Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Michael Christopher Weigand, Jr.

Latimore Township Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Sunday, September 14, 2008

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Sergeant Michael Christopher Weigand, Jr.

I just wanted to write how sorry I am for your loss. I just recently lost my friend in the line of duty and my heart is absolutely broken. I can't imagine how it would feel to lose my daughter, and I pray for you and your family to have strength and hope now and in the future.

Your son's (husband's, father's, sibling's, friend's) sacrifice is not in vain. Thank you for your service. I am sorry you were taken too soon.

A Fellow Officer in Blue


December 14, 2008

Hi Honey,
Well today it's twelve weeks since you were taken from us and I still miss you like crazy! Yesterday we went to the KOPS for Cops hockey game in honor of you and the other PA officers killed in the line of duty. I know if you were here you would have loved to play in it along with all the other officers. Lanie loved watching the game and laughed when someone fell! I can't tell you how very very much I miss you, I feel like I"m in a maze and can't find my way out or in a dark tunnel with no light showing through at the end. I met another mother there yesterday, her son's name is Michael Wise. He was killed in the line of duty 5 years ago. She was so so nice and told me that if I need her she's there, but not to expect it to get any easier. I didn't think it really would get easier and anyone who says it will really doesn't know what it's like or walked this path in life. Christmas is coming and I just wish it would pass us by this year but I know I have to get it together for Lanie and Andi. Lanie is all excited for it and can't wait, Andi is too young yet to really know what's going on, but your daughter is just like you, she absolutely can't wait and I know this was always your most favorite holiday so that's going to make it harder not having you here, rattling packages ahead of time or snooping through things trying to find out what you got. I can't tell you how very much I miss you and our daily phone calls. I guess that's why I write here all the time, to talk to you like we used to do on the phone, I just wish I could hear your voice again. Please don't ever forget how proud we all are of you and how very very much we all love you and always will forever.
With my love to you forever and always,

Victoria, please contact me about the t-shirts at

Kim Weigand

December 7, 2008

Dear Mike and Kim , I have been checking in on Mikes reflection page often and i know the holidays will be rough and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I would like to ask a favor of you in Honor of Michael. I would like to honor him by wearing one of his t shirts with his badges and name on the Americas 911 ride 2009.One like the sticker i have on the back of my Vue. People often look at it and sometimes ask i tell them about Michael and how he escorted our ride and how precious his family is! Please let me know how i can get a shirt. And kim i will continue to check here on Mikes Page. May God bless you all and will be in our thoughts during the Holiday season. Victoria

Victoria Kriner-Aversano
americas 911 motorcycle participant

December 4, 2008

Hi Bojo,

Well Thanksgiving is over and everyone left. I really don't think we had much to be thankful for this year at all. The only bright spot of the year was the birth of your niece Anden Jo Michaela. You would just love her, but then again you loved kids. She was baptized on Sunday and I don't know if you knew it or not but you were to be her Godfather. Daddy stood in for you, not replace you though. Thanksgiving dinner was really kind of quiet, I really don't think any of us had much of an appetite, but the turkey you got last spring turned out really good, I just wish you could have been here to eat it with us, I know you were in spirit but I really wish you were here with one of those rib crushing hugs you used to give me. I miss that and so much more..... everyone does. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you and miss you. I only hope you know how very very much your loved by all of us.
I love you baby boy with all my heart and then some.
Love always and forever,

Kim Weigand

December 2, 2008

Hi Bojo,

Happy Thanksgiving Baby boy, this is our first without you and there's going to be an empty placesetting at the table today or at least the table will seem empty without you sitting there. I made your turkey last night for today and we all tasted it, you were right...... it's so good! I'm sorry I didn't make the one for you last year and now this year I made yours and your not here to eat it with us. I'm so so sorry! I miss you more then you'll ever know, it's just not fair that your not here where you should be....... with us. I know your with family up there in heaven but somehow that doesn't make it any easier on us down here on earth at this time. I have a feeling that today is going to be one of those horrible days that we've had so many of lately. I love you with all my heart little boy, more then you or anyone could ever imagine. My heart breaks a little more each day for you. I just wish........
Love from your mom forever and always.

Kim Weigand

November 27, 2008

Just wanted 2 say Happy Thanks Giving.Also i would like to tell your family the same thing.Take care.

friend's of mike and mandi

November 26, 2008

Hi Bojo,

Well it's at ten weeks and counting. We were in Pittsburgh this past weekend for a memorial reception or celebration of life for you so that everyone back there could come and honor you. It was so hard to do and brought back everything all over again, but it was nice to see that your friends back in Pittsburgh haven't forgotten you, how could they? Some of your friends from here made the trip back with us, that was so nice of them, they truely are family to us and loved you just as we all do. Thanksgiving is two days away and I can't imagine what it's going to be like without you here, I wish we could just skip over all of holidays, especially since I knew Christmas was your favorite. You would be so proud of your little girl. She takes such good care of her little cousin and is just like a little mommy to her. She's asking us questions again about how you were killed, it's so tough to answer those questions and keep our composure. But she keeps telling us that she loves you so much and misses you. It breaks my heart. She told me today that you talk to her and give her kisses, how sweet is that and there's no doubt in my mind that she can actually hear you or feel you kissing her. I know how very much you loved her. Nothing else has changed here with us, we all miss you and hurt the same way we did two months ago, sometimes to the point that I feel like I'm going crazy and can't take it anymore.
I love you so very very much.

kim weigand

November 25, 2008

miss you beau.



November 19, 2008

Hi Boj,
Well once again yesterday we were so proud to have you honored in our State Capitol by our State Representatives. They had us all in Harrisburg, Mandi, Lanie, Me and Dad, Erin and Beav and little Anden on the floor of the House of Representatives to honor you and your service as a hero. when they were done the whole House stood and gave you a standing ovation. I know you were there, probably with that smirk and that wink you used to give us all the time. I am so proud to be your mom, always was and I always will be. I can't say it was easy yesterday, it wasn't. Hearing them read about the accident that took your life hurt like hell, I guess I just won't ever get over hearing about how you were killed. My heart hurts. We go to Pittsburgh this weekend for a memorial reception in your honor and I know tht's going to be hard on all of us, but some of yours and our friends from here are going to come down too. They want to see what you were like as a little boy.
Well honey, just remember and know how very very much I love you and miss you! It's unexplainable the emptiness I feel without you.
I lvoe you so very very much.

kim weigand

November 18, 2008

Hi Bojo,

Funny how I loose track of what day of the week it is or the date but ths morning woke up crying and knew exactly what the date was and it's significance. Today it's two months since you were taken from us and it seems like just yesterday, with the same hurt, empty feeling and total loss. I can't tell you how my heart aches for you, my baby boy. There are times when I look at your picture and see that smile that I can actually smile back at you because I know you were up to some prank, but then most of the time I look at your picture and it actually takes my breath away because reality hits like a sucker punch to the stomach that your not going to be coming back through the door. We all miss you so very very much! I dread the holidays coming up, I really don't know how to get through them. I wish we could just skip them all, to be honest I would rather just hide in bed all day, but I know I can't do that and you wouldn't want us to do that. Your little one misses you too. She was sitting on Dad's lap last night and told him that she misses her Daddy and wants you to come home. Then she came running to me and told me she needed a napkin because Papa's eyes were leaking. I watched her as she went over to Dad and very carefully wiped the tears from his eyes. It's so heartbreaking to know that the little girl you loved with all your heart and loved you back so much isn't going to have her Daddy here with her to watch her grow up. But like we promised you on the day you were taken, we will take care of her and Mandi and make sure that your little one always remembers how very much she was loved by you.
I will always love you Bojo, whether here or in heaven you'll always be my hero and my baby boy.
With all my love from my broken heart.

Kim Weigand

November 14, 2008

I don't know where to start. Everytime I read of a fallen officer my heart sinks. First, Sergeant Weigand thank you for your service and dedication.My heart goes out to your family. This is a very difficult time for everyone.
I have been reading your moms relections.I can understand these reflections they mirror mine. Mrs. Weigand I have lost my son also. I want you to know that you are not alone. The pain is unexplainable. I know,...... I live it everyday. My son was 23 years old when he was killed. I will keep everyone in my prayers.
If you need to contact me my e-mail address is I am here for you 24/7. I know this pain.
Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan Seguin eow 2/15/06

Tina Lambert
mother of Ryan

November 9, 2008

Beau (Mike) was always one to make everyone laugh, and his memories will always be in our hearts and minds forever to help keep our smiles going.

Everyday is not easy realizing he is gone, but i loved him so much and miss him. He will always be like a brother to me no matter what.

Love you Beau!



November 7, 2008

Just one more time, I wish I could see your smiling face, the way your dimples would come out, or hear your infection laugher.
Just one more time, I wish I could see the way you lit up a room when you entered it, everyone knowing it was going to be exciting because you were there with a prank or a joke.
Just one more time, I wish I could see the way you looked at your wife with tenderness and caring, with pure love for her shining in your eyes.
Just one more time, I wish I could see how you played with your little girl, the way you played tag, hide and seek, the way you made her giggle and laugh, like no else can.
Just one more time, I wish I could see the way she ran to you to be held, kissed or comforted when she was hurt, or just wanted to be close to her daddy.
Just one more time, I wish we could go camping, swimming, boating or just sitting around the campfire. The whole family together, happy and close.
Just one more time, I wish I could see you in uniform, standing so straight and tall, the way you carried yourself with confidence, honor and pride.
Just one more time, I wish I could hear the way you interacted with the kids you taught at DARE, or see the way you treated residents in the community.
Just one more time, I wish I would see you run down the stairs on the way to the firehall when the whistle blew, full of life and adventure.
Just one more time, I wish I could see you and your dad work together as partners, as brothers of the badge, always having each others back.
Just one more time, I wish for the joking and teasing, the daily phone calls just to talk about anything and everything.
Just one more time, I want the hugs and kisses, one last dance with you and to her those precious words from you, my son, "I Love You Mom".
Please God, please, just one more time .......

Written just for you Bojo, with so much love straight from my heart.
I love and miss you my hero, my son,

Kim Weigand

November 5, 2008

Kim and Mike,
Kim and Mike i don't no how to start this off,I had a daughter that was 3 month's and 21day's old when i lost her to crib death[sids].It's been 16and half year's ago.My daughter is ALWAY'S on my mind.I thought i would share it with both of use,My hardest time's are her birthday the holiday's,and i hate the day she passed away.I was the 1 that found my daughter.And her father was in the army.I always say WHY.I will never no WHY.Kim and Mike i am going to be honest with both of use,i wanted to end my life,i had nothing to look forward to,that is what i was thinking at that time,but i ended up pregnant again when i lost her.As time went on thing's got easier.But PLEASE don't get me wrong, GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN.I find it to be alittle more easier to talk to people about it.It has helped me alot.I just wanted to share that with both of use.I no what use are going threw.Kim i really liked the 1 reflection you left for mike about the candle.I will remember that.I'm still learning different way's to cope when it come's to the holiday's.And im sure use are saying WHY WHY WHY.I do and i still don't understand.I guess i will NEVER no.I no she is in a better place,but i want her here with me.I wonder how thing's would be today.she is now 17 year's old.We as parent's that lose a son or daughter their is sooooooo much that run's threw are head.But remember that your son would want use to move on,he is watching over all of use.And he would not want use to suffer.Kim and Mike i can say so much,but the bottom line is it is so hard to think positive,I have my moment's.But it doe's get better in time.EVERYBODY is different.My daughter picture's are all threw my house,my daughter now never got to no her what me and her do is go to her grave and put thing's on,and we also talk to her,like i said gone but NEVER forgotton.I wish use well and i hope what i wrote to both of use will help.Even if it's alittle and that your not alone.I can relate to use.I went threw it to.Please keep your head's high,use had a very good son,and be very PROUD of him.Kim and Mike please take care of yourself's.I hope my story will help use both.Take care.

Mike jr,
Just want to say hello.And was thinking about you and your family.I dropped a couple of lines to your parent's.I hope and pray that thing's get better for your family.Life is very unfair at time's.Mike take care of yourself.YOU ARE WELL MISSED BY ALL...Wanda

friends of mandi and mike

November 5, 2008


It's been seven weeks since I've seen your smiling face, heard your laughter and heard you tell me you loved me right before you left on the ride. The pain is still unbearable, the tears just won't stop. On the day you left us you took my heart with you. You've always been a hero to me and always will be forever.I know your in heaven now and watching down on all of us and your fellow brothers among them your Dad. Always remember my baby boy, that there is no greater love then that of a mother for her child and I can attest to that.
With all of my love forever and always,

Kim Weigand

November 4, 2008


We did a detail at BSSD today. The regular guys were their along with Mr Greenholt, Mr Mauro and JPO Karen Smith. We followed your orders like we did the last detail. Last week you partner came down from Carroll Twp. to teach your D.A.R.E. class. We are keeping it alive. I applied to go to D.A.R.E. class in January to keep the class going. You are missed by all of us. Battlefield HD ordered the new motor for us, I will "Ride it with Pride" and the Supervisors had me order the Charger. You overruled me on this one!!!! I will always miss you covering my back!!!

Love you and miss you,

Latimore Twp PD

October 29, 2008

Hi BoJo,

Your always on my mind and I can't seem to get over loosing you, my son. Last night was a bad one for me. I keep thinking of something I heard where if a child dies, goes to heaven, they get a candle, but when the mother cries the tears put out the candle. I know you wouldn't want me to be feeling this way and crying all the time, but how do I not? You and I had such a special bond with each other, so close to each other. There aren't any words to put to how I feel. Daddy tells me all the time to tell him what I'm feeling, but I can't, there are no words to express how my heart hurts. Your friends here, and believe me, they are GOOD friends, are there for us and help us all they can. You were so loved, more then you'll ever probably know!
I know you probably already know but two officers close to here have joined you in heaven. One from Northern Regional and early this morning one from Frederick City. I know you met them when they arrived in heaven and your all together.
Please honey, watch out over all your other brothers in blue and keep them safe, I know your riding shotgun with your EARP brothers, there's no doubt about that.
I know I tell you every day and every night how very very much I love you and miss you. Your little one, Lanie, is the only thing that is keeping me going right now. Without her I don't know what I'd do. Sometimes the heartache is just way too much for a mother to take.
I love you now and forever my son and hero.

Kim Weigand

October 23, 2008

Jr it seems like only yesterday that I met you. I remember the meetings at Turkey Hill at 2am for Coffee and to shoot the bull, just beacuse I didn't have anything better to do at that time of night. I will never forget all the pranks and jokes that you pulled on me. Your professionalism truly showed through the prankster that you were. Don't worry about anything you know we have all the boys backs in the center! I know that you are watching over us all and will keep us safe. See you on the other side. RIP Brother!

Nicholas Cook - 911 Dispatcher/Trainer
Adams County Dept of Emergency Services

October 21, 2008

Prayers for you and your family every day.

God Bless you and yours.

Your child will be taken care of.

Semper Fidelis.

Charles Deel

October 21, 2008

Miss you brother

Patrolman Burnell P. Bevenour
Latimore Twonship PD/ Brother-In-Law

October 18, 2008

May God lay his healing hand upon the family of Sergeant Weigand and may they know he will never be forgotten. Thank you Sergeant Weigand for your dedicated service to the people of Pennsylvania and the United States.

James Sheppard
Father of Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

October 17, 2008

Thank you Sir for your dedication and professionalism. You are a true Hero. Godspeed.

Sergeant T. Henshaw
Bell Gardens Police Dept., CA.

October 14, 2008


Well honey, it's been a month since we lost you and the pain isn't getting any easier for any of us. I'm just going through the motions of living and doing daily things without any thought or reason behind them. I'm empty and lost right now. But I do have some good news, although I think you already know and have probably already met your niece, Anden Jo. She came to us from heaven today weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces. I know without a doubt that you two have met and formed a bond together in heaven. Words can't express the loss and pain I feel Mike at not having you here with us, it's unbearable! Please remember and always know how very very much Daddy and I love you, always will and how very proud of you, our one and only son.
With all my love forever,

kim Weigand

October 13, 2008



October 11, 2008

Dear Mike, You where a great neighbor to me for 6 years along with a good friend almost a a sense. You are the main reason for becoming a fellow officer. You help me see that this career was designed to help others in need and you definetly have done that.. I am very proud you and will personally try to fullfill your legacy here on earth as you would if you where still with us.. Until we meet again "UNITED WE STAND TOGETHER WE WILL FALL"

Deputy Jason Trimmer
Adams County sheriffs office of PA

October 5, 2008

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