Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Michael Christopher Weigand, Jr.

Latimore Township Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Sunday, September 14, 2008

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Michael Christopher Weigand, Jr.

Happy 27th Birthday in Heaven honey. I miss you so very much.
The Best Gift that I ever got didn't really weigh a lot. It didn't have a ribbon around and it sometimes made a terrible sound. But best of all it seems to me, it didn't come beneath a Christmas Tree, and yet, I guess I'd have to say it made my Valentines twice as gay. The Best Gift that I've ever known, I'd always wanted most to own. Yet in my dreams of sugar and spice, I never thought it could be so nice. The Best Gift that I'd ever get, was sometimes dry and sometimes wet. Was usually pink but often times red as he lay so innocently in his bed. The Best Gift of the year to me, the one I'd hold most dear to me, a gift that simply made life fun, was my tiny newborn son......... I love you Bojo always and forever. Happy Birthday.


Kim Weigand

February 14, 2010

Hi Honey,

Well we got a big snow storm again this week and Daddy finally got us all plowed out. He went down and plowed out the cemetery again for me and I shoveled my way down to you and cleaned around your grave. He knows nothing will keep me from getting there to visit you everyday, not even a blizzard! Two more days until your birthday and Valentine's Day, I used to look forward to Valentines Day because you were my best gift on that day but now it hurts so bad because your not here to celebrate it with us. I just want to hide on Sunday! I don't know how anybody can say it get's easier with time......... I miss you my precious son more then words can ever say. This is just so unreal to me yet that your not going to walk through that door with that smile of yours and give me one of your bone crushing hugs! I love you, Mike. Your forever in my heart and there you'll stay.
With all my love now into eternity,

Kim Weigand

February 12, 2010

Hi Honey,
Well we're snowed in like every state around us is. Daddy worked through the night Friday night because of it and we ended up with over 20 inches yesterday. It upsets me some because I can't get to the cemetery to visit you, but I know you'd give me hell if I even attempted it, but it doesn't feel right not being able to get there when I'm used to going every day. But I know you understand. Your birthday is only a week away and I'm trying to brace myself for that. I used to love Valentine's Day, I got the best Valentine gift the day you were born, now I dread that day because your not here to celebrate your birthday with us. What makes it really hard is I know the last birthday you had here on earth wasn't a good one. I miss you baby boy, not a day goes by that I don't cry at one point or another for you, but I know you know that. I know your here with me, I can feel you here at times and it does help. Please keep watching over Daddy and Lanie like you've been.
With all my love now until the end of the ride.

Kim Weigand

February 7, 2010

Hi Honey,

Why does life seem so hard sometimes? There are days that are just too hard and long. I guess that's the way it's supposed to be. I keep thinking of your smiling face and laughter and that gets me through these days, knowing your up there smiling down on us. I love you baby boy, you'll always be my son, that will never change and neither will my love for you.
Always and forever, now until the end of the ride.

Kim Weigand

January 30, 2010

Hi Honey,

A lot has happened this month....the State Reps and Senators are writing a bill with your name on it to make the penalties more strict on someone who injures or kills an emergency responder in an emergency response area. Your litle girl turned 5 this past week. I can't believe it's been 5 years since she came into our lives and we're so blessed with her. She's so much like you and you'd be so proud of her! Funny, she calls me every day to talk..... just like you used to do. I wonder if you have something to do with that since I miss those calls so much! I've been writing a lot in a private journal, it helps somehow, makes me feel close to you. There's a song called No Address in the Stars that I've heard that really fits with how I feel, I guess that's what me writing to you is...... just like the song.
I love you honey, your forever and always my hero.
Love from my heart,

Kim Weigand

January 24, 2010

My precious son,

Well the New Year started off no different then last year. Missing you so so much! Your Lt. gave me one of the most wonderful gifts that a mom who lost her son could recieve. I'll cherish them the rest of my life. I know you've been around, I've felt you here with us and even though I can't see you I can still feel you and at times as crazy as it sounds hear you. I love you honey, always and forever my hero.
Until the end of the ride my love forever,

kim weigand

January 8, 2010

Thank you for your service and paying the ultimate sacrifice, Sir! You will FOREVER be a hero and will NEVER be forgotten. May God Bless your family and friends. Here is a side note to your Mom: I salute you ma'am, for you raised a son you will ALWAYS be a hero. For that, I know you are very proud!

SGT Mark B. Hanna, Retired
Fayetteville, AR PD

January 8, 2010

Happy New Year in Heaven Honey...... I wish with all my heart that you were here with us.
I love and miss you each and every day that goes by, your always in my thoughts and in my heart.... forever.
I love you,

Kim Weigand

January 1, 2010

Hi Honey,
Well Christmas is over and New Years will be here soon. It still doesn't seem real, I still can't get it through my head that this isn't some horrible nightmare that I'll wake up from. Strange as it may sound, this Christmas was harder then last for some reason, maybe because the shock has worn off. You were forever in my mind during the day and I could feel you here with us. Christmas Eve all your friends were here..... just like aways but you could feel that someone was missing. Lanie loved her Charger Police Car that her Daddy got her, Dad put your call numbers on it and the Thin Blue Line license plate. Now she can't wait to drive it and try out the siren and lights! She's so much like you in every way.
I miss you Baby Boy so very very much!!!
With all my love now and forever into eternity, until the end of the ride.
Love Mom

Kim Weigand

December 29, 2009

You and my son David were take to soon and I know how much your mother is hurting not having you here each and every day. We all are trying to go on but somedays like today we miss you both so much. You should be here to enjoy Christmas with your family. Let her feel you spirit.

Mother of PO David Tome
E.O.W. 10-21-08

December 26, 2009

Although I never met you or your family, I feel a connection since you and David share so much together, taken too soon, leaving behind a loving family, especially your mom, wife, and young daughter.

I will continue to pray for you and your family as I do for David and that they especially feel your presence during these difficult holidays.

Cousin of PO David Tome E.O.W. 10.21.08

December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas in Heaven honey. Our second year with you not here and I still can't believe what's happened. I know your with us and you can feel how much we love you and miss you. I gave you my Christmas wish and I know you'll make it come to be if at all possible.
I love you baby boy more then I can put into words.
Merry Christmas with all my love,

Kim Weigand

December 24, 2009

Hi Honey,

Well I got the tree up, I guess it's a start! Your little girl helped me by putting all the decorations you kids made throughout the years. Your little niece Andi tried to help too but at age 1 she just didn't get it.... but she did make me laugh. You'd be so proud of the kids and especially your little girl, their such good kids and can make me laugh. I guess people will stop on Christmas Eve, but like last year, it won't be the same but I guess that's what they mean by "our new normal". Just please know how very much I miss you and love you, you'll be my Christmas angel this year and years to come. Your celebrating Christmas in the best place to be.... with Jesus.
I love you honey, always will forever and always.

Kim Weigand

December 17, 2009

Hi Baby Boy,

Bojo, right now I'm so confused, please give me some guidance. You don't know or maybe I guess you do, how much I need one of your jokes or smiles to make me laugh. I guess the holidays aren't going to be any better this year then they were last year. I just wish I could go back two years ago. I've told you what my Christmas wish is..... your the only one that can make it come true and I know if it's at all possible....... you'll see that it does.
I love you honey, always proud of you and forever my hero now until the end of the ride.

Kim Weigand

December 4, 2009

Just wishing Sgt Weigand and his family a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you felt his presence with you this day and many days. Just remember, as you already know, you are not alone in this.


November 26, 2009

My Precious Son,

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving and another holiday without you with us. It just doesn't seem right not having you here with us, but then again.... nothing seems right anymore. I know this is the second Thanksgiving without you but the pain and hurt all seem just as bad as last year and I don't see it getting any better. I know you'll be here tomorrow, we just won't be able to see you, that's the hard part, knowing I'm not going to see that smile or hear that laughter from you, or having you tease me about burning something, you know I will! Your guys took care of me once again this year and got me a turkey when they went spring gobbler hunting, I hope I cooked it right, if not I know your up there laughing at me. Just always remember baby boy, how very very much I love you, I always and forever will. Your never out of my thoughts and your always in my heart. I miss you more then I could ever put into words and always will. Your forever my hero now and into eternity.
All my love now and forever, until the end of the ride.

Kim Weigand

November 25, 2009

Hi Babe,
Holidays are coming and I'm not looking forward to them at all. I'm trying to be somewhat cheerful for Lanie because I know you would want that. I already picked out her "special" gift from her daddy but I can't tell you what it is (haha).
She is getting so big and learning so many new things. She always tells me she doesn't want you to be an angel, she just wants you home, with us...where you belong. She breaks my heart for I wish I could give that one thing..but I can't. I tell her you are always with her, watching her play, learning new things, and to guide and protect her. I love when she bursts out laughing saying that you are tickling her..I am comforted knowing you are with her all the time.
I hope that you hear me when I talk to you...I'm sure you are probably going crazy because I do talk too much and ramble but there are just some things I feel only you can understand. I miss you something terrible and don't know if this empty feeling will ever leave me. The holidays are worse when everyone is spending time with their families but our family (you, me and Lanie) will always be missing one important Don't worry..Mom and Dad takes care of Lanie and me, just as they promised you and they have been by our side from day one, we would be lost without them.
Well..there I'm rambling again...I love you and miss you so much.


Mandi Weigand

November 23, 2009

Hi honey,

Well another holiday is approaching, Thanksgiving. Everyone will be here but you and that's just something I can't get used to. I want you back here so badly! Erin and I were talking about when you kids were young, I would give anything to have that back. I miss you all the time but times like now it just seems worse. I miss and love you with all my heart, every day, every minute.
Your my hero and my son now into eternity.
With all my love,

Kim Weigand

November 20, 2009

We offer our heartfelt sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Sgt. Weigand and we honor his distinguised service to the cause of justice and peace. Sadly, our nation has lost one of its finest men in blue, a community has lost a friend and protector, and a family has lost an example of character and courage who they will love and respect forever. Because of the sacrifice Sgt. Weigand has made, the house of freedom is stronger, sturdier and more secure.

To the family, friends, and colleagues of Sgt. Weigand, I would like you to know that a lot of people pray for you, and my hope is that their prayers will give you the strength necessary to carry on. Just as you were always with him when he walked the beat or patrolled the streets, know that he will always be with you wherever you may be. In the days to follow, may you be strengthened by the fact that Sgt. Weigand was a man distinguised by exceptional courage and will always be admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. You, your family and your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

For those who pledge to uphold it. Freedom requires a sacrifice the protected will never know.

The state flag of Pennsylvania has your blood sewn in the fabric, it shall forever wave in your honor.

God bless

Patriot Guard Riders of South Texas

Stacey & Bernie Norwood
CCPD Citizen Police Academy

November 13, 2009

Hi Honey,

I'm having one of those nights were I can't seem to get to sleep no matter how hard I try. I keep thinking of you, remembering your smile, your laughter and your face. I wish I could hear your voice.....I'm so afraid that I'll forget what the sound of your voice was like. It's nights like this that the pain I feel is unbearable from missing you. Having the holidays coming up I'm sure doesn't help. I'm dreading them again this year!
I love you my baby boy more then anyone can imagine. Your always in my heart.
I love you.

Kim Weigand

November 13, 2009

Hi Honey,

Can't sleep tonight, I'm so tired but just can't close my eyes. You know people thought it would get easier for us after the sentencing..... but it didn't. I keep thinking about his mom yelling in the courtroom that she couldn't say good bye to her son, well I didn't get that chance either. She can still see her son, I can't...... I know you wouldn't want me to feel that way but I can't help it. I miss you so much and it hurts so bad. No one understands how bad it hurts or how very much I miss you. I'm so proud of you honey, the man you were and the son I loved with all my heart.
Love forever into eternity, until the end of the ride.

Kim Weigand

November 7, 2009

Hi Honey,

Yesterday was sentencing and he got 16 months to 5 years for taking you from us. Five years.... you'd only be 30 and still have a whole lifetime to live. There is no sense of closure that some said they hoped we would feel after yesterday, I don't think we'll ever feel closure and I really doubt if the pain will ever stop or ease up of not having you here with us. I know you were with me yesterday when I spoke at the hearing to the Judge. I could feel you there with me and that's what got me through it. I miss you honey, there are just no words to put how I feel, I guess empty would be a good start. Please know how very very much I love you and always will. Your my Hero and forever will be in my heart.
With all my love now into eternity,

Kim Weigand

November 3, 2009

Hi Honey,

One week until the sentencing of the person who took you from us. Maybe that's why it's been so hard lately on me. I have my statement written to the Judge, please just be with me and give me the strength I'm going to need to read it and get through it. The nightmares and flashbacks have started up again, not just with me but with Daddy too. I guess maybe it's that time of year. I don't know when it's supposed to start getting easier, like people say, but I sure don't see that happening at all! I miss you more then words can say and love you more then life itself. Your my Hero and will always be in my heart forever.
I love you baby boy,

Kim Weigand

October 26, 2009

My Precious Son,
I was sitting with you for a while today and the reality of you not being here anymore is just something I can't seem to wrap my head all still seems so unreal to me at times. But then other times, it's like hitting a brick wall full force knowing your not going to come back to us. I don't know where people come up with the idea that it get's easier with's actually harder to deal with and continues to get harder with each passing day. I can't begin to put into words how badly I want to see your face, hear you laugh again and to tell you how very much your mom loves and misses you. My heart breaks a little more each day and I feel like a part of me is missing and there's an empty space in me, that I'm not whole anymore. Like everything else about being a mother, there are no instructions or manuals to tell a mom how to deal with loosing a son she loved with all her heart, who was a man she was so proud to be called "Mom" by. I know you will never see what I write but it does help to talk to you, which in one way or another I do every day. You've given me so many gifts this past year, even now, when your not here physically, you still find a way to make me smile and let me know your with me. Please always, always know I loved you more then you could ever know and continue to love you with each passing day. You've been my hero since the day you were born and will continue to be my hero into eternity until I see you again at the end of the ride.
I love and miss you so very very much Bo.

Kim Weigand

October 16, 2009

Forever in our hearts
You are missed by all


October 9, 2009

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