Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

God concludes those brave and honest actions of our heroes by placing them in His shelters in heaven where they can patrol His sacred streets in peace with nothing harming them again. Dade County where you protected us, Officer Cook, was your venue of vigilance, no small assignment and yet you did a really excellent job of securing and making freedom matter again. those comrades who served beside a man of conviction, commitment and character realized morals and scruples would mean the difference between a good outcome where resolve would stay resurrected and where evil might creep in. We were kept at peace by your heroic humility and only civil mannerisms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2017

Police must be patient and yet show fairness and firmness in all that they achieve. You cannot have officers disgracing their badges and uniforms for the sake of peace and prosperity. They must be untarnished where tenacity, integrity and dignity take thei rrightful spots. Here in Dade County you performed superbly, Officer Cook, with morals, honor and character. It was your humble decency which highlighted your years as a Metro-Dade Police Officer. As a hero of humility and its sanctity you will not be forgotten. You will be fondly remembered and paid homage for heroic acts of bravery even when bombarded by mayhem. You paid the ultimate price for prosperity and devotion to lead us into the future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was about class and staying calm facing danger as all public servants must. Humanity is guided by your spirit of care and affection, Officer Cook, a great man, an even more suberb gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2017

Always humble. Always sincere and humane. Why did violence have to take your life and a career filled with more promise and resolve, Officer Cook? As one who met some of your family members and received thaat nice letter from your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, I wonder this everyday and I 'll never forget you. Your professional prowess on behalf of Dade County and its residents was for the successful implementation of peace, unity and a man of honor, integrity and dignity who just cared. Police work is never easy and really it is never over until it's over. You kept up the ferocity, perseverance and the faithful devotion one who leads others must maintain. Colleagues share these same sentiments today and everyday since your heroic life ended on May 16, 1979. Stay well Mrs. Cook. Your beloved son, your "Billy" won't be overlooked. Only so honored humbly and saluted for his courage and valor which paved the pathways for other brave souls to pursue. Character and morals never end as your family continues your legacy of love and the labors of effort you put forth in your ourtstanding work. God stores these mysteries and their answers in heaven where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The honorable heroes and heroines who relied upon good instincts are kept eternally safe from any more harm. Their families have suffered plenty of hurt, that gaping hole in their hearts that the loss of beloved one leaves.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2017

The windows of opportunity are open for those honorable, dignified and full of intense integrity. Your patrols of Dade County, Officer Cook, were made possible by resolve, faith and the character needed to commit oneself to promoting peace an dunity. May the windows of wickedness slam shut on those brazen enough to even perish the thought of doing evil. You'll never be forgotten for calibrating care, consideration and the concern you had, Officer Cook, for all mankind. A gentle breeze blows the wings by which your beloved spirit flies high in God's celestial kingom of kindness, the bravery you an dother angelic heroes and heroines displayed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clutch and resourceful. You faced torment with tenacity as all public servants must do. Our warrior and savior with a good name and the blessed actions of who man who cared about those you watched and served. A watch has two hands, yours, Officer Cook, pursued happiness and the peace that despair causes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2017

Teary eyed and yet we prayed you would survive that day of heinous violence, Officer Cook. A gifted young man of gallantry and faith. A resolute servant of God who dug into crime with all his might, with all your fight. Integrity, dignity and honor cannot capitulate to evil. You stopped it from scarring Dade County and its fine people. We don't need a reminder of your undaunted and unselfish character, your undying civility through humility that left mankind filled with your fruition through your fruitful diligence. No boosting. Only the humble shelters of serenity dutifully erected as our cornerstones of your tenacity in all your trails and pathways of perseverance.. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's hard to clamor at such a fine young man taken way too soon. Hatred and terror must be weeded out for the world to stand soundly in the foundations by which you started, Officer Cook. Just straightforward planning and careful and thoughtful preparation. You gave your life for our dreams and aspirations to move forward. It's a tragedy you could not be witness to those eye opening enhancements. Heroes and heroines alike brave and sure set out to live, breathe and perform like they should. Brave and humanely humble. They go about their daily business with a purpose. To serve, guard and save us from certain dangers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2017

On the wings of love do you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Your humble and loyal life and career of professional service to protect Dade County citizens was bounded by the efforts of commitment through honest, dignified and pursuits of integrity. It set our peaceful lives in motion to challenge ourselves from within. You championed the causes of bravery and conviction, Officer Cook, as all faithful and decent public servants would do. Nothing stood in your way. You were a devout and loyal patriot whose character and consideration have made what family, friends and colleagues already knew about you. The most humble and conscientious gentleman who dared to face wickedness and achieved more than we could even start to comprehend. God's heroic angel. Those wings, Officer Cook will keep your beloved soul flying high forevermore. It was your labors of esteem and the valor meant to validate your journeys and missions of mercy for all mankind to take notice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2017

Revolting. Disgusting. Disgraceful. Downright wicked and heinous, taking the lives of those humble, honest, decent, humane and brave souls who serve and protect our liberties and freedoms. Their journeys of justice never near sighted, only perfect vision, wisdom and the capability to distribute leadership to other gallant, brave and loyal men and women. You certainly performed nobly on behalf of Dade Count and its folks, Officer Cook. Sweat and toil, fearlessness and fighting resolve that solved, calmed and comforted those awaiting your engaging character and presence. No matter the circumstance, situation, you placed your fate, Officer Cook, in God's hands and He steered you to where resourcefulness and humility would accentuate all your perpetual movements. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Devotion and enhancement rest solidly in the yokes of all brave souls who share in the solemn pledge to eliminate violence and its absolute mayhem from our world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2017

You held that candle so close to the light, Officer Cook and nothing but brightness, boldness and bravery of a loving and humble nature shown through. Dade County's persona was preserved and watched over by your radiance, its resolve and the fundamental faithfulness of fair and equal rights and peace for all mankind. Character and concern, class and devotion, dignity and integrity employed in your solid leadership and successful motivation of other heroic colleagues. Only goodness shall follow you, Officer Cook, a righteously humane and civil gentleman of grace and gallantry. You relished your role and its tasks where tenacity and grit followed close behind ferocity and commitment to both pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In God's eternal resting place of brave and sacred angelic heroes and heroines we shall never forget their perception, perseverance and devotion to those calls of duty where life and property rest firmly in their morals and principles.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2017

Humane acts of heroism serves as our inspirations from those who aspired to protect and keep the necessary peace and prosperity. Humanity does record as does Our Creator those who honestly and lovingly fulfilled their journeys, all destinies of dignity, desire and inherent decency. Your whole life and career, Officer Cook, were the humble missions of serenity and sanctity that was from the genesis of good character, quality morals and the excellent upbringing you and your sister, Nancy, were given. Now you have been received in God's giant arms for cradling and eternal safekeeping from any harm. Patrol those streets of sacrament with love, faith and goodwill as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2017

A good result is better than insults. As polite and courteous as you were to those whom you served and protected, Officer Cook, I still don't know why someone bent on evil would have wanted to harm you and your comrades that day or anytime. Safety and civility were distributed in a fair and just manner to all residents of Dade County. Character, crystal clear devotion, faith and goodwill toward all society made you a hero in your family's heart and in those who admired the gentleman in you. You'll always be saluted and given honor for trying to restore peace and prosperity for all to pursue. Your career and life were a Godsend and a blessing to all who knew you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2017

Resolve helps to seal serenity. And all any beloved public servant then requires is of course, bravery, honesty and the decency to battle through those rough and most difficult times. You fought for our peace and freedom, Officer Cook, one so very valuable and cherished as you were on behalf of all Dade County citizens. One's inner core of integrity, dignity and the spirit by which you accomplished fruition will never be overlooked. The humble and humane hero of character and leadership won't be forgotten. Revered, remembered and respect for your faithfulness and loyalty, calmness was brought about through your diligence to detail and attention to awareness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2017

Diabolical and downright heinous, police have to clean the streets where evil lurks supplanting it with peace and friendship. The hope, prosperity and goodwill of all mankind rides on its wings. Your travels throughout Dade County, Officer Cook, were paved with resolve, honor and unselfish perseverance. The faithful obey and deliver actions of heroic humility and the humbleness instilled in all of God's angels of valor. When a man of character surrenders his life and career as you did, Officer Cook, we must cherish and remember their feats of tenacity as sure as the sun rises and sets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You composed yourself with integrity, Our Creator shines down His salvation upon your beloved family members and comrades who battled evil and its notorious violence that threatens our happy pursuits in life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2017

Character and perseverance along with bravery and honesty are the telling clues as to how our most beloved public servants will perform their danger tasks everyday. You worked very hard, Officer Cook, to keep peace and prosperity centered properly in Dade County. Its folks appreciated your resolve and faithfulness, always the dedication and devotion to your colleagues. Your family and colleagues remember your determination and motivational leadership that enabled comrades to battle evil in a much better light. Humility and humanity go together when our brave and valiant display their proficiency in defeating doom and gloom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You rest in the ideals that your fruition has been carried on by your loving family members, Officer Cook and those humble souls of serenity and tranquility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2017

We design our plans for life according to how we see fit to pursue our happiness. Life has that extra special meaning for some and for others they choose what they want to explore. You followed your heart, Officer Cook and became a quality Metro-Dade Police Officer. Dade County was very fortunate to have you in their ranks. Honor. Dignity. Integrity. Whatever each circumstance required, your stellar character and morals came through to serve and to save lives. Enhancement can stand together with your endearing smile and personality never to be forgotten nor your heroic actions of May 16, 1979 and everyday for that matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Most beloved, courageous and humane in your humbleness displayed towards humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2017

Incarceration is the penalty for committing a crime and being found guilty. A lesson to be taught and learned thoroughly before acting hastily and with outright wickedness. Dade County was taught the messages of honor, dignity and integrity all incorporated within your character and morals, Officer Cook. A calming and positive influence on the residents you served and watched over with affection, bravery, boldness and humanity's blessings of resolve and everlasting efficiency. Never will you be forgotten, Officer Cook, for laying down your life and career for our dreams and accomplishments to march on. That sacred beat you are now walking on God's streets of surveillance and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2017

Ambition takes sincerity and honesty to launch its designs in life. Public service requires astute awareness, thoughtful consideration and self imposed desire, the integrity to perpetuate goodwill while directing happiness to those seeking its shelter. To those who sought you out, Officer Cook, they found a real gem in Dade County. One whose radiance shined brilliantly day in and day out. Every watch observed with humility, humble esteem and the loyalty from a gentleman heroic in nature, who applied his abilities and capabilities in leading other men and women through the tunnels of tenacity while facing peril and terror with unwavering conviction and equal ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and morals. Never forgotten. Always especially remembered and saluted for courage, bravery and valor straight from your faithful heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2017

Let a humble man perform his duties. The job of dispensing justice will follow suit. Your badge and uniform, Officer Cook, did all your conversing as it spoke of values and valor that God deemed complete in your destiny of pursuing evil and bringing happier times to Dade County citizens. Class of decency. Devotion to honesty and dignity never stopped your navigations of reason and resourcefulness. Public servants must act accordingly and with tenacious tact. They must utilize the gifts of gallantry and knowledge passed on down to them. It brought peace and freedom to a community where you continue to be humble revered and paid the most humane homage, Officer Cook. For saving and acting in an unwavering manner, your commitment and courage from within won't go overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2017

Cunning takes a certain boldness to carry out. Boasting does not accomplish a thing as all it does is to follow allow false precepts to seep into one's work and mind. Public servants of honor and integrity simply cannot have outside distractions and influences interrupt their service and preservation of our basic rights. Those freedoms and peace that you helped to make happen, Officer Cook, are a daily reminder of the ever present dangers heroes and heroines face. Nothing routine. At times complex. Perseverance and character are a requirement of fruition in order to get the best of outcomes. You were humane and humble, skilled and devoted, leader like no other. When peril and calamity came calling you came, Officer Cook, determined to bring violence to a head. You tried on May 16, 1979, you performed in an outstanding manner and will always be thought of as a hero and guardian angel who now graces heaven with your uncanny gallantry. A smile forever. We cry over you and the loss of a cherished gentleman who gave humanity something uniquely valuable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A sunny day brightened immeasurably by your personality and engaging effort, all the principles we could ask for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2017

Perception can be described as how we feel at the moment. Protection and service need total effort and no lack of honesty, character and the conviction to see things through. Your whole life and career, Officer Cook, was as a police officer whose charge was simple and yet, straight to the point. Eliminate evil. Pursue justice for all Dade County and its residents and grant hope, faith and goodwill to all by virtue of your resolve and responsibility to live up to a code of standards. Today, those comrades who loyally served with you, Officer Cook, pay homage to your humane and humble memory by saluting your heroism. It spoke loud and clear. It has left an everlasting imprint by which other brave souls emulate to follow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The gates of heaven stay open wide as you and those who sacrificed help God provide the sanctity and civility for those who cherish to pursue honorably just as you did for twenty-five years of excellence and bold commitment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2017

Allow someone to be the recipient of honesty and resolve, the peace and unity surely will follow. It followed your pursuits of evil and happiness at the same time here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of your word, your affirmation to fight indignity with integrity and humility won't be forgotten. Your family loved you and imbued within your being those humble and loyal traits of morals and character to help you stay the course of courage. Bravery and leadership fit a hero's solemn and humane life and the career choice of protecting and in serving. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forever cherished, admired and faithful to those causes that demands justice swiftly and firmly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2017

One does not argue the virtues of humility, nor the inroads of integrity, nor one's designated dignity as these are our ambitions that can take us far and wide. You policed and provided the best possible high quality service that Dade County could have requested, Officer Cook. Diligent. Articulate and aware. Peace and prosperity were brought about and delivered solely upon your pursuits of happiness, hope and decorum for all mankind. Spirituality takes you places. Faithfulness brings about that insightful impact. Twenty-five years, Officer Cook, you made a solid contribution on life and this world. A destiny and mission on our behalf deemed finished. God brought you back to a world of heroes and heroines, humane, principled and possessing all the right attributes. Multiply all those heroes and heroines in God's eternal shelters, then add all the traits of tenacity and you've got more humbleness and satisfaction than anything else. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your endearment enhanced more than we could even begin to ponder, Officer Cook. The essence of energy, efficiency and endeavor beyond the normal. We were kept safe by your undying and unselfish sacrifice. This served to bring out a lesson for all to learn from. No round pegs in square holes or visa versa. Public service demands all components fit the profile. Violence expects maximum skill, leadership. determination and motivation from its bravest and most humbly honorable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2017

Ambition will take you as far as your honor and bravery follow you close behind. Dade County was where you toiled and served us loyally and were a cherished public servant, Officer Cook. Loved and admired by all your peers and beloved family members. The peace and unity were tied together just as the freedom and relief as they flew high up those poles of perseverance. Your morals, principles and character, Officer Cook, were never lacking. If only those side panels were around. A genuine gentleman of faith, hope and goodwill, it will be humanity's way of solemnly saluting your valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2017

Utilize your ability to its fullest and somehow the humility directed toward humanity will follow suit. If police officers directed their every effort to policing, patrolling and in saving lives, their roles and associated tasks would be made far less complicated. Protecting lives takes diligence and effort, something more unique and humble too, dignity, honesty and integrity. You can't perform properly if your character and decorum is out to lunch. You carried yourself, Officer Cook, with humility and the nobility to furnish peace and safe conditions for all Dade County and its folks. You carried the yokes of yearning and made fruition an endeavor by which you accomplished. You were a very special and mature young man, Officer Cook, who lived each day of your twenty-five years as a devout and faithful servant of Our Maker. All God expects is that we think before giving the effort. And that is what our heroes and heroines nurture and nourish us with, their sanity and civility in all aspects of their official professional position. Morally straight and thoughtfully humble, all the right directives toward a long career. God saw your missions of goodwill and hope as complete and brought you back to His eternal home for safekeeping. Those gates and sacred streets have been watched by a man of ingenuity and unwavering resolve. The conviction and commitment was always there and now forever it will be solemnly saluted. Bravery from a hero and a warrior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2017

A handsome man of faith and loyalty, you deserved better, Officer Cook. Your dignity and integrity along with your humble honor did deserve to live on. It is your wonderful spirit which illuminates our lives, your family's, your colleagues and personal friends, many from around our country. Dade County and its residents did achieve resolve and calm by your engaging presence. Its cornerstones and your character along with excellent work habits helped to restore vitality and vigilance within those venues where evil may have lurked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Concerned with safety and dignity, your intensity and civility brought sanctity along with humility to our society. Noble deeds of the righteous, they live on as the inspirations in those angelic heroes and heroines of valor. They left no stone unturned. They searched and looked for wickedness and found it before it got worse.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2017

Having intensity takes practice. All the preaching and training is worthless if the resolve, integrity and honor is absent from its equation. Public servants like yourself, Officer Cook, fought those battles long and hard and for men and women as humble and as dignified as you were, Officer Cook, your sacrifice on behalf of Dade County, its peace and security were the staples of your labors of love. Cherished, admired and deeply respected for aiding and saving lives, you'll be forever remembered for solutions which in turn delivered salvation to a community clamoring for change. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your class, character and morals brought foundations to the forefront. Generations from now those who risk their souls will look back fondly on your life and career, Officer Cook. It was sure fire tenacity and ferocity straightforward. Violence cannot be dealt with if one backpedals. You were motivated and determined, your leadership abilities bore out the facts and so does one's perseverance. Yours, Officer Cook, was second to none. You did everything you could on May 16, 1979, we wished you still here. We will keep your beloved family in our prayers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 21, 2017

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