Pittsburg Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.
God bless Larry....
We still think of you each and every day.
A Fellow LEO in CoCo County
October 22, 2007
Jo Ann,
I was very happy to see you had been on the site and that all was well with you and Cody. I am sure you need your down time, but I enjoy hearing in your words how you and Cody are and how he is growing.
I hope you are doing well. Continue to remember many of us keep you, Cody and your family in our prayers and thoughts.
October 18, 2007
Cody loves to ask "mommy...doing" or "mommy...happened" and I have to tell him exactly what I'm doing. So cute! He also loves to swim in the bath. He'll kick his little legs and say "I SWIM" After he gets out of the bath he always gives me the biggest hug. He's really a sweet boy. Today we went to the cemetery and on the way he asked daddy...where? He's getting so big, I just can't believe he's over 2 already. He's still obsessed with guitars and he'll pretend that everything is a guitar. He'll pick up a pan and say "guitar...no...pan" It's his little joke and he thinks it's hilarious. He's still carrying around his little stuffed cat kitty-o. I think he'll be carrying it around for a long time. He sometimes has a 2 year old moment but most of the time he's a happy boy.
Love you
October 14, 2007
Ofc. Lasater, family, and friends,
Bless you and yours for staying strong through the courts, politics, and media, we know it is not easy and the sentencing has yet to come. Isaac's loss and trial was emotionally and physically draining, and I am merely a co-worker and friend who knew him for a few years, not family who was there for every laugh, joyous cry, and proud moment. I am so deeply sorry for the events you have to endure.
As for the dirtbags who took Larry away from you, your names don't deserve to be written on here, you have numbers now- you have no identity, you mean nothing, you are nothing but cowards and how dare you or your "families" think otherwise! You contradict the very being of police officers serving our communities, you want us when you can't deal with your own problems, then you dispose of us at your convenience...sick! Bless the Officers at Quentin who have to deal with you scumbags, unfortunately, in a professional manner.
Larry, Semper Fi my fellow Marine and Officer.
Ofc. Brown, PC USMC
SFPD, Bayview MIDS
October 1, 2007
Joanne, I noticed you have not written in awhile and I
hope all is as well as can be for you and the little one, I
hope that you know we will never forget about Larry or
what he sacrificed that day! God bless you and I hope you
can find love and happiness again, Larry would want that
for you and Cody. God Bless always.
September 29, 2007
Dearest Phyliss,
I am SO sorry for this latest blow to your heart and soul. I have not been on for a few days, and when I read about your colleague I just fell back in my chair in disbelief. I send my deepest love to you.
Always loving and missing the beautiful, sons of our life.
Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's Mom
September 25, 2007
My heart sank for you today, I read about your business associate. That's there problem and they will have to live with them self period. Sad.
Always, remember your faith!
God lead you to it, God will see you through it.
As harsh as it seems, God never gives you more than you can handle. I just wish he didn't trust us so much sometimes..
Stay Strong, Focus on you and your health and every thing else will fall into place.
Three Cheers for San Quentin!!!
Angel of Peace
Be with you.
September 20, 2007
"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC
September 20, 2007
To my beloed son
I felt some peace for the first time since you were shot when the jury came back in less than four hours with a death penalty verdict for Hamilton. That peace lasted only six days before it was shattered by a collegue of 20 plus years leaving me a message that he wanted me to hear it from him first that he was going to be representing Moffit in a motion for a new trial. I feel such a sense of betrayal and despise the profeesion I have had for twenty five years. Then I remember the dedicated people like our prosecutor and my fomer law school classmate who is truy a warrior for justice. Physically and emotionally the trial had really beaten me down and I had wanted to focu on rebuilding my health. Now we must face this new challenge. I feel you beside me every day and I know that you will continue to give us strength. You have the most devoted wife any man could have ever had, the most wonderful son that eveyone adores, a brother who will forever love you and mourn your loss, so many friends and fellow officers who honor your memory daily, Maria and her daughters havv been with us through each step of this awful journey. We will continue fighting for you until both those guys are foraally sentenced. I learned that Hamiltom has aready been transported to San Quentin. Now he will see what real prison is like.
I love you so much and oou are forever with me.
Loving you throughout eternity.
September 19, 2007
Hamilton will be sentenced on November 2nd.
September 15, 2007
I just wanted to let you know that you are a very strong woman. Since the day that Larry was murdered I have watched in awe of the strength that you have. Every moment without the man you love and the father of your beautiful son was and will aways be difficult but you know that he will always be with the both of you, guiding Cody and giving you the courage to continue each day, and there is the family in the police department that will remind Cody of the brave man that his father was and always will be.
I had the chance to meet Larry and I knew that I wanted to continue training in the field of Criminal Justice. He had the passion and drive for the job and that meeting has pushed me to finish my degree.
I will remember Larry always and you and Cody will be in my thoughts and prayers..always
Criminal Justice Student
September 15, 2007
AMEN!!!!!!!! May Hamilton sit on death row for as long as
takes!!!!!! The needle is too easy, he needs to sit in jail
and deal with the big boys in there!!!! Prison is going to
be very cruel and thats what he needs to experience, let
him get 20 years of rotting and getting beatup and every
other bad thing that can happen to him!!!!!!!! The piece
of scum deserves to sit there for 20, 30 , 40 years and then the CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO CHOICES, JUST
September 14, 2007
I am so glad to hear that this chapter can be closed for your family. While the pain of losing you will never go away, their love will shine through forever.
Thank you for your service and dedication
September 14, 2007
I've been trying to keep up with the trial activity and today when I visited Larry's page and saw that the absolute piece of garbage received the dealth penalty I breathed a sigh of relief. Stay strong... you all are always in my thoughts!
Officer Kristen Chipoletti
September 13, 2007
On September 12, 2007 @ 1:30 pm, Alexander Hamilton was sentenced to death for the murder of Officer Larry Elwood Lasater.
Moffit will be sentenced in October.....
September 13, 2007
Finally, for you, the trial and the stress of it is over.
He got what he deserved or the beginning of what he deserves...he'll get it when the needle goes into his arm.Even then, that is no justice for Larry. Justice for Larry would be that he were here and enjoying his son and family, other than that, there is no justice, nor will there ever be any justice for Larry.
I hope the State of California acts on it's punishment swiftly rather than let that garbage linger and file appeal after appeal and relish the attention that the bleeding heart death penalty opponents heap on him. This is a case that is clear cut.. he did it, he admitted it and he deserves to go. PERIOD.
I wish you all the best and hope that one day you can find some peace. I have been there and have yet to find mine but I am forever hopeful that I'll get there.
September 13, 2007
DEATH PENALTY for that ugly thug.
I was at the cemetery when I got the call that the verdict was in. I know that he'll sit on death row for over 20 years but at least he'll be confined for 23 hours a day to think about what he did, the lives he destroyed. I hate him! His attorneys who weren't moved by any of our testimony about you, actually cried for him when the verdict was read. There's something really wrong with them. I hope what they do for a living will someday come back to haunt them. They are morally bankrupt.
I've learned a lot over the past two years. I already knew what love was but missing you so much has taught me to appreciate every moment with those you love. Sometimes I just stare at Cody in amazement at how wonderful he is. I appreciate every second with him. I drive him nuts sometimes because I'll just hug and kiss him and if he's really "busy" he'll tell me to move. He knows how much I adore him.
I've also learned about hate. I've used the word hate before but I didn't really know what hate was until those two, their attorneys and even their law clerks. Defense attorneys have a bad reputation for a reason. They are heartless and cruel and only have empathy for their client. One of the attorneys actually said that she was a better person having known Hamilton. How I took that is she doesn't care about you because had you not been murdered, she wouldn't have been on the path to self improvement. How insensitive.
I've also learned about loyalty and friendship. I've learned who your true friends are and who my true friends are. Before this happened I never would have imagined the ones that haven't been there for me or our son. It hurts but nothing can compare to the pain of losing you and I figure I'm better off without them. The ones that have been there have been amazing. There are people that I didn't even know before this happened that I couldn't imagine not having them in my life.
I've learned that I'm stronger than I thought possible. I don't deserve any credit for being strong, our baby saved me. Had it not been for him I wouldn't have wanted to continue this journey through life. I have someone who needs me and I will be there for him and I'll never be able to make up for what he's lost but I will try to give him the best life possible. I know he was cheated out of an incredible father and it breaks my heart. Every time I look at that little face I picture you looking at that little face.
We wore pins today with your picture on it in court. Since the defense attorneys had tried to keep your picture out of the trial I wanted to make sure that no matter where they looked today they would see you.
I love you and I always will. I'll take good care of our son and no matter what I do in life I'll try and make you as proud of me as I am of you.
All my love, all my life
September 13, 2007
Jo Ann,
I hope you will be able to find some peace. Remember Larry has and will continue to be with you every step of the way living in your heart and in the memories of the life you shared. Now take time for you and Cody build your memories together and continue to always share with him what a wonderful man/husband his father was.
Know you will continue to be in my heart and in my thoughts.
September 12, 2007
I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to everyone who knew Larry personally. He sounds like an amazing man who was taken too early in life.
~ Jeannie H.
Cameron Park, CA
Civilian, Jeannie H.
Sister to a CA officer
September 12, 2007
Jo Ann,
I just want you to know you, Cody and your family are in my thoughts. Continue to be strong and believe in justice.
I always enjoy hearing how Cody is growing into a wonderful little boy he sounds very smart and strong. You are doing wonderful.
Be proud............
September 5, 2007
Cody was over this weekend and he counted to 13! He's so smart!
His new favorite word lately is 'self'. Everything he does now, when you try to help him, he will push your hand away and say, 'SELF'. Meaning, 'I can do this by myself'. And, he is usually right! He can do it by himself! He is becoming so big and independent. He's growing up fast.
He also knows his colors and shapes! He also loves to run, run, run. Every where he goes, he wants to run and he wants you to run with him! I always laugh because I babysit him when Jo Ann goes to the gym and I spend all my time with him running! So I always tell Jo Ann that I got the better workout!
September 4, 2007
Jo, you did great on the stand! Larry is most proud of you!
It will be over soon and you can finally rest! Know that Larry is holding you and Cody by hand today and
always! I PROMISE! Believe!
August 31, 2007
HI Larry,
I haven't written to you in a while and I just wanted to check in and let you know that all of you on the Wall of Warriors have been on my mind.......
I know that your trial is going on right now and I just want your family and friends to know that we are all thinking about you down here in SD County and we are praying and hoping for the highest justice possible through the system. Although, we all know that there is no justice for the loss of you......
Thank you for keeping watch on us from above......
With the Highest Respect, until next time.......
RAA #1354
August 28, 2007
It's so sad that this page is also Cody's baby book. All his milestones have been written here. I keep meaning to transfer it to a baby book. I think that will be my project after the trial. Cody counted to 10 a few days ago. He then took crackers and as he'd set one aside, he'd count it. He did that up to 6. Tonight he started counting and after 9 he said 16. He's getting the hang of it. It's amazing to see him go from a baby to this little toddler. We went to my sister's house and Cody rode a horse again with Louise. He then helped feed them.
Tomorrow is court again. It's getting scary to go there...I'm glad we have a police officer with us. We live in such a scary world. I just want to move to a place that I don't have to worry about people like that. I don't think a place like that exists anymore. If I find it, we're out of here.
August 26, 2007
We all testified this week. I was so nervous at first but once I was up there I calmed down. I may have come across as a little angry but I am and I can't hide that. I hope what came through was my love for you. There were things that I didn't talk about because they were too private. Some of the things you've said to me were for me only. I could've brought in everything you wrote to me when you proposed but I felt it would be violating your privacy.
At the sentencing I'll be able to say anything I want with no restrictions. I'm sick of having to sit there and not express my opinion as I hear all this testimony for the other side. I think the penalty phase in some ways is going to be harder to get through.
Cody was so proud of himself today at his little class. He was hanging on the bar and swinging. He said "happy" a couple of times while he was doing it. He likes to make me run. He'll just point and say "run" and I better do it quickly. That's his favorite game with Aunt Louise. She'll walk in and he'll immediately point to her and demand that she runs.
August 25, 2007