Upper Saucon Township Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Thursday, November 9, 2006
Reflections for Investigator David Michael Petzold
Hey Jess. I just wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you, your family, and David's sacrifice on this day!! It will not be easy, I know. But, I know you will get through it. You are a strong woman! Hope all is as well as it can be! I come here often to read David's reflections and can relate so much to you and your feelings! Hopefully we can get togehter somtime soon! Take care!
Trish Wertz
Widow of PO Scott Wertz EOW 8/6/06
November 8, 2007
They say memories are golden, well maybe that is true,
We never wanted memories, we only wanted you.
A million times we needed you, A million times we cried,
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still,
In our hearts you hold a place, no one could ever fill.
So as the year goes by, it doesn't seem that long ago,
Times don't change the fact, that we still and will always love you so.
To the Petzold family, You are in my thoughts and prayers as today marks the one year anniversay of your loved ones passing. May God bless you all!!
November 8, 2007
Tomorrow is one long year you have been gone. Today I tried my best to keep a perspective, but first thing this morning it was lost. Some unknown actor decided to take the cross from your garden. I could write a million words to let you know how much I miss you and it would never be enough. Nothing is the same, nor will it ever be. The void left will never be filled. You are still my #1, there can never be another. The heartache will never cease, but the love lives on. Someone once told me "Into each life some rain must fall, Thanks for the Sunshine". No truer words have ever been spoken. Luv ya Kid!
Barb Karabin
November 8, 2007
Though we never met, I thought of you yesterday after seeing Upper Saucon officers at Officer Cassidy's funeral in Philadelphia. My prayers are with both your family and your department. Like every other hero on this site, you'll never be forgotten.
Patrolman Brad L. Reider #185
Jackson Twp Police (NJ)
November 8, 2007
Hey Bright Eyes,
In another day it will have been a year.....a year since you were taken from us, a year since you kissed your daughters and held your son, a year since you spoke to your brothers and sisters, a year since you called your parents and a year since you physically wore the beloved badge. It will have been a year since you held me one last time and I told you to "be careful" as you walked out that door.....
I can't believe it has been a second, let alone a year.
In another day it will have been a year.....a year that went by as a blur.....first the processions, then the holidays, then the kitchen and living room renovations done by your brothers in blue(I love you guys), going back to work, then fund raisers and honorary awards, Police Week in DC, trying to keep the family going, birthdays, Kindergarten graduations, first Daddy Daughter events without you, Jonathan's first set of tools, the COPS Walk and so many many other events. But because of you...the rest of us have been able to do some good....the scholarships set up at Southern Lehigh High School, the scholarship set up at DeSales University, the funding done for Upper Saucon's Library, the over $12,000 raised by our families and me for COPS....the community doing individual events to raise money....the human spirit is utterly breathtaking and mankind is speechlessly amazing.
In another day it will have been a year....since little Jack Christopher will have been born. On 11/9/06 at the same hospital as I was being given the life altering news that you did not make it....a friend of mine was having her 2nd little boy. At the same time that I was having to call your brothers and sisters to give them the heart breaking news over the phone....my friend and her husband were calling family members to tell them of their healthy little baby. As God giveth, God taketh away and life comes full circle. No regrets Jack's mommy....as my girls said to me....Jack's birthday makes the day that their Daddy went to heaven very special. Happy Birthday Jack!
In another day it will begin a year...I watch the news and think of the Cassidy family as the funeral processions occur for them. Now starts their "year" and my heart breaks for his wife and their 3 children. I know some of the pain she's going thru and it doesn't end....it fades a little....but it doesn't end. You grow and you change and you adapt....but it never ever ends. I know your brothers and sisters, your parents and my family all miss you every single day hon. Sarah, Samantha and Jonathan miss you every single day. I catch Jonathan staring at your picture on the wall in the kitchen...he's only 2 but he knows. He knows alot.
I simply miss my best friend.
Sometimes late at night I sit on the bed reading on 'your side' as I always did when you worked night shift....and I swear I hear your keys in the lock. I swear I hear you walk down the hall and I pause as I expect to see the bedroom door open and your smiling face walk thru it as you always did......and I can't believe.....
in another day it will have been a year.....
I love you hon and always will. With all of my heart,
Words can never express my sincere gratefulness....but I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart who have touched our lives by your thoughts, prayers, kind words, assistance, gifts or donations. YOU; friends, neighbors and strangers, are amazing. Thank you.
November 7, 2007
Ever since I came to this place, I’ve been writing this entry. I just never finished it, never finding the right words or getting the feelings across in just the right way. I close my eyes and I can relive the last time we were together. I look back and I can remember the events that led up to this meeting, it is then that I get an over whelming sense of regret. I know I have always been one to put things off till the last minute, and this time I can’t help but believe that if I hadn’t done so, you would still be here with us. I asked you and Jess to go out with us for our anniversary, to go to dinner and then out. That was for the evening of Nov. 8, but I waited to long to ask you. You said yes, but things changed the next day. Others were off that night, and there was a scheduling issue. So you went into work that night, forgive me Dave. If I had asked you just a day earlier, I believe things would be different today. Instead I find myself talking to you, but your not here. I miss you so much it is a shock to me. I never ever imagined that you would not be here. It’s been a year, a whole year and yet it seems like only yesterday we were together. I still, to this day, expect you to call any minute. It seems so real. I want it to be. Then it hits me and my insides drop. I love you Dave, as much as any man can love another. Not ashamed to say it, you were just an amazing person. Everything about you was special and someone I admired. Your ability to make us all feel special was your gift. You made us feel like we belonged, that somehow we mattered. Your smile, your smirk, that laugh, and your sense of humor. I see and hear you every time I close my eyes. I relive that final time over and over. Five hours later this nightmare would begin. You never let me down and never disappointed. You were a symbol of all that is good in the human spirit and an inspiration to all. It was an honor to know you, a true privilege to call you my friend. But a brother you will always be.
November 7, 2007
You are remembered today and thank you Sir for your service
Pat Van Den Berghe, Manchester, NH
Neighbors for a Better Manchester, NH
November 5, 2007
Hi Hon,
Well we made it!!!25 miles, two days, boxes of bandaids, lots of socks, even more Alleve and many aches and pains later....Steve, Tracey, Chris, Cheryl, Cathy, Ali, Dad and I made it. We had beautiful weather and a good bonding time. Our pack also consisted of Doug and Nick, two other family survivors. We'll never forget how the "balls of Nick's toes" hurt nor the brainteaser to pass the time...groan! Thank you to Kelli for the doctoring on Dad and Alison, they wouldn't have gotten as far without your handiwork! When we see you next year, it'll be Dr.Kelli! Other than the stiffness and blisters we are better for having done the walk and I know, had you been there....you would have been at the head of the pack and pushing us all....but in spirit you were and you kept us going.
I love and miss you hon,
October 21, 2007
Hi Hon,
Well this weekend is the 2 day 25 mile C.O.P.S Walk in Washington D.C. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about completing each day in the time that we're allotted! But it'll work out....I figure between Ali, Cheryl, Chris, Steve, Tracey, Cathy and my Dad.....we'll keep each other going and get each other thru. We raised all the funds plus and it made me appreciate the friends and caring people I work with all the more for they were very generous. See what you can do about the weather hon and I hope to make you proud.
I wish you could be there with us.....
Love you forever and always,
October 17, 2007
I just wrote 3 days ago but I have to write today b/c of what it resembels, on this day last year was the last time we saw each other. The day after Maison was born you came to see me around 2:00pm, he was almost 24 hours old. You only stayed for about an hour. Looking back I wish it could've been longer (plus it was a long drive) and that Joe could've been there too. He was stuck at work.
Until we meet again......
Maureen Petzold
October 11, 2007
Happy Birthday, Dave. I'm sure the angels are all singing to you and that you and Jes enjoyed a cold one together. I wish so much you could have been here with your family instead of in Heaven.
Hey Jess ~ Thank you for your reflection on Jesse's page and YES, you put into words exactly how I feel sometimes - you do go from wanting to talk to everyone to not wanting to talk to anyone - and I am so glad to know that you feel the same way. I'm sure there are people who don't understand that, and get offended when we go into hiding for a while, but all the widows I've talked with go through the same kind of stages. I think it's a kind of protective mechanism - a wound won't heal if it is constantly being picked at - and I think we do it because somewhere inside we instinctively know that we need to take a little time for ourselves, to refuel our souls. There are times when I wish the kids and I could just disappear for a few days - just go somewhere and be alone together - and it doesn't have anything to do with anyone else, it just has to do with keeping ourselves strong enough to keep going. It's hard to explain but I think you know what I mean. Grief is like a full-time job, and after a while you need a vacation!
Going through this whole process changes who you are as a person, Jess, and it affects everyone around you. There are people who will choose to walk away from you at some point because they can't handle everything you are going through. There are people you will choose to walk away from because you realize they really don't want to, or aren't capable of supporting you in the way you need to be supported. But then there are the people who will stand by you, who will be there when you need to cry and who will take a step back when you need some space. Your true friends will be there for you even if they don't really understand what you need from them - they listen to your ramblings, calm your fears, dry your tears and make you laugh through the pain. Your true friends will still be there, standing beside you after the storm clears - no matter how long it takes. Just hang in there and take one day at a time and don't worry so much about other people.
You take care of yourself and of those beautiful children and know that I am here for you, too, whenever you need me. You are doing a great job - Dave would be so proud.
October 11, 2007
Investigator Petzold,
As you are celebrating your first birthday in heaven, know that your family remains in the hearts and thoughts of Lehigh Valley citizens. I know that the first anniversary since you were called Home is approaching. You are always a hero to us, and your family will always be pillars of strength in our community. Happy Birthday to you from a grateful citizen.
Lehigh Valley citizen
October 9, 2007
Although there is nothing happy about today...I just need to say this....Happy B-day Pretzel Boy....My heart hurts so much not being able to tell you in person
October 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Hon.
It has been a long day. Steve came up and we went over to see your stone today. Unbelievably(and I know you had something to do with it) at the same time we arrived, we saw Joe pulling in also. I know you didn't want him to go alone. It was the first time back since the burial for all of us. The day was beautiful and we sat and talked and cried and remembered some good times and the things about you that we missed the most. It was good and I think it helped all of us. I saw Lori at the cemetary and said a prayer by her father-in-law's grave. I hope the two of you have met up somehow.
Sarah and Samantha left a note on your page tonight for the first time. They miss you so much. Samantha has been struggling emotionally lately, so keep a close eye on her hon, she could use your help. I'm trying to help her hon in whatever way I can, it just doesn't make up for you not being here.
I remember your last birthday...the kids and I met you, as you came home, with a birthday cake and dinner, nothing major but you loved it. It didn't take much to make you happy.
I miss you hon every second of every day and wish with everything in me that you could have had many many more Happy Birthdays.
Happy Birthday Hon,
love you,
October 8, 2007
I love you I want a cat and a dog and me...
love Sam...
(Age 6)
Daughter #2
October 8, 2007
Dear daddy, I hope you have a wonderful birthday today. We really miss you down hear but we know that you are watching over us.I wish you could be down hear I would do anything if you could be down hear.We really miss you. Oh I sleep with your teddy every night.I miss you every second of my life.I once had a dream about you and it was a good dream so anyway I miss you more then ever so good night. Love your daughter "Sar-an-wrap"I love you alot.
October 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Dave. It has been officially a year since I spoke to you. I remember calling you and singing Happy Birthday into your phone. I wish I could sing to you with my terrible voice again today....You will always be a brother to me. I love you, Alison
October 8, 2007
One year ago today, I last talked to you on this day when you called to thank me for your Birthday card. If I would have know that was the last time I talked to you, I would never have hung up. The void will never be filled. Just know you are always with me. Happy Birthday Dave till we meet again. Love Barb
Barbara Karabin
October 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Dave
A few days ago we celebrated Jonathan's 2nd birthday. (I'm sure you already know that) What a joy he is. We all had fun watching him open all his presents and playing with them. He wanted every single toy opened and out of the boxes. It took 4 men to do that job. I know they were more then happy to do it.
I know today is a difficult day for the family, and you will be getting visitors. I offered to go with your brother but it is hard with Maison. Luckly he will be there with Steve and Jess. Please watch over them.
Miss you alot
love always
Maureen Petzold
October 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Dave
I can't let the day go without saying it. At least you don't have to listen to me sing it! I miss you and I love you.
Christine Ross, PA
Sister of Officer Dave
October 8, 2007
Time goes by, things change, but the emptiness remains. All of us are trying to move on, but it just feels like we are just going through the motions. The time spent together is strained, the smiles aren’t as bright. The laughs end too quick, then the silence comes and it is deafening. A look is shared, eyes meet and in that instant, volumes are spoke. But not a word is heard, none are needed. The pain of your absence is overwhelming. Physically it hurts, paralyzing. But mentally, it’s all consuming. Every breath is an effort, focus is gone. Purpose is questioned. The Why’s take over…always the why’s. Then the guilt sets in. If this and If that, If only… Vicious. All of this constantly swirling inside. Numbness, like being trapped in a maze. Where’s the magic door that’s going to open….to make this all go away……We need to find that door. All of us. Somewhere along the way, sleep comes. Not restful, just a biological need. The hope that tomorrow will be a new day, a good day, is a long gone notion. It’ll be the same. Empty and Hollow….because your not here. A friend you were, a Brother you will always be. Watch over them Dave.
September 20, 2007
It's been awhile since I've said hello! I still think about you a lot. When I hear a song, when I see a father with his kids, when I see Danny in uniform. You were special and there is a void without you. I know he misses the talks you would share together.
The "BUNCH" of us got together over Labor Day weekend. It was great to have everyone together - you were there with us, I know it. I know you are watching out for all of us!
Until next time...
September 20, 2007
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
Till the end of time....
I miss you so much hon.
September 19, 2007
My first birthday without you around to harass me about being old. Went to see Buster at lunch and told him you two should have a toast to me today sometime. Birthdays will never be the same without my guys. Miss you lots! Keep watching over me, I can't do it without you!
Secretary & Friend
September 7, 2007
To those of us who are still trying to heal...
Whatever your cross,
Whatever your pain,
There will always be sunshine,
After the rain...
Perhaps you may stumble,
Perhaps even fall,
But God's always ready,
To answer your call...
He knows every heartache,
Sees every tear,
A word from His lips,
Can calm every fear...
Your sorrows may linger,
Throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish,
In dawn's early light...
The Savior is waiting,
Somewhere above,
To give you His grace,
And send you His love...
Whatever your cross,
Whatever your pain,
"God always sends rainbows...
After the rain ...”
Someday I hope to see you hon, over the rainbow....
Missing you always,
September 6, 2007