Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Kevin Shumway Orr

Uintah County Sheriff's Office, Utah

End of Watch Wednesday, November 22, 2006

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Reflections for Detective Kevin Shumway Orr

I know you were there for Jessica today and only Jessica.. Thank you.


January 26, 2014

Please be close to Jessica tomorrow. I love you.


January 25, 2014

I love you sweetheart......


January 19, 2014

Dear Kevin, my heart is so heavy tonight. I miss you so much. I just listened to Diamond Rio sing One more day. I wish so much we could have a day with you. But I know I would not let you go back. I am so thankful to know that we will see you again but it is hard now. The kids have changed so much the last 7 years. Jessica will leave for her mission in one month. I am going to miss her so much. She has been my strength. I really don't know how I will make it without her. Tyler is a remarkable young man. I envision you bragging about how smart he is, how caring and compassionate he is. Kaylee teases me like you did. She is one of a kind. She has grown so much and is so beautiful. I am a worried basket case trying to find why she is not better. She goes 100 percent gluten free and still is high on her lab work.
Please tell me what to do for her and let me hear you. Ashlee will always be your tiny and my sweetheart. She gives loves to us so freely. I hope she always will.
Please continue to influence the kids lives.
I love you forever and always. Your in my heart, thoughts and actions always.


January 5, 2014

Daddy, I haven't wrote for a while and a lot has happened. I turned 19. Yay.. Birthdays aren't much fun anymore. Over Thanksgiving Ryan asked me if I was excited for our birthday. I said eh, another year. I spent it in the temple(: and we looked at Christmas lights. Next, Christmas. Christmas isn't the same without you, but for eight years now it has been the same. It won't be like that again for a few years. Even then it will be different. Daddy, next Christmas I will be alone. I won't have family with me. I'll be with three strangers and going to dinner appointments with new families. But I can't wait! Last, another New Year. 2014. The years go by so fast. Each day is farther from the last time we seen you...but closer to the next time we'll see you again.
Daddy, 34 days. That's what I have left. It still doesn't seem real.. I hope Grandma was right.
Love you miss you


January 2, 2014

Merry Christmas Sweetheart. The kids are in bed and everything is ready for them to awake. I sit here missing you as remembering how excited you and I were waiting for them to wake on Christmas mornings. I wish you were here so here. Merry Christmas. I love you with every breath I take. Please send us a sign.


December 25, 2013

I love you, and because so, I'm sorry... But I don't have any feeling towards some people anymore. I know I should, but when they make it a "competition" of who misses you more...I get so fed up with them. You'd think that since us four kids are a part of you, the people who profess to miss you so..would try to get to know us. But no.
I just don't understand people. I know, you would want your loved ones to continue with life, and remember you in happy ways. WE DO! In everything! You wouldn't want us to just 'cry allll the time' and do nothing. I hope you are proud of us. All 5 of us.
Daddy, I do miss you. I know mom misses you. And Tyler, and Kaylee, and Ashlee. But because we truly love you, and have no guilt with how our time was spent with you, we will always try to make you proud.

On another note, but not really.. Last night was the auction for Trees for Charity. This year we chose to decorate our tree for the Boren family. Tyson was killed in May in an industrial explosion. Him and his wife Vanessa had almost been married for 5 years. And then, his little boy, Lincoln. I feel so bad for both of them. Vanessa, because she lost her best friend. Also, because when he was 16 months old, her dad died. Lincoln, because he will miss out on things like Tyler and the girls have. He lost his best fried too...
Of course our tree was in memory of you. But it sold for $1900.00(: plus tree toppers.

I love you Dad. I always have, and always will..


December 3, 2013

I can not believe it has been 7 year's since you have passed away.
I can not evan remember you everyone has told me storys about you but i just can't.
I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so MUCH.


November 21, 2013

I haven't posted on here in many years, but I know that you know I have never forgotten you and I think of you often. You and I had a lot in common and I appreciated the friendship we had. I don't know why it's so hard for me to find the words to say right now, but I think you understand. Just thinking of you and your family today.

Corporal Dustin Cheshire

November 21, 2013

I miss you so much. I can't believe it has been 7years since you passed away. I love you so much.


November 21, 2013

I have so much to say... Tomorrow starts our 7. Everything is so different. Everyone, is so different. Lately I just don't know what to think anymore. I know you understand.
I love being able to work in the temple. I truly know that it is the place where Heaven is on earth. I am so thankful for that. I love the spirit, and the peace that is felt there. I love the other workers. So many of them are more than willing to talk with me about you. In 7 years, not many people have done that. Daddy, I miss you so much. I just wish I could spend one day with you. And talk to you. Get answers and replies.
I guess nerves might be setting in. Something I have looked forward too for so long is almost here. I have 2 1/2 months left. And then everything changes again.
I love you daddy....


November 19, 2013

Just wanted to write I love you. I wish you were here so I could tell you. 7 years next week.... So much has changed. But then everything changed the moment we got the news. Our lives were forever changed. I look at life different, I look at people different, I look at what really matters different. I look at our last family picture and it crushes me to see how much the kids have grown because I think they got cheated out by not having you here physically.................I won't finish that because I know that you, Heavenly Father and Jesus know how I feel and how the kids feel. But I will say, I love. You are my love and best friend. And it hurts not having you here and talk to and love on you. xoxo


November 14, 2013

Oh a couple things. Today is Kaylee's birthday. She turns 12. I can't believe it. I can still see her playing with Ashlee when I would get home from school when I was that age. I truly hope she enjoys young women's, it is a good experience for her, and she learns from it.
Next, I get to work in the temple(: I can't say enough how much I love it. Along with the people I work with. They are just so sweet. Even if half of them ask me each time where I'm serving and when I leave(: it is the greatest experience. I can honestly say, the promises in D&C 109:22 are true. I am thankful for the greater knowledge I am obtaining. I know the promises made with Heavenly Father are true and sacred.
Friday night I stayed three extra hours and went through with Christian, as he went through for his first time. Ahh! It's so exciting.
Next, kinda goes along with the last comment. Since I've been working in the temple the "Temple Workers Devotional" has been announced. Well it was tonight. I had planed on going, and then when President Andrews called and asked if I'd say a prayer, that confirmed it. He had called while we were gone, but Disney tell grandpa what he was calling for. I figured they already had programs printed with my name on it so they had to have me. But no. Come to find out, they wanted me for special reasons, that no other mission has. I am grateful, that men that are called by God, are so intune with Him, and knew what to do and say to me. The Presidency an their wives are just the sweetest people. I can't help but love them(:
Today, was our primary program. I wrestled 3 year olds... Kaylee was a narrator, and Ashlee gave a talk about her baptism. I know you are proud if both of them. Because I was. Mom joked with Ashlee that she can give a talk like me. Now that I'm leaving for a mission they will have to have her speak at the Ride For Fallen. She didn't think it was that funny.
Love you lots daddy..
I wish you were here



October 21, 2013

Tomorrow, marks on year since the day President Monson announced that the missionary age would be lowered. Tomorrow, marks the day that I posted this comment:

I know you already know but for the second time, my life has been changed in a matter of minutes. I can serve a mission in a year! I've known for a while that there wasn't any other option. Everyone would say "Nah, you are gonna get married." (Mom included) but now! I am for sure going! I turn 19 in 14 months. 14 months daddy.
Where has my childhood gone?! One of the brothern today said "Relationships don't end at death. They are merely intensified." Daddy, I know you are still a part of my life. You are still my dad. Because you and mon were sealed in the temple when you were married, we are forever! That's why I want to serve a mission... To bring other families the comfort and joy I know through Christ.
I love you daddy...
October 6, 2012

Now, a year later, I sit here, with a mission call, waiting to join the 80,333 other young men and women who are currently serving. Daddy, I love this gospel. I know, it is true. I may not know why a lot of things in my life have happened to me, but I do know that I have had to experience them, so I will be more prepared to meet my Savior. I know He lives. I know that because of His life and sacrifice we will as well.
Daddy, I love you. And I am so grateful for temples and the experiences that happen in them, the spirit that is felt, and the teachings and truths that are taught.
Love you, miss you..


October 5, 2013

Friday, I had the opportunity to go to the Temple for the first time. It was a special experience. I know for a fact that you were there.. I just wish I could have seen you and gave you a hug afterwards like everybody else. I am also looking forward to being able to work there until I leave in February.
Daddy, I had a hard week. This week too... I just don't understand, why anything that has a chance of going wrong, does go wrong for me. Physically, I'm drained. My body is wore out. I need some help from your side. I know that I can't do this alone. I wouldn't dare...
I love you lots Daddy, miss you tons...


September 29, 2013

I got some exciting news today, and I want to share it with you.

Dear Sister Orr,
You are hearby called to serve as a Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. you are assigned to labor in the South Carolina Columbia Mission. It it anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.

I will enter the Provo MTC on February 5, 2014. Which is only 138 days away, and I will speak English.

Daddy, words cannot describe the feelings I am feeling now. I am so excited. I know, that I am supposed to be heading to South Carolina for a reason. I know, that someone needs me, to be the tool in Gods hands to accomplish His work.

I know, this church is true.
I know, that Joseph Smith is a true prophet; and that He did see Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
I know, that Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today. 
I know, the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. As well as the Bible.
I know, that Christ atoned for every single one of us, and that He loves us.
I know, that we are all children of God.
I know, families are forever. 
I know, I will see you again.
I know, that you still live! And are still a part of our lives.
I know, these things to be true.

I love you daddy, and I wish you could have physically been here tonight..

Your Little Girl....


September 20, 2013

I am completely discouraged tonight. Please help me find out what is wrong with Ashlee and help me to seek the right help. Then guide me on what to do with the appliance problems. I am trying to count my blessings tonight but the trials right now are making it hard. I need you so so much. I love you and miss you so very much. Please be with our children always.


August 26, 2013

School started this week for Tyler. He is a junior now. Kaylee and Ashlee start after Labor Day. Kaylee will be in 6th and Ashee will be in 4th. 6th grade for me, was your accident, your passing, first birthday without you, first Christmas without you, first everything...without you. I can't believe my, just barely turned five at the time of your accident, is now in the grade I was. Then Ashlee... 4th grade is where Tyler was.
Daddy, it seems like forever since we seen you. I seen a picture of us the other day that was taken a year later. Even a later, none of us look the same. None of us are, the same. We haven't forgotten you, and never, ever will. You are still a part of our lives. But I have heard the word healed. When referring to death, that word does not exist. I will never..get over you. I still cry. We have just learned we have to carry on.
Daddy, I have four months left(: My mission papers are submitted, I should have a call in less than two weeks. Go through the temple in three weeks, and leave in 4 months for 18 months. I wish you could be here physically to share in my excitement.
Love you tons Daddy...


August 23, 2013

Thank you for yesterday. And the past week. Also, I know you knew on the actual day, but Happy 20th Anniversary!
Love you lots...


August 20, 2013

Why us?... I thought loosing you, and everything that happened with your accident would be trial enough for us. Haven't we had our share? Then, everything medical we have... Finding out us girls are celiac. And now we have to eat dairy and lactose free. I guess what I don't understand is how people are jealous of us. Nobody... Knows that we would give up everything that has happened in the last 6 1/2+ years. If you were here, we would still go on vacations. We may have added on. We probably wouldn't have so many health problems. But mostly, we would have you. So I guess if everybody, and I mean everybody, wants to judge us, and be jealous then that's their issues. I pity them, because I wouldn't wish what we have gone through on anyone. No matter how little I think of them.
I wish you could have been with us...
I guess, help give us all strength to endure the next couple days, as things start to change. Again.

Love you daddy,
I miss you tons, I wish I could talk to you. You'd understand


July 18, 2013

Oh so much to say...
First: Happy late Fathers Day. I love you so much, and wish you could have spent it with us. Next year, I won't be here for Father's Day. So watching the home videos was good(:
Second: Today, I am officially 18 years. 6 months. 15 days. The exact same age (to the day) mom was, when you guys met for the first time(: (October 23, I'll be the age mom was when you got married.)
Third: I do believe.... My mission papers are all filled out!! In two and a half days, I completed them. My physical and dentist appointment are finished, (1 week after I started of course) so now I am just waiting for my wisdom teeth, and interviews. Then of course August 13, so they can be submitted. Daddy I can't wait to go(: I want to be able to share this gospel, this plan of happiness with those that don't have it. I want to give people hope, and a knowledge that there is life after death, and that families are forever. But most importantly, I want to teach of Christ. How he died for us, did the atonement for us, lived for us, was resurected for us, and will come back. Daddy, I know, that this message is true.
Fourth: I'm a nanny. Yeah, mission money(:
Fifth: I wish, I could talk to you. I wish, somethings wouldn't hurt me so much but they do. I just don't understand some people's logic... I just.. Sorry, I know if you were here this wouldn't be an issue.
Sixth: Everyday little stuff.... Oh, and I hope you are proud of me. Me...(; I think this will be the third time I have done something pretty scary(; (: Am I prideful? Yes. Should I be? No. (:
Love you lots daddy...


June 28, 2013

Happy Father's Day. We love you so much. I wish you were here for the kids. We would have went to church today if you were here. But know we skip church on Fathers Day.......I am sure God understands, if not I guess I will be held accountable. 7 years ago it was just natural to go to church and let all the kids sing to the fathers, make you a craft in primary. I guess I think I am protecting them by not going, but I know they feel the void all the time.
Tonight we watched a home video, you were teasing Jessica, dancing with the kids, and heard your voice. So bitter sweet. Also it shakes me up to see how much the kids have grown since you passed because that makes it more real on how much time has passed since we seen you last.
Always in my heart.. Love you sweetheart.


June 16, 2013

I wish so much I could talk to you....
I feel so alone.
I love, love, love you.


June 14, 2013

My Dear Kevin,
I am missing you so much tonight....
I love you my love.

Loving wife and best friend

June 9, 2013

Our little girl graduated from high school last night. I know you must be smiling at what an amazing girl she is. I wish so much you could have been there to hug her. She misses you dearly. I did really good at her graduation but tonight I am a mess. I have been thinking about how much the kids have grown the last 6 1/2 years. I feel like we got cheated by not having you here physically. I am so thankful that you choose me to be your wife and mother to your children. I love you and miss you with every breathe I take.

Holley Orr

May 26, 2013

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