Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Kenneth Chua Jordan
With whats been going on, I wanted to say that I haven't forgotten about you or your family. I have a renewed faith now that justice will be done for you also. Every time I go to "the creek" I have to drive that bridge and it instantly takes me back to that day. Like all of the others, you were taken way to early in life and you are deeply missed by all of us, whether we knew you or not. Please continue to sit on their shoulders as they go out each day and keep them safe.
May 7, 2008
Well, we are down to 6 weeks and the newest member of the Ponderosa will be here with us on the 12th. What a lucky number that is for all of us....:) I know you will be watching over us and keeping us strong and healthy. Your gal pals were able to make the shower and we laughed and cried some - Pooh Bear already has found a home in the nursery, THANK YOU!! WE MISS YOU SO!!!!
May 1, 2008
Thinking of you today, just like so many other days. Constantly praying for some peace... you are missed
April 29, 2008
Rest easy, my friend. There are others whom have followed your profession, from your same home town. I am one of them, and I am so sorry for what has happened.
You will not be forgotten.
Mike Fitzpatrick
Deputy Michael Fitzpatrick
Outagamie County Sheriff's Department, WI
April 28, 2008
I can't believe it has been 16 months already since u left. Not a day goes by that i don't think of u. I have tryed 2 go on. I put all my memories in a box and the rest i tried 2 put in the back of my mind. But it doesn't work. Ken i miss u alot! U gave me strength to go on when i wanted to quit. I know u are watching over me. I still just don't know why?! U were so young, such a great friend,person and officer. I am proud to say i knew u! Everyday i wait 4 u to walk into the dui room. U never come. But because of u ken and how u empacted my life for the better, i know u will watch out for me when i make my job transition. Ken, thank u! I will see u at my end of watch. Gone but never forgotten! I miss u officer jordan... Always!
Friend miss u
Memo ed
April 24, 2008
What a week! We sold the house and are on the first leg in our adventure. The kids are doing great with all the change and can't wait for this school year to end so we can get on with it.
Thinking of you a lot lately, too. New losses just re-open old wounds. Do me a favor and give grandma a big hug from me when you see her and look after that stubborn Irish guy. He's got a lot on his mind lately and could use a little of your strength and even more some peace. See what you can do to help.
Love ya
April 24, 2008
Been thinking about you a lot. Maybe its because DC is coming up. I just miss ya bunches. I signed us up for motorcycle class today. Peka promised me that we would do it a while ago and get our license. I remember watching the people attempt to ride at Mitchell with you (dont laught too hard as you watch over me and Peka).
Love you,
April 23, 2008
I watched Into The Wild last night. I think it's a movie you would have liked. I remember the first time you went to Alaska, you fell in love and couldn't wait to go back. I still have the bookmarks.
April 21, 2008
Officer Jordan you must have lived such a full life every day that you were with your loved ones. I have been drawn to your memorial for quite some time as your family and friends have celebrated you and allowed a nation to get to know you.
My family has also suffered the loss of a loved one, Patrick M Maher EOW 8/2/03 Federal Way PD. Please look Pat up but I have a feeling the two of you have already found each other as he loved life as you clearly did.
To your family and friends my utmost respect to all of you and how you have celebrated this fine hero. May God bless all of us.
Sgt. Mary Huggins
Orange County Sheriff's Office
April 11, 2008
So, you'll probably just want to bop me on the head for this...but, I watched that REALLY long movie with the singing in it the other day (I didn't give it away!) and thought of you....Do..a dear (oops)! Anyway, crazy that after all these years, there are songs/movies/food that always makes me think of you. Remember the "shed"...what a dive! Speaking of dives....I was reading through my dive log and missing the coral reef (and shh don't tell, but you too!) Pat's right...miss your mom's cooking and movies on the family room floor! Miss the times we had and sad that now so many are missing you. You made a great life out there while I was making one proud of you for everything--just wanted you to know......
you know who
April 11, 2008
We went to Oregon last week. We had fun but it would be funner if you were there. I miss you alot.
April 7, 2008
Today I had lunch with mom, dad, and Daniel and we were talking about future live-a-board dive trips we want to take to the Bahamas. We were talking about who would be interested (Peka at the top of the list) and my mom started to say something and then stopped. She told us that she almost said we should invite Ken. It got kind of quiet for a second, but what is funny is that you were one of the first people I thought of when we were talking about it too. You and I always talked about you going on a scuba trip with the family. We just never did it! I wish we had followed through and gone on that trip. Gonna have to talk Peka into going on another trip and make due with having you there with us in spirit. We will all toast to you and your scuba diving ways...(you know what I am talking about!)
I miss you so very much and wish you were here. Thinking about you always.
April 5, 2008
Miss you.
April 3, 2008
Hey Ken,
Just wanted you know you crossed my mind as usual. Sabina and I did a "wet lab" for the new DUI officers. Man, was she funny! Considering we were both tipsy. You would have been cracking up at us both! Think about you lots! Miss you tons!!
April 2, 2008
It's been tough lately.....
April 1, 2008
Been thinking about you a lot the last few days. Just wanted you to know. Love ya
March 30, 2008
So I pulled out my old home videos today. I was watching one from '98 just looking at funny images of my family. Then suddenly the tape stopped and there was your voice, your face, you laughing at me for something I did. The tape was only labeled as Thanksgiving '98 so I hadn't expected to see you. I was taken aback to say the least. I wasn't ready for the emotions that would hit me. I am now having one of those "it's just not fair!" moments. My logical brain is telling me, "whoever said life is fair lied to you." But my heart is telling me, "No, it wasn't fair!" You had such a full life but my God there were still so many things you had yet to experience!
I had enough. So I turned off the tape. Maybe another day I can turn it back on. But not today. Today I am weak, today I have given in to the sadness and the loss.
March 20, 2008
Was listening to an 80's Channel the other day...think it is now officially considered "Classic Rock"...I remember hearing those songs for the first time with you! Going to the movies and eat Cadbury Chocolate Bars! Miss you all the time. Wish I could call you up...get your advise. You were never too busy to talk to a friend in need of some good old fashioned advise.
March 20, 2008
I figured out today what I miss most. I miss the fact that when I had something to complain about I could always call you and you would tell me I was being an idiot. I just need that one more time!
March 13, 2008
Ryan is getting to be such a big girl. She had her first haricut today and was able to wear pigtails (kind of). She wears pink cowboy boots and a cowboy hat everywhere we go, and she just adores the outdoors, just like her godfather. Bailey is no longer with us, but Ryan knows she is in heaven with you. She even points to the sky when we talk about you, which is all the time. Your picture is above her, "big girl bed in her big girl room." Speaking of getting bigger.......I am 6 months along and looking forward to meeting the newest member in June. I know you will keep us healthy and safe, but will miss you meeting him or her in person and getting those great photo ops......:) Think of you everyday and then some, so very much miss you!!
February 28, 2008
Hey Ken just wanted to stop by and let you know that you crossed my mind today.Yesterday I went to visit a friend she lives kind of by the bridge. I talk about you all the time. It still seem like a dream that you are not here. But, I know you are watching over everyone, and especally your bothers and sisters in blue. We MISS YOU!!!
February 28, 2008
Thankyou for your sevice and sacrifice. You are a true hero to us all. You will never be forgotten
February 26, 2008
Hey, we all made it back from the second annual KJ VEGAS trip and we had a great time as usual but NEVER THE SAME WITHOUT YOU. We had our toast to you at PAMPAS!!!!!!! WE MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!
February 19, 2008
So I went shopping on V DAY and why was it that I was handed a card with your cologne sparayed on it and why was it I saw the same exact shirt you had on when we celebrated Valentines Day in Mexico 06? I still long for your arms around me and you beside me.
Always loving you!
February 16, 2008
Thinking of you daily and missing you. CSPD will never be the same. Continue to watch over your 'CSPD family'... we need you. Trying to find peace....
CSPD Employee
February 15, 2008