your were a gifted man of class, decency and the character to fight these difficult battles over violence. When calamity struck, you were there to defend us. Now as we salute your acts of kindness and boldness, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The gallant and brave are now those angelic heroes whom we dearly miss and respect for their intensity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2017

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