Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Kevin Shumway Orr

Uintah County Sheriff's Office, Utah

End of Watch Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Kevin Shumway Orr

Daddy I miss you so so much and I love you so so much. Happy birthday

Love,kaylee Orr


March 18, 2011

I miss you...
Tell Grandma, my quilt is gonna be done tomorrow.
Love you Daddy...


February 23, 2011

I know you know... But Grandma passed away in her sleep last night. She's with you now. I'm happy, she is out of her pain. I have no regrets, about being down there most of the day yesterday. I'm glad I got to hold her hand for the long time I did. Monday she told me, "Now you'll have two Guardian Angels. We'll both be watching over you. Well, maybe I'll just sit in the office and send you treats. I'm not as fast as your dad." All I could do was smile and cry. I love you Daddy, Please both of you be near this week. Expecially Saturday. It's gonna be a bitter sweet day.
Love You.
Miss You...


February 9, 2011

Today has been a long day. Grandma is, going to be the next to see you. Please be ready to take her hand. She has a hug and kiss from all of us. I want her to be able to stay, but I don't want her to have to suffer. I know you didn't have to. And I am thankful for that. Daddy, I love you. I miss you so much. Going to the hospital, knowing death is so close, seeing everybody's tears. I know your near. Maybe you have been her Guardian Angel. I don't know. I'd like to though, but I don't think I'll get to know for a while.

Well Daddy, I guess. Just watch over Grandma. Help her get settled in "in her office" as she told me tonight.
I love you. Lots.


February 8, 2011

I wanted to write, but I'm not sure what to say.
I have a lot on my mind. I wish, you were here so I could sit down with you talk about it all, and you help me sort it all out. It's confusing me. I feel horrible.
Dad, I miss you soo much. A lot more than a lot of people realize. I know it's not possible, But I really want you here. High School is hard...

I miss you Daddy. I always will. It hasn't gotten any easier. And I doubt it ever will.

Love you...
Miss you a lot...


January 26, 2011

Friday Grandma found out what was wrong. She has cnacer all through out her body. The Doctors gave her 6 months to live. She has told us she will probably be the next one to see you. She is going to fight it though.
Daddy, I know you already know, I think you were apart of it. But I really want to do something I haven't ever rally wanted to do. The more I think about it, the more I can't wait.
Daddy, I miss you.


January 23, 2011

I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much.


January 20, 2011

So much is happening. Life it seems is moving so fast, but so slow at the same time.
Friday was midterm. I just have 1/2 of my sophmore year left. Today, we were parked by the park by the middle school. Kids were coming out. I thought to myself. Wow. There in 6th/7th grade. But they are so small. Then I thought, I was that age last time I seen you.
You already know what I want to say. Be with her...
I love you Daddy.
And am missing you so much.


January 18, 2011

Thanks, you know for what all I'm meaning this time.
I couldn't bring myself to write all break. Merry Christmas in Heaven. Christmas was bittersweet as it has been since '06. New Years, just means were one year more into this journey.
You already know what all I want to tell you. So all I can say is thanks. Help me...
Love you
Miss you


January 3, 2011

I love you so so so much.
I love your mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits and gravy.
I love you daddy.


December 22, 2010

I don't know how, but this song was perfect. Its true for us.

"Lord it's like a hard Candy Christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow get me way down."

We can't let it get us down Daddy, we've learned we have to keep going, day, by day, by day. Doesn't mean it's not hard...
I love you Daddy, I miss you tons too.

I uh, got my licence. Yup. Last Thursday. My hard copy will be here in a couple weeks. I'm making a quilt too. I hope it turns out good.
Watch over us this winter, as always. Expecially on Christmas. Daddy, Christmas is now a bittersweet day.

I love you Daddy,
Miss you tons too.


December 21, 2010

Well, I'm now 16. Other than my twelveth because everything was so fresh, today has been the hardest one. I have changed, and grown up so much in the past four+ years, I just still can't believe it. Daddy, I have held up so much emotion in me today, me head is just spinning. I miss you so much. I would be willing to bet, there aren't many 16 year old girls that wished for what I did when they blow out their candles. I hope in my lifetime, it will, come true. And Daddy, I don't know who put that penny there, or how it got there, or if somehow, someway, you had a part in it. I lost it. I dropped my jaw, and started crying. Just like this morning with that star. I don't know if that was someway, you were let to show me you were very aware of me today. I do know you were though. From the moment I woke up, while I was driving, in seminary, lunch, my party, until know. And your here Dadddy. I know it.
And by the way. That one movie. We watched all the time. Ya. I never, ever cried during it. That is until the last time I watched it. And then what happened after the first time I finished that one part this morning. I just felt like you were agreeing to it. "Courage is not the absence of fear" To me that means, Ya, I'll be scared and have fear at times but if I do, what we both know I can. It will turn out ok.
Thanks for everything today, as everyday, Daddy, I miss you muchly.


December 13, 2010

I love you.
All I want for my birthday is you.
I miss you tons.


December 13, 2010

I have never heard this song. But I kinda Liked it. It's by Keith Urban. Called Song for Dad

"Lately I've been noticing
I say the same things he used to say
And I even find myself
Acting the very same way

I tap my fingers on the table to the rhythm in my soul
And I jingle the car keys when I'm ready to go
And when I look in the mirror he's right there in my eyes
Starin' back at me and I realize

The older I get the more I can see
How much he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see
A little more of my father in me

There were times I thought he was bein'
Just a little bit hard on me
But now I understand he was makin' me
Become the woman he knew that I could be

In everything he ever did he always did with love
And I'm proud today to say I'm his daughter
When somebody says I hope I get to meet your dad
I just smile and say you already have

The older I get the more I can see
How much he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see
A little more of my father in me

He's in my eyes my heart, my soul
My hands, my pride and when I feel alone
And I think I can't go on I hear him sayin'
"Son you'll be alright
Everything is gonna be alright"
Yes it is

The older I get the more I can see
That he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see,
oh I hope I see
I hope everyday
I see a little more of my father in me
A little more of my father in me

I hope everyday I see in me
In me, in me
I hope everyday I see
A little more of my father in me"

I changed 2 words. man to woman and son to daughter.

Your little girl is going to be 16 on Monday. Malinda told me today, Her 16th birthday was on a Monday, and she had just cancelled a date she'd had planned for about a month because it didn't feel right. She said when she walked into the seminary building that day, you were holding roses for her.
That's just who you are. I miss that. We all do.
I can just imagine, What you would do if you were here. Considering who is in my seminary class... You would have fun with teasing me.
Nobody realizes birthdays are hard. Even though three weeks ago was 4 years. It's my 5th birthday without you. I miss you.

Daddy, I do see you in myself. I love you. And miss you soooo much. I wish you could be here.

Daddy, Yesterday I did my devotional in Seminary. My theme was "He sent His Son" I didn't cry. Just got teary eyed. I think it went good. I also get to speak in church tomorrow. You already know what I'm going to say, so help me say it right.

I love you,
I miss you,


December 11, 2010

I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. I love your food. Love, Ashlee


December 10, 2010

We are done with Christmas decorating. The light are on. The tree is up. And the Tree for Tree's for Charity. It turned out good. I hope it goes for a lot. I think the comercial and me talking about it will help.
I love you Daddy.
This time of year is always the hardest. And then it continues on until next year at this time. It's never ending

Love you
Miss you


November 26, 2010

Dear Kev, This has been an awfully emotional day. For some reason it just doesn't get easier like I thought it would. I miss you so terribly. I miss your phone calls. I miss all the funny things you used to tell us about. I even miss hearing about the dangerous situations that used to worry me so much. I would give anything to have you here. Remember Dr. Nielson's wife? She assured me today that your sweet little family will be blessed in the adversity they've been asked to bear. I only pray she is right. You have been one of the greatest examples in my life. You gave your kids a great foundation to build upon. They are awesome. Dad and I love you and miss you more than words can ever discribe. Love, Mom

claudia orr

November 21, 2010

Thinking of you, especially as four years draws nigh. You were/are such an amazing person, Kevin! Thank you for being an example to me! I appreciate the wonderful man you were to your wife (my sister) & kids. They miss you so much. Continue to watch over them. Love ya!!

Heather Hadlock
Sister in law

November 20, 2010

Thinking of you, especially as four years approaches. So hard to believe! You were (and are) such a great man, Kevin! Thanks for the love you gave to your family; my sister! They miss you so very, very much! Continue to watch over them. Thanks for the example you were to me! Love ya!

(Sister in law)


November 20, 2010

I don't know where to begin.
Good stuff I guess first.
So yesterday was the last day of the Trimester. It was a good tri. I like High School. Even with all the drama... Well I had a drawing class. The first day we drew Mickey Mouse's. Well for our final last week. We did mickey mouse unside down. I think mine turned out pretty good. I wish I could have seen your reaction when you seen it. And as I brought my all my drawings home...
He talked to me daddy. I was pretty suprised. I just wish, if it was really him that did it, He would just say. Overall though, I guess it was an ok day. Thursday we did our commercial. I, think it turned out good. Anybody that watches it, I think will be touched. Ashlee wore her "Daddy's Girl" tshirt... And held your picture. I had wrote the commercial up in Algerbra 2 a while back. I wanted to say stuff that has been on my mind alot lately. We had to cut alot of stuff out (for a 30 second commercial) but we kept that stuff. Because Josh's kids and us four kids are in the same boat... They are going to miss out on so much stuff with their daddy, just like us.
Then on Tuesday I am going to go to Golden Corral for lunch with people from the community that are going to by buying tree's, and talk about you, the Yazzies, Why we do the tree each year, And stuff like that. I really think it will help it, go for more this year. Then on Wednesday we decorate the tree. It's going to be the most personal one daddy. I finished up the ornaments last night.
Now the not so good stuff.
Daddy, Today, well tonight is four years since the last time I seen you. Tomorrow is four year's since your accident and Monday will be four years that you have been in Heaven. I cry too. Everytime I think about the future, How the numbers are just going to keep going up. Everytime I have an acomplishment. I wish you were here. But your not. I don't hold anyone responsible, and never have. It was your time to go, and God's will. But, that doesn't make it any easier. Even four years later we miss you. We love you. And want you back with us everyday. But you can't come back, so all we can do is do what you would want us to do. We have to keep going, Ofcourse there are days we would rather not get up and do what the day throws are way. But we have to, that's life. But even though, we might have a good day, doesn't mean we have moved on. We miss you everyday. There hasn't been a day in the last 1461 days that I have not thought of you. All 5 of us do. Everyday.

I love you Daddy,
And I wish more than anything we would never get to 4 years. But were here. And All I can do is miss you. Its the pits. But each day as we finish another day of this lifelong trial. We get spiritually stronger. All 5 of us have. Most people my age, aren't on the level Kaylee and Ashlee are.
I miss you Daddy. Watch over us as we go through the next couple days, this week, in reality.

Miss you Love you.


November 20, 2010

I played the piano today in church for you, I was your song.
"Ev'ry night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you, That is how I know you go on. Far across the distance and spaces between us you have come to show you go on. Near, Far wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on. Once more, you open the door and you're here in my heart, and my heart will go on and on."
I love you Daddy, It was for you on your four year mark. Nobody but mom, Grandpa, Tyler and the girls knew why I did it though, It was hard to do, But I did it anyway. I'm always like that though. I look for the positive ways to do anything, in memory of you.
Daddy, This has just been an emotional week for me. I miss you more than words can say. Yes I do. We all do. Tons. Our lives are so different now, Love you Daddy.


November 14, 2010

Thankyou so much.
I feel much better.
I love you.
I miss you.
Watch over me the rest this week.
Keep me better.
I think its my time to stop this stuff...


November 9, 2010

Happy Halloween...
I really hate this day/holiday. It amazes me how disrespectful some people are by the "decorations" they put up. If they are trying to be funny, they aren't.
Anyway... This Wednesday Grandpa and I are going out for Dr. Appointments. Joy... I wish I didn't have as many health problems as I do.
On March 14, next year, We are going to sing I Believe in church.
Daddy, So much everyday little stuff, I wish I could tell you. It hurts, so so much...
I'm gonna be 16 in December, I was 11. It is going to be my 5th birthday without you here, Ugh... It's just the pits...

Anyway. We are getting ready to start making ornaments for the tree this year. Were doing it for Yazzies, Were gonna be putting up Christmas lights to. Daddy, I think I've realized why I want to always do them, is because it is a positive way of remembering you. Everyone that drives by see's them. And I hope they think of you, and how much you enjoyed doing that for us, with us.
The other day I was thinking back, Shyann had invited me to her birthday slumber party the weekend before you died. I was told I couldn't go. I am so thankful now, I didn't. We did lights.
Love you lots
Miss you too...


October 31, 2010

This stinks.
I know you already know about my jaw.
Remember how people say I'm double jointed?
All that means is I have weak ligaments.
So ya.
Watch over me...
As always.

I hope I can do lights again. I hope...

Love you tons.
Miss you daily...


October 15, 2010

It seems like its getting harder that easier...
Nothing makes sense.

School is good. I like my classes. Today in History I did a 23 minute long presentation on Florence Nightingale. I was nervous. But when I got up to do it I just thought of you and it just came to me. I think I did a good job.
I had physical therapy for the first time today. It didn't hurt right after but it feels pretty crudy right now... But on the plus side. I can take my sling off. And I didn't have to have surgery.
Then dinner. Well I won't say anything about that. I just wish I knew for sure.

Mom has been getting the pictures ready for our quilts. I can't wait until I actually see it.

Sunday. Church, was good. I know your proud of mom. If I was in her position. I don't think I could have even gone. But she bore her testimony. I cried... But it was so touching. And true.
Daddy. She is trying the hardest she can. You know how she feels about everything and I know you understand her.
Daddy. You are most deffinantly one of my heroes, But she is to.

I love you.
I miss you too...


October 12, 2010

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