Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Kenneth Chua Jordan
Merry Christmas!
I am missing you and wishing you were here. It is a beautiful white Christmas this year. I wish you were here to see it and enjoy it.
This year went by so fast. Your family was out here at the beginning of December and I can't tell you how much I enjoy their company. Despite the reasons they were here, it was great to just be around them. The anniversary of you be taken away from us was very hard and sad for me and for many others who loved you. I will say that everyone misses you and does so in their own way. The plaque that was dedicated to you on the bridge turned out wonderfully and I was pleased to see that so many people that cared about you came out to see the dedication. I think you would have been pleased. I won't lie, I cried like a baby, but getting up there in front of everyone and sharing some thoughts, made me feel better and a little more at peace.
I miss you every day!
Love always
December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!
Love you!
December 25, 2007
Missing you!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!
December 25, 2007
December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas Ken. My oldest son and I still tell God every night to "Bless...the Brothers and Sisters in Blue. Give Ken a hug and Jared too"...He can't wait to teach his special prayer to his new little brother.
Comm Center
December 25, 2007
Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Still struggling and wishing you are here with us.
December 24, 2007
Feliz Navidad! Merry Christams friend! Always in our hearts and thoughts. We miss you.....
December 24, 2007
Just can't get into Christmas without you here. Everywhere I look I see you. I will never forget picking out our first tree and tying it to the top of my car. Why we had to get the biggest tree they had I will never know. and getting ready for your family to come. You were so excited and we had so much fun decorating and cooking for them.
Then the next year you had so much fun playing Santa and putting Tori's bike together. I think you were more into Santa than she was.
It just isn't the same without you here.
Still ache for you.
Love ya!
December 23, 2007
For the friends and family- I know its been a tough year. My thoughts and prayers have been and will be with you. I cannot imagine the pain of your loss, all I know is that each day I am grateful to have my husband come home to me, because I realize that life is so precious, and our men in blue are truly one of a kind, and we must always honor and remember our fallen heroes.
Wife to an LPD Agent
December 23, 2007
Peace to your family over this holiday......
December 22, 2007
It's hard to believe it has been a little over a year since you were taken from everyone. Today; this month; and this past year have been a struggle for everyone, and I find myself searching for answers that no one can answer. In this crazy world it gets a little harder every day to let my officer leave the house, but as I read through your reflections I see that you lived your life to the fullest! So even though your time here is done, you are still teaching us all to make the best of our time and to cherish the time we have with each other. I see the impact you made on so many people, and feel blessed to know the impact you made on my husband. God bless you, your family, Heidi, friends, and all your brothers! Keep them safe! Thank you!
Wife of CSPD Officer
December 19, 2007
The thanksgiving holidays were a blur, and it's the second week of december. Alvin came in from Seattle with the family a week ago, but I wasn't able to make it up to Zion to see him. Would be cool to get the crew together. Dude, remember the big Christmas parties we used to go to when we were kids? You, being the youngest, couldn't go out with the older boys all the time. That didn't stop ya tho. hehe. Say hi to my dad for me. It's been a year.... *sigh*. Miss ya bro...
December 13, 2007
Always on my mind!
December 13, 2007
Officer Jordan,
It's just over a year since. I told you I'd make this profession proud. And I still intend to keep that promise . You're still a hero. That'll not change. I'll keep on for you, brother, for as long as God allows.
Patrol Officer, #398
December 11, 2007
With the snow falling I can not helped but remember when you would come in the ED with shorts on, or a short sleeve shirt and no jacket.You would crack me up! I remember when you would tell me to buck up. "It's not cold out" would be the words you would tell me, as I would be sitting there freezing!!! Miss ya. Memories of you keep so many of us strong!!
December 11, 2007
Time does not heal. Those who look for courage should only look into your eyes. Like your brothers/sisters, I have a keep sake. Mind is above the drivers seat attached to the sun visors.
The pain is real.
December 8, 2007
I miss you buddy. I think of you all the time. You'll never be forgotten.
December 6, 2007
Can't beleive that it's been a year, still feels like yesterday. The plaque that was put up on the bridge is amazing, it's good to be able to go there and see your smiling face again. I miss your advice and guidence, God knows I could us some of it right now.
You'll never be forgoten my brother
December 5, 2007
My friend,
We just got back from spending a couple days with people that loved you so much. On the anniversary of you being taken from us all I still don't know what to say. I am so angry that my friend, my brother is gone. There seems to be nothing that will make this easier on your parents, family, and friends. What I do know is that I think about you all the time. I still ask your advice and want your companionship. All the times I wish I could talk to you about things that I just know you would get. It feels so lonely without you here. For those of us that knew Ken, even though we have been robbed of such a bright light in our lives we should still feel fortunate to have had the oppurtunity to have such an amazing person touch our souls. God bless you my friend, and help bring Peace to all who loved you.
December 5, 2007
I didn't know you.
I never worked with you.
But that night, I lost a brother.
To Officer Jordan's family/girlfriend/friends/co-workers, I wish you peace, strength and a lifetime of wonderful memories of him.
Rest easy, Officer Jordan.
El Paso County Sheriff's Office, Co Springs
December 5, 2007
I can't believe it has been one year already. I saw your parents and sister (and John) today at the dedication. There's a beautiful plaque in your honor, at the bridge...though you probably already know that. You are truly missed by all your friends, family, and the community.
~ Jonika
Jonika Winkler
Sister of Det. Jared Jensen, EOW: 2/22/2006
December 5, 2007
I can't believe a year has gone by. I cross the bridge every night where you heroically served your last minutes on this department, and it gives me the courage I need to do the job. Thank you for the lessons you taught me, and will continue to teach me about this job. You are my HERO!!!! To the Jordan Family, thank you for your son, he is an inspiration.
Sand Creek Patrol Officer
December 5, 2007
To Ken's family and friends,
May you have the strength to continue through today. Keep your head held high, as our brother Ken was a hero. We will never forget.
May God bless all of you and keep you safe.
Wife of CSPD Officer
December 5, 2007
"The life given us by nature is short...
...but the memory of a well-spent life is ETERNAL"
Be near all those who love and miss you, and those who are still holding the line. Your plaque at the bridge says it best.....
"You are a HERO, not just for the way you died, but for the way you LIVED." You are an inspiration to all.
Meridith Jensen
Wife of CSPD Sgt Jeff Jensen
December 5, 2007
One year. Lots of things have changed in the last year. One thing that hasn't changed: we still miss you. We will never forget. We drive by the bridge often and remember you.
Casey Hale
Husband of CSPD Officer
December 5, 2007