Upper Saucon Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Thursday, November 9, 2006
Reflections for Investigator David Michael Petzold
Hi Davey,
Can't believe it's been 6 months this week.
Yesterday, was the FIRST Golf Tournament in your honor.
What a day - it was gorgeous, bet you had something to do with that, huh? We all had fun! You'd be proud of your "brothers" in Blue - they did an awesome job putting everything together. Now, we leave for DC tomorrow.
Always wanted to go there, just hate the reason we are going for this year!!
I know you'll be on Jess's shoulder while we are all in DC. Danny and I miss you and think about you a lot!
May 12, 2007
Hi Mrs. Petzold:
I just wanted to know that I have been thinking about you and your family a lot. I still pray every day for your healing and strength. I could never understand why I felt so close to Officer Petzold even though I had never met him. Then it caught my eye..His Badge number. My badge number is also 11. I wanted to let you know that it was an honor to be there to assist with his funeral. I salute your husband for thinking of others above himself. He truely is missed.
Fountain Hill Fire Police Officer
May 10, 2007
Hey Jess ~
It was good to talk to you today. I want you to know what a great job you are doing, with everything - taking care of the kids, the remodeling (although vinyl doors would still have been a good idea), working - you are holding it all together and making Dave proud. I know today is rough for you, being the 6 month mark, just do your best to get through the day - like you do every day.
I am so glad that we met, and so glad we can be here for each other. Knowing that I am not alone in this journey has made it so much more bearable - I hope it helps you as well.
I'll be thinking of you on Friday, at the Memorial Run and the Golf Tournament, and look forward to talking again Friday night. And I am really looking forward to the spouses retreat - I'm so glad we are going to go together.
You take care, Jess.
May 9, 2007
Tomorrow morning The Unity Tour leaves NJ for Washington DC for a memorial bicycle ride to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. We are traveling 300 miles on bicycles to honor those, like David, that made the ultimate sacrifice for this job. I have been a police officer for almost 24 years and this is by far the greatest tribute I have paid to my brothers in blue. Jessica, I meant what I said when I told you that we are all a family. I knew the area but had never met David yet riding in his honor and speaking to you meant more to me than you'll know. I will always have a place in my heart for David and your family. If you ever need anything, I am a phone call away.
Sergeant John R Hurd
Chester Township Police Department
May 8, 2007
It has been almost 6 months since you left us. I still can’t believe it. I don’t want to believe it. I know your still here, I can feel you. I miss you more than words can say. Whoever said time heals all wounds obviously never met a person like you. I’m not ashamed to tell you that the tears still flow freely, sometimes over the dumbest things. Cathy and I have spent a lot of time with Jess and the kids, and I know sometimes she gets sick of us. But were just trying to help her the best way we know how. The girls are doing fine and we talk openly about you every chance we get. I’ve learned a few things about you I didn’t know before, lol. Your son is a spitting image of you, and he has the same temper and the same little pout too. I look in his eyes and my heart just breaks. I put him to bed and the tears just stream down my face, you should be here doing this. I want him to know who his father was, and what kind of man his father was. I will tell him everything I can, to the best of my ability so maybe he can feel you inside of him. I find myself struggling at times, trying to do as much as I can. I always find myself thinking, what would you do. You always found the time, did the right things, and knew exactly what to say. That’s what made you so very special. I miss you Dave.
May 6, 2007
We will be in Washington with honor and respect to hear your name read. Your face is beautiful and I know reflects the man you are. Our love to your precious family and the memories that they hold in their hearts until they can hold you again.
Matt's Mom Forever
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother Of Matt Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04
May 4, 2007
Hi Hon,
It's been quite a while since I've posted on your page. Mostly because it breaks my heart to see all of these men and women added on a daily basis. My heart goes out to all of these broken families and meanwhile I'm trying still to deal with our pain.
The girls seem to be dealing well...Jonathan has a lot of your mannerisms which is amazing and heartbreaking all at the same time. He had a moment that broke my heart the other day. He woke up for his normal early AM bottle and kept pointing towards our bedroom saying "Daddy", I walked him into our bedroom and there he pointed to your side of the bed while repeating "Daddy, Daddy", ……he still remembers hon.
B&C and I took the kids up to Hawk Mountain this past weekend. The girls did awesome hiking and really appreciated the views. Jonathan did great and walked a lot of the hike. It was so hard being there without you.
Samantha had her second dance recital and again you missed it. The first one you missed because of the FBI Academy as well as Sarah’s Kindergarten graduation….now there will be so many more firsts that you will miss. It’s not fair.
The renovations on the house are about done. You would be so proud of it all…it’s just how we had planned, it’s beautiful and I wish you could enjoy it with us. All of “the guys” stepped up and did all the stuff you said you were going to do, they were great. Your brothers and our dads were great also…it has all come together. I hung pictures of the family and you…it’s great to look at them…but at the same time, it kills me inside to know there will be no pictures of you.
May is a busy month hon and I hope you can help out with the weather. With the FOP ceremony, the golf benefit, Police Week, the Unity Tour and the motorcycle benefit….please send me strength, because I am going to need it. The other day, Cheryl and I met with John Hurd, who’s riding for you in the Unity Tour. He is a great guy and god did he remind me of you. He has big aspirations for the future just like you always did. As I sat listening to him…I felt the old feelings of being inspired that you used to instill in me. I didn’t even realize how much I had missed that. We used to spur each other on….now I’m just trying to get thru the day, let alone be inspirational.
This week, I haven’t been dealing so well. I can’t believe it’s almost 6 months hon. It seems like just last night that you walked out the door, going back to work after stopping home to grab a snack. As usual we had nothing in the house…We talked about planning for Christmas and what we were going to do for my parents. As always I kissed you and told you to “be careful” before you left, why couldn’t that have been enough to protect you? I guess I’ll never know…..no regrets hon, just complete and utter lonliness remains.
There’s a song by a country group which says…”The good lord gives us mountains, so we can learn how to climb”. I’m not sure I’m a mountain climber, but I’ll put one foot in front of the other….and really try to keep looking up.
Always remember hon….”I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always…till the end of time….”
Love you with all my heart,
Widow of David Petzold
May 3, 2007
I was just thinking of you. I just got finished reading some of David's new reflections. Like I told you on the phone, David will be always be missed but never forgotten. We leave for the bike trip in 37 days. Just knowing that I am pedaling 300 miles in David's memory gives me more motivation than you know. Take care. I will be in touch soon.
Sergeant John Hurd
Chester Township Police Department, NJ
April 2, 2007
I have only recently learned of the passing of Detective Petzold and it marked truly a dark day.
I first met David while investigating an arson fire in his jurisdiction in 2002. I was immediately impressed with his dedication and professionalism not only to the job but to his family. If I needed assistance Dave was there. He will be remembered as a wonderful human being.
Farewell David.
Joseph Rauch
Westfield Insurance
April 1, 2007
Thinking of you today, and the sacrifice you made to our community. Your family and friends will forever be in my thoughts.
Lehigh Valley citizen
April 1, 2007
March 11, 2007
Jess ~
I came across this poem and wanted to leave it here for you.
To The One In Sorrow
by Grace Noll Crowell
Let me come in where you are weeping, friend,
And let me take your hand.
I, who have known a sorrow such as yours,
Can understand.
Let me come in - I would be very still
Beside you in your grief;
I would not bid you cease your weeping, friend,
Tears bring relief.
Let me come in - I would only breathe a prayer,
And hold your hand,
For I have known a sorrow such as yours,
And understand.
I think of you every day, Jess. Take care and we'll talk soon.
Warmly ~
March 9, 2007
Hi Jess ~
Thank you for the reflection you left me on Jesse's page - I appreciate you thinking of me.
I think of you and the kids every day. I know each day is hard and that time seems to tick by so slowly - the first year is very difficult. Just do the best you can and know that things will get better. You are doing an amazing job and should be so proud of yourself.
I am also grateful that you have come into my life, although I wish it could have been under different circumstances.
Take care and we'll get together soon.
Love ~
February 19, 2007
There are no words to adequately express my gratitude to you and your family, Mr. Petzold. I am a newcomer to the Lehigh Valley, and your story gripped me from the beginning. I just want your family to know that I am grateful to you for having the courage you had--enough to put yourself on the line every day for a job you loved. Thank you.
Lehigh Valley citizen
February 18, 2007
I just wanted to let you know that you and the kids are still in my thoughts. My heart goes out to you...
Carla (Schlippert) McCabe
February 12, 2007
You are a true hero and you will be missed. Rest in peace, brother. We will continue the fight!
Patrolman Jason Bell
Bangor Police Department - Pennsylvania
February 7, 2007
I haven't been able to write a reflection or note until now, don't know why and I'm still not real sure what to say here. I talked to Sarah the other night and we had quite the conversation-- what a handful! god help the poor boy(s) that fall for that girl.. they better be prepared. I missed you this hunting season, I had the perfect spot for you all picked out, and it was a good one, I took a 7pt for ya. The kids are getting big and climbing everything, I think we'll get all them together this summer and do some climbing, at least Sarah, Sammy and Grace, JD and JB can watch and learn. Won't be long until the whiskey brothers are creating chapter two. I don't think they'll ever top us (at least I hope not). I'm not sure why I haven't written to you, lord knows I think about you enought that I could fill this website. I just flat out miss ya brother! I made a biner and knot just like yours so we'll always be linked up. I keep it with me always, so if you ever need that extra bit I've got your back. I'll talk to you soon brother. Take care up there and we'll do the same down here.
- Shawn
The "Bad Influence" LOL
January 31, 2007
Dear Jessica: Please keep this is your heart: Those we love are with the Lord, and the Lord has promised to be with us. If they are with Him and He is with us, they cannot be far away.
A Friend
A Friend
January 30, 2007
Hi hon,
It's been 2 months and 19 days. Every second seems like an eternity. I watched your FBI Academy movie the other night and still can't get over that you made it thru that and all the other challenges you faced. You were always so motivated and had soo many dreams. You were the dreamer and I always grounded you. Now I don't know what to dream for. I miss you so much my chest physically aches. I hope you are doing better than I, because I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I don't do lonely very well.
Remember Nickelback's Far and Away?
"....That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore
On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us...."
I'd give it all. Miss you and love you,
January 28, 2007
I was flipping through my cell phone tyring to pass the time as I sat in NY traffic and I came across your number. I remember making some calls to you during those times, both while we were at the academy and after. It reminded me of some good conversations and good times. I still tell stories of your first academy haircut and wondering what you got yourself into when you asked for "high and tight." I check your page from time to time and read the reflections, knowing that you're with all who miss you. I know you're keeping your family strong and you're very proud of all of them. I hope you know that any of us (05-10) are there for them whenever they need us.
Until we meet again, my friend......
January 24, 2007
I remember Officer Petzold has a very considerate man, and one of the best policeman I have ever met. The times he came to various Southern Lehigh schools, he was always kind, never harsh sounding like some other officers. He was a great influence on our community and I'm sorry we had to lose him, but God knew his potential, and he's on to bigger and better things now.
January 22, 2007
I miss you.I am so glad and thankful that I get to see Jonathan everyday. I love the nieces and nephew you gave me. They are everything. I forever miss you... Alison
January 19, 2007
I was most likely last person to see David Petzold.
I reported that to local police and state police.
I was travling southbound in a tractor trailer when I breifly looked onto him removing the deer in left lane.
Sad part is I was going to pull over to give him a hand
30 mins later I hear there was policeman killed on RT 309 northbound where I travel rt 309 daily all day long for my job.
I just wanted to wish his family and friends all luck in the world to a man I never knew.
Maybe I could of made a difference or I myself would not be writing this.
Thank You
Anthony Falco
January 17, 2007
"Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memories so clear
Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above
Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen
As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
'Cause you are mine
Forever love
Watching me from up above
And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave
Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are
I know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are"
~Written by Josh Groban
I miss you hon....love you...
January 14, 2007
I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Everytime I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the man they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Investigator Petzold, especially to his wife. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. You will be in my thoughts.
From reading the reflections left for David, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember David's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that David's life was about so much more than the way he died. Patrick will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.
Investigator Petzold, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been four years but we still miss him terribly.
Wishing you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
"Forever Remembering 26-3"
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Surviving Fiancee of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
January 14, 2007