Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Kevin Shumway Orr

Uintah County Sheriff's Office, Utah

End of Watch Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Kevin Shumway Orr

Hey Daddy,
Last night, your little girl graduated from High School. Thanks for being there with me; and somehow in helping me be able to see a miracle, in it's own way.
Love you much...


May 26, 2013

I'm graduated from seminary! Yay... But, all I can say is thank you. Thank you for being there. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for being with e all day. Thank you for every single thing that happened today. For all of those things.
Love you much


May 19, 2013

This year I have been on yearbook. Last night was our Yearbook Stomp. I think it sunk in that high school is ending. 5 days left. Honestly 1 day. It's a bittersweet thing for more than one reason this time. Every other thing that's bittersweet is because it's a happy day and something exciting is happening, and then you aren't physically there. This time, it's still that. That is still the main reason but now because my life changes. In hopefully 3 months I will have a mission call. In 3 months I won't be going back to school. Hopefully in 7 months I will be getting dropped off at the MTC. (if I'm not married by then...) (: Just kidding. That won't happen. Hopefully in 2 years I will be getting home from a mission. Then, whenever after that get married. Life just doesn't slow down... I wish it could. But I also wish I could go back in time.
Daddy, the thing that is most bittersweet will be happening tomorrow. Seminary Graduation. I am going to miss seminary so much more than high school. This year I have had such a neat seminary experience. From studying the New Testament and learning of Christs life and the lives of his disciples has strengthened my testimony. Also, being on Seminary Council and everything I have been able to do and accomplish wit that. That encludes my scripture texts, conference, missionary week, videos and everything else. Along with being on Seminary Council is being able to go over to seminary whenever I feel like it. On Friday I am over there 3 of my 5 classes. All 3 teachers. Another would be the teachers. I have become really close with Brother Goodrich and Brother Tobiasson. Brother Goodrich reminds me a lot of you... His personality, willingness to tease me (about everything) and just the way he is. I honestly think he will be one of the few you'll thank someday. The last thing would be the people. All 3 tris I have had amazing classes. Every tri has been different people for the most part, but I think this tri is the most special. To me, it has been so amazing to go through school with "that group" Some stuck up, others not that bad. Not guts that did bad stuff, just kinda dumb stuff. And nw after the lowering of the mission age they are so different. They teach me and are better examples than people that should be. I know they will all be great missionaries. All of the guys and girls from my grade will be(:
Love you lots daddy, miss you tons...


May 18, 2013

I got to speak in memory of you today. In all honesty, I don't remember much of what I said, but I know you were there. After I had the opportunity to speak with a lot of people. The governor made me promise him I'd let him know when I get my mission call. Another guy, (senator I believe) said "Well hey, I have a son in Brazil right now. He's been out seven months. Hopefully he finds you when he gets home!" that was slightly awkward... But I am truly honored I had the privilege. For me, the mst touching part was seeming Aaron Beesley's boys Austin, Derek and Preston pace his name on the wall. I remember when Kaylee, Ashlee and I did it for you. They are all so young, I just can't help but feel so bad for them...
But thanks again. Thanks for helping me say what I guess was needed.
Love you much...


May 3, 2013

I officially have eighteen days left of High School. It just doesn't seem real. More than half I have gone without you. But then I look at Kaylee and Ashlee and they neither one had a first day with you...
I went to prom. You were probably as happy (if not more) than mom was.
Sterling Scholar was the next two days. I didn't win, but I wasn't counting on it(: I just wanted to prove that I could do it. And I did(:
I also got asked to senior ball this Saturday.
Thursday I get to speak at the memorial. It's such an honor, that I feel inadequate. So, please help me?
I wish you were here on a daily basis, but I wish you could be here to be excited with us. I know you would absolutely love it(:
Love you much, Miss you much..


April 30, 2013

My Dear Kevin,
I hope you are happy with choices I have had to make the last 6+ years. Lots of hard decisions. Some I made and others I was forced into. I always think of you and what we would do. Our life is so different without you here physically.
I went to Kaylee's dance competition Friday night. I know that's where you would have been if you could have. But I still think you were. She has worked so hard and is so amazing.
I am so thankful for the family and friends that have stuck by us since you passed. Also very thankful for the friends that you and God have had a hand in sending into our lives. Also for my amazing dad that has supported us, helped us and loved us.
Your children were always your top priority. You were always so excited to hear and see everything they did. I am disappointed that many have let you down in that respect. Not disappointed for me, but for you. Your children are ignored by some that you would be shocked in. But our children are always my top priority and I hope that makes you proud. I love you so much my sweetheart and best friend.


April 21, 2013

Today was the Fallen Officer Trail Ride. You, along with thirteen other officers from Utah were honored. It was a neat experience. I'm grateful that there are people out there that do things to honor you. They do things to keep your memory alive, and they do positive things that would make you happy. I enjoyed it not for me, but for you. Because YOU are the one that needs remembered. And, you are(:
Love you much Daddy(:


April 21, 2013

I miss you. I wish you were here.... You just make everything better...


April 11, 2013

Hey Daddy,
So, I've been working a lot on my sterling scholar portfolio lately. I just finished up a little part of "Tree's for Charity." Of course it has to do with you. You are a part of that portfolio everywhere. The judges will for sure be able to tell how much you mean to me.
Daddy, the other day I was asked how hard its been not having you here. I didn't know if it was a serious question or not, because of how hard it has been. It is a constant struggle. But I know there is a ligh at the end of the tunnel, we all do, and thats what keeps us going.

Yeah, I wish you could be here......
Love you lots Daddy



March 24, 2013

Happy Birthday. So glad we had you for 34 years but wish you could be here. You have a great little family. You were so proud of them when you were here and I know you are proud of them as you look in on them from beyond the veil. Nothing about life has been the same since you were taken from us. We miss you so much and we love you more than words can express. Love, Mom

claudia orr

March 18, 2013

Happy Birthday my love. I hope you have had a wonderful day in Heaven. I love you with every breathe I take. Please continue to watch over our children, which I know you do because you wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Birthday.


March 18, 2013

Miss you Daddy....
I just kind of need to talk to you...


March 13, 2013

1st: (: I'm pretty much excited. You know why.
2nd: My bill passed in government. Shocker, I know. If it wouldn't have.... Oh I would have been quite upset.
3rd: Yesterday was the end of the trimester. 58 school days left... That's a scary thought Daddy. The closer graduation gets, the more I don't want it to happen. Speaking of... I really hope that it will go differently than I'm expecting, but I highly doubt... Sorry for my lack of faith..
4th: I've been pretty sick lately, and it's just the pits... I just don't understand why everything got dropped on us.
5th: Dad, a lot of the guys in my grade are starting to get their mission calls. It's so exciting(: and crazy to think that so many new missionaries will be sent out this summer. Keaton is going to Texas. I think I'm most excited for him.
Love you lots Daddy, miss you muchly...


March 3, 2013

I love you and miss you so much my sweetheart. I wish I could talk to you and hold you and I would never let go.


February 8, 2013

Hey Daddy,
I just wanted to say I miss you. But I know you are aware of that. That's why you sent that person my way on Friday. Even though the veil might not be thin for me, it was for him. I'm so very grateful for that. It was just what I needed.
Daddy, your little girl is almost done with school... I'm growing up. And I don't want too. I miss the carefree days from when I was a little girl. The days when you were here...
Love you muchly...


February 4, 2013

Happy New Year Daddy(:
I wish you could be here to play games and watch movies with us... Something so simple that most people take for granted, that we would give anything for.
I miss you daddy.
That song... Yeah
Love you. Me.


December 31, 2012

I wish so much that I could talk to you. I would give anything to have you hold me in your arms. I ache to see your smile and hear your laugh. But more than anything, it breaks my heart that your children are missing you in their lifes physically. NOTHING replaces what a dad can give his children. I know you are doing it from where you are but it is not the same. We miss you so much my love. Please continue to give us your signs when you can. I don't want you to think I don't appreciate them because I DO. I love, love, love you. And am missing you so much. :(


December 18, 2012

Well, your little girl is 18... I love you lots. I wish I could have spent the day with you. I miss you Daddy. Have a good Christmas. You are with the reason for the season. I am so very greatful for Him. That he came here, atoned for us, was crucified for us, and was resurrected for us. I know it is true. There isn't a doubt in my mind.
Love you, be with us as always...


December 18, 2012

Hey Daddy,
Well another year... My birthday is Thursday. I don't really like them anymore. But this will be the 7th one like that... 7 birthdays without you... Daddy, I wish you could be here to spend it with me. 18... It's a scary number daddy... I just want to be the little girl sitting in the office, cuz id just passed out on my birthday in '05 and you come walking in to take me home.
I just miss you. Today especially... Today was just a bad day..
I love you daddy. I'll always be your little girl..


December 11, 2012

Daddy, This is our week of 6. Last night was 6 years since the last time I saw you. Today, 6 years since your accident and tomorrow, 6 years since the day you died. Today, we get to decorate our tree for a family that lost their husband and daddy. Of course it is in memory of you. I love you. I miss you. I miss you in my every. day. life... I still just doesn't seem fair! Our life changed so much in so little time.

I love you


November 21, 2012

Daddy I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so MUCH.


November 21, 2012

6 years seems like a blink of an eye Kevin and at times I still expect to run into you in the halls of the new building. I have no doubts that you have been with me and by my side as I have dealt with certain incidents.

I still think about you and remember all the talks we had about life and family. Oh and I can't ever forget your cooking up on the mountain during SF shift season.

Please continue to watch over each and every one of us. Help us to be protected and we will make you proud.

Corporal Dustin Cheshire
Uintah County Sheriff's Office

November 21, 2012

I love you... I miss you tons. Please be with me this week...
Love Me


November 19, 2012

I love you Daddy. I'm thankful for happy times with you. That those happy times are now happy memories... I miss you Dad.


November 3, 2012

Thank you for your service and for helping to make America a safer place.

Deputy Brian Jones
Boulder County Sheriff's Office, CO

October 30, 2012

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