Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Kenneth Chua Jordan
Hey ken,
tonight/this morning would be the last time i talked to you a year ago. I remember everything we talked about :) We talked for over 2 hours cuz we kept playing phone tag all summer and i finally got to tell you everything that was going onup till then. If it had been tonight, what would i have told you???
Alaska was absolutely everything i thought it would be!! I think everything i did out there you would have been proud of, or at least laughed at. I definately would have told you about the 4th of july, and the trout fishing! And the camping in the middle of nowhere. Definately would have had to tell you about Sara, and Molly :P Went to a party tonight and I called CURLEY for some help with a chick, and somehow i think his advice woulda been yours, cuz it worked LOL:)
Didn't get a deer this year, went out when i could, but just wasn't meant to be. I plan on going back to alaska this summer and hooking the family up with some sweet deals, you woulda wanted to come, and i coulda hooked you up:)
oh and the number stands at 26 right now just FYI. Never did tell me your count:)
This last week has been hard, i haven't been sleeping well, seems whenever i lay down all i can think of is you.
I miss you :(
Don't think i'll be sleeping much this coming week either. maybe if i get some flying done that will help.
Chad and amanda are not together, Jordan has been hanging out with ashley alot, and i wonder when he's gonna propose.
Nathan is turning out a little too much like me!!! I'm trying to be a better role model, but it is inevitable that he is gonna be a player:) he's got a girlfriend, long distance, that he doesnt want, but won't break it off till he has a certain someone at home! I told him he's playin with fire but he thinks he can handle it. hope he doesn't get burned :P
Just put the motorcycle up for winter, too bad you never got to ride it:) It's unforgettable when you took your bike and we took the atvs, damn beavers always get in the way huh, LOL :)
The boys and I had a round in memory of you the other night at the bar,since were all 21 now. we were celebrating with Jose, remember how much we polished off, Jose and Bud, and me with carpet burn for going on a beer run. i'll never forget that talk "All girls are psychotic" LOL, or how we broke your bed LOL HAHAHAHA:)
this is where i woulda said thats about it, and finally given you a chance to tell me about whats goin' on with you.
Always love you... Miss you tons...
December 1, 2007
We are almost at the year anniversary which you paid the ultimate sacrifice. Its hard to look at the December calendar. Just know that you are a true hero. We all love and miss you! Keep us all strong during this time!
November 29, 2007
The Monument" (momento mori)
written by Detective S. D. Meska
There's a memorial in Washington
with names engraved in stone,
and I stood there not so long ago,
my thoughts and I alone.
There's the name of a City Policeman,
there's a Trooper and a Fed.
It reads like a mournful metronome,
this monument to our dead.
And as I stood there reading,
with roses for the brave,
I heard a spectral voice ring out
as if from beyond the grave.
"We are the dead of Law Enforcement,"
the spirit voice began,
"And I think we have the right
to ask some questions, man to man."
"Have you learned anything at all,
from the way we passed away?"
"Is there something there that just might help,
you survive another day?"
"Does a flag draped coffin in America,
now mean anything at all?"
"I wonder how my family felt,
when they got that late night call."
"And when they took us to the grave yard,
escorted by ranks of blue,
did you start to realize,
the next one might be you?"
"There's lessons here that might save you,
if only you will heed."
"But I wonder if a dead cop's mother,
ever is in need."
"And the children we left behind,
so lost, alone, and small."
"Can they replace their Parent,
with a photo on the wall?"
"We're buried, now, and so long gone,
And all the tears have dried."
"And we probably died in vain,
but learn from how we died."
Let us all learn from your example.
Let us always remember the survivors.
Let us place no more names on those granite walls.
This is my prayer
May God continue to craddle you in His loving arms.
November 28, 2007
My heart goes out to your family and friends as always, but especially during this difficult anniversary and the approaching holidays. Wishing your loved ones PEACE in their hearts, COMFORT in the support of others, HOPE through healing, and JOY in the many wonderful memories of you. Let them feel your constant presence, and see the difference you made in the world.
Meridith Jensen
Wife of CSPD Sgt. Jeff Jensen
November 27, 2007
It’s hard to believe that this day has arrived. A year ago, this was the last day I spoke with you. The last day I heard your voice, your laughter, your thoughts and your dreams. I still remember the conversation we had as if it was yesterday. Oh, how I miss your phone calls, especially during my hour commute from work. We may only talked for 15 to 20 minutes but it made the drive home shorter. This time you called at home, I was getting dinner ready for the kids and Sue was working late. This time it was different, for we talked for a couple of hours. We never had the chance to say goodbye before you were taken away, but I did get to know where you were with your life and where you wanted to go.
I was cooking halibut stew, a favorite dish of our charter captain, when you called. We started talking about our last Alaska trip, both the good and bad. The good side, we had a blast! We didn’t realize at the time, but we had timed our trip just in time for a record salmon run. You were just starting to get the Alaska style fishing and finding success in hooking it in the mouth. We talked about our next trip and trying something different like fly-in fishing or going to Seward, Telkeetna, or Copper Valley area. We also talked about bringing Ry to officially start our annual family boy’s fishing trip. Something that we wanted to start since the first time we went Alaska fishing. Since you have been taken away, it’s been hard to think about Alaska and fishing the same way, especially going back to the Kenai River. I have not been able to pick up my pole again this year. The only exception was when I was with Brock over the summer at Copper Mountain. It was hard. I was still not ready. Being with Brock helped me in my first step. Next year I am hoping I can bring myself to go back to Alaska with Ry. Maybe I can pass our dreams to Ry and Ky and keep it alive.
We talked about your hunting trips. You had booked a hog/boar hunting trip in Feb with your buddies from work and were exited about going. Your pictures from your last elk hunt had arrived and you told me more stories about your hunting trip with your buddies; I never could understand why you had to shoot the Elk so far away from your truck. Why couldn’t you wait till it was closer to your truck before taking it down? ;) We made plans for next year for me to come along with you and watch, experience, and learn about what you do. I was looking forward to this and it’s one of many things that were stolen from me. This year, I was able to go on this trip with your hunting buddies. It was hard for them to continue the annual hunt, but we made it through together. I was able to experience what you have experienced; the snow, the cold, the hike, the hunt, the dinners, and the friendship. I walked where you have walked, I have seen what you have seen, and I have been where you took down your last elk. What I missed is the conversation we would have had, the ribbing of my city legs and low altitude lungs. You should be proud that I walked to the top of the crown and saw the incredible view. A piece of you will always be there.
I remember talking of your most recent trip to Florida to scuba dive with your friends. We joked about looking for our stingray friend and puffer. We made arrangement to get the dive lights so that I can use them for my Mexico trip at the end of December for my parent’s 50th anniversary. We talked about where our next diving trip should be. We narrowed it down to Bonaire or Belize. It was all up to our ‘travel agent’ Sue to find a good deal and put it all together.
The conversation changed from talking about our last trips and planning for our next trip to talking about you and what’s going on with your personal life. You had sounded lonely when you called on Thanksgiving Day and you said you wished you were here with us and the rest of the family. With everyone wanting to talk to you, I didn’t have a chance that night to find out why. When we finally did talk, a year ago today, we talked about your dreams and what you wanted out of life. Things haven’t changed from our last heart to heart discussion when we were in Alaska, however now you planned to move down a different path. We joked about putting the Ry, Ky, and KT back to work to get you back on track. I am glad we took the time to talk, how often we put these conversations aside thinking we can talk later, like the next time when we will be in Alaska.
We ended our conversation like we have always done, thinking there is another day...
The early morning of Dec 5th I opened my front door to an officer who had to perform a difficult task, a task I believe every officer wishes he did not have to make. After hearing the message, the thoughts that ran through my head surrounded our last conversation and how our dreams will not be fulfilled and what has been taken from all of us.
I will do my best to honor your wishes and your dreams through Ry, Ky, and KT.
An uncle was taken away from Ry, Ky, and KT. There was so much knowledge and experience you had to offer that is now gone.
My nephews lost a friend and an “uncle”. Even though they weren’t blood, you treated them as if they were your nephews. I have always appreciated that.
I lost a brother – a brother I never had. I remember you were sad on your sister’s wedding night thinking you were going to lose your sister. I told you then you are not losing your sister you are gaining a brother. That night, you gained a brother and a friend. You never treated me as an “in-law”, and I am forever grateful for that.
My wife lost her brother and friend. You have always been there for her. You have always been there for us through difficult time helping us regain our sense of perspective. Who will be there for us now that you are gone?
I will never see you again and I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.
Friend always
Love always
Your Brother - John
November 27, 2007
It was kind of funny reading Ami's last post. I to have experienced the shopping Ken. He was the only one that I know that would go to 5 different stores to look at the same thing and almost always go back to the original store and buy it. It is so funny that he leaped in to so many things in life without a fear in the world but it would take him 2 hours to buy a pair of socks. I never noticed the foot thing but I knew the look. All I have to ask is "Spice Girls?" LOL. Miss you more every day.
November 27, 2007
As the one year anniversary approaches it's hard not to think about that night, the phone call i received. The voice on the other end was scared, apologetic, worried. I prayed for you and your family. I sat in silence in the dark waiting...just waiting. The phone rang again and he didn't have to say a word. His sobs were the answer I didn't want to hear. It's easy to get caught up in that night. But then I go back to when you were here, I picture your face or the silly little mannerisms that were all yours. I picture you standing in a store aisle contemplating a purchase (because you never bought anything on a whim!) your foot propped up, heel slightly off the ground. I call that your trademark stance. I always wondered if you realized you did that. It's funny, the things we remember the most. You certainly were a person with a unique heart and mind. You were stronger than most, even though you listened to the Spice Girls on occasion. ;) So for this anniversary I will remember you, I will be grateful for having had the opportunity to be in your life, and I will keep your family and friends in my prayers. And when you stand up there looking down on all of us, you'll have your arms crossed over your chest and your foot propped up, the Ken stance.
November 26, 2007
Hey Brother, sorry I have not written latley. I have been in here a few times just reading what people have left and feeling their pain. As you know things are going pretty well right now, newly married, baby on the way, new job and we put an offer in on a house last night. I know exactly what you would say to. Who would have thought that I would be the one with all of this happening. My biggest regret is that you and my mom will not be there for all that is happening in the next year. I miss you brother! I can't believe that it has been a year already. We still think about you every day. In my heart and in my mind.
November 26, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving Jordan. We all miss you.
November 23, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving brother!!I am sure you had a great feast above. We all miss you and today while praying before eating Jacinda said a prayer for you and Jared. I am so proud that she understands the sacrifice you and Jared made and the importance that we keep your memories alive. Please continue to watch over us and try to send some much needed snow to the slopes. Miss you much....
P.S...those burritos finally caught up to me like you said they would
November 22, 2007
Happy Turkey Day! Miss you so much!
Colorado Springs Police Department
November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Missing you always.
November 22, 2007
Hey love. Happy Thanksgiving! I remember last year all the food we made for just us. We were so stuffed. I think we had enough fried rice for 10 people. Then you going all over to find a paper for me so we could make a shopping plan ;o) Then you backed out on shopping because you wanted to sleep. I had so much fun with you that day and I will treasure the memories. Had I known it was our last holiday together I would have complained a little less about the big mess you made.
Miss you so much.
November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving Jordan. Continue to watch over us. We miss you.
November 21, 2007
Hey there just wanted to say "Happy Thanksgiving" in Heaven. You are missed and will never be forgotten. RIP
November 21, 2007
November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!! A little early but hey...I am Thankful that I had the previledge to know you, and have you as a friend! Miss ya
November 20, 2007
I have avoided this site for a while now. I know you understand. I miss you more with each day and the sharp pain is now a constant ache that never ceases. I can't believe I have been without you for almost a year. It has been the longest and yet the fastest year of my life. I look at the ocean every day and think of you. I haven't been able to bring myself to walk on the beach. It's not right without you beside me. You have my heart. Tor has been asking if she can die too so she can see you. She misses the man she knew as Daddy. I know your with us I feel your presence. Thanks for being there last night.
Love your PITA
November 17, 2007
Hey you just stopping by to say HELLO! It is hard to think it has almost been a year. Feels like just yesterday you were hasseling me about my sassy attitude.. Miss ya
November 9, 2007
I can't believe that it is coming up on a year since you've been gone. I am going to miss hearing about your hunting adventures this year- and our talks about Carbondale. I miss you tons! And hey- enough with the subpoenas!
November 2, 2007
Keep an eye out for Miranda's big brother up there. He was killed in Iraq on Tuesday. I know you'll make him feel right at home. Miss you.
J & J
November 2, 2007
Thinking of you as usual
October 31, 2007
You have been on my mind so much lately. I think you are trying to tell me something but I cannot figure it out. In a few weeks it will be a year but yet the pain and hurt is still very much there. It snowed yesterday and I cannot stop thinking of all your ski trips you took every chance you had. There were those nights you were tired after spending the day on the slopes but yet you managed to show up to work and get the job done so that the shift had the Dui coverage. Keep looking out for us my friend as we continue the work you so loved to do. Miss you much!
October 22, 2007
Thinking of you now. It's amazing how much of an impact you have made in the hearts of others! Thank you for all you stand for. You are missed!
October 22, 2007
I will always miss you .. always. This isnt getting any easier.
October 20, 2007