Latimore Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Sunday, September 14, 2008
Reflections for Sergeant Michael Christopher Weigand, Jr.
Hey Honey,
I know I haven't been on here in a couple of weeks, it doesn't mean I haven't been thinkin of you.... it's just been a really rough couple of months actually. I guess with the weather getting nicer out I still keep expecting to see you ride up the driveway on your bike knowing that will never happen again. I went to your memorial site at the park the other day and your supervisors planted such pretty flowers there for you.... they beat me to it!! I also saw a quarter laying there in the mulch and thought someone dropped it until I picked it up and looked at it and the year on it was 1983, the year you were born. Funny how the simple things people do or leave for you can touch me so deeply, like coming on here and seeing a message from Mr. Gordon, just for him to take the time to write something to you and always a message for me, I hope he knows it does make me smile. I know you probably met his son, his name is Michael too and like you according to his dad was devilish. I wouldn't trade all those jokes, pranks or anything that you did... I wish I could have more of those times with you. Always know how very very much I, Daddy, your sisters and of course your little girl love and miss you. Not a day goes by that your not in my thoughts and your forever in my heart, safe.
With all my love now until the end of the ride,
Kim Weigand
April 11, 2011
Thought I would drop in and leave a reflection. I see your Mom is like I am, writing to our sons, both named Michael. I remember reading a Dear Abbey article years ago that said one of the worse names to name a boy is Michael as they become involved in mischief. Whoever said that was right when it came to my Michael.
I know every day is a challenge for a bereaved parent. We wonder what we did wrong in life to deserve this never ending heartache and then look at the world and see some individuals who should not be breathing the same air as we do. My thoughts are with all of your loved ones. Continue to watch over them. Wrap your wings around your Mom, help her with your grief. I leave this for your Mom:
"The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hands of God." Author: Eileen Elias Freeman
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
March 30, 2011
St. Patricks Day is coming up... one of your favorite days! I was cleaning off shelves the other day and came across a book I did for you one Christmas called "A Mom's Memories". I made the mistake of reading through it and remembering all those times I wrote about. When I came to the end there was a note I wrote after you were taken from us, kind of an epiloge I guess. Funny, I don't remember writing it but it kind of was like a slap in the face. That same day I got notice that the "person" who killed you was let free after only 16 months. Somehow that just doesn't seem fair that he can now enjoy life when he took the joy out of all of our lives. There's not a day that goes by that your not on my mind or my heart doesn't break a little more. People say it gets easier with time and I've come to the conclusion that they really don't know what their talking about. Just always know that we love you and miss you with all our hearts, every day!
Forever in my heart until the end of the ride.
Love Mom
Kim Weigand
March 15, 2011
28 years ago today when I gave birth to you, your dad and I got the best Valentine gift we could ever hope for. I remember like it was yesterday the first time I held you in my arms, looked into your eyes and held your tiny little hands. I fell in love all over again, you stole my heart. Happy birthday to our angel in Heaven, our son and our Hero forever in our hearts.
With all our love now and forever until the end of the ride.
We love you,
Mom and Dad
Kim Weigand
February 14, 2011
I think I realized what has me so down lately. Stupid of me really not to realize it before now. Your birthday is coming up in 2 weeks, Valentine's Day. I used to love that day because I was given the best Valentine a mom could ever ask, but knowing how your last birthday here on earth was breaks my heart. I promised you that next years would be so much better and never got that chance. Also, the person that took you from us will get out in one month to live his life, see his family, celebrate his birthdays, have his mom be able to hold and kiss him and I will never have that again with you neither will Dad, your sisters or Lanie. She'll be missing out on a Daddy loved her more then anything in the world. She talks about you to us all the time and remembers so much of all you and her did together. I love you honey. Your in my heart forever and there you'll stay until the end of the ride.
With all my love,
Kim Weigand
January 30, 2011
I don't know what it is.... the weather or maybe your little girl's birthday tomorrow and you not being able to be here with her,but my heart just seems to keep breaking a little more each day. The past few days have been especially hard for some reason, crying for no reason or because of something really stupid that sets it off.I got notice that I'm receiving an award for community service next Friday for getting the bill in your name passed into law. I'd gladly give it back to have you here with Daddy, me, Lanie and your sisters. I miss you so much!!!!!!
Your in my heart forever.
Kim Weigand
January 20, 2011
Happy New Year to the best son a mom and Dad could ever hope for. It still seems so strange not having you here with us on holidays, even in a crowded room it seems lonely because you made the party with your jokes and laughter. I don't know, maybe it's because another year is over but yesterday the flashbacks of the day you were taken were horrible, they just wouldn't stop coming and replaying in my mind. Lanie was with us last night and you'd be so proud of her!!!! Thank God we have her, Anden and Michael.... they keep us going. I love you honey and we all miss you each and every day!
In my heart forever until the end of the ride.
Kim Weigand
January 1, 2011
Well Christmas is almost here....your friends all came tonight the same as they've done the past 2 years on Christmas Eve so that we weren't alone. You'd be so proud of all of them. I still can't believe that you won't be here tomorrow with us shaking presents, trying to guess what's in each box, (half the time you knew because you opened them and retaped them closed again long before Christmas day!) The hurt and pain just doesn't go away... I know your celebrating Christmas with Jesus but if it's at all possible could you give your mom a gift and come to me in my dreams tonight, I need a hug from my baby boy. I love you Mike and miss you so very much.
Merry Christmas in Heaven Honey.
Forever in my heart,
Kim Weigand
December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas Sarg.....
December 24, 2010
Mike - I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your family this holiday season. I know you are with them in spirit. This summer, I went to the local fair with your family and spent some time with your daughter. We had a good time...she even got me to dance with her! She is such a sweetie and reminds me of you and your sister when we were growing up.
I will continue to keep everyone in my prayers.
Jill Hoerner
Family Friend
December 23, 2010
Hi Bojo,
Well the Christmas gifts are bought, the tree is up and the house is somewhat decorated but I'm just not in the mood. I keep thinking of that song "Where are you Christmas" because I just can't seem to feel anything but sadness. I was wrapping gifts the other day and thought about how you used to find yours and unwrap them to see what you got and then try to rewrap them up again without me knowing it. I used to get so upset over it but now would give anything to have you be able to do that again. Your special angel ornament is on tree, front and center. I keep wishing for a Christmas miracle but know it can't happen, but maybe, just maybe in my dreams I'll get the hug and kiss from you, my son, that I wish for every night. I love you honey and miss you more then words could ever say, we all do.
I love you..... until the end of the ride.
Kim Weigand
December 10, 2010
Hi Honey,
Well Thanksgiving is over and everyone went home. I know you were here with us, I unintentionally set an extra place setting at the table, well, maybe it was done because I wanted you here with us so badly. I have to tell you that it just doesn't seem like the holidays without you. I kept going out into the garage just to gather myself together at times because I just wanted to sit and cry. Lanie spent Thanksgiving Eve with us and helped in making dinner and spent the whole day with us. Having your little girl with us and the whole family is so nice. You'd be so proud of her, she's so very much like you!!!!! I love you honey and miss you more then anyone can imagine. Forever your in my heart and will stay there until the end of the ride.
All my love now into eternity,
Kim Weigand
November 29, 2010
Hi Honey,
It just never gets easier. The holidays coming up is the hardest to take I guess especially since Christmas was your favorite. I can remember you shaking and unwrapping presents that were for you and then re-wrapping them so you didn't get in trouble. Those memories I cherish more then anyone can know but they also make me miss you all that much more. We buried Game Commission Officer Dave Grove today and all I could see at the cemetery was your funeral, I guess it will always be that way, there in my mind like a picture taken and locked in. It's not any easier now then it was then two years ago. I know you were there and thank God for the wives of the other officers from Adams County, they were my support today and I'm blessed to have them. You did have great friends and they continue to watch over us. Keep sending me your messages honey, I cherish each and every one of them. I love you now until the end of the ride.
Forever in my heart safe where no one can hurt you again,
Kim Weigand
November 21, 2010
Hi Honey,
Well Dad and I went to the COPS Parents Retreat and met so many wonderful parents who are going through the same sadness and grief that we go through. It does help to know we're not alone in this, that there are others out there to help us through.
I'm working with Sherri and Make a Wish on their annual Bike Night in April. I'm in charge of getting officers to be guest waiters/waitresses and bartenders for the night. Since this is an anniversary year for Make a Wish Sherri's making the night in memory of Chris Greicius, the "Little Bubble Gum Trooper" and the first Make a Wish child, and also you, because of your love for kids, most especially the kids who were sick. I know you and Chris are up there seeing who can blow the biggest bubble. Sherri told me that she knows your both up there greeting your brothers and sisters as they come home. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I can't begin to tell you how very much I would love to see you sitting at the table with us that day. I used to love the holidays but now just can't get myself into celebrating them. I just wish I could sleep right through them all. As always I miss you more then words can say and my heart just won't heal. Always know how very much we love you and always will.
Until the end of the ride, my heart is with you.
Love now and always,
Kim Weigand
November 10, 2010
It's official, the Governor signed HB 2246, your bill, the Sgt. Michael C. Weigand Act into PA law today. I finally fulfilled one of the promises I made to you on the most horrible day of our lives, the day you were taken from us. It's bittersweet, I would so much rather have you here with us laughing and smiling that wonderful smile of yours. Like Mr. Gordon had written, the pain never goes away, and he's right, I do wish for vivid dreams from you and cherish them when I do have them. My first thought when I heard that the bill was officially signed into law was "I have to tell Mike" but then realized I couldn't call you. Instead when I went to the cemetery today instead of telling you something new that Lanie did or your nieces and nephews did I told you that your name will live on forever in a law passed in your memory. I know your up there smiling that smirk and eathing all of this up and I can hear you say "Good job, Ma, you did it!"
I know your also up there laughing like crazy over your sister having another baby! You did refer to her as Octo-mom. Please take care of your little niece or nephew until we get to meet him or her and continue to watch over all of us. I just can't find the words to say how much I miss and love you or how proud I am of you and the man you became. Your always in my thoughts and forever you'll be in my heart.
I love you honey and will until the end of the ride.
Love forever,
Kim Weigand
October 19, 2010
Thought I would drop by your page and leave a short note as I know I like when people leave reflections at my son's page. I know all too well the challenge your Mom faces each day that she wakes. There will even be days that she will forget and may think, "I need some help with this, maybe I'll call Mike." Then reality will hit home as the thought quickly leaves her mind.
Someone sent me the following and I would like to share it:
"The sense of loss does not diminish with time. In truth, the expression, 'time heals all wounds' is a myth. For parents, the loss of a child is permanent, and mental scar tissue really does not grow over the grim memory. Rather, all tears are expended and a dull ache remains."
Continue to watch over all of your loved ones and come to them in their dreams in vivid color so that they know you are near and watching over them.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
October 13, 2010
Dear Mike,
Though I never had the privilege of meeting you I know your folks are from my home town. I also know that home is where the heart is and your home with the Lord is also in your mother and father's hearts'. I hope you have become friends with my husband Ralph because I just know you two will get along great. I pray for you and your family every day and know that one day we will all meet again at the home of the Father all Mighty. God Bless!
Judith L. Mock, widow
October 13, 2010
Thank you Mike for watching over your mother with David by your side to support David's family throughout the difficult past week. I'm sure it was difficult on her to be at the trial but I know you have to be proud of her, not only for that but what she has accompolished over the past 2 years due to her trageic loss. Keep smiling down on her and try to stay out of trouble up there with David, after all, unfortunately you two have so much in common, as do your families.
October 13, 2010
Hi Honey,
Well there's no doubt you and David were in the courtroom today smiling down on us when they found his killer guilty of homicide by vehicle and tampering with the evidence. I'm so glad his family got some justice, although it will never bring him back just like the one that took you from us being locked up won't bring you back to us, at least we can feel some justice for what they did to us. My heart broke for his family today.....I know just how they feel. It was so hard emotionally to be there even though there was no trial in your case, everything described was about the same as in your case. But I know how much the support meant to me and wanted to give that back to someone else who needed it. What a day, just read where the Senate signed your bill, now it's off to the Governor for signature into law. I know your probably up there with that smirk of yours over it but I did promise you I'd get it done and I wasn't about to let you down. I love you honey, always have and I always will..... now until the end of the ride.
Your foreven in my heart,
Kim Weigand
October 12, 2010
Continue to stay strong as you support Officer Tome's family during this difficult time. I am sure your son is watching over you with pride. I will be at the wall next month and will say a prayer for your son while im there.
robytn caiazzo
neice of fallen officer
October 12, 2010
There's so much going on.... I know you and David are together with his family helping them get through the trial of his killer. I spent yesterday with them in court and my heart breaks for them and you and David. It's hard to be there because you were both killed in much the same way, but I feel I have to and want to be there to give them support like everyone has been giving to us.
The Bill that is named in memory of you had it's final vote on Tuesday and passed the State House. Now it's on to the Governor's desk for signing into law. We did it honey, I didn't let you down and fulfilled a promise I made to you on the day you were taken from me and got the laws and penalties stiffer for anyone who injures or kills an officer or emergency responder by vehicle. I know your up there smiling and you were with me every step of the way, you gave me the courage, strength and confidence I needed to fight for this law. I love you my Hero and hope to make you as proud of me as I always was and always will be of you. Your forever in my heart and my thoughts no until the end of the ride.
I love you,
Kim Weigand
October 7, 2010
Michael, I met your parents this weekend in North Carolina while on vacation. They are wonderful people and I trust that you possessed the same nature as them. They are very proud of you as am I. Thank you for your service. Know that they remain positive and both continue to carry your torch. Continue to rest in peace and we will continue to fight the good fight.
Pennsylvania State Police
October 4, 2010
You will never be forgotten.....
Mrs. Weigand, and all who knew and loved Mike, you are in my thoughts daily as we are all unfortunately in this together. I pray for the strength you need to deal with this tragedy and especially difficult day.
Family Member of an officer down
September 14, 2010
"The Final Inspection"
The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My church have you been true?"
The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep....
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't.....I'll understand.
There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell."
Author Unknown
September 14, 2010
I can't believe it's been two years since you've been gone. I wish you were here to see how fast your niece and nephew have been growing up. I know you've been keeping an eye on them though. As you know we come to see you often and the kids will definitely know how great a man their uncle is. We all miss you and will never forget you. Please continue to watch over all of us and know you will always be in our hearts.
Ptlm Burnell Bevenour
Latimore TWP PD/Brother-In-Law
September 14, 2010