Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Kenneth Chua Jordan
“The only thing needed for evil to prevail is for good men and women to do nothing”.
I have been thinking about this quote today. I am truly split on what to believe, on what to feel about this. Today, I saw evil prevail and I saw good men and women stand back with their hands tied and be forced to accept it. Perhaps it is a small victory for evil, some might even argue that evil did not prevail this day, that goodness and righteousness prevailed. Unfortunately, I witnessed the face of evil smile at the assurance that his life was spared. I saw the face of evil look at those good men and women and attempt to suppress a smile while he smugly walked past. I heard the face of evil speak matter of factly, with upbeat emotion when he admitted, “I shot and killed Officer Jordan”. I saw the empty soul, the unremorseful, uncaring nature of this evil and I wonder… I wonder how it is that good men and women can stand up and do everything in their power to prevail and, ultimately, be crushed by their own system. I ache that this has happened.
On the other hand I have seen true professionals. Good men and women who have placed their faith in our culture, in our society. Men and women who see, everyday, the ills of this society, who confront evil in so many ways, yet continue to place their lives in between that evil and us. To protect us, insulate us. People who could have easily exacted justice this day but believe in the sanctity of life and the sacredness their duty so much so, that they allowed this evil to save his skin. I salute these good men and women, for what they do what they do without praise. They serve, often times, with the knowledge that they are, in fact, disliked by many in our society. They are the sheep dogs that protect the sheep from the wolves.
Look around. We are in a battle for our culture, a battle of good and evil. You may not see it, but it is there. One of the most tragic casualties of this battle is my good friend Ken Jordan and the inability to serve justice to his murder by the very system he gave his life to uphold. But the true wonder of this tragedy is that there are others who will take it and move forward to continue Ken’s fight. I hope to be one of those, and if so I will do everything in my power to honor Ken’s memory through my actions and my demeanor. That is my promise to Ken that his death will never be in vain.
December 20, 2008
Ken.... at a loss for words right now. I have butterflies in my stomach because I know that a lot of your loved ones are in court right now trying everything they can to get justice for that worthless piece of trash. A plea? Who would have ever thought. Your family and friends are livid, as we all should be.
My husband is there right now and he was up all night thinking about what to say in court, if anything. My thoughts are with him and everyone right now in that nasty court room. I only wish you and Steve were out squirrel hunting and laughing with each other.... no one should be going through this.
I miss you every day and I know Steve does to. It's so hard, and no, it really does not get easier with time. Our baby girl is so big now; I wish you had that chance to meet her (I know you watch over her every day). I hope that scum of the earth never sees the light of day; he doesn't even deserve a day in court.
We miss you and I am sorry this is all happening. I wish I can make it all go away.
Sad Friend
December 19, 2008
You deserved more than this. I'm sorry this was the best they could do. My heart goes out to your family and the department.
December 18, 2008
Ken, It is not OK!!!We need closure. He does not deserve a plea!! Your Family and friends need JUSTICE!!!! We all need you to help us through this PLEASE!!! It stirs up that night as if it were yesterday. We MISS YOU... Again my thoughts and prayers are with your whole family!!Of course they are also with you brothers and sisters in blue!
December 18, 2008
Its not the justice you deserve. Please be with all of us tomorrow as we will need your strenghth to make it through. I love you and miss you dearly.
December 18, 2008
I think stuff gets sorted out in heaven. As such, I know you're at rest.
This won't be an easy time for your family in blue, but I pray for some peace for them, too. And for your earthly family, your folks, your sister.
You'll never be forgotten, thanks agsain for your sacrifice.
December 17, 2008
I just don't feel it's enough. I suppose nothing will ever be "enough." You are missed. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
December 17, 2008
Wow! What a turn of events this past week. What a change in priorities! I am so sorry! So sorry.
I just hope they see your disappointed face asking them why each night when they close their eyes.
Loved by many.
Never forgotten!!!
December 16, 2008
Help us find comfort. Prayers and thoughts are with family and friends.
Forever missed- Never forgotten
CSPD Employee
December 15, 2008
your friends and family are in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season and always.
you will never be forgotten.
December 13, 2008
Hey brother, with everything going on this past week and the weeks to come look out for your family and friends. It is going to be a rough one. We miss you more every day! Some way justice will be served!
December 10, 2008
You are still in our hearts.
CSPD - Communications
December 10, 2008
What a week it was but i know you helped many of us get through it. Seems like just yesterday we were taking our chow break and talking about life and the holidays. You covered me on some stops after that and later in the shift stopped in the report room to offer help and say goodbye. Had I only known that would have been the last time we shared a good laugh together. I miss your friendship, the way you made everyone laugh at the ER, and your passion for life. Keep watching over all of us.
December 9, 2008
I was thinking all day Friday how it had already been two years. I was intending to go spend a few minutes on the bridge after work, but a couple of our deputies had a close call and I felt I needed to be there for them. I couldn't help thinking that you made sure they went home that night. Thank you.
El Paso County Sheriff's Office
December 7, 2008
Hey Kennyboy, two years bro... it seems like yesterday that I got the news and just couldn't accept that you were gone. You know it's weird coincidence, but yesterday I found an old photoalbum. Pics of your mom and dad's wedding were in there... pics of Wisconsin Dells... it reminded me of you. I had forgotten the date... *sigh* weird coincidence...
December 7, 2008
I just couldn't bring myself 'here' yesterday...sorry.
Last nite was the 1st time that I slept thru the nite and no nightmares.
I think of your friends and family often and hope that memories of you bring them more joy and laughter than tears.
Never forgotten; forever missed.
CSPD Employee
December 7, 2008
I don't see how life continues forward after you were so cruelly taken from us...we now live our lives as "before" and "after" this horrific date. Ryan was talking the other day on her phone and I asked who she was talking to and she just simply said, "My Ken!" That pretty much sums it up, we talk to you everyday and miss you everyday!! We are getting by for now, that is the best we can do. With you gone, there is a void that will NEVER be replaced. Thank you for taking care of us, watching over us, keeping us safe, and giving us those moments that we think we get a glimpse of you....I miss your laugh when I am telling you of yet another, "adventure" that my hubby has taken me on or has gotten me into. I could see your unforgetable smile even though we were on the phone - what a smile!! WE MISS YOU!! All our love - ME
December 5, 2008
I have a feeling you were there, protecting our guys today. Thank you.
December 5, 2008
Hi Ken,
I cant believe its been 2 years. Still seems like I just saw you in Walmart yesterday and we talked about a "team meeting" for Wednesday at Platte/Chelton. You are dearly missed and are never far from our thoughts.
December 5, 2008
I can't believe it's been two years. I miss you brother.
December 5, 2008
I was sitting up last night thinking of you and everything that has happened since that day. The wonderful people I have had the chance to meet and get to know. How they have made my life so much richer and given me some much more purpose than I had. You made such an impact on people while you were here and your spirit continues to do that now.
My thoughts and prayers are always with your family and friends.
We Remember.
Erin & Chris
December 5, 2008
2 years already... It's really hard to believe.
So thank you for all the snow over the last week. Funny how it stopped early this morning and the sun came out. I can't think of a better way to honor you today then to go carve some runs in that fluffy stuff. And yeah, I'll try to do a better job of avoiding all those trees that you and your long skiis liked to run into :)
Seriously, I could really use some of your famous advice right now. Seems like your wisdom has guided many people who have visited this site. How about adding a little clarity to my dilema while I'm up on the slopes today. I'm running out of time...
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you or something crazy that you've done. Ryan walked head first into a handicap sign last week and the first thing out of his mouth was "I just did a Ken!" Your memories are everywhere! and I'm thankful for that.
I love ya and miss ya lots
His sister
December 5, 2008
I miss you so much..... It is so hard to believe 2 years...WOW the effect you had and still have any all your friends here in Colorado....We miss you and not a day goes by we do not think of you. Your brothers and sisters in blue remain in our thoughts and prayers. As does your family! Miss you my friend!!!
December 5, 2008
Be close to those who love and miss you today, let them feel the warmth of your continued presence, and see the incredible impact you made in the world. Flood them all with fond memories of good times shared, and dry tears with happy thoughts of your bright smile... May we all strive to live by your examples of enjoying every moment fully and fighting for good to conquer over evil.
Meridith Jensen
December 5, 2008
Who said time heals all wounds? It just gets easier to breathe, nothing has been healed. One of the last emails I got from you, you said we needed to get together so you could give me my moose. We never got to have that meeting. Of course I didn't know then that you would be gone so suddenly. Had I known, I would have...I don't know what I would have said or done. But I would have hugged you and made sure that when you walked away you knew that you changed my life forever. You were the protector of so many and you continue to do so today. Who could ask for a better guardian angel? I think I've said this before but we are all so blessed to have known you. And I for one am a better person for it.
December 5, 2008