Latimore Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Sunday, September 14, 2008
Reflections for Sergeant Michael Christopher Weigand, Jr.
Thank you for making our world a better place. God Bless you and your family.
Special Agent
March 12, 2009
Hi My Precious Son,
Well today is one of those days when not having you here is unbearable and the pain seems too much to take. Maybe it's because the weather is getting nice and I know you would be getting ready to get the bike out to ride, but then again anything can trigger the tears that fall, and fall they do, just about every day. The pain of missing you doesn't ease up at all and there's not a day that goes by that your not in my thoughts constantly. You were my hero on the day you were born, you remained my hero all your life and now into eternity, I'll forever hold you tightly in my heart and in my love now and forever.
I love you my son with all my heart.
Kim Weigand
March 7, 2009
The wicked fleee where no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1
May God be with you and all who mourn you. May he give them the strength to carry on.
To his 4 year old: I know you aren't old enough to read this, and when you are, you might not. But I want you to know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many. Your daddy is a hero, now and forever. He loves you always.
Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks RIP 9-20-08
March 6, 2009
Hi My Precious Son,
Last night was bad and today is worse. There are no good days but I don't know why some days are worse then others, this is one of those days. One of those days when I miss you more then I can stand, when I really need to see you or hear your voice and your laughter. It's one of those days when I feel like I'm going crazy and can be in a room filled with people but still feel all alone.
Daddy got the new Police bike all done and it looks nice, there's a tribute to you on it on the front fender that says "In Loving Memory of Sgt. Michael C. Weigand" and your end of watch date. I have to be honest, I'm a nervous wreck every time Daddy rides motorm I wait anxiously for him to call me to let me know he's okay. I couldn't bear to have this happen again. Please watch over him and keep him safe for me. I know your with him and have his back every time he goes on duty. You'll never ever be forgotten honey, you'll always and forever be my hero, my baby boy and my special angel in heaven.
I love you forever and always,
Kim Weigand
February 22, 2009
My heart breaks for your friends and family. Please keep them close to your heart and let them know that you are with them always.
To your friends and family, you are not alone in your grief. We all have lost a member of law enforcement family and a true hero.
I will remember your family in my prayers.
February 22, 2009
I know the daily struggle all of your loved ones face each without you being here. Every morning when they awake the first thought they have is of you and at night just before drifing off to sleep in the hopes of having a dream about you, the last thought of the day is of you. They forever carry your memory in thier loving hearts. Continue to keep watch over all of them and protect them. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
February 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Dewey!
I so wish you were here with me right now. This is the worst Valentines Day EVER!! I miss you and love you beyond words.
I love my Valentines Day card..I know it wasn't given physically by you but for some reason I truly believe you had a part in making sure Lanie and I both got one.
Happy Valentines Day sweetie...I love you.
Mandi Weigand
February 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Honey,
I know your probably going to be saying this is "Gay" but I wrote you something for your birthday. It's the only thing I can give you now, are my thoughts and love through words I write.
A Mother's Memories
I remember the first time I felt you move inside of me, the day you were born, the first time I held you.
The day that special bond betwen mother and son was formed.
I remember your first tooth, your first words, the first steps you ever took in life.
I remember your first birthday and all that followed.
Your first day of school, your first football game, your first baseball game, your first home run hit.
I remember your graduation from high school, your leaving home for the first time.
Your graduation from the Police Academy, and the start of your new career as a grown man.
I remember your wedding day, the birth of your precious litte girl and the love that shown in your eyes when you first looked at her.
I remember everything about your short life, all the ups, all the downs, all the accomplishments you achieved.
I remember the day you were taken from us,
The day I had to say good-bye.
The tears that I shed, the pain in my heart.
The day a hero went to heaven.
I remember all the love I have for you, the memories you gave to me.
I will never forget you, my precious son.
You'll forever and always be inside my heart
Until we meet again.
Boj, twenty six years ago I was blessed with the most precious Valentines Day gift I could have ever I love you more then any words I would write could ever say. I was always so proud to say you were my son and that will never change. Your still my precious Valentine, my son who I love more then life itself and I always and forever will.
Happy birthday my hero my son, my Valentine.
With all my love forever until the end of time.
kim weigand
February 14, 2009
Hi babe,
Well, its look like the STEELERS did you proud!! I'm sure you were up there with the other pitt fans just hollaring and hooting like us. I so wish you could've been there with just wasn't the same without you. I love you sooo much!!! GO STEELERS!!!
Mandi Weigand
February 2, 2009
Hey Boj,
I'm sure you know but the Steelers did it for you! They won the Superbowl. I know you were there and made it exciting for all of us, but at times a little too exciting! I owe you a Superbowl hat honey.
I love you so much,
Kim Weigand
February 1, 2009
Hi Boj,
Well the big game is Sunday and I know you'll be there right along with them on the sidelines. Wish you were going to be here with us watching the game. It won't be the same. Your birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and I've been thinking about it and how I'm going to handle it, how we're all going to handle that day. Not good I'm sure! Your friends have been great and been there for us all the way and continue to support us all. Of course there is at least one that claims to be your friend and you know who she is and that she was never your friend but Dad and I along with all your real friends are watching over Mandi and Lanie so that she can't hurt them or get to them.
I miss you Bojo and can't seem to get over you not being here. This still seems like a bad nightmare that none of us can wake up from as hard as we try. My love for you, my son, is everlasting and always will be.
I love you with all my heart.
Kim Weigand
January 27, 2009
Hey Babe,
I'm sure you know today is Lanie's birthday and I wish you were here to share it with her. She constantly tells me how much she misses you and she wants you here. I keep telling her that although she can't see you, you are always with us. These are the days I miss you most...I keep telling myself this just can't be real but I wake up everyday with that gut wrenching feeling and emptiness. I don't think it will ever go away. Please know that no matter the distance we are apart..I have and always will love you. Until we meet again...
Mandi Weigand
January 21, 2009
Hi Honey,
Well I guess you know your Steelers are going to the Superbowl for you. I know you were there with them on Sunday and probably running right along Polomolu when he intercepted. I really missed you during the game, either sitting with me or calling me on the phone to see if I saw a certain play or tackle. It's just different..... like everything else in our lives without you here.
I love you and miss you so very very much. Your forever in my heart and there you will stay.
With all my love,
Kim Weigand
January 21, 2009
Hi Bojo,
Well today another month has passed since you were taken from us. What a way to mark the passing of time! As always as soon as I woke up this morning I knew the date and that heavy feeling of dread and emptyness hit my heart. It seems no matter what I'm doing on this date of the month or on Sundays, the time that you were taken from us I somehow know and the tears start. I guess maybe it's that secret timer in a mother's heart or a mother's intuition. I know Daddy knows it too but doesn't say anything, he just calls me at that time or if we're together, reaches over and takes my hand. I love you Baby boy and miss you more and more each day. This still doesn't seem real to me and I guess it never will.
I love you more then you ever knew.
With love,
Kim Weigand
January 14, 2009
Hi Bojo,
Dad and I went to the Harley dealer today to see about getting their okay to hold the ride there again this year. Boy it was tough being there, because that was where I got my last hug and kiss from you. Talk about bringing back memories. I've started working on the golf outing for the Blue Knights and we changed the name, to honor you, our hero. It will now be known as the Sgt. Michael C. Weigand Charity Golf Tournament, in your honor. Needless to say honey, you'll never be forgotten by anyone that knew you. I miss you so much still, it's not getting any easier on any of us and I know your always in all of our thoughts every day. I've been finding a lot of old pictures of you or things that you made Dad and I when you were little. I can look at them and smile but then as always the tears come. I love you, my son, always have from the day you were born and always will forever and always.
With love from my heart to yours,
Kim Weigand
January 10, 2009
Happy New Years in Heaven honey. It's going to be hard to say good bye to 2008 because you were here for most of it, you were a part of 2008 and welcoming in a new year without you being here really leaves me empty because it's like what is there to look forward to in the new year? It's hard to explain exactly what I mean but there is just this big empty void in me, in all of us. I keep telling you how proud I am of you and that your my hero now and forever, I just hope you hear me. You'll never be forgotten and we'll all make sure that your little girl aways remembers her Daddy and how very very much you loved her. She's so much like you that sometimes it's almost like your talking to us through her, she's the light of all of our lives and you'd be so proud of her.
Please continue to watch over all of us and your fellow brothers on duty, keep them all safe from harm. And as always Bojo, Remember how much your mom loves you and always always will.
Forever in my heart and with all my love,
Kim Weigand
December 31, 2008
Just want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year...
friend's of Mike and Mandi
December 31, 2008
My Dewey,
I'm sitting here and words just cannot escape my mouth..this is by far the worst thing...having to talk to you this way. I cannot begin to tell you how horribly I miss you everyday of my life. I would give anything right now just to hear your voice, feel your touch, smell your scent or watch you play with our lil Lanie. Everyday I see you through her eyes and its comforting but it break what little bit of heart I have left. I hate this unbearable emptiness I feel without you here. Our little one is the ONLY thing that gets me through each and every day. You have given me the most precious gift in life and that is her. I promise you that she will always know what a wonderful man her daddy is. I will love you forever....
December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas honey. It just wasn't and never will be the same without you here with us, but believe me, you were on all of our minds all day today. I know you were here with us in spirit, I could feel your presence all day just couldn't see you. What I would have given for a hug and kiss from you but when I went to visit you at the cemetary suddenly a soft wind began to blow as I was crying and I know without a doubt that it was your way of telling me you were standing beside me.
I love you now and forever.
My love to you, my hero.
kim weigand
December 25, 2008
Mike juat wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS.And also to your family.
friend's of mandi and mike
December 24, 2008
It is obvious that Sergeant Weigand was a special person and police officer from the reflections that have been left. he passed assisting his brothers from the Blue Knights and we all feel the lost of him even if we never met. Rest in Peace Brother and Ride with Pride on those Golden streets of heaven.
Fellow Brother and former motor officer. Blue knights Chapter 26.
gavin price senior deputy (retired)
escambia county sheriff`s dept. Pensacola,Florida
December 23, 2008
Motor Officers are a rare breed. We may be few in numbers, but we are strong in heart. I know that when I hear the sound of thunder, you and all of my brother motor officers are riding again. So brother, go ride the wind and watch over all of us here.
Mrs Weigand,
I am so sorry for your loss. I wish that I could help take away the pain and sorrow that you have. I pray for you and your family every day. I know that Michael is looking over you every day and that he is resing in the loving arms of God. Word seem so little, but know that Michael will NEVER be forgotten.
God Speed,
December 22, 2008
Hi Bojo,
Well I guess I made progress today.... I put the Christmas tree up, I hated to do it and only did it halfheartedly, but knew I had to do it for Lanie and Andi. I got a special present to put under the tree for your Lanie from you. She has to know that her Daddy would never forget her on Christmas or any other day. YOu would be so proud of her and how she's taking care of all of us and makes us laugh, her and Andi, the only real joys in our lives right now. Daddy keeps asking me what I want for Christmas, he knows the answer and the truth that no one can give me or any of us what we really want..... you back here with us. I'm dreading a day that we all used to look so forward to, but this year I just wish it would pass us by or I could sleep through it, it's going to be so so hard without you here. I miss you always and your smile. I love you with all my heart.
From my heart to you,
Love Mom
Kim Weigand
December 21, 2008
My thoughts are with all of your loved ones during this holiday season. Some people say to me that this time of the year must be hard for us that have lost loved ones, my answer to them is that it does not have to be a holiday, we miss them every single day. The outside of my home is decorated in all blue lights in honor of fallen officers, one of those lights burns brightly in your honor. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 20, 2008
Hi Honey,
I dont know what to say that hasn't been said already to you over and over again, except to keep telling you how much I miss and love you and how very very proud we are of you. I guess maybe I think if I write it to you often enough or say it often enough you'll hear me. I just wish you could let me know you know how I feel and that your all right and happy. Aunt Nancy sent me a poem called Christmas in Heaven. It's beautiful and I so hope that you can hear the songs and see the lights and that your beside us all the time. I dread Christmas so much this year, I haven't even put the tree up yet and Christmas is only a little over a week away. I know I have to do it for the kids but just dread it and the whole holiday thing!
Well honey, just please know how very very much I miss you, every day, every minute. You'll always be my baby boy, that will never ever change.
I love you with all my heart forever and always,
kim weigand
December 15, 2008