Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
To be remembered fondly one must act with honesty and bravery. Nothing less than the truth suffices. Suffering and pain must be dealt head on perseverance, integrity and the stellar dignity to carry all morals public servants down those tracks of tenacity. You were kind and loyal, Officer Cook, the citizens of Dade County never were troubled when you lent a hand in an effort to fight this violence with its evil far reaching. Never forgotten and always the humane and humble officer who was steered by God's gentle serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. At least your had heroic class and character covering your every pursuit and mission.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2017
Falsehoods are many, but truth is one. In the unity of truth there is strength: truth is divine and it will surely triumph. In a world filled with violence and torment, it's better to try and fight evil in a more humbler means. Not to say let your enemies boast, but be very careful how you approach. You took your battle to the people, Officer Cook, giving the finest and most sought after service and preservation. The humane honesty, defender of dignity and the information of integrity passed on down to be shared by all. Dade County residents will always know the truth, Officer Cook, you were their hero and for giving your humility back to God on our behalf you will forever reap that sacred heavenly reward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family looks up at the night skies and witnesses your golden soul of security looking in on their happy pursuits in life. They were your dreams, goals and focuses that have now become our inspirations. Just be honest and brave which you were.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2017
When you admire beauty in a woman, remember their beauty is but a reflection of the supreme source of beauty-the Lord. As your friend and colleague, Officer Frank Piloto, your friend and comrade in arms reflected you married a beautiful woman in Karen, Officer Cook. The epitome of grace and charm, honesty and dignity. You put two and two together and you get four. The full compliment of integrity, intellect, ingenuity and intuition. They make for a marvelous marriage. If only, Officer Cook, that sinister beast that you so humanely and heroically protected Dade County citizens from didn't take you away, violence, evil and hatred perpetrated against you and your colleagues. The best laid plans of people, their dreams and lives shattered by unearthly gunfire against one graceful and gallant gentleman who was and is cherished and admired this day forevermore as God cradled His angelic heroes and heroines snuggly in His arms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, courage and commitment may never be tarnished, broken or destroyed by wickedness. The righteous men and women live on in our lives for a blessing. You were a savior and a humble Godsend, Officer Cook. Fruitions of ferocity. Trails of tenacity. Destinies of desire, devotion and determination. Missions of meaning and mercy behind all your tasks.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2017
You were the living and breathing example of a religious man, Officer Cook. You prayed and attended Visitation Catholic Church in North Miami by your home with your beloved Karen regularly. In a world filled with bigotry, hatred and vanity all you did was your part in keeping peace and security where it belongs, the citizens of Dade County where you served with strength, vigor and the vitality of vigilance have not forgotten your heroism. Your character, desire, integrity with honesty following your drives around where you grew up and calmed down folks angered by hostility or whatever was bothering them were grateful. Working for peace takes every ounce of compassion and the promise of better days on the horizon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of justice for every person out there planning and pursuing ventures of happiness, honor and most importantly respect for one another.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2017
Fortunately, your thinking process, Officer Cook, was masterful and articulate. A devout and faithful gentleman of spirit, you now can disperse good tidings upon us from God's clear blue skies. Dade County and its citizens fortunes were placed in your palms for safekeeping and that is what you provided and inspired, peace and justice for all. Integrity, honor and dignity don't just happen and certainly not overnight or by luck. They are created from within a public servant's home environment and transferred to their daily duties, yours, Officer Cook, as a valiant and resourceful officer with the Metro-Dade Police Department. Six years of heroic and humble work all accomplished with the greatest acumen, awareness and the broad sense of serenity to be shared by all people. Newer horizons for everyone. Shelters of unity bonded by your loving and respectful endeavors on behalf of humanity. Twenty-five years sadly and tragically taken by the very evil you solemnly took an affirmation to protect us from and you did right until your last breath in Liberty City in Miami where character, courage and cornerstones crossed those cerebral lines of calmness. You gave and we the citizens salute you every core of care and concern for a community that so honors your journeys and fruitions in life. The destinies are now of a heavenly reward for being astute and humanely righteous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A person's maturity surely can lead to trails of tremendous tenacity, your fire and ferocity, Officer Cook, lit up those pathways for other colleagues to now and forever follow in.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2017
A man must labor their whole life to rid themselves of pride. Pride can lead to haughtiness which in turn may lead to dishonor and other things which would not be considered morally correct. Well thank God, Officer Cook, the pride you had was the humble honor you had wearing your uniform and having your badge pinned to your chest. You took dignity and integrity wrapped in the confines of courage and the wings of a heroic warrior and attempted to keep the peace of mind and safety for all Dade County residents. Saluted and so honored for friendship. leadership and the stewardship of other brave and honest colleagues. They have not forgotten their peer of resolve, cherished and beloved by all. Character sure labors as much as concern and commitment do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gallant and humane. For the price you paid, Officer Cook, your comrades who have succeeded you better be straight and ethically proper otherwise the war they are battling will be made that much harder to overcome.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2017
The avalanche of adversity is rolling down that mountain gaining momentum. It needs to be sized up and stopped from its advances of wickedness. The evil and violence so powerful that it takes an entire police department of duly sworn women and men of righteous bravery and humble honesty to grab it before it crushes us and our spirits of enhancement. That domestic dispute you faced on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, was real torment and terror you heroically attempted to stop and your self esteem, dignity and integrity helped to save lives of innocent people and of your most beloved and committed comrades who faced sure death if not for your presence. It took character and the occupation of a very devoted, loyal and faithfully resourceful gentleman of gallantry to step in, endeavor to calm down a man out of control. Your morals, values and virtue that day was outstanding , you'll never be out of sight nor forgotten for your wisely and sagely vision, compassion and conviction to make peace and accord for all Dade County citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The torch of your tenacity and vigor, Officer Cook, burns brighter everyday as your treasured soul flies higher humbly and nobly on behalf of all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2017
We here in North Miami Beach, Florida now have a roving sixteen hour a day patrol which looks for crime and of course reports it to the police to take further action. It does cost the homeowners on their property taxes I believe a couple hundred dollars a year. Those morally upright comrades of yours, Officer Cook, still have an important job to perform. You were charged with serving and protecting Dade County and its people my neighbor, friend and hero. No better and more uniquely qualified man of character than yourself to enhance and to emancipate the people of their woes as torment rages on. Classy and self-confident, your desire and loyalty carried all trevails. We are challenged and yet starving for serenity and the sense of balance between bravery and boldness which you had to the max, Officer Cook. Of a high caliber and committed to making it right for all to live and now this is passed on down to future men and women of integrity, honesty and dignity. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2017
Closeness to peace and reason can only form when two sides can hash out their disagreements. Police if they can ever avoid them, that's unlikely need the public's help in solving crimes and in safely reaching conclusions where firmness and resolve along with honesty all went hand in hand. For all your concern and kindness, Officer Cook, thank God you took the bull by the horns and in a delicate and dignified manner you calmed down and stopped for the most part violence from happening. Dade County and its folks can sleep more soundly and your determination helped decrease consternation. Character and commitment where boldness and tenacity meet up at the crossing. Fair and concise. Balanced and heroic humane, humility revering humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You made a distinct difference due to your journeys of destiny seeking out bad and replacing it with goodness which shall follow you all your eternal life, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2017
The full gamut of attending to any crime cannot receive fair and full attention if contention strikes a pose. It does not paint a happy picture and for what it is worth, retaining one's total skills and the mindset to conquer this dreadful monster we brand as evil, its surges must be halted at once. You gave attention to every problem and dilemma you faced straight on, Officer Cook, without any reluctance leaving the good people of Dade County safe and at ease. Today, because of your consideration, caring character and honor, you should be sitting in an easy chair alongside of Karen. One frightful day of terror and discord left you sacrificing your young life. You accepted the risks willingly, Officer Cook. You had no regrets. Only the politest of perseverance, the virtues of integrity and the stellar dignity to carry out your missions of mercy fairly and effortlessly. Now you are back in heaven, God took you and your beloved soul for a spiritual uplifting reuniting you and those who made the ultimate calling. Take care my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Involuntary retirement with more left to accomplish, Officer Cook. Outstanding work and superlative security for one and for all. Fighting violence requires those who solemnly contend with circumstances. Pretenders must not enter the fracas unless they lose the make believe and start acting as a duly sworn public servant. They give and give and don't expect any favors in return. Exactly what twenty-five years of honesty and courage will do to a cherished man who took his ferocity right to mother nature. Wish you could still pitch in and lend a hand, Officer Cook, you gave and humbly were regarded and sincerely rewarded for your noble actions. Awareness. Astuteness. Actual class and reverence for a position that challenges one's mind and body. The walls of honor lend credence and testimony to these cold hard facts. No fallacy, fiction or fantasy. Real hard and dutiful dedication and the demeanor to match.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2017
A quiet and subdued nature is far better than a boisterous and often meddling fashion. The cruelty of evil is that is wings of wickedness may soar more than they should over areas where peace and harmony are called for. Every venue deserves serenity and by your esteem and honest ways, Officer Cook, it was delivered to all Dade County and its citizens. A charismatic gentleman of faith and devotion who poured his entire being into service and prevention. No matter how tall a task, Officer Cook, your compassion and morals helped to alleviate tension and duress never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An area you called home solemnly salutes humility and its hero of humbleness displayed to all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2017
Proximity draws us that much closer to reality. A police officer's job occurs at all moments, all times of day, afternoon and evenings. Weather too is also factored into any worthy public servant's assigned job descriptions. You handled stress and demands fairly well, Officer Cook, everything that your superiors could ask of one brave and honored soul was taken into account. The cost of a life of heroic actions, mindful commitments, important journeys where navigation and fruition crossed perfectly with one another. We the citizens of Dade County want a lot, we expect dignity and integrity to fulfill Our Creator's desire that all peace, unity and sincerity be given to all mankind. Treat everyone as you would want to be cared for. Amen to that. Officer Cook, the appearance of awareness and bravery made you the humble hero, a legend of a gentleman to be saluted for character and undaunted appeal. We owe our lives and future generations to your pursuits of happiness. Your inspirations now have become our aspirations. The pain and sorrow, the hurt of your untimely loss which created a gaping hole for your family and comrades, let us hope and pray, to keep the optimistic devotion and faith that soon terror will be vacuumed away from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Evil took you way to God's enhancement, Officer Cook, may it not remove your engaging soul which hovers high, high above observing our happenings. I firmly believe your humility will still factor in and keep us going steadfastly forward rather than backward.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2017
Sometimes manpower may be lacking. But, the will to perform the goodwill of Our Lord through honor and integrity, this may never lack any effort. Solidarity and intelligence do go together in this mystery over how to better handle wickedness. Officer Cook, you were an astute public servant serving Dade County and its residents with all your might. With all your treasured being and the conviction to ride out the tides of terror, you made life and its integral value happen. The costs are tremendous and there is no glossing over this issue. Only the safe and gentle journeys as directed by Our Master assisted you greatly in your pursuits. These passions, your aspirations were deemed fulfilled as God took your character and kindness all coupled with unselfish humility to all humanity back to heaven. Your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace was the first to greet his beloved and heroic son with a great big bear hug. It's all a shame I never got to meet your parents, yourself, Officer Cook and your big sister, Nancy. At least I met Gina and her family and Justin who gave my letter to his grandmother and your mother wrote me back a warm and thoughtfully humble and most sentimental letter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It may still be pouring in Houston, Texas from Hurricane Harvey. Only the goodness of blessings of good health, peace and prosperity should fall upon our world, it surely needs its most brave, bold and honorable to act with desire and respect in this seemingly endless war over evil. The violence spread out vastly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2017
Continuity and ingenuity the possible answers to solving the problems that violence continually pours into our communities. Places where stability and peace, reason and prosperity should commence. In Dade County you certainly did your utmost to stop evil and its torrential rains of ruination. Cherished and well liked and received by all peers, Officer Cook, you and your class and character have been uplifted to now even greater heights. All of your productivity, honesty, dignity and well grounded integrity have been brought home to God's humble and humane gardens where plenty of valor, humility and gallantry rest too. Always remembered and fondly applauded for coming to the aid of your partners and those citizens involved in that ugly domestic dispute which sadly cost you your life. They cannot take away your pride and commitment to excellence as it was worn on your badge of boldness and uniform of unwavering endeavor. Your successes, Officer Cook, will be rewarded. I know God has a great public servant patrolling His golden and sacred streets where no more hurt will come your way. The paths of righteousness and prudence were carved out exquisitely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Time moves on. We had better make terrific usage of what Our Creator grants us.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2017
The backlash of violence threatens the boldness and bravery that commitment represents. One day we might have a solution to ending this upheaval. But, we better get a moving. Crime sadly never takes rest periods or vacation stays at hotels. It did take you, Officer Cook and your partner, Reserve Officer, Scott Lincoln, that fateful day to Liberty City in Miami. A hotspot for criminal activity. All it took was five minutes, six years of solid and responsible work of honor and dignity, twenty-five years of a young man's life gallantly taken. Those bells rang loud and clear that sunny Saturday afternoon at St. Mary's Cathedral as your comrades and the entire police nation got prepared to say goodbye, Officer Cook. You were one hack of a man. You were called Bill by most. So dignified and graceful, yet reserved and humanely humble. It says a lot of your engaging personality and that big bright smile that lit up the room even how you said things that made people laugh. God has all that stored in the heavens above as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those angels wings sure make you fly higher, Officer Cook, your cherished and noble soul of serenity which protected Dade County and induced calm and unity, the peace we all looked for. It finally arrived thanks in large part to your leadership, motivation and determination. I pray the message of your life and career penetrates our ears. Never let our eyes play tricks either.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2017
Never assume. Never make hasty judgments, you'll never know when they might backfire. You never underestimated, Officer Cook. You took your responsibilities quite seriously and in doing so helped to maintain law and order for all in Dade County. Civil and well mannered. Courageous and yet character oriented. Integrity and dignity, the honesty we hope all public servants display when on patrol. Navigation requires some calculation. One's dedication and devotion does go a long way in helping to formulate and deliver the peace we crave. Never a day goes by and you're not forgotten, Officer Cook, for your humane and heroic efforts. Endeavors by choice. Humanity and humility sealed tightly in God's heavenly fortress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sacrifices by you, Officer Cook, dispelled evil and allowed our fruitions to continue moving forward. Your life should have been allowed to continue while you and your beloved Karen, enjoyed the fruits and fulfillment of your labor. Your blood was not taken in vain as your colleagues have saluted and so honored humbly your legacy of ferocity and unbridled tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2017
The serenity of a peaceful and happy environment is what our society is all about. Police doing a most meaningful and dangerous job with honor and proficiency. We, the people being passionate in all our pursuits in life. Sure makes a vast difference then when violence pours its venomous and vile ugliness upon us. You devoted yourself, Officer Cook, to those peaceful and unified pursuits that were your aspirations in life. Growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida you learned your lessons on decorum and decency from your beloved folks and so too your composure, consideration, integrity and the dignity of all who shall live. In Dade County we who remember your courage and mettle so salute your visions, wisdom and the leadership roles you took on as an additional responsibility. Leading and motivating other comrades is not easy nor simple, but working with values and morals, a fine gentleman of character succeeded in at least derailing some of this wanton violence, the very sinister evil from a depressed, distraught and diabolical young man who perpetrated tragedy that took you from among your family, peers and friends. Our hero and savior of humility and the highest regard toward humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The conclusions of cornerstones are that they lie in the concrete of your sacred and heroic actions, Officer Cook. A man of respect, authority and the precise preservation and perseverance that shall stand forever. I'll keep praying for you, Mrs. Cook. You were a reverent and most God fearing woman.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2017
Accountable durability. Serene stability. Intense integrity. Humble and humane honesty. Violence, terror and evil need those positive forces for which they can withstand the blows that are pummeled upon society. Every effort, every ounce of sustainable energy must be implemented in this unenviable fight. And no doubt all of your unwavering and undaunted resolve, Officer Cook, went into Dade County and its residents. Their peace and progress are those enhancements that will stay embodied within the archives of police history here in a community where you lived and thrived, where you grew up and were respected, cherished and greatly admired for humility that will be saluted as will your valor, vigor and the character to carefully construct your exploits as a heroic public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fruition surely caught Our Creator's eyes and ears. Success is due to a process that humbly plays itself out throughout a person's lifetime. It results are best kept locked away in a special place reserved for men and women who make that ultimately brave sacrifice on humanity's request.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2017
Collusion versus resolution. Better to certainly be honorable and well mannered. The fight against violence demands that those who serve and protect us be morally upright and dignified human beings. You were one of the many here in Dade County, who served and achieved. Integrity and character provide a better glimpse into the lives of our devoted and very truly blessed heroes and heroines. There are no tricks in the realms of humanity. You carry your class on your badge and uniform and do your duties as fairly and as precisely as possible. A hundred years from now, Officer Cook, your humane and unselfishly brave actions will be saluted as they are now. Your ethics, values and ideals live on in the pursuits of your family and comrades who humbly take hold of your legacy of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You resolve and calm with a passion and reverence and keep away from dishonest notions of trickery and recklessness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2017
We pay tribute to the countless sacrifices which were made on behalf of Dade County citizens, Officer Cook. Honesty, dignity and integrity inched closer to one another during these colossal battles over evil. The balances may never sway too far left or right and neither shall dishonesty a severe handicap that all beloved and esteemed public servants must not let afflict their skills. A man of character, no fooling around, just rolling up those sleeves and producing superlative and humble effort. Peace and its convenience of mind keep us calm and serene all by virtue of you, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero of encouragement. Keep it pouring on down upon us forever. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
Hope can only scare fear into the corner when bravery and boldness come dashing around the corner looking for serenity and its humble humility. Forevermore, you had the total package of honesty and its byproducts of dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. Taking that yoke of leadership and capably motivating other brave and talented men and women sure is not easy. Nothing about crime fighting ever is to tell the truth. To spread the flames of peace and its quiet resolve which at times may be vulnerable you have to have the necessary schooling which you had at the Miami-Dade North Campus Police Academy. Yes, yourself, Officer Cook, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs and a whole party of other astute and morally upright public servants who relished their responsibilities and looked to take violence and its associated terro by the horns. Never a better life and an outstanding career headed for more fruitful successes. God bless you, Officer Cook and the rest of your beloved and treasured family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hope springs eternal and the future is bright though it would have been made much finer with your adoring and engaging persona. Humble, loving and deeply respected in the ranks of heroes here in Dade County where you sheltered peace of mind and its calming affects upon mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
A beautiful soul who touched our world with His bravery and honor, the man who would make his parents proud. You did, Officer Cook. You were so heroic and dignified, integrity and maturity way beyond your years. If only Dade County could still have your smiling presence here. It's locked away in heaven helping Our Lord keep watch over those colleagues who place their authority and desire on the line for peace and justice to prosper equally. Character is that photo of a person just going about their daily business. Those photos you took, Officer Cook, had to be breathtaking. Nature's way of us looking reality square in the face the way you humanely faced peril. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who gave their lives and careers in the name of humility, humanity so honors their resounding righteousness. You'll be forever fondly remembered, Officer Cook, never forgotten. Always tenacity and ferocity, the surefire means to eradicating evil from our midst.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
Disturbance perturbs the progress of peace, its resolve so demanding. It requires a concentrated effort to overcome those obstacles of evil and bloodshed. You loved life and enjoyed working with your colleagues and friends at the Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook. No more humble and beloved gentleman than yourself, so full of bravery, boldness and belief in that tasks got completed. Conclusions are sometimes hard to attain, the testimony of your tenacity was your dignity, honesty and integrity, its ingenuity, intuition and intelligence because of your unwavering commitment to morals, ethics, values and ideals. That is class. This is character. You cannot even begin to think or ponder fruition without any sense of knowledge, wisdom and devout convictions all in the name of peace and serenity for all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Brave and cherished. You harnessed the power heroically saving and preserving lives and their properties.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
Disturbance perturbs the progress of peace, its resolve so demanding. It requires a concentrated effort to overcome those obstacles of evil and bloodshed. You loved life and enjoyed working with your colleagues and friends at the Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook. No more humble and beloved gentleman than yourself, so full of bravery, boldness and belief in that tasks got completed. Conclusions are sometimes hard to attain, the testimony of your tenacity was your dignity, honesty and integrity, its ingenuity, intuition and intelligence because of your unwavering commitment to morals, ethics, values and ideals. That is class. This is character. Yo cannot even begin to think or ponder fruition without any sense of knowledge, wisdom and devout convictions all in the name of peace and serenity for all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Brave and cherished. You harnessed the power heroically saving and preserving lives and their properties.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017
God took you, Officer Cook, way too soon and although you have been gone from your family and comrades for many years now, you still are fondly remembered for your faithfulness, honesty and loyal endeavors on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. No officer is better or bigger than another. It is the living beings of those who served and paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, liberties and unities to remain as a part of our lives and of your heroic legacy. Clearly where dignity, responsibility and having a quality character of integrity this surely helped you, Officer Cook, maintain that gentle balance of prosperity and resolve. Never forgotten. Cherished. Admired and deeply respected and revered for humility, that perennial springboard of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We dream. We hope and play with our children and grandchildren all because of what badge#1664 stood for and the uniform worn precisely as all public servants should dress and act for a challenging and dangerous position where violence and evil must never be permitted freewill and free reign.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2017