Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Patrolman Alexander Edward Thalmann

New Bern Police Department, North Carolina

End of Watch Monday, March 31, 2014

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Patrolman Alexander Edward Thalmann

Officer Thalmann, thank you for your service to not only your community, but to your country as well. To officer Thalmann's friends, family and department, I am very sorry for the loss of such a great man. I pray that those who loved Officer Thalmann... RIP Brother


July 11, 2014

I love you baby and miss you with all my being. I will always love you and be your Mom.

Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014

July 5, 2014

I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Every time I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the officer they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Officer Thalmann, especially to his girlfriend. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. (The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. I can also be found on Face Book.) You will be in my thoughts & prayers.

From reading the reflections left for Alexander, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember Alexander's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that Alexander's life was about so much more than the way he died. Alexander will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.

Officer Thalmann, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been eleven years and he's still very much missed and forever loved.

Wishing you brighter and better days,

Jocelyne :)

"Forever Remembering 26-3"

Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)

June 1, 2014

Memorial Day. I remember the years you went and put American Flags on the graves of Veterans. I will take up that honor this year and honor our fallen Veterans by placing American Flags on their graves.

You did so much without telling anyone. You touched so many lives.

I miss you beyond missing.

Love Mom

Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014

May 24, 2014

Officer Thalmann,

You were taken from us way too soon. My heart goes out to all of your co workers and your family. Reading the tributes from your mom, your girlfriend and one of your fellow officers really choked me up, and painted a really good picture at just the kind of person and officer you were. Rest easy brother, we'll take it from here. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

Officer C. Lowery
Catawba PD

May 22, 2014

A Law Enforcement Offier Never Dies

Stephen Bruet, PPO II

May 16, 2014

...Semper Fi..

Pfc...Fran L'Ecuyer
USMCR 1960/65

May 15, 2014

God Bless you Sir. May the good Lord above cradle you in His arms, and may you Rest in Peace my Brother in Blue. I offer my prayers and sympathies to each and every one of your family members, friends, and co-workers.

Chris Walley
Former Jail Officer/Deputy Wayne Co. Mississippi Sheriffs Department

May 10, 2014

"If the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven's scenes, they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines."

From a fellow devil dog and brother in blue, you will be missed Alex. Look upon us and guard us as we continue the fight. Thank you for your service.

Officer Jason Detwiler
River Bend Police

May 8, 2014

Rest in peace brother and thank you for your service. As you join our brothers and sisters in the hall of heroes, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Ptlm Frank Kapusta
Mohawk PD

May 6, 2014

He went to work one morning and did not know
This shift he served would bring such sorrow
This call to duty would be his last
His time on earth is now his past
God set this day as his time to go
Rest in peace Officer Thalmann, now a hero
He gave the ultimate sacrifice
With integrity and pride he paid the price
His family, friends and colleagues will mourn
As an angel in heaven he is now reborn
His golden heart stopped beating
Hardworking hands at rest
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the very best.

Master Sergeant Retired Jane Hosteny
Illinois State Police

May 4, 2014



May 4, 2014

Rest in Peace, prayers for the family.

Deputy L. Barth
Taylor County Sheriff's Department

May 4, 2014

I met Alex when I was 14 years old. I still remember the first words he ever said to me. He came up to me, looked me in the eyes and said, "You rock my world." Naturally, I was like who the heck is this random guy. Little did I know, for the next 8 years Alex would be the one rocking my world.

Our love was like a love no other. Even when everything seemed against us, we wound up back in each others arms. We were inseparable and had a bond that couldn't be broken. I couldn't imagine my life without him and am having trouble grasping it now. The are countless reasons why I loved Alex so much, but I will share just a few.

The first thing that won me over about Alex was his sense of humor. I had never met anyone like him before. He was one of the funniest people I have ever met. He would have me crying laughing for hours just doing silly things. As he got older, he became more serious but my favorite moments were the ones where he brought that goofy side back out again.

His heart was so full of compassion and care for everyone. He applied this in his job and in his life. Every time we saw someone pulled over on the side of the road, Alex immediately turned around to help them in any way he could. I remember one night, Alex and I spent 4 hours trying to save a baby kitten that was scared, alone, and crying. Finally after many attempts, we were able to catch the kitten and Alex stayed up all night nursing the poor little thing. He always doing little things like this to help others in any way he could.

Alex was accepting of everyone and anyone despite race, religion or their background. He could make a friend out of anyone and anywhere. Countless times Alex would run into the store to get just one thing while I waited in the car. Well, an hour would pass and I would still be waiting in the car for him. I always knew exactly what he was doing. He was making friends with some employee or other shopper and just chatting away. An hour later, he would come back to me with the life story of someone he just met and a brand new friend.

Alex was always teaching me things. He was wise beyond his years and I never got tired of learning from him. Whether it was him teaching my how to fix my car, protect myself, or just making me sit down and watch the news with him so I could learn about the world. He was curious about everything and he brought that curiosity out in me as well. He still had so many things to teach me though.

Alex was also a protector. He was always protecting me and others around him. Back in high school, if he ever saw anyone being bullied, he was often times the only one to step in and help them. He would say if you have something to say to them say it to me first. Now everyone knew Alex was a tough guy, so automatically they would back off. There are so many instances where he did things like this to protect others and I believe that is what led him into his career as a marine and as a police officer. He wanted to protect his community and his country.

Alex loved his job and he loved his brotherhood. He was an amazing and passionate cop. I feel like I came to know people on the force through his excitement and his stories. He found a family there that he treasured deeply and I am glad he was able to find that there in his short time. I think it speaks a lot of the great officers working for the New Bern Police Department.

Alex also loved his real family more then anything. His wonderful, amazing mom Stacey. Stacey is probably the most accepting, kind, funny and strong woman I have ever come to know. She raised Alex on her own and she passed on all of those amazing traits to him. I can see exactly where he got all of the things about him I listed above. She became like a second mother to me and always welcomed me with open arms. Stacey, your baby boy loved you more then you know and was so grateful for the life you were able to give him. And I love you so much too.

Alex passed away March 31, 2014, which also happens to be my birthday. At first, I was a mix of emotions about this. I was sad and angry. However, I was able to find some peace in knowing that the boy I have loved since I was 14 will forever share a day with me now. We will share my birthday here on earth and his birthday up in heaven.

Alex was truly a person you meet once in a lifetime. He was a hero and he was the love of my life. He will forever be in our hearts.

Always and Forever,

Caroline Peck
Alex's Girlfriend

April 29, 2014

My thoughts and prayers are with Officer Thalmann's loved ones and everyone at the New Bern Police Department. Rest in peace my brother.

Officer Joe Hoyer
Green Bay Police Department

April 29, 2014

WOW, I know so much more about you and Alex than I ever did before, what an amazing man he was. Thank you so much for sharing him with me. <3 I am always here for you.

Marcia Smith, bereaved mother

April 29, 2014

What a beautifu tribute to your Baby Boy, My friend.He is now God's Angel looking down to take care of You and our Brother's and Sisters in law Enforcement.My GOD BLESS AND HEAL YOU MS.THALMANN.


Debbie Ringgold
Former NBPD Officer /Magistrate Craven County

April 29, 2014

It’s taken weeks to bring myself to point where I am willing to post something about you on this page. I used to browse through ODMP and read about the latest fallen officer and scan over some of the reflections thinking about how sad each story was. I never realized it at the time, but it was a blessing to have the ability to be as detached as I was then. If the hours of crying next to your hospital bed, meetings concerning funeral plans or the sea of blue lights from hundreds of police cars lined up in the procession didn’t make it real...this does.

Alex, I can remember the first night you came to our team as a trainee. You sat nearest the window next to your FTO, Laura and listened as the briefing began. Your demeanor was different from what most of are used to seeing from a trainee. You had an air of comfort as we talked with you that first day but it was not to be mistaken for arrogance. Unlike the average, timid type of trainee, you showed that you wanted to be one of the guys and you had the personality to earn it. You didn’t hold back and you even made a joke that had a few of us laughing. That was the first sign that you were going to “make it”. I looked at Brad and Laura and remember nodding my head like “he’s gonna be good” just before Sgt. Bowen cleared us for calls.

It was clear on that first night that you were eager to work. A cop after my own heart, you showed an interest in traffic enforcement but your first phase of training never allowed you to get the practice. After a few shifts and multiple shaky traffic stops, Brad and I got ahold of you and pointed out some of the things you needed to work on...we didn’t know the monster we were about to create. From then on, having enough air time to check “on-scene” for a call for service became a rare occurrence. As time progressed in your training, you led a constant barrage of “190 New Bern, Traffic Stop”s. Each stop yielding more warrants, foot chases and dope than the last. I can still hear you calling them in. The smile on your face after each good collar could have lit up the booking room if it wasn’t for the photo lamps.

The night that guy on Bern Street tried to swing on me you impressed me. The chaos of a large violent crowd can confuse or intimidate any officer, seasoned or not. I decided to go hands on with one of the aggressors in the crowd. As I ran up on him to arrest him, he swung at me and I had to take him down to the ground. I thought I had lost you and Laura in the confusion but you followed me even when your FTO was assisting another officer in cuffing someone else a couple hundred feet away. After a brief ground fight you and I got him in custody. You had my back despite the warnings from the FTO policies to stay with your FTO. I’m not sure if you knew it then but you gained my trust that night.

When you were released from training Laura was doing her best to politic and have you assigned to our team. After dozens of hours spent talking to you, working with you and seeing how eager you were to catch the bad guys I couldn’t wait to see that personnel transfer email hit my inbox. The day it did, Brad, Laura and I were ecstatic. We got the best new cop of the bunch on the team with us and we knew it.

Watching you work was a sight to see but hanging out with you brought as much fun as any high-priority call. Your sense of humor with the glaring hint of sarcasm rivaled even me and Brad’s best jokes. The meal breaks and time spent jarring with each other during those late-night parking lot signals were some of the most fun, gut-busting times of my career.

The days off were fun too. I remember the day you bought your Tahoe and started joking about starting a “Blue Lights for Tahoe Charity Fund” for it. God, that made me laugh. I don’t know if it was the fact that your personal vehicle was 8 years newer than your patrol car or if it was because I knew you’d drive your Tahoe on-duty if they’d have let you. It became a project to see what we could do to it to make it as badass as possible. It certainly got the coats of wax, the tint and the ArmorAll but we never did get to install that lightbar…

The night we all took Wester out to Jacksonville...I’ll spare the details but you were the wingman he needed…we just needed him to recognize it. Haha.

I thought about cussing you the day that we detailed the Tahoe for the first time. It took forever but it gave us time to talk without getting interrupted by the monotonous loud noise complaints that come with the job. You told me so much about your Mom, Caroline and Miko, the German Shepherd that I felt like we’d already met. Follow-up talks still couldn’t prepare me for the night that led me to finally meet them. To this day not meeting them before that night is one of my biggest regrets.

That week of Intox training just before you died was truly a blessing in disguise. Five days of non-stop teasing, joking talking and laughing was just what we needed. You already knew a couple of the guys from your BLET and ride-a-longs. It was clear that you made the same impression on them as you made on all of us. During that time we talked about how much you respected Ben, Hix and Co and about how happy you were to be on that team. Each one of those days is a very vivid memory now. I’d give anything to earn them back.

Alex, the day we lost you was hands down the hardest day of my life. I told Brad and Wester when we left the viewing that losing you was harder than losing the family that had raised me. We all accept that we can lose our lives doing this job but it’s not often that we think about losing our partner to it. We, or at least I, often consider what we will leave behind if we die but I never stopped to think that I would be the one who was left behind. Thinking about it is the most empty and gut-wrenching feeling, only amplified when you consider what an outstanding police officer and friend you were.

Seeing the outpouring of support from all of those different agencies and state dignitaries the day of your funeral was absolutely incredible. Many of them didn’t know you personally but came to show their respect to you and support to us. They expressed their condolences but the truth is, I felt bad for THEM. They never had a chance to meet you or see you in your element. They never had a chance to see you smile, hear your jokes or serve this city with you. Nonetheless, they honored you as if they had.

You reminded me of what it means to be a police officer. I’d forgotten. I had gotten hung up on departmental politics and drama and I forgot how much this badge really means to me. Seeing how much you enjoyed this job made me enjoy it again. Losing you made me appreciate far more. I promise you today that I will not let anyone: Brass, Sarge or Slick-Sleeve forget about the sacrifice you made. They and any other person who asks will know the type of Law Enforcement Officer you were. You impacted my life and this brotherhood more than you could ever know. You will always be my brother. I love you Alex.

- Nick

Officer Nicholas Rhodes
New Bern Police Department

April 29, 2014

February 3rd, 1992. New born Intensive care, St. Bernardines Hospital. You weighed 5 lb.2 ounces. The Doctor hand you to me and I was terrified I would drop you and break you. Upon first look at your face I said "You are my beautiful boy. The boy I have always wanted".

Seven days later you came home. For me it was like rolling off a log, you in my life was so natural. I carried you all the time looking at your beautiful face. I remember one striking moment when you looked at me and I realized I saw more wisdom in your eyes than I had.

September 1992, before the Judge, diamond stud in your left ear, you became my son officially and I had to swear to always take care of you. I did the best I could and you began to grow into the wonderful man you became.

1994 we moved to N.C. where I taught you soccer and baseball. You excelled at soccer. From the time you were 4 years old until you were 17 you knocked the hell out of that ball. Then on the local Mexican soccer league you perfected your game.

At the same time you made lifelong friends in Washinton Park and all the schools you went to.

From skateboarding, which you didn't like, to BMX which showed your physical talents, to electric scooters which fell apart to your only ATV, a lawnmower I took the blades off, top speed 7mph, through all the adventures you had in the Park, our train trip to California, our cruise to Mexico, the random road trips we took and all the rest, you remained My Beautiful Boy.

Just when I thought you were becoming the troubled teen, you became President of your DECCA Club, joined the Pamlico Tar River Foundation and decided you wanted your future to be an Intelligence Expert in the CIA. Shhhhhhhhh.

At 18 you joined the Marine Reserves. The only time I ever saw you cry was when you grabbed and hugged me at your Peris Island boot camp graduation. To say I was proud of you lends no justice to the way I felt. I was over the Moon.

You kinda knocked around for awhile. We took a week in Myrtle Beach and we talked about when I was a Patrolman in my 30's. I told you it was a wonderful job and nothing else was said.

Last June 2013 you told me you were going to Basic Academy at Beaufort County Community College. I was not surprised and encouraged you to go.

You threw yourself into that scoop the way a dog attacks a bone. You graduatednand began to fill out applications.

You interviewed at New Bern, N.C. In your new suit and saddle shoes with the blue soles. You liked what Officer Longmeyer had to say and we waited and waited until we heard something, anything.

August 2013. Hooray you were accepted and hired. You swearing in ceremony was tantamount to winning the million dollar lottery. When I Had the honor of pinning on your badge I had been grinning so much, my facial muscles actually hurt. Trying to get a photo of you waiting to have your badge pinned on was like trying to photograph a moving target, and of course knowing I was trying to get a good picture of you, you made stupid faces. These faces I will cherish for the rest of my life.

March 28th 2014. My Lieutenent Enzore comes to intake at the prison and tells me to stop what I am doing and come with him. He escorts me to the Gatehouse and I think I am being fired for upsetting a criminal. I see the cop in the Gatehouse and I am still fairly calm. It is cold and rainy. i get to the gatehouse and am told you have been hurt, that you have been shot, but you are OK. I ask for my work friend Pino and she comes running out having dropped what she was doing. We head to Craven hospital only to discover enroute you have been moved to Vident in Greenville. I am told you have been admitted to the 4th floor, to a room and not knowing it was the Intensive Care expect to find you sitting up grinning at me. Now after the Sergent takes a hone call we begin to sped up. Still, I am anxious but remain calm. When we get to the Hospital, a volunteer comes at me with a transport chair. I refuse her gesture but now I am getting a sick feeling. 20 years I worked Intensive Care as an RN. The elevator opens and I see the ICU sign and I get a little queasy, then I am taken to your room. I look around at all going on and know in my heart you are never coming home. I kiss you all over your face and whisper I'm here and you are my Beautiful Boy, the Boy I always wanted. Your only visible injury is you have a black eye on your left. You are twitching and I see you feet are extended in a posture of brain injury but you are still breathing on your own.

I make the phone calls. It has been on the news. Friends start arriving and finally the Neurologist. You have had a stoke and the bullet is lodged at cervical vertebrae 2. The impact from the bullet and subsequent impact may have done more damage.

March 29th 2014. Another CT scan.

The neurologist. There is more damage then he thought. You brain has suffered global damage. If you wake up you could be in a chronic vegetative state or worse, Locked in Syndrome. I now know you were resuscitated at the scene but without oxygen for over 8 minutes. I know what this means.

March 30th 2014. Another CT scan. I have stayed with you since admission and cover your face in kisses and tell you stories and encourage you to wake up knowing you never will.

The neurologist. The EEG the prior day has shown abnormal brin activity. The CT worse news. It is definitive, you will never wake up, you will not survive.

The family and hundreds of friends come to see you. I have decided to remove you from the ventilator the next day.

Although we never practiced Catholisism I had you baptized and now want you to have Sacraments of the Sick.

March 31st 2014 . I leave to tie a shower. The Priest comes while I am gone.

When I come back I realize you are no longer breathing on your own. I refuse to donate organs, not because I don't agree with it but because you have been so torn up, I don't want to keep you breathing although I know you have departed hours before, but because you have suffered enough.

Family, close friends. The ET tube is pulled and for the first time in four days I can again see your beautiful face. I smother you in kisses and in 3 minutes at 1313hrs, you have ceased to be.

You will never cease to be to me. I love you, I miss spoiling you, your humor, seeing you, not seeing you but knowing you are there. I wonder now what I have to live for but can think of nothing. I am devastated, my heart is shattered, I am numb, I don't know how to feel, all I know is My Beautiful Boy, the Boy I have always wanted is gone and I will never hold him, kiss him or have him safe ever again.

Alex loved his job. He loved it and would not have traded it for anything. Alex loved his fellow Officers, Chief Summers sand the rest of the Brass. He had a short, fruitful life and left an indelible mark on everyone he ever met.

It is my hope that the law will change to search a known Felons house on "reasonable suspicion" and to stop and frisk a known felon by the Communnity Police and not only Parole Officers so they may seize their
weapons and prevent another occurrence like this. I hope to lobby for such a law.

I will also attempt to have DMV have a "Fallen Heroes KIA" and "Fallen Heroes EOW" license plates created to honor our women and men who have died protecting us.

To Police Departments. It is easier on the family knowing the gravity of the injury and not being kept in the dark until they see their loved one at the hospital. I know it is the hardest thing a Police Person will ever have to do, but it is the best thing.

Dear reader, I hope you now have some insight into what makes up a Protector and what a Mom and other family members go through during a tragedy.

All my love,

Stacey Thalmann, Alex's Mom

Stacey Thalmann
Alex's Mom

April 26, 2014


Officer Edwin Lara / External Ops
Cook County Sheriffs Office, IL- Honor Guard

April 22, 2014

Thank you Officer Thalmann for your dedicated and honorable service. May God Grant your family the comfort they will need to carry them through the rough times.You will be remembered.

From your Brother in Blue.

Captain T. Collington
Takoma Park Police

April 15, 2014

Thank you Officer Thalmann for your faithful service. You will be remembered. May God grant your family and agency peace & comfort.

Trooper Joe Dellwo #446
Minnesota State Patrol

April 10, 2014

Officer Thalmann you are a hero. Thank for your dedicated service and sacarfice to both country and law enforcement. Deepest sympathy and prayers to family and friends. Rest in peace brother.

Sgt J Walter
Richmond PD Virginia

April 9, 2014

Chief Summers,
It is with a heavy heart and a tight chest
and throat, that I send my condolences after the loss of Officer Thalmann. His young age makes this much harder still.

My anger and sadness compete for which one of those emotions will be more intense.

We civilians who care; can say that if we care about the welfare and safety of one officer, we care in the same way for all officers.

Know that it is crushing to think of this young officers loss,
therefore I can only imagine the pain of his family, friends and department.

As we pray here in Los Angeles for one of our officers struck by a vehicle on March 6, we cry for Officer Thalmann and all that love him.

May Dear Almighty God, Send His Strength To you all at this time and for all time.

In tears and with respect.

Civillian Volunteer
Los Angeles Police Department

April 9, 2014

RIP Officer Thalmann. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Thoughts and prayers to your family and your brothers and sisters with the New Bern PD.

Det. (ret.) Jon Ayers
Broome County Sheriff's Office Binghamton, NY

April 8, 2014

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