Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California
End of Watch Friday, July 7, 2006
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff David Stan Piquette
David, you will always be remembered. Thinking of you and the family. RIP cousin.
Melinda Piquette Zayas
July 6, 2010
thinking of you Uncle Dave.... We miss and love you alot
July 6, 2010
Its been 4yr since we lost you, and it still seems like it was yesterday. Although we've continued with our lives, there is always a feel of something missing, A emptiness that can never be filled again. You're always on our mind and in our prayers. Mom misses you soo very much and she and Dad still always puts flowers at your work memorial and the freeway memorial always making sure its clean and neat every weekend. You would be proud of the work Richie is doing with the Sheriff Dept. I just wanted to let you know that we're always thinking and loving you, and that the 4th of July weekend always has a different meaning to us.
Missing you always..
Lisa Walsh
July 6, 2010
It's approaching the 4yr mark and it feels like only yesterday the bad news was recieved. I think of you often and pray for you and your family. Every Memorial holiday I especially think of you because I know how special and how much you honor that day. Now it has the same meaning to me.
I was so blessed to have known you and although for only 6yrs... it's enough to last me a life time.
Rest in peace my friend.
June 4, 2010
Just wanted to pass along my respects to Deputy Sheriff David Stan Piquette. I live in Arizona and was visiting my parents in Calif. While I was there I went to the Fry's Electronics Store in Anaheim. As I was parking, I noticed some markers and flowers on the side of the freeway. I could have just as easily ignored the markers and flowers, but something drew me to them. After, checking the remembrance site out, I had some very strange feelings. This man was obviously a great guy and very well respected by all. I have also lost some very close friends which remind me alot of this fine man, David. For what's it worth to the family and friend's of David. Be thankfull for every moment you got to spend with David. Let your grief pass on to happy memories, as you will rejoin him in the distant future. And last an Irish Blessing for you. "May the road rise to meet you, "May the wind be always at your back, "May the sun shine warm upon your face, "May the rain fall soft upon your fields, "And,until we meet again, "May God hold you in the palm of his hand.".......God Bless .....
David Keating
Civilian from AZ.
May 10, 2010
Hi Dave,
This weekend brings the 4th Mother's Day without you. Thinking that I won't see you again this year hurts me. I run into your old partner almost everyday. Justin and Jordan's birthday was just a few weeks ago. Dad and I spent the whole day with them. They are hurting without you. We can see it when Dad hugs them. Our family is always praying for you. Please watch over us. Watch over your brother. Rich is very proud of you and your friends say nothing but good things. We love and miss you.
May 6, 2010
Happy Easter. We are going to mass with mom and dad and are thinking about you. Miss you.
Love always
Lisa and family
April 4, 2010
I am just watching the movie "Flags of Our Fathers" and there's a guy in that movie that reminds me of you.
I paused it and looked you up on the Web.
We miss you. Even those who didn't maintain constant contact after high school. I don't usually watch the late night news (or any TV news, for that matter). But we had finished watching whatever was on the DVR that night and we clicked back to "Live TV" and I saw your picture over the anchorperson's shoulder and I told my wife to "wait."
I watched the whole story on you.
I was moved.
I always liked you, Piquette.
You were always a positiver inspiration.
I remember you on the football fields of IHS.
We were clowning around. You tempered "clowning" with the requisite intensity. You always exemplified balance.
I was moved by that news report.
I sometimes take that route from my home in Irvine to my job in Fullerton. I ALWAYS think of you when I take that route now.
I am the father of triplets. (They were born almost two years before your passing.) I can't imagine the impact on my family -- and, therefore, on yours -- that is caused by such a tragic, unpredictable loss.
I don't know what else to say. But some part of me misses you. In my recollection, you were a good man. Your family -- and this world -- misses you, I am sure. You were a great contribution to our world. I hope your memory and legacy lives strong.
I know that your kids are hurting. Your wife, too. I don't want to think of the impact on children of losing their father before they can understand True Loss.
Dave -- I think of you more than society acknowledges. I will think of you always. I will honor you at the upcoming IHS reunion. I will advocate for your memory.
You are a Good Man.
-Todd Taylor
IHS Class of 1990
Todd Taylor, unaffiliated
HS Friend
March 30, 2010
Hey Dave,
This month, on March 15th, we are having a fundraiser for your team to do the Baker to Vegas race. We are hoping your team will win this year. I will definitely be there, helping and cheering your team on. It is a lot of work and very tiring but I love it.
Love you,
Mom and family
March 7, 2010
February 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Officer Piquette and Happy New Year to your family!
I do not know you but I read your reflections often and wonder how your loved ones can do without someone so inspirational. As a wife and mother of two toddlers it makes me cry just to think about the heartache that has been left behind. I'm not sure that I could ever recover, but I know it would be a very long time before I ever felt that I could go on without my husband. My heart goes out to your brave wife.
May the sun shine through your hearts and warm your souls.
Peace and love!
January 6, 2010
Happy Birthday Dave...and Happy New Year too!
Deputy Sheriff
Class 294
January 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Dave! I really miss calling you at midnight to wish you a Happy New Year and a Happy Birthday. All of us did your favorite shot at midnight! It's just not the same without you. I miss you bro!
Todd Schneider
January 1, 2010
We all had a wonderful Christmas. It started out in Temecula with the Butler/Piquette family (Shawna, Justin and Jordan.) We went to a beautiful little church on Christmas Eve out in the wine country. David would have loved it. He was with all of us in spirit. While singing Christmas songs Justin cried out for his daddy. It hurts so much to see his twins so sad. Earlier this week Justin and Jordan both wrote a letter to daddy with a picture. Justin's picture was a stairway to Heaven. On Earth, there was a grave. He drew himself waving to daddy on the stairs. Above daddy was a picture of Jesus waving to come towards him up to Heaven. There was a sun with light for daddy to lead the way. Jordan's picture made me cry uncontrollably. Her picture was very detailed. There was a big truck with the "bad guy" driving. She drew the stove falling out of the truck. Daddy was in his police car. Above the police car there was a stretcher with daddy laying on it. There were two men carrying him into the ambulance. Above the ambulance there were scribble marks. Later, Jordan told me that the scribble marks were daddy's soul going to Heaven. She also drew Jesus and a big yellow sun.
Everyday is a struggle for the three of them. Shawna without her beloved husband and the twins without their daddy. David was Shawna's first love and first loves never die...Justin is a wonderful reminder of his daddy. He looks so much like him. He is such a strong, sincere little boy. He takes care of his mommy and sister. He loves to touch mommy's hair just like his daddy used to. Then there is Jordan. She is such a sweet, beautiful and tender little girl. You can certainly see the asian in her. She has the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen.
My dear David. Your Christmas stocking will always be hung with your pictures all around our house. You even have a special Christmas tree. On Christmas day I had three tables set. One for a table of 6, one for a table of 5 and one for a table of 4. Greg and I sat at the table of 5 with Shawna and your babies. An odd number...but it only made us think of you more. I stared at Shawna where she was sitting. Right next to her, there was room for you. But no David, no chair.
On Christmas Eve Shawna was up late listening to Christmas music while wrapping presents. She had a candle burning. It sat in a beautiful vase that had round holes around it so you can see the flicker. She looked on the wall behind your chair and noticed 3 hearts on the wall from the holes reflecting off the candle. One large heart and two small ones. Somehow, she knew you were right there with her. She smiled and wished you a Merry Christmas.
Until we're all together again sweet David,
Love, mom (mother-in-law)
December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas Dave! Christmas has not been the same without you. Dad and I are with Lisa's family this year. You have been missed a lot and we are always thinking about you. Missing you makes my heart ache. Two days ago I almost got hit while crossing the street, but you must have been watching over me, because the guy only hit me from behind and got my shoe strings under his tires. I hope you are like the garden, we have been working on it a lot and it looks really pretty, hope you like it. Love you alwalys mom and dad
Mom and Dad
December 25, 2009
I receantly found out about Daves passing. My heart goes out to Daves family and fellow Officers. I searved with David for almost two years in the Corps on board the USS T. Roosevelt CVN-71, Mar-Det. Dave was an outstanding person. He was the type of Marine who always looked out for everyone else. No doubt he will be missed by everyone he knew. David lived with honor and courage as a Marine. There is no doubt in my mind that he also lived that way as a husband, father and a Sheriffs Officer. Semper-Fi my friend. May you rest in peace.
November 27, 2009
I recently learned of Davids passing, and I just wanted to say that he was a shining example for all of us young Marines on board the Roosevelt. May god bless your family, and keep guarding the gates my friend. SemperFi
Carlton Miller
Mardet, CVN-71
November 24, 2009
Rest in Peace, Deputy Piquette. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
October 23, 2009
I have just learned of your passing, may god bless you and your family. I had the priveledge of serving with Dave in the Marines, semper fi, and may you rest in peace.
Chris Hannon(USMC)
City of Everett police department, Everett Ma.
October 7, 2009
I just recently heard about Dave's accident. I served with Dave on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt. I can remember my very 1st day on that boat and I can remember how nice of a guy he was. He was one of the few marines that treated the new guys with dignity and respect. Once I found out he became a cop it seemed like that suited him. I would have loved to work with him on the streets.
I am also a police officer now and lost a good friend (jonathan dragus) in a pursuit a few years ago. My heart goes out to Dave's fellow officers, I know how devastating it is to lose a friend in the line of duty.
To Dave's wife and children , My heart especially hurts for you. It's not fair that the best of the best are taken from us so early in life. Dave wasn't a father or husband when I knew him but I can picture him bieng outstanding at being both. I have a wife and 2 kids too,I cant imagine the loss you must feel.
I read every single reflection posted on this site about Dave and can tell that he was an outstanding person and meant alot to alot of people. I hope his parents realize how much of a part they played in Dave turning out to be such a great guy that was so loved and respected.
I hope everything is going as good as can be expected with your family and your police family.
Semper Fi !
Sgt. Cam Douglas (USMC)
Marine Detachment USS Theodore Roosevelt / Oklahoma City Police K-9
September 18, 2009
Hi Dave,
thought of you today and it made me sad, but still smile. It's hard to know that it's been 3 years now since you passed. I keep you in my prayers and ask that you watch over me like you always did. Rest in peace.
August 18, 2009
thinking about you brother. keep watch over us and protect us.
July 17, 2009
I had the pleasure of being in boot camp w/ David. As then, I am sure he was a squared away person. I was shocked and sad when I saw the news.
To his family, I am sorry for your loss, David was an outstanding person.
To his girls, your daddy was a great man who even in his younger years as a young marine had the makings of a great man as an adult, a deputy and a dad.
I am sure your daddy is watching over you!!!
CPL Salazar
July 15, 2009
3 yrs since you passed and there is not a day that goes by that you are not thought of in our family. Mom and Dad put flowers at your gravesite, accident site and at your memorial. Many of your friends are remembering you today at your work by running in your honor, then mom and others are doing a BBQ. I just had Justin for acouple of days, you would be so proud of the little guy. He looks and acts like you. Know that I miss and think about you all the time. Love always..
Lisa Walsh
July 7, 2009
Piquette, miss you tons still. Rest in Peace and God Bless your family and beautiful kids today and everyday!!!!!
Class 294
July 7, 2009