Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Investigator David Michael Petzold

Upper Saucon Township Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Thursday, November 9, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Investigator David Michael Petzold

Jessica & Family,

Thinking of you and the kids today, and of your families. Your law enforcement family WILL NEVER FORGET David and the sacrifice he made.

Your family is in our hearts and prayers. God Bless you. God Bless your children, and God Bless all of your families.

With much love.


November 9, 2008

It has been two years since you left this world. I never knew you but I feel as if I did. Look over your family and friends, today will be a tough one for them. I have worn your memorial pin right under the nameplate on my uniform and have done so since it was given to me at the tree dedication a year and a half ago. Today is also my daughters birthday. I will be smiling with her and thinking of you and your sacrifice for this job.

Sgt John Hurd
Chester Township Police

November 9, 2008

Hey, thinking about you, Jess and the kids alot this week.
We won't be with them tomorrow, but they will be in our hearts and prayers. Help Jess be strong tomorrow.
We miss you, it just doesn't get easier!


November 8, 2008

Hey there, it has been a while and I wanted you to know as we approach the 2nd anniversary of your death, it still seems like a dream. I told Fritts yesterday how much I miss you and he agreed. Thanks for taking care of me over the last few months. I know you and Buster were right on my shoulder throughout the whole ordeal and I am sure you both had a hand in the outcome. Always know that you are in my heart and with me wherever I am(especially at work). You were and are my rock! Luv Ya Kid! Barb

Barb Karabin, NSPC

November 6, 2008


I missed writing you on your birthday two days ago, but I was thinking of you the whole day. I don't know why I remember your birthday so well. Maybe because you kept mine quiet while in the academy so we all didn't have to celebrate with birthday push-ups and flutter kicks. I miss you every day, brother.


October 10, 2008

Hi Hon,
Happy Birthday. Today you would have been 34 and still younger than me. But now you will never grow older. You will always remain in our minds the vibrant, young, strong man that you were.
The kids wish you a Happy Birthday. Sarah is going to remember you in her prayers in school today and all of us will say a prayer tonight for you. Jonathan told me that you like the new car, thanks for visiting him and fighting the T-rex's with him in his dreams.
A lifetime ago, I used to go to work down in South Philly and listen to Reba McEntire's popular CD at the time. There was a song on there called "If I had only known...". I loved that song, but never knew that it would come to actually mean something to me. I thought of it today when I was thinking of you.
We miss you hon, happy birthday.
Love you forever and always,

If I had only known
It was the last walk in the rain
I'd keep you out for hours in the storm
I would hold your hand
Like a life line to my heart
Underneath the thunder we'd be warm
If I had only known
It was our last walk in the rain

If I had only known
I'd never hear your voice again
I'd memorize each thing you ever said
And on those lonely nights
I could think of them once more
Keep your words alive inside my head
If I had only known
I'd never hear your voice again

You were the treasure in my hand
You were the one who always stood beside me
So unaware I foolishly believed
That you would always be there
But then there came a day
And I turned my head and you slipped away

If I had only known
It was my last night by your side
I'd pray a miracle would stop the dawn
And when you'd smile at me
I would look into your eyes
And make sure you know my love
For you goes on and on
If I had only known
If I had only known
The love I would've shown
If I had only known


October 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Davey. Thinking of you today and everyday. We all miss you. OH by the way, Kimmy found the pins. And for the love of god ENOUGH WITH THE RAIN!!!



October 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Dave. Hard to believe another one is upon us. We miss you!

Christine Ross

October 8, 2008


You're not alone...we're here if you need us.

BPD wife

September 6, 2008

Alone in this house again tonight
I got the TV on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wine
There's pictures of you and I on the walls around me
The way that it was and could have been surrounds me
I'll never get over you being takin' away

I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show
And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control
But I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain
To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain
From my eyes
Tonight I wanna cry

Would it help if I turned a sad song on
"All By Myself" would sure hit me hard now that you're gone
Or maybe unfold some old yellow lost love letters
It's gonna hurt bad before it gets better
But I'll never get over you by hidin' this way

I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show
And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control
But I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain
To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain
From my eyes
Tonight I wanna cry

Tonight I wanna cry.....

Miss you more than anything. It's been a really lonely week or two hon...not sure how to go on from here. But I'll try. But tonight I wanna cry....
Forever and always hon,

Jessica Petzold

August 23, 2008

Hey there, Guess I don't have to tell you all that has been happening over the last month. Great the way things work out(RIGHT). I found myself several times talking to you and I know you heard. I wish you and Buster were here to help me through, but I know you are watching over me and that makes it somewhat easier. It's times like this that I miss you the most. I know you would have something profound to say that would make me feel at ease, so give me a little nudge so I know it will all be OK. Luv ya kid!


August 20, 2008


I haven’t written in a long time, well I start to but it just sounds so stupid. I wish I had the words of a great writer, someone who could put down on paper the feelings and the hurt that is always with me. I’m tearing up as I write this, so just bear with me if this gets all garbled and messed up. I have never had anyone like you in my life. You were my best friend, a brother to me in ways I can’t even explain. Somehow you understood me when at times I didn’t even understand myself. You were there, whenever and wherever, no matter what. I felt I could talk to you about anything, and many times we did. You listened and told me your feelings, and somehow things made a little more sense. I don’t have that anymore and god I wish I did. I talk to you all the time, all the time. I’m waiting for your voice and your insight to help me. I need you back with us, I don’t feel whole anymore. A piece of me is gone and I can never get that back. The pain isn’t as raw as it once was but in other ways it is worse. It seems the hurt and pain run deeper, to depths I never knew existed. At times I cry at the slightest thing that reminds me of you, I’ll never forget. Never. I think back on times we spent together, times we talked, calls we had, all of it. It brings a smile to my face as my heart just crumbles inside of me. I miss you so much. I look back on the last time I saw you, I remember everything. It was my Anniversary and you and Jess were supposed to be with us. I walked you to your car and shook your hand. We talked some more and then you backed out of the driveway and drove away. Little more than 3 hours later, you were gone. That scene keeps playing over and over in my mind like an endless video tape. I start the, what if’s and I should haves, maybe if this… It just hurts. You were, and will always be my best friend, my brother. I hope and pray that we meet again in the hereafter. I need to see you again. Take care Dave, I take solace in remembering what Sarah said, “God needed another Angel to help him do his work, so he took my Daddy”. There are no truer words. Stay close to me; I need you more than ever.

Ptlm. Bert Pochek #11
CPD Friend

August 19, 2008

Its been awhile little brother. Some days, I think I'm okay, some days...not so much. Its alright though. Its part of living. Somehow, we get through it and another day comes along. I got to play with Jonathan at the party. He is so much like you! We had a blast. He was a ninja spiderman and I was trying to catch him. He wore me out a bit with all the running around the yard 4 or 5 times, but it was awesome. His face just lights up! Your girls are beautiful, of course! I talk to James and Colleen about you alot. They know how special Uncle Dave is to me and to them. Keep and eye on your goddaughter for me. She can be trouble:)
We are all doing our best to make a difference in your honor and I think that is the most amazing thing. We can't touch peoples lives the way you did, but we're finding ways to make a contribution, and I don't know if we would have done so much otherwise. Your life and how you lived it, has inspired and motivated and most especially humbled me. It gets me through those hard days. I hope what we do in your memory inspires and motivates others to live life to the fullest and at the same time, give something back to their community. I hope I can teach my kids how important that is.
I wish you were still here to do all of this with us. I love you and miss you.

Christine Ross

July 18, 2008

hey hun i love you, and i miss you , dad is having an issue and i know you will be there, mom could use some help right now, i miss you allot, the kids are amazing i love them and i love spending time with them i know you know whats up with me thanks for some of that. i am looking forward to the 4th, i know you are too. I will see you there, i love you me


June 26, 2008

Hi Hon,
Happy Anniversary Handsome. Today would have been 14 years and I still miss you every day. We missed you on Father's Day. I called your Dad and as soon as I got off phone thought... how it should have been you checking in on him. Keep a close eye on him hon, we all want him to be around for a long time. I think he had a good time building Jonathan's "castle" and the kids love it. Hope you're watching over us and checking everything out.
Happy Anniversary, miss you terribly.
Forever and always,

June 25, 2008

Hi hon,
I've determined that I truly need 2 of me. The girls complain that I'm on the phone so much at night...but what they don't realize is that I'm trying to coordinate something around their school events...someone to pick them up, drop them off, chaperone a trip, be at yet another concert/play/school mass/class party/talent show, schedule play dates for them, schedule someone to watch them so I can do things I have to, update other friends/family on them or coordinate things for the house so that they have a nice place to live..... And they're not even in sports! I don't know what I would do if they actually were involved in all kinds of sports....I think I would loose it. Of course, it will probably be my fault when they get older that they aren't coordinated or they don't know how to play something...because I didn't push them to be involved in sports. I can't win anyway I work it. I know they will probably realize I tried when they get older, but it makes it so hard for now. Some days I think I can be super mom other days I know I should be fired at this job. I give all of those single moms credit out there...I don't know how they do it.
Samantha has been having a tough time at night. You said she would need help...but I'm at a loss hon. She gets herself so worked up at bedtime..she's made herself so scared of everything that it takes her forever to settle down and then she usually ends up sleeping with Sarah or me. This is starting to get old, but I can't reassure her enough that I'm not going anywhere and that nothing can hurt her. She actually asked for her tv time to be taken away....because she's afraid of seeing something else on tv that might scare her. She saw some of E.T. tonight....big mistake....
I try not to be so hard on Sarah, but she has always been so grown up....I feel like she has had to grow up even more so in this past year and 1/2. Her and I are two peas in a pod and we butt heads constantly....but at the same time, she has become a little woman that I can depend on. She tries so hard to please hon...I feel so guilty sometimes.
Jonathan was so good going to bed tonight. He's been sick again...poor kid, I think he was born with a runny nose...but he took his medicine tonight like a champ and was eager to go to bed like usual. He curled up on his pillow tonight happy to go to sleep and he said "Daddy's coming" with a smile. I told him to tell you I say "Hi"...he said you say "bye". I hope you do visit him, he needs it and deserves it. I wish you two had had more time together...
I miss you hon and miss your words of always knew what to do or what to say or how to reassure me I was doing the right things with the kids....I miss you.
Today was a hard one.
forever and always,

May 27, 2008

In all the years that I have been visiting the Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington, D.C., I have never met the family members of a fallen officer. Like many officers, we travel to D.C. to pay our respects to our fallen comrades. Silently, I talk to many officers on the wall. This is my special way of saying thank you for all that they gave.

While I did talk to many of our fallen comrades, this year I had the honor and privilege of meeting your wife, sister, and your best friend's wife. I could feel their inner pain, but they spoke of the many great times and most of all, how great you are and much they miss and love you!

Meeting your loved ones touched me in many ways that I can't describe.

When I made my way home, the emotions of meeting your loved ones peaked. This year, my wife, Kay, could not attend. She doesn't often get to hear or see me cry, but I just could not control it. Just like your wife, she is my biggest fan.

Brother, know that there are many great people and police officers here that have been touched by your passing. We will keep fighting the fight the best way we know and can.

Officer Jodie Warren
Prince George County, VA Police Department

May 21, 2008

Hey Dave,

Hi Dave its 11th period and im done with all my work and i haven't written on here for awhile. On Sunday i went to the motorcycle rally and even though it was raining there was a ton of people there to support you. My Dad and cathy said they had stuff for me from washington, which im sorry i couldnt go this year i just got sick and missed alot of school but you know that. Anyway they got me your dog tag, i were it and all i can think of is what if you were still here. The real reason i wrote today was to tell you my plans, like you and Dad i just want to tell you that i want to go into police work and once again im sure you knew that all along. Talk to ya Later.


Kyle Pochek

May 20, 2008

hey dave,

Hey its been awhile since i wrote so i thought i would today....its third period and i have study hall and nothing to do, just time to think. On sunday i went to the motorcycle rally and after that i went back home and my Dad and Cathy brought me somehting back from washington which i am sorry that i couldnt make it this year i got real sick nd missed alot of school but you know that. Anyway they got me your dog tags, i wear it, and all i can think is if you were still here. Why i really wrote here was to tell you my plans, i thought long and hard about it and i have made the decison to pursue police work, i think you knew all along that i would go into it but just to make it official.


Kyle Pochek

May 20, 2008

Well yesterday for the motorcycle run it started off a beautiful day, the sun was shinning bright. Then with in a few hours the clouds rolled in and then came the rain. As the guys and gals came to the table for their last dice roll I had to applaud them. They were freezing and most were soaking wet yet they toughted it out and finished the bike ride. There were quite a few people that were so cold there whole body was shaking. I felt so bad for them yet so proud. I'm sorry that I missed out on last years bike ride it was harder for me to leave Maison, but I will be there every year from now on! It was truely amazing to see everybody who showed up. It brought a tear to my eye for 2 reasons: one b/c I was sad we were doing this event b/c you are no longer w/ us (physically) and two b/c I was happy to see all the riders that come out to support the cause of the motorcycle run.
Then as we were getting ready to leave the rain stops and the sun peaked out for a moment....thanks but it was a few hours to late. In spite of the rain there was still an amazing turn out!
love to you.

Maureen Petzold

May 19, 2008

Hi Hon,
It's been awhile, but you know what we've been up to. My birthday came and went in March and I missed not having you there to make fun of me being older than you. April was busy with Sarah's first communion. Sarah asked Uncle Steve to stand in for you hon. She anguished over who to ask, but Uncle Steve was honored and struggled as I did to keep it together as we walked her to the alter. I can't even imagine what her wedding day will be like without you there let alone what her first communion day was like. When she walked out of the bedroom and down the hall to show me what her communion outfit looked like, she looked breathtaking. When did she become a little woman?

We had the 2nd Annual Golf Benefit on Friday and we froze our butts off hon. I hope you were up there laughing as the rest of us drowned rats tried to hang in there. All in all, it was a great day however. It was a sold out course and the majority of everyone stayed till the end. The sponsors and donations were amazing and we will double what we were able to donate to the scholarships last year. I keep thinking that I can't be amazed by people any more, that you can only experience so much generosity...but then our friends and family amaze me, your old friends and peers amaze me, company sponsors who are touched by our story amaze me and your inspiration amazes me. You weren't a perfect man, you weren't trying to fix the world, but in your way, you did touch a large part of our world and you've left behind the rest of us to try and do good in your memory. We will hon, the non-profit foundation will be finalized before the end of the year and we will do our part.

The girls, my mom and I leave for Washington on Tuesday, we'll visit the wall and your name. I know now that you are honored to be a part of it all. I often think of how you and I visited there so very long ago. How we were awestruck and hardly spoke while we were there. But you could just feel the emotion and the resounding honor. I know you're proud as you always were to wear that badge. After we return, Sunday will be the 2nd Annual Motorcycle Dice Run. I hope the weather will be better for that then the golf! Last year was wonderful with over 500 in attendance, George seems to think we may top that this year. Alot of your family will be volunteering and the girls will be there to help out. I can't wait and I hope you'll ride with me again like you did last year.

The kids and I and your family and friends will always miss you hon but we are starting to remember with a smile and not always with tears. We know you are watching and we will always love you. We are so proud of you hon and we miss you.
Love forever and always,

May 11, 2008

Hi Davey,
Today was the 2nd Annual Golf Tourney in your honor. We all had fun, but ya could of helped with the weather. It rained all day, talked about soaked. But it was still agreat turn out!
We, the guys and their wives, all miss you! The Chief talks to you sometimes and I just smile. Hope you hear him!
Jess is such a strong women. She is doing amazing things in your honor. I am sure you know.....
Keep protecting all our guys!
We love and miss you!


May 9, 2008

hey, bud, I know now that you like this site,so I have to say hello!, I miss ya and I can't wait to see you again,I will always be sooo proud of you and I still miss pinching ya, Mom's next batch is still mine, Love You


May 8, 2008



May 7, 2008

Hey Kid, Been awhile since I wrote. You are always with me no matter where I am or what I do. Was just reading Bert's note and I know you would be so proud of him. I think I'll move him to 1-1/2 on the list.(LOL) Thanks for always watching over me. With you on my shoulder I know there is nothing I cannot accomplish. So many times lately I wish I would have listened to you when you told me things. You will be happy to know you were right. It took me awhile, but I am finally getting it and you would be proud. My life has been so enriched just by knowing you. I wish every person in the universe could have one "Dave" in their life. I love ya kid. Tell my Buster HI!


March 28, 2008

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