New Bern Police Department, North Carolina
End of Watch Monday, March 31, 2014
Reflections for Patrolman Alexander Edward Thalmann
Happy Birthday Alex. I miss you every day.
MPOII Nicholas Rhodes
New Bern Police Department
February 3, 2018
Every day.
December 28, 2017
Another Christmas without you. Just another day. Missing you so so so much. I love you Alex, I want you back.
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
December 26, 2017
I was honored to ride with Officer Thalmann’s wrist band during the Conroe, TX Heroes Ride on Saturday 10/14/2017. During the 75-mile ride, I thought about him and prayed for peace for his family and friends. I’ll continue to pray for them and all the officers that face such a dangerous daily job.
Rider in the Conroe Tx "Heroes Ride"
October 15, 2017
Bro, I miss you. We got to talking about you again today and it started pulling up old (but good) memories. I want those days back. Thinking about you, man.
MPOII Nicholas Rhodes
New Bern Police Department
October 2, 2017
Just thinking about you brother
MPO III M Hargett
New Bern PD
August 2, 2017
Not a single day goes by where I don't think about you. The world we are in is forever changing. The job we have come to love is getting harder day by day , but I use the toughness you had to keep me going. I will never forget you and will always share your story. You truly are a hero. I always thank back to when you asked me how your FTO's were and I told you one was a little tough lol. The look on your face was priceless. Anyway man I was just thinking about you and wanted to show you some love. Look down on us and keep us safe brother.
Until next time!
Officer R. Harrell
RDU Police Departmetn
May 1, 2017
Thank you for your service my brother. Rest well in perpetual peace.
Lieutenant Ray Flores (Ret.)
March 31, 2017
You are remembered, young man.
Richard Taylor
March 31, 2017
3 years since your Murder. Every morning when I wake up I realize you are not here, that you will never be here again. It's the weight of this grief I carry, unrelenting and at times, unbearable.
It's all you have missed out on and all you will never experience. I am so thankful you were loved by a woman. I feel sick inside when I think you will never be a Dad, a Husband, an old man.
I think about so much I wish I could articulate here but when I sit to remember, I am so overwhelmed by the now, my mind goes dim.
Year by year it becomes easier to live without you, but the loving, the missing the yearning, the enormous emptiness of the space in which you used to stand never wanes.
I am so proud you are my son Alex.
Love you forever, love you for always, as long as I'm living my Baby you'll be !
Love Mom
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
March 31, 2017
A colleague of mine informed me of your story. Reading through the details of this tragedy truly saddens me. Most people will never know the amount of compassion, strength and tolerance it takes to serve others. Most people would never dream of taking the responsibility to answer the call. Thank you brother for your service and please continue to watch over all of us who carry on.
SA W. Brown
March 28, 2017
Friday Feb. 3, 2017 is you 25th Birthday. It is so lonely without you.
Last year when I put this on Facebook you got lots of "Happy Birthdays". I was so uncomfortable that this year I probably won't share.
Miko, your buddy, is here with me and he looks after me like a Nanny. He misses you like crazy.
I love you. I want you back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
February 1, 2017
My Beautiful Boy Alex, this is the 2nd Christmas without you and trust me when I say it has not become any easier.
I miss your beautiful face that beamed every year as I would tease you with presents, opening some before Christmas because I couldn't wait.
I loved watching your reaction when I actually got you something you wanted and we would hug and laugh and then go try it out.
Impossible for me to tell you how much I miss you my Love, there are simply no words.
I wake up every day my first though going to that you are no longer here. I am not being as eloquent as I would like to be because whenever I think of you it tears a bit at my soul each time. I still cry. Yes my Baby I still cry because I will never see you again, but my love for you has only grown. I love you my Beautiful Boy. Mom
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
December 24, 2016
It seems like everything triggers a memory about you around this time of year. Sometimes I run out of things to say but I never run out of things to think about. We're trying to stay motivated but every busy night feels like an average night with you on the shift. I think about you all the time, bro. Miss you, bro...but you knew that.
MPOII Nicholas Rhodes
New Bern Police Department
December 1, 2016
There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about you. You have made me a better and smarter Police Officer. I talk about you every chance I get to keep your legacy alive and to show people that tragedies can strike at anytime. Thank you for watching over everyone Alex. RIP #190
Police Officer R. Harrell
October 13, 2016
I've tried typing so many things and I delete them, but you always did. Love you and miss you terribly. Please watch out for him.
March 31, 2016
My Beautiful Alex,
There is no other way to express this, I miss you, I love you, I want you back.
2 years.
Alex, if your sole reason on this Earth was to bring me joy you fulfilled your role.
That you reached out to others with caring and compassion is just a small part of who you were.
You were my World, my Baby, my future. Now with you gone, I still wonder, even after all this time how I am supposed to find the answer to the puzzle of why you were taken.
Try as I might, I have not been able to answer this question and it haunts me. I have tried letting go of the question but there are times I am consumed by it.
Your life, so brief, so brilliant took me to places I had only hoped I would go. We did it together my Love and throughout the short years I had you I experienced a joy few people have.
Alex, you are MY reason for being here and having you in my life was a privilege. I love you, forever.
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
March 31, 2016
Today is the 31st. Two years.
Sometimes we think of the Thin Blue Line as only representing sworn officers, but on days like today we'd like to think those in Communications are right there with you all to stand between the light and the darkness.
For those of us that had the pleasure, and honor, to meet and work with you, this will be a day that we all remember.
From your brothers and sisters behind the scene, and on the airwaves, you will forever be in our hearts and minds.
I know we will never forget.
Telecommunicators (Dispatchers)
March 31, 2016
Today is the day you were shot. I can't think of anything else. All I know is I miss and love you.
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
March 28, 2016
Today is Valentines Day 2016.
In the short 45 days of this year, 10 Police Officers and 8 K9 Officers have been killed.
I want desperately to write on each one of these Memorials of the despair and pain I feel each time I read about another Officer Down.
It may be, other NON intended victims were caught in the crossfire. For this too I am deeply saddened.
I cannot fathom why violence in our Country is so rampant and yes, so accepted.
I remember telling you when you were growing up I would rather you see non-violent soft Porn than have you believe violence brings more pleasure. I remember taking you to the Cemetery where you are now buried and explaining to you that only in video games and movies do the dead guys get up again to fight. We rode our bikes there. We sat on an old Tombstone at the top of the small hill and discussed death and what it really is. Was this an omen for me of things to come? I wonder.
You were an anti bully advocate and proved yourself on film in your HS cafeteria when a kid jumped up on the table in front of a girl sitting alone and you came to her defense. This is a true sign of what it is to be a Man.
I guess what I'm getting at Alex is somehow I instilled in you the concept of humanity and how wonderful it feels to be a humanitarian. I am over the Moon PROUD of you my Beautiful Boy.
Following in your philanthropical way, you decided to become a Protector, a Police Officer. I was beyond proud of you there is no praise higher I can think of.
I was always fearful as a Marine Reserve you may be called up by these crazy Politicians and I would lose you in some foreign Land.
Never and I mean never did I even entertain the thought you would be killed at work. Never, and then it happened.
I never want another Officers' family to have to go through what I did. It is tremendously difficult if not impossible at times for me to figure out why I am still here and not you, my Alex.
Alex knew I was and am not a conventional Religion person but in my own way I do pray for and continue to pray for peace.
Alex, I kiss you everyday, I have your babyhood fake
stuffed Rat, I have your beautiful dog Miko and I have memories.
I would do anything to turn back the time. You my Beloved Alex were the most important event in my life. I love you. I will always love you. I am so blessed to be your Mom.
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
February 15, 2016
I went up to see you on February 3, 2016. You are 24.
I finally got the nerve to go through all your childhood photos. The are hundreds, of course. All these brought me reeling into remembering all our trips together, the silliness of driving the blameless riding mower around the yard and racing with you after I got a new one.
I remember how you lost it when I got the first motorhome we owned stuck solidly in the mud on the front lawn after a protracted rain.
I was thinking about your BMX days. You scared the hell out of me child with all your tricks and bravado. But you managed to survive that.
Ahhhh, paint ball days. Well that certainly was a lot of money well spent on a hobby lasting about 2 months.
When I found you duffel bag, it was full of paint ball guns in pieces, and oh yeah there is that full 8lb. box of paintballs. I was talking to Nick (Bundy) the other night, he has the same duffel bag full of the same stuff. Imagine that.
I want you to know I am very well taken care of by my friends and some of yours. Graham Young is there to help me at a moments notice as well as some of the other boys you grew up with.
Denise feeds me at least once a week and her company is always delightful. Donald and I try to outdo each other at Jeopardy. Christine came back into my life after you died and has been there rock steady ever since.
Your Police Department keeps regular tabs on me. Chief Summers calls me at least once a week and we go to lunch sometimes.
I miss you like crazy my Love. Instead of not having you here now, I am cherishing the short years I had you.
Nick Rhodes made a beautiful cross put at the right front corner of your Angel. He loved you.
Your photos are all about my bedroom and kitchen. Everyday I pick up the one of you and Miko in your bed and kiss you. You are so beautiful in that photo. Last photo I took of you.
I don't have anything profound to say to you or about you Alex. Just, the very same as always. I love you my Beautiful Boy, I miss you my Beloved Son and I will always be your Mom.
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
February 10, 2016
Hey, bro. Wishing you a happy birthday today.
Police Officer
New Bern Police Department
February 3, 2016
I miss you like crazy, man. Holidays are hard but that's not anything new. Got stuck with HTF this year but the desire to hit the street and find something else to do was strong this year. Think of you every time I call in a stop or go to search a car. Maybe it's healthy, maybe it isn't but you've become the motivation to do a lot of what I do at work now. Nothing is the same without you. Brad and I try our best to keep the shift busy like you did. Keeping your memory alive every chance that I get.
Love you buddy.
Officer Nicholas Rhodes
New Bern Police Department
December 27, 2015
My second Christmas without you. I am remembering the 21 Christmases we had. I can see the joy on your face and hear the excitement in your voice. I have always been struck by what an absolutely beautiful child to man you were. My love for you has never been deeper. Missing you.
Love ,
Stacey Thalmann
Loving Mother of Officer Alexander Edward Thalmann
New Bern Police Department, NC EOW 03/31/2014
December 25, 2015
Today my sweet Alex, the Washington, NC Police Department dedicated a swing in your name on the Washington waterfront.
All donations for the swing came from Police Officers. Chief Toussant Summers of New Bern and Chief Stacy Langford of Washington as well as the Mayor, the City Manager, Washington PD members, Beaufort County Sheriffs, New Bern PD members and other 1st responders were there.
They put the swing in one of your favorite spots.
I am so proud you impacted so many lives in your brief life. You were admired by so many and remembered as an endearing, honest, dedicated human being and friend.
I love you baby. Miss you just as much. Love Mom
Stacey Thalmann
August 18, 2015