Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Strong as an ox with the courage of a lion, you now fly high up in the sky on eagles wings, Officer Cook. Those brave moments when your sense of bravery and your heroic actions of honor all worked in unison to save the lives of Dade County citizens. What more class can one execute than patrolling and in distributing the righteous and humble peace that we who live in the United States are entitled to live by. The ferocity and frankness of your desire and determination, Officer Cook, made all the difference just as your character, morals and savvy instincts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We engage one another because of your unwavering quest for serenity. Man's gentle movements in and around the various venues where your vigilance paid dividends to mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 15, 2017
If you perceive peace then go and pursue it. Cut off violence and stamp out evil and its pathways of destruction. Its your destiny that called you, Officer Cook. police work was in your blood and coursing through your entire body. Dade County and its folks were your routes of resolve, as you protected their honor, dignity and integrity with the same measure that Our Creator instilled in you. All the character, class, decency and humility helped to make peace and unity find its rightful landing spot. Always the gentleman of goodwill, wisdom and divine instincts, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Missions were your life companions, trustworthy and truth to your word, our forever hero and tenacious warrior.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 15, 2017
The road to healing and hope is sometimes jagged, twisting and filled with dangerous turns. All one can do is stay those courses of courage, walk down the paths of persistence and keep goodwill churning forward by simply developing a little tenacity. It surely can take one's life of public service a long way. It would have taken you, Officer Cook, we love to be positive and optimistic to a wonderful life of retirement of which you should have been allowed to witness and the honesty that navigated your passions in life very well and humbly too. Dignity and integrity when displayed on the badge and uniform of such a brave soul, will never be forgotten. Your character and heroism, Officer Cook, now have been saluted as your spirit flies over us keeping us illuminated in those darkest of moments. Dade County, its peace and citizens were more than adequately protected and provided for by your undaunted humility and the loyalty that all faithful men and women must possess. This battle over evil must not be given a free reign nor a license to maim, harm or take lives in a cold and callous fashion. Your knowledge, wisdom, ingenuity and intuitions, Officer Cook, held sway and positive reinforcement that in itself has enhanced our society. And for making the ultimate sacrifice we pay homage to your civility, sanctity and clarity by which you were instrumental in asserting your astuteness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 15, 2017
No more pain or suffering. No more hatred or bigotry. It can only be accomplished if the public and the police are united and peaceful in their resolve to gain their freedoms. Our rights and dignities in Dade County were defended loyally and from top to bottom by your honest, brave and unwavering unselfishness, Officer Cook. Violence, evil and its vile brand of terror must be one day permanently obliterated. Society just as police departments have morals and rules which all public servants must live by. Character is one thing, clearly ethics and values matter as do all lives no matter race or background. You were very respected and treasured for your humility and humane heroic actions that helped to avert more trouble that tragic day of May 16, 1979. You now carry angel's wings with which your beautiful soul may fly higher each day watching over those brave and valiant servants who look to pursue peace in a civilized fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a gentleman, Officer Cook, full of love and life, more was left for you to champion. And what a passionate and calming influence in this war over wickedness and its lack of decency and scruples.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 15, 2017
I meant to say that on May 16, 1979, when you gave your life for Dade County, Officer Cook, that violence did not displace your character, concern and commitment. United we stand and when harm or tragedy befalls one officer, we all suffer. The pain and anguish your mother, wife, your widow, Karen and your sister Nancy suffered was so overwhelming that unless you are in their shoes you could not imagine that unbearable grief. Like a noose around one's throat. Integrity. Wisdom. Righteousness. Reverence. Dignity. Honor. They all belong with your heroic legacy, Officer Cook, forever until that day comes when your family members reunite with your treasured soul up in heaven. You solved and resolved with gallantry, grace and that ever present and engaging personality and smile. One that carried you superbly through danger on your destinies of safety and peace. Those missions, your pathways of perseverance and determination all made possible by hard work, training, preparation and the attitude to succeed will never be forgotten. Only saluted and deservedly so for motivating and in leading others through this maze of mayhem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I cry when I think of you, did not know you personally, that letter from your mother to me say it all well, humble, humane a real hero and savior to all humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 14, 2017
The thoughts of our devoted heroes and heroines departing this world too soon leaves us in pain and sorrow. It will always be why did evil have to take the life of a public servant so full of life and more left to fulfill? God knew your role and He knew where you came from. A home filled with love, honesty, integrity and dignity. You were the darling of your parents' eyes and of Nancy's too. You were that glue that bonded your family members in times of crisis and tragedy. After your father, Charles, passed in November of 1976, you were there as all good children are for your mom. What a woman! Mrs. Cook, your son was Dade County's enhancement, their hero of humbleness, humility and the bravery that stopped kayos before it had a chance to begin. What happened that sad day of May 16, 1979, did not lessen your morals and their fabric, it did not tarnish your tenacity, it surely did displace your character, courage and commitment. The truth is Our Lord needed you in a better place, Officer Cook, a seat reserved for those who honor their folks and faithfully carry out God's divine wisdom. It was certainly passed to you as was the keen vision and intellect, maturity and the message. Now your family carries on with your legacy and those broad foundations which you laid down, literally giving your life for stability, sanctity and civility to further reach down to cornerstones securely fastened. An officer and a leader of all comrades who face this enemy with humble bravery and honorable decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If only we would have met and befriended you and your family, Officer Cook. Keep smiling up above and brightening our world with your beloved and cherished soul.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 14, 2017
Today I visited your grave, Officer Cook and placed down those pinwheels. It's a shame they don't move. The swaying breezes remind us of your brave, humble and gentle soul of serenity. It loyally protected Dade County and its residents for six years of faithful and dedicated service of honor and dignity. Thankfully you humanely carried your integrity within your uniform and badge. One that spoke volumes of boldness and commitment to see justice adjudicated fairly and firmly. Your character, decency and devotion will forever be how you will heroically be remembered and saluted for brokering peace, morals and the ideals by which we live by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always a blessed Godsend and your community and family's warrior. Evil you faced, Officer Cook, squarely where those who commit vile acts will be caught, convicted and punished. You conducted your affairs and performed your roles in an admirable manner. Only outstanding, you gift to humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 14, 2017
Being tenacious and astute does not always lead to disaster. But being foolish and unwise though can bring on sure turmoil, even cost a life. The options for all duly sworn public servants is to be humbly honorable, loyal and have your dignity and integrity by your side at all times. It takes a work in progress to produce the required results. Your ethics and morals coupled with your character, Officer Cook, saved lives and removed any questions of doubt among Dade County residents. You'll always be held in high regard for humility and hard fought courage all straight from your heroic heart. It helped to enhance our future, it would have been your future savoring retirement. God had other plans for a noble man of distinction whose destinies drew out your faithful missions of hope and peace for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 13, 2017
Vengeance only exacts violence as vile and as ugly as it can get. But, your superior vigilance and diligence, Officer Cook, straightened out the terror that was happening for most of your years with the Metro-Dade Police Department. Calmer heads and cooler hearts must prevail in this heated war over wickedness. A man with your engaging personality, class and honesty kept the quiet and its unity moving forward. Resolve, integrity and dignity all deserve those humane and humble salutes of esteem and humility. To serve humanity with all your might, you must summon up the courage from your heart and maintain the utmost desire, maturity and the visual wisdom to plan things in front of your paths of proficiency. Always etched in our minds and thoughts forever a blessed hero and savior of serenity and character. You cannot succeed unless there is some semblance of character, it leads to fruition which in part navigated your journeys, Officer Cook, of hope and goodwill for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 13, 2017
I have been meaning to place some pinwheels at your grave, Officer Cook. Tomorrow will be a good day God willing. Times in Dade County were rich with resolve and the humble honor you had while serving and protecting our lives, Officer Cook. If only all officers' dignities and integrity could save them from this great danger, violence and its associated mayhem. You tried calming people and if only that horrible day, May 16, 1979, as Chief Bowlin said if things did not happen as they did. Your character, courage and commitment saved your colleagues and those civilians embroiled in that nasty domestic dispute. Class, decency and desire carried your trips around a community that both admired and respected your authority. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were an outstanding young man with more upside and accomplishment left behind for your family and colleagues to pursue.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 13, 2017
Ferocity may not fleet nor may tenacity take a twisted turn off that road of resolve. Certainly honesty and dignity along with stellar integrity are those officer's insurance policies when the time is there to serve and to protect. For all that you accomplished during your life and career, Officer Cook, the question will always come back to why? Why did hatred and violence end your life of happiness and your missions all fairly and faithfully executed with outstanding character and superior morals? God surely has those answers and more locked away for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 12, 2017
Days of old with stories to be told. Memories from the heart are just the start. You lived twenty-five years, Officer cook and in those three-hundred months you did more for our fruition and future than some who live a lifetime. Dignity and honor, integrity and intellect never left your side. Dade County and its citizens were your onus and you carried your burdens smartly, wisely and with that enhanced sense of humility and the confidence that all brave souls must have. Surely, goodness and gallantry shadowed you all your days, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of peace and unity. Delivered humbly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 12, 2017
Today, texting and driving don't mix. And neither does drinking and driving. Police requires that special heroic and honorable passion. Well, you had that and much more, Officer Cook. At age twenty-five you had honesty, integrity and dignity, but then again you had this your whole life. You combined forces with other brave and noble comrades to battle these forces of evil. Ferocity and tenacity accentuated your humble accomplishments as a duly bold and loyal public servant to Dade County. Its people were the recipients of resolve and life that enabled them to carry on. So too should your fruitful pursuits been allowed that same opportunity. God takes the best of men and women, dedicated and devoted and reaches out for their souls of safety uplifting them to newer heights. Forevermore, Officer Cook, will you be our hero and humane inspiration. The courage conjured up to face the danger that violence may strike up at any given moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and of endearment. Morals and values along with ideals transport one's lively pursuits way down those trails where decency and class await them. It was always a friendly hello how are you? A big wide smile, a grin from ear to ear. All that and much more are very dearly missed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 12, 2017
Bees buzz. Birds chirp. The waves of the ocean crash against the walls where one can ponder and just think. To understand those miracles just imagine for a moment what devoted and honest public servants must travel to and go through everyday for peace and its freedom to take hold. You took serenity, Officer Cook, shaped it, molded it and created a pleasant environment by which all residents of Dade County could live and thrive more safely. It's when integrity, desire and its stellar dignity pitched in on your patrols where honesty too was summoned. Character is part of that conclusion to a peaceful outcome. May 16, 1979 should have ended better than how things transpired. You, Officer Cook, were a hero and so too were your colleagues that dreadful day when gunfire interrupted an otherwise peaceful day in Liberty City. Buildings and changes galore have occurred since you sacrificed your life and soul on our behalf. We can look back and attempt to realize who you were and one navigated wearing Badge#1664, one of humility on humanity's bequest. Valor and bravery are those safety nets which blanket all loyal and desirous police officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Laughing and smiling, you should be doing that now with Karen, your mother and your entire family. Greeting your comrades with a big hug and a friendly greeting. One gracious and gallant man now tucked away in those eternal vaults where vigilance and diligence made all the difference here in a community that keeps alive your memory, Officer Cook. We may feel trapped, you won't allow us to wallow in self-pity. Keep on trudging forward. Keep marching on. Time never stands still. Always happiness, achievements and countless fruition left to pursue. Thank God for your unwavering, unselfish and undaunted heroism. Always positive and most passionate. Others brave and honest souls should strive to emulate your dignity and integrity. It might make a difference in this war over wickedness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 12, 2017
Pencils have erasers. Guns once they are fired cannot take back their arsenal. Sad day when nowadays it seems almost anyone can purchase a weapon. Nothing good comes from it. Mass destruction. Devastation. Evil and violence perpetrated by people bent on something tragic. You served and saved Dade County with all your positive energy and resources of resolve, honor, dignity and integrity. At least for a gentleman of peace and unity, Officer Cook, you tried your hardest to maintain a semblance of sanity. It takes a humbly and humanely valiant public servant that you were, Officer Cook, to take charge of a situation and seize upon the opportunity to eliminate this terror. Never forgotten and forever saluted for savvy wisdom, inbred ingenuity and the leadership that spread enhancement far and wide. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We'll remember the life and accolades of an accomplished and faithful comrade. You gave. All we can do is to keep the hope and faith that your beloved soul will illuminate those darkest hours. Thirty-eight years. Let's pray optimism seeps through those crevices where commitment and conviction to excellence and its pride are lying.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 12, 2017
One shift ends. Another begins. Yours, Officer Cook, was five minutes from its conclusion. Boy, how time flies! You were a dedicated officer my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humility and courage, dignity and honor spoke. You were not dodging helping your comrades under fire. The firefight that day was very tragic, Officer Cook. A classic man of gallantry and character whose word was your bond. It was boldness talking and because of your heroic actions, peace and prosperity in Dade County were returned to its people. The final chapter of your life of humane and humble heroism. Now and forever saluted and honored for properly donning your uniform and badge of nobility. We have a difficulty answering the if. It was God deeming your missions as finished. Why? Why? Why? You were our hero. You were your family's savior and hero. Your community, you were their friend and Godsend. A very blessed man of endurance and faith spreading goodwill and hope among all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
The life of a public servant has its twists and turns. The ups and downs of being honest, loyal and stable. The uniqueness of understanding integrity and containing your dignity within the framework of tenacity. When things go wrong we turn to reliable men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, to undo what went wrong. Dade County and its citizens witnessed the charismatic gentleman of gallantry, grace and the effort that went into your professional chores of courage and resolve. Only treasured and admired for taking evil and for redistributing the peace and quality of life we look forward to leading. Choices. Life is full of choices. Some run to seek happiness. Some clamor to wreak havoc. Thank God for your unselfish commitment and its transparency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If only on May 16, 1979, your day could have been routine, Officer Cook. You faced every circumstance fearlessly and most willingly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
Birds of a feather flock together. And so do colleagues of congeniality and courage. It's in their blood to be bold, brave and honorable. Your bloodlines, Officer Cook, took their genesis from dignity and the unwavering and unselfish integrity to fight vigorously on our behalf. Dade County can fondly look back upon your exploits of humble excellence, Officer Cook. You excelled in resolve, faith and the goodwill that was solidly delivered to all its citizens. Homage and humility pay each other back just as fairness and firmness. Never far from our thoughts and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those cornerstones and their foundations rest duly in your determination, dedication to duty and the desire to serve and patrol with capable proficiency. You are missed terribly, Officer cook. God took an enchanted soul back to His eternal home to serve an all important mission of hope and faith. Watch over those who now serve the causes that were a part of your life and career of public service.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
I meant to say you were an honest man, Officer Cook. A troubled, depressed and distraught young man took your life, honor, dignity and integrity away from us and your family and department. Comrades full of admiration for a well loved and respected figure of ferocity and the sanctity by which we live our lives and choose to pursue our dreams and desires. Your consideration, concern, care and class were all from your outstanding character, courage and the commitment to devote yourself to evil and alleviating it from our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
Nothing but affection and esteem for a job where danger and disaster lurk. You took things seriously, Officer Cook, where safety and security rest within those walls of peace and unity. It was all about the residents of Dade County and your unwavering resolve to serve them. You performed your roles knowingly, with honor and humility with an unmatched integrity, the respect and admiration your comrades had for you. We can safely look back on your devoted and staunch character, the courage to undertake any and all assignments no matter the time. Violence does not stand pat. It does not watch a time clock. it must be answered with full energy and all the confidence that officers must have. We salute your humility toward humanity one that never was detached. Police work is not for everyone as one must be both physically and mentally aware of their surroundings and prepare for any type of heroic action. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
The passage of time allows those who mourn their loved ones to release their emotions after all, one who is brave, honest and considerate should be promptly and properly remembered for giving their life of integrity and dignity. You permitted us to live, Officer Cook, you gave encouragement to those in need. Those photos of nature you took, Officer Cook had to be breath taking indeed. But, so is candor, class and the desire to serve and save. Humility and its morals saw to those heroic actions on May 16, 1979 and for that matter your entire watch and life. A career derailed by wanton and heinous violence directed at a beloved and humble man of ingenuity and maturity. wisdom, vision and leadership all require a duty, that devotion must be loyal, faithful and trustworthy to the highest degree. You won't be forgotten, Officer Cook, for bravery, boldness and the valor in your noble mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Reality zeroes in on trust and its burdens which we share together. One day we will conquer and defeat evil. Its mandate is too important to deflect to others. Only those truly devout servants can properly deliver resolve and completion of such perilous assignments.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
Righteous women and men try their best to deflect dangerous people from our midst. Dade County and its folks deserve as do all people safety and serenity without the strings of fear hovering over them. You protected and served us, Officer Cook, with all the dignity, integrity and honesty your position called for. You paid dearly for our lives and desires to march on. It's sad your life ended as it did and yet the humbleness and humility will always be fondly remembered forever. Only character, commitment to pride and excellence helped to steer wickedness away from us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The homage paid to a cherished and respectful public servant is now and forever being keep safe from harm. You were fearless and unwavering in your resolve. The results were and are evident. Lives mattered. So did yours, Officer Cook, destinies deemed finished. Fruition and accomplishment duly concluded.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
If you love life, you'll do whatever you have to in order to sustain honor and its partners, dignity and integrity. You enjoyed your role as a police officer, Officer Cook. You were compassionate and composed in dealing with the issues that all public servants must if peace and its daily security are to be properly attached to one another. Dade County and its residents were afforded the top quality treatment and concern for a man of character whose skills, vision and common sense of direction were never lacking. We acknowledge your commitment and sacrifice of humility, the tender loving care of humanity that won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement is so near and dear as you were to your family, friends and colleagues who defended us from evil. Violence and terror never to be tolerated.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
Better to be observant and relevant than be hidden in the sand, clueless about our society. You were devoted and faithful to all the causes that public servants must be occupied with, Officer Cook. Integrity, dignity and honesty are an all day and all night practice. So too is proper behavior which in turn leads to positive outcomes. For Dade County and its people they counted on you, Officer Cook, a responsible and most resourceful man of motivational skills and the humble leadership abilities that are needed to account for the safety of citizens and of your colleagues who fought tooth and nail to restore civility and common sense to those calling out for this. Those who possess the character have the morals to solve and to resolve. Crime is quite tough to get a handle on, you did your best, Officer Cook, and acquitted yourself professionally at all times. Never forgotten. Only sadness that you had your young life and career taken before its time. Your loving family remembers you and years from now will still salute and honor you courage and humility that only benefitted humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always compose yourself and carry your decency as you would with you convictions and commitments. You always did the right thing, Officer Cook, for this society will be indebted to your heroic actions.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017
Never slight anyone. Remember to treat others with kindness and compassion for we never know when that day of reckoning will be. Thank God you treated everyone with respect and dignity, Officer Cook. Always quality character. Only a man devoted to morals and integrity. Honesty took your life, its missions and destinies to places where we would not travel. Dade County and its citizens received the finest service and utmost quality of protection, resolve and loyalty that you afforded your comrades in this battle over violence. Saluted for humility and for giving serenity a fighting chance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines humble and righteous never ran from evil. They seek ways of peace and pursue it even in danger's face. Undaunted and unselfish, your sacrifice, Officer Cook, allowed us the opportunity to change this world for the better. You should have been able to see these changes personally. God has your soul of security up in His glorious majesty for eternal safekeeping. You were the consummate public servant, gentleman with a caring and golden heart. It gave and gave. Mrs. Cook, you should be well. I'll always keep you in my heart and prayers.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 11, 2017