Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Investigator David Michael Petzold

Upper Saucon Township Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Thursday, November 9, 2006

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Reflections for Investigator David Michael Petzold

Investigator Petzold,
I read a story online in this morning's newspaper about Upper Saucon Twp PD adding a couple of officers to the department. I am sure, in your honor, they will be fine law enforcement officials, and will continue to uphold the professionalism and dedication in which you exemplified.

Rest assured, you will never, ever be forgotten. Your family, who made that ultimate sacrifice along with you, will always be in my thoughts, as they bravely move through life with you as their angel.

Thank you for keeping us safe, and for choosing this most precarious profession, all in the name of making a difference in the world. You did, sir.

Kim W.
Upper Macungie

Lehigh valley citizen

August 16, 2007

I was just sitting at the computer when I thought about your sacrifice. It is most unfortunate that life has a way of throwing us curve balls when we least expect it. I have said to many that we most likely would have been friends, had we met. Out lives seemed so similar. I have met your family and they are holding up as well as expected under these circumstances. There seems to be a outporing of support and that is possibly what is most needed for all to go through this. I told Jess that I felt a bit betrayed that this job had caused pain for a wounderful family. Dave, you are missed. Rest in Peace Brother

Sergeant John R Hurd
Chester Township Police Department

August 14, 2007

Dave - It took me all this time to find this page(you know how computer savy I am). Life without you is more unbearable than I could have imagined. Of course, I never imagined my life without you. Not a single day goes by when I don't miss you, nothing will ever be the same here in Upper Saucon land. I know we talk alot when I visit you but I'm glad I finally got to write on your page. Thanks for watching over me when I took sick on my trip, I know I wouldn't be here without you help. I could spend hours thanking you for everything you've ever done for me, but you always knew how I felt. Hope you and Buster got to meet,it is some small solace to know my two favorite men finally know each other. There will never be another NUMBER ONE!!! Luv Ya Kid. Barb

Dave's Secretary & Bud

August 7, 2007

It sucks without you hon. I can't put it any other way. I didn't ask for this and I know you didn't either. I know we have no regrets, but it still sucks. Every day is so hard and so lonely. I've been able to figure out how to do everything on my own, but have lost the reason as to why I want to. I wish we could have our little world back...although your world was never little. I want to do good or even great things in your memory or to make you proud...but I just don't have the drive like I did when you were here. You were always behind me and always believed in me,'s not the same.
Your so far away...far away for far too long. God how I miss you.

August 5, 2007

It’s been 8 months since you were taken from us. I can still see your smiling face. I can close my eyes and you are there. I replay things we did over and over in my head, like the time down at the shore and that stupid ride. God that was amazing. All the times we went out or just the time we spent together doing nothing more than talk. You were my friend, but became a brother to me. I haven’t gone an hour without thinking of you in some way. I miss you. Just wanted to let you know that I will never forget. You touched me and my family, and became part of my family. Talk to me when you can, I’m listening. I hope you hear me when I talk to you, I know I talk too much. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Miss you Dave.


July 9, 2007

Hi Hon,
It was a long weekend, but it was a good one. Our annual July 4th party went well. It was a beautiful day and with 100 people, was our biggest party yet. Everyone chipped in this year and helped me pull it off. Thank you EVERYONE!!! Like usual Andrew(and Robin) came up, along with B&C and helped with the house prep work(we finally got the doors painted!!) before the party, your Mom took care of coordinating all of the food, Steve of course took care of the beer and music, your sisters and sister-in-laws helped me with shopping and cleaning and all the boys had fun with the fireworks. And WOW what fireworks! They were incredible and the kids loved them as usual...I was just waiting for USPD to show up regarding a complaint(LOL). The full contact wiffle ball game again was a blast and this year we finally didn't end up with any broken bones or sprained joints! John Hurd(who rode in the Unity Tour for you) and his family were able to come and had fun finding out how to play. Meg next time don't catch the kid's hits! Just teasing!
All in all it was good hon...but you were definately missed. Your antics with your sisters and brothers was missed, you at the grill in the apron the kids made you was missed, you throwing me, Cathy or the closest girl in the pool was missed(remember your Dad pushing you in last year!!!), your cheers and rough plays in the wiffle ball games was missed, the kids missed playing with you in the pool and I missed wandering around trying to find you to restock the coolers, take out the trash or ask you to do some other annoying husband responsibility. You were missed so much.
Thank you for the beautiful day hon, I love you and miss you.
Forever and always,

July 2, 2007

Today is the July 4 party at your house Dave. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not at the same time. I'm usually pretty good at separating your loss from these events and just enjoying the love like you would. This one is tough for me though. I know you'll be with us. Give Jess some extra strength today. I think she'll need that. Its been a hard week for her. I could use a little too if you think of it.
I miss you.

Christine Ross, PA
Sister of Officer Dave

June 30, 2007

Hi Hon,
Well today would have been 13 years....13 years of marriage; 16 1/2 years together....we spent more time together than apart....until now.
I miss you more than anything. Happy Anniversary Hon

Always and forever,

June 25, 2007

I just finished reading your beautiful "I remember" letter. Thank you for blessing us all.

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04

June 22, 2007

Mrs Petzold, may The Lord pour special blessings on you.

June 19, 2007

Hi Hon,
Happy Father's Day. We wish with all of our hearts that you were here. My parents and I took the kids to the zoo today. They had fun. The girls got their faces painted, went on a train ride, saw lots of animals and walked alot. Jonathan did great also on his first zoo trip. He wasn't sure what to make of things, but he had fun and did alot of walking also.
It was a good diversion, but they still knew today wasn't the greatest. Sarah made a Father's Day card for her godfather this year and Samantha made a Poppop's Day card for my dad. They came up with that idea all by themselves. It was hard, they miss you so much.

I called your Dad tonight. I was afraid that my call would upset him possibly, but I knew that you would want me to call him. He sounded pretty good. We got him those motorcycle raffle tickets again...maybe one of these years he'll actually win.

We miss you. Happy Father's Day....
Sarah, Samantha, Jonathan and mommy

June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day, Dave.

Jess ~ I'm thinking of you and the kids today, I hope you are doing alright. Every day is hard, but days like today are just unbearable.

Keep on hanging in there.

June 17, 2007

Just wanted to let you know that us PA citizens are thinking of you and your family today. I am truly sorry that holidays like Father's Day are a painful reminder to the families who have lost someone. Please know that your legacy, your bravery and your memory will NEVER be lost.

Breinigsville, PA citizen

June 17, 2007


I just found this page today. I came across it by accident.

I remeber the good ole days of patroling Delaware Valley College campus with you. Its seems just like yesterday. We became good friends there. We spent alot of time together outside of work as well. I remeber the times when Jess, yourself, Susan and I would all go out. You even called out of work one day so Jess and yourself could visit Susan and I down at the beach.

I'm sorry we lost touch when you moved to Upper Saucan. Its my fault that happened. I moved to the Quakertown area, only ten minutes from you, and always thought of coming up to your station to get back in touch. But I dragged my feet on that and now I'm sorry for it. I think about the good times and I'm glad that I at least got to know you.

I went to the viewing back in November. It was good Jess remembered me. I'll pray for her and your children. Now that I now about this site, I'll come back as often as I can. I won't drag my feet this time.

Chris S.

Chris S.
Dave's former partner and friend from Deleware Valley College Security

June 13, 2007

Dear Dave
I have wanted to write for some time now but I guess I wasn't ready until now. It has been allmost 8 months since I last saw you. You came to see me at the hospital the day after your nephew Maison was born. Sorry about the condition I was in, I know you were mortified seeing me like that. You brought him that little blue teddy bear that we will treasure forever. I am soooooooo
sorry that you didn't get to visit longer and mostly that you did not get to hold him. I feel very upset about that and would change that if I could. (Sorry if I miss spell anything but it is hard to see the screen when the tears are in the way.)
I know there has been lots of events going on in your honor and your brother and I haven't been apart of them b/c mostly Joe feels he doesn't need to participate in the events to remember you, and I can only support how he feels. He told me that if I want to be apart of any of them then I should. I would be more then happy to help out if needed I just need to know when and where and enough notice so I can find child care.
Oh Dave there is not a single day that goes by I don't think about you and I can't waite to tell Maison all about you and how amazing you were!
Last weekend (5-27) Maison got baptized and I know you were there watching over us on that special day. Samantha got to come up with uncle steve and aunt tracey and helped us get ready for the party. She wanted to sleep with aunt Mo. I was so flattered although I was worried all night about her falling off the bed. She did fine.
I wish that we lived closer to Jess and the kids. It would be nice to see them more often and be there more for them. I want Jonathen to know his uncle Joe better so they can bond since it is his Godson. Hopefully some day soon, your brother is trying to find a Pa job.
I love you, Jess and the kids we will continue to be there for them whatever they need.

Maureen Petzold

June 5, 2007

I'm so sorry for not writing sooner but I did not know what to write. I know that you would find that hard to believe as much of a talker as I am. I just want you to know that there has not been one day that I haven't thought of you! I miss you soooooo much! Even though your not here you continue to keep the family together we see each other as much as we can ,even more than we used to and we take every opportunity to talk about all of the good times and how proud we are you and how lucky we feel to have been a part of your life.
I have also had the opportunity to get to know Jess better and I can definitely see what you saw in her. You would bee so proud of her and the girls. Just so that you know we are still keeping that up with the Fouth of July tradition Jess wouldn't have it any other way so keep an extra close eye on us, we'll need it.
Steven says he will try to write soon but I know you already know how much he misses and loves you.
love always, Tracey

sister in law

June 4, 2007

I come here often to the memorials for our local officers. I cry for what the families have lost and I pray for strength for the brave wives left behind to shoulder so much alone. Thank you for your service and know that you are not forgotten.

Citizen, Lehigh Valley

June 2, 2007

Hi Dave,

I come to these pages about everyday seeing what others have written about you, it helps me to remember little details. I read the mini novel Jess wrote (jk jess) it was good to read, but also difficult at the same time. When we were down in Washington, there were so many things happening, meeting people, talking to others, sharing stories, and remembering you. Cathy and I had a few hours away from Jess and the kids while they were off doing their things. We met so many wonderful people, Officers, Families, and Friends. Just amazing. But we also felt that you were here, we felt your presence around us. Then there was the time you told us you were there.

Almost a year to the day, You and Jess, Cathy and I, we all went down to Washington, DC for the weekend. We went to the Air Show at Andrews AFB, it was a perfect weekend. Remember the restaurant we went to for dinner and then breakfast Sunday morning. Remember.

Monday night in Washington all 13 of us planned to go out for dinner. We left the dinner plans up to Cathy and Kathy. I know, I know, big mistake. Anyway, they went up to the front desk and grabbed a book with 100’s of restaurants listed in it. They picked out one and made reservations. A little while later we were all sitting in the lounge talking and they told us were they made reservations. After talking about it we decided to find another place because the girls are such picky eaters. So Jess, Cathy, and myself looked through it again and picked out another place. I can’t recall the name, but it seemed to have a menu everyone could pick from. We all loaded into the vehicles and we drove off following the directions. We pulled up in front of the exact same place the 4 of us went to! We couldn’t believe it. Of the 100’s, maybe 1000’s of places to eat in the greater DC area, we picked the exact same one. That’s when we knew you were with us. It was quite an amazing feeling, one I hope we experience again. Thanks.

We all felt special to be there, to see you honored in a most fitting way. I’d give everything and anything to have you back with us, but until I see you again, I’ll never forget. Watch over them Dave.


June 2, 2007



June 1, 2007

Hi Hon,
It has been a busy May. Thank you for the help with the beautiful weather for all of the events...I know you had a hand in it. Things that I'll remember....

May 7th, State FOP Ceremony…such a beautiful day….clear skies and lots of sun, thanks Mom and Dad P and Chris for going with me, seeing the Chief, Barb and the guys there was heart warming, accepting that beautifully made medal, meeting the police officer who was a 3 time survivor-hang in there, my heart goes out to you and finally the Police officer who sang “Danny Boy” who finally broke my strong hold on my emotions that day. It made me think of the time, back when you came home from your first Police funeral. You had been so solemn and I remember you telling me how heart breaking it had all been and how you had lost it when they sang that beautiful rendition of Danny Boy. I remember.

May 11th, Memorial Run…..going down early to Philly with the Chief, Tommy and Kuebler, what a crew, that questionable weather early in the morning….meeting Gretchen LeClaire and her son-what an inspirational woman…finally talking with Anne Skerski-another strong and amazing woman, accepting that remarkable plaque, seeing all of the runners everywhere, those amazing two Police Officers from Atlantic City(I think)who sang acappella….what a beautiful sound. I thought about how you loved to run….and I thought how, had we known this event had been going on for all of these years, I’m sure you would have ran for someone. You loved to run….I remember.

May 11th, 1st Inaugural Golf Benefit…by the time Chief, Tommy and Kuebler and I returned from the Memorial run kick off….what a beautiful day!...thank you all -Fritz, Apgar, Nicoletti, Trexler, Pochek, and all others’ sweat and hard work that went into a perfect day-will never be able to thank you enough!….139 golfers out of a possible 144(I believe was the final numbers) what a turnout!....the big banner with your picture on it-was hard to look at, but at the same time bigger than life, just like you…Chief, we got out of cooking hot dogs this year-there’s always next year!...a lot of the family being able to make it…lots of prizes, no car winner this year – maybe next year!, almost pushing Cathy in the stream-sorry Cath! and lots of people just having fun on a beautiful day….what you always loved, lots of friends around, laughing and having fun. I remember.

May 13th-May 16 Washington D.C. – poor Sarah being sick the morning we left, poor Bert and Cathy’s car….leaving my Dad behind, when he so much wanted to go….being surrounded by families that know what you are going thru, Police Officers everywhere wanting to help, wanting to talk, taking a hug, just being there…meeting Sgt. John Hurd who rode in the Unity Tour for you hon and getting your badge back-that was heart wrenching and heart warming at the same time….the Candle Light Vigil…being taken on the bus by motorcade and coming to the Memorial and seeing Police Officers everywhere….getting escorted down to our seats(seating for 12 is hard to find!), the amazing singers, the breath taking candles, the thin blue line laser and then the heart breaking roll call….finally seeing your name in concrete on that Memorial wall-a finality that I cannot explain. Thank you Cheryl, Chris/Jim, Steve/Tracey, Mom, Bert/Cathy and all of the “guys” and wives for letting me cry all over you that night…..the tour of the Capital-historic, hot, long, memorable…the poor volunteer Police Officer who tried to find 2nd and D Street for 1 ½ hours! - Who knew there were 4 intersections named the same thing in D.C.! - thank you for getting me back to the hotel on time Sir!....additionally the poor volunteer Alexandria Police Officer who squeezed 6(including him) into a Chevy Impala cruiser- Mom, Tommy and Bert will never be the same, nice Cath!....and we all remember….”Where’s Mom?!” – Tie a phone to her, don’t call us, we’ll call you!.....the Memorial ceremony….another beautiful day with a slight wind-just enough to break the heat….the mile long motorcade into D.C., police on the side of the road saluting the bus, getting off the tour bus and walking by the many mounted police, walking thru the sea of blue to the White House lawn…..the complete and utter quiet as we walked….seeing the Upper Saucon officers all there out in front along with Coopersburg, Emmaus , Bethlehem and all the others from neighboring police offices-you all made me so proud….the kids were so patient, the sun was so hot….giving the poor man in a full suit behind us our umbrella for a few moments of shade…meeting the President…Sarah’s eyes lighting up as she asked for his autograph…Mr. Bush being so kind and him taking Sarah’s face in his hand and looking into her eyes and telling her that she has the most beautiful blue eyes. Cheryl and her grace/grits comment….”do you realize you just corrected the President?!” Listening to the Blue Ribbon song and the big gust of wind, that seemed like a gathering of all of the officer’s spirits soaring thru the crowd and rustling those blue ribbons like crazy….the officer who saw to it that I got a bottle of water and a thumbs up-Thank you!...taking Tommy up to see the President. Receiving two medals, one for you and one for me….and thinking I should give one of these to one of your brothers or sisters. My first thought was Steve, but I didn’t want your sisters being upset, but then Chris leaned over and whispered(as if on cue)…what about giving one to Steve…with Cheryl’s blessing, we gave one to Steve. Hon, I know you would want him to hold on to it until the kids get older. I remember thinking this was your moment hon and we were all so proud of you and were so proud to be there in your honor, but I knew how, had you been there…you would have hated all of the fuss. I know how you never were one to seek out glory or praise…no matter how deserving. I remember.

May 20th, Motorcycle Dice Run Benefit….another questionable day in the morning which turned into one of the most beautiful days yet..... Meeting George Horvath, what a great guy and all of his family volunteers-what wonderful hardworking people!...fighting with him over who was going to talk to the 69 news crew(LOL-I lost!)…Mom/Dad, Cheryl/Bart/Andrew/Christopher, Chris/Jim/Colleen/James, Bert/Cathy volunteering-Thank you!!!...the Upper Saucon cruiser and the Fire Truck bringing in lots of motorcycles from Upper Saucon, the flag draped between the two ladder trucks coming into the parking lot…Sgt. John Hurd able to ride with us-next year I ride with you!....Kuebler talking me into riding with him-what a ride!!!-next year miss a few pot holes will ya!....expecting 300-400 riders…getting 600-700 riders….what a community outpouring…..such nice people everywhere….the biker who gave me the coin from his Police Officer brother-Thank you, I carry it everywhere…..meeting Uncle Jim’s friends-nice people…riding from site to site, jumping off the bike, helping with dice rolls until our group got thru, jumping back on till the next stop….feeling you with me hon on that bike ride-I know THIS would have been your thing….the gentleman who followed “the purple jacket”!-your smile will always be special….Karen and Karen-you know who you are-next year get your registration right! LOL. Karen-the actual Karen-volunteering so diligently in the food tent-thank you for the hug….mom continuously sticking donations in my back pocket-God Bless you all…..holding the Renegade Classic’s bathroom key!!! my coveted event pin to a gentlemen pin collector-please cherish it always….I remember thinking of you on your bike hon…and how when Greg took off from our group at mock 5 up the road….that would have been you. Remember coming back from Carlisle and when you took off up 309 off of 78 at 135mph? How full of life and risks you had been….I remember.

May 24th Upper Saucon Memorial Garden dedication – a warm evening night, again perfect weather..... Gentle, wonderful Msgr. Martin and his blessing of the plot…Chief’s little speech and his big bear hug…Barb’s beautiful necklaces and pictures of you-Thank you Barb….the beautiful garden and trees and reflecting spot that the rode crew built in your memory…what a wonderful community. Now it was their time to help you , but I remember how you were so proud to work in this area and loved helping others….I remember.

I remember that I miss you every second of every day hon. I remember that your 3 beautiful children miss you more than they can express. I also remember that you are with us, watching over us and will help us move forward. You and your “bright eyes”, you and your devilish ways, you and your amazing patience, diligence, compassion, loyalty and undying devotion to your family and friends….I remember.

I love you hon and will always….remember,

Thank you to all who spent the time to read this…this was my small attempt at sharing some of the thoughts and feelings from the events of this past month. Thank you to all the volunteers, we couldn’t have done any of this without you. Thank you to the community and especially a a big thank you to the local kids.
Thank you to “the guys” and their special wives and especially to my family(Queripels and Petzolds)- I love you guys more than you will ever know.

May 30, 2007

Happy Memorial Day, Dave. Thank you for your service to your country, and for your immeasurable sacrifice. God bless you.

Hey Jess ~ I hope you are doing better than the last time we talked. The kids will be out of school soon, we have to get together. I think of you every day and hope you are doing alright - every day is hard, I know, you just do the best you can.

I'm assuming all the doors are done??? ha ha

Take care and we'll talk soon.

May 27, 2007

Jessica, and Family.

I was your classmate of Davids at St. John's. I am not sure if the family remembers me. I heard about David's accident and was shocked. I will alwys remember him and a great guy, with a big smile. I wanted so much to go to his memorial service, but it was not possible. You and your family are, and always will be in my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless You All.

Karin Wimmer

Karin L (DaCunha) Wimmer
classmate of officer

May 21, 2007


I've been looking at your page a lot lately, and I think about you every day- every time I leave for work, and every time I come back home. I focus on the good times and the conversations we've had, but I'm always saddened when I remember that I can't talk to you anymore.

I remember you telling me that after the Academy you had a hard time sleeping because you couldn't hear me snoring anymore. I remember that, post-Academy, I talked to you most, and we always ended our conversations by telling each other to stay safe. I'm sorry, but I haven't called Jess, yet. I don't know how telling her that I miss you will help her. I'll be able to do it someday.


May 16, 2007

Hey Dave, been thinkin of you lately....not just lately almost everyday all i have to do is look a sarah, or sammy and of course johnathon, everything he does i can see you. I dont know how else to say it......i miss you so much im trying to do what you would want me to do. My Dad, Cathy and I are doing are best with Jess and the kids but it will never be enough. I miss you.

Love, Kyle

Friend of Family

May 15, 2007

Its been quite a week little brother. 6 months without you seems like forever and just yesterday at the same time. I keep picturing you grabbing my kids to say hello as only Uncle David would. I hear you laugh and remember the joy in your eyes. I miss your strength and your calmness and your humor and even your stubborness.
We'll be in D.C. to honor you. I know you'll be with us. Send us a cool breeze on Tuesday (please)! There's alot more I want to say, but nothing seems to sound right so...I love you and miss you.

Christine Ross, PA
Sister of Officer Dave

May 12, 2007

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