Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Pittsburg Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.

Flying with you today! Thoughts and prayers are always with you.. Rely on your faith to get you through these next few days. We are with you.
Angel Of Peace


September 8, 2008

I know somehow you already know this, but on Saturday 09-06-08 Martinez PD lost an officer as he couragousely placed himself between an armed gunmen and 15 innocent victims. I went to John Muir Hospital as soon as I found out and when I got there my heart was in my stomach. What gave me the courage and strength to stay at the hospital until Sgt. Starzyck's wife got there was the relief she will soon come to realize when her grief begins to subside that her husband was still surrounded by police officers and the fact that the citizens of Martinez and around the country that learn of Sgt. Starzyck's death will realize that several women were saved by a police officer that knew and understood his duty...his sworn duty to protect the lives of the people he was sworn to serve. What an incredible incredible act of courage and selflessness. You have another partner Larry, keep helping us out down here.

With a respect and honor that cannot be described...


Phil Galer
Pittsburg PD

September 8, 2008

Mrs. Lasater, I thought I would share the following with you.

1) Keep Feeling as You Keep Asking
Just as your body hurts in order to heal, so must your spirit. If you run from the pain, you'll only hve to face it later, when it may surface in a destructive and even more hurtful way. Remember, the only way out is through.

2) Reach out to People for Support
That alone will not give you answers, but it will comfort and strengthen you in your search. Reach out to people also for their stories. Find out how others have tried to make sense of suffering. Experience your connectedness to those who have explored the depths of their pain through words, art, film.

3) Accept the World as Imperfect.
Natural disasters, accidents, illness, and human acts of free will are all expressions of an im perfect world and imperfect persons. They are beyond our control. Even when our own actions bring on suffering, these actions are the result of our limitations, our weaknesses that we haven't yet been able to correct.

4) Realize You are Not Alone.
You share the experience of suffering with others. It's a part of being human. If you live fully, if you love deeply, you open yourself to deep hurt. And like you, others have asked why me? " To learn the reason you suffer" the wise man told the seeker, "find a home where suffering has never entered" The seeker could find no such home and that itself was one kind of answer.

5) If you have a religious tradition, examine what it says about suffering.
The question of suffering has been a fundamental concern of religions throughout all of history. Tragic events can shatter your belief systems, leaving you doubting all that you once found helpful and comforting, leaving you spiritually empty. You may need to rebuild theh structure that once gave meaning to your life - - or to build a new one that makes more sense to you now.

6) Work through resentment, blame, anger and hostility and then - let it go.
It is natural to feel negative emotions toward anyone you see as causing or contributing to the tragedy - the driver who hit the car, the physician who failed, the criminal and sometimes toward yourself and your God.

You need to face these emotions, and even acknowledge that some part of them may never leave you. But then let go as best you can. Strive to move beyond.

7) Stay open to growth and transformation.
Suffering in itself may seem meaningless, but you can find meaning in your response to it. You've faced perhaps the deepest, the most difficult of all questions. Let yourself grow from this experience.
Become more compassionate, open yourself to others in their woundedness. Work to improve the world, embrace healing, embrace life.

Living life fully - Though you may never solve the question of suffering, you can accept it as a mystery that is an inevitable part of life. Don't let that realization stop you from living passionately, profoundly, intensely.

On the contrary, let your knowledge of suffering move you to cherish life's every moment.

LEO Wife - Melbourne Florida


September 3, 2008

Cody's preschool teacher told me a cute story about Cody. All the kids were saying what they could do (like growl like a tiger, etc) and Cody stood up and said "I'm Cody and I can play air guitar" and started playing. He's such a fun kid, you would've loved hanging out with him. He really needs you in his life. I worry about him not having a male role model. There's nobody that he sees enough to make an impact. My dad is the only man that sees him all the time so I hope that's enough.

Tonight Cody found some of your shoes and tried them on. I told him they were yours and he got a huge smile on his face and then his smile slowly faded and he just had a look of confusion. There's no way to explain this to him. Saying you're in heaven is all I can do right now.

Love you


August 22, 2008

To Phyllis Loya

First and foremost, please let me express my deepest sorry at the tragic loss of your son. I cried when I read that his wife was expecting when this happened.

Thank you so much for writing on my son's page (S F police officer Bryan Tuvera, EOW 12/23/06). The pain and angwish of having your child taken away is unbearable, but losing them in the line of duty at the hands of someone else (by gunshot none the less) is beyond comprehension.

Every moment of every day you live your life thinking about what should have been...

Every continuing memorial brings it so much back to the surface....reminding you of that terrible, heartwrenching night.....

I know in my heart that my son saved the residents of the house by taking the shot that night.....but dying a hero does not make it any easier.

I sincerely hope that you are able to see your grandson often....and that his wife keeps you close in her life forever. I know that I feel Bryan's wife is my closest tie to him.....even though they only got to be married for 70 days.....and were not able to have a child yet. They wanted to buy their house first so they would not have to move when she was pregnant. They had been looking but were waiting until after the xmas holiday to agressively make their search.

May god bless you and your family....
Remember that your son will NEVER be forgotten.

Sandy Tuvera
Mother of SF Police Office Bryan Tuvera EOW 12/23/06

Sandy Tuvera
mother of a fallen officer

August 12, 2008

I have so much to say today, but need to stabilize myself to express my thoughts coherently. For now, I will simply say to Les Galer that the Lasater family loves and admires you. You are a dedicated, brave and honorable officer and we are always proud of you and thankful you survived an incident this March where your life was threatened. I pray everyday a prayer of gratitude that you were able to return safely home to your family that day.

Larry, I have a lot to say about the sentencing of Moffet but for today, I just want to write about what a wonderful morning I had Tuesday when I accompanied Jo Ann and Cody to Cody's swim lesson. It brought back so many memories of when you and James were little kids and we lived on the beach. You guys loved the ocean so much. Cody is going to be a very strong swimmer and is doing great for his age. He loves the pool and listens so well to Coach Doug.
You would be (&are) so proud of your agile little chatterbox...he is friendly and talkative just like his daddy.

Loving you forever,



August 7, 2008

Double L-

I had a trainee ask me what the 120/257 pin represents on our Uniforms. I was stunned. Several thoughts raced through my head such as, "Don't you know!?...Are you kidding me?"..I quickly caught my self and maintained my composure. I asked him, Do you have this pin, pointing to it just under the crossed rifles on my uniform. "No, I don't," he informed me. We'll change that now, I responded. This pin lets them all know whose rolling with us every second we are 10-8.

Rest assured they will all know, as long as we are here I will make sure they all know whose riding with them every day and every night we roll down these streets.

Miss you everyday...



July 26, 2008

Ofc. Lasater,

I didn't realize how long its been since I sent a reflection, please know you are thought of often. I can't thank your mom and family enough for coming to Isaac's 4th. at Bayview, someone told me a woman was looking for me and I just knew it was your mom! I can tell your mom is loving but a pistol! It was an absolute honor to meet her, I wish it wasn't under such circumstances...I truly believe we are all linked to each other in some way, I felt a connection with her and at times I choked and was at a loss for words. Bless you and yours, I know you are spreading your wings wide and protecting your family, read Cody bedtime stories when no one's around, and reminding fellow officers and Marines to be safe at the beginning of their watches. Semper Fi!

Patty Brown, USMCE5
SFPD, Bayview MIDS

July 22, 2008

Cody had his 3rd birthday party last weekend. He had such a good time. He's really growing up.

Tonight he had his first stitches on his forehead. He was having such a good time with his cousins running around. He fell and hit his head on a chair. He was crying when it happened but was so brave when the doctor was stitching him up. Not one tear. He was just talking about The Wiggles, Wonderpets and school. I was shocked at how well he did. I didn't do so well but I think I did a good job at hiding it from him.

Love you and miss you all the time, especially when things like this happen and I can just picture you there holding his hand and mine.


July 16, 2008

Hi Larry,

Sorry its been so long since we last spoke. I just wanted to let you and your family know that even though we have graduated, that your spirit still lives on inside of us. There hasn't been a day that I don't think about the sacrifice you have made for the citizens of Pittsburg and your country.

In my thoughts and your family are in my prayers.....

Punchard, Anthony
Class 14
Palomar Police Academy Graduate 2007

Cadet Anthony Punchard
Class 14 Palomar Police Academy Graduate

June 25, 2008

Cody picked out special flowers today and insisted on leaving them for you all by himself.

I took him to the store and bought him a few dress up things to play with. A doctor, police officer and marine. When he was dressed as the police officer he picked up the walkie talkie and said "Hi Larry" and then asked me if I wanted to say hi to Larry. I thought that maybe he didn't know that Larry and daddy were the same person so I asked him "Where is Larry" and he told me "in heaven". It's amazing how much he knows. I always refer to you as daddy to him. He must really listen to me when I'm talking to other people about you.

We missed you today.

June 16, 2008

I am thinking of you today and am so sad and angry that you are not here celebrating Father's Day with Jo Ann and Cody. We will never get over losing you. You are forever in my heart and I am so thankful I got to be your Mom.

Loving you forever

June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Larry.

June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day in Heaven Larry. Sure wish you could be here with your son.

June 15, 2008

Father's day is tomorrow. Another day that I have to sit there and pretend that I'm ok so that nobody has to deal with my real emotions. It always pisses me off when people tell me how wonderful I'm doing. It amazes me that they think because I'm not curled up in a ball crying that I'm fine. I couldn't be a mother to Cody if I let the depression, anger and grief stop me from living.

I'll have Cody pick out special flowers for you tomorrow. You would've been the best father. I have no doubt about that.

Love you

June 14, 2008

You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand times
And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you
But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry
Is how long must I wait to be with you

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

Help me Lord cause I don't understand your ways
The reason why I wonder if I'll ever know
But, even if you showed me, the hurt would be the same
Cause I'm still here so far away from home

I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
I've never been more homesick than now

In Christ, there are no goodbye
And in Christ, there is no end
So I'll hold onto Jesus with all that I have
To see you again
To see you again

And I close my eyes and I see your face
If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place
Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow
Won't you give me strength to make it through somehow

So I won’t say good bye, just I’ll see you when I get home.

Mercy Me

June 12, 2008

We went to Disneyland and Cody loved it. He's so daring and wanted to go on the big rides. I kept telling him that he'd have to wait a few years. He loved the characters and he would have his little autograph book all ready for them to sign. You'd be so proud...he even wanted an autograph from the pretty princess...he really knows how to turn on the charm. I thought of you the whole time. It was an amazing trip and I hope to take him every year.

Love you

June 10, 2008

Rest is peace Teufel Hunden (Devil Dog).
Semper Fi

Honesdale Boro PD, PA

June 8, 2008

I left a candle by your name on the wall in D.C. We think of you often, and always with love.

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom

June 3, 2008

Love you

May 29, 2008

Thinking of you on this Memorial Day.

May 26, 2008

Thinking of you and your family today.
Thank you!

God Bless
Angel of Peace

May 26, 2008


Thinking of you and your family...may God continue to give them strength. I will never forget the sacrifice you have made. Each day when I walk down our hall of warriors and see the pictures of the fallen officers we have honored, I am reminded of the true hero's you are.

May God bless you and your family.

Shanon Dreyer, Supervisor
Palomar College Police Academy

May 7, 2008


It seems unreal that three years ago today we laid you down to rest. I still think of you everyday when I begin my shift. You will never know how much you helped me get through the academy. You pushed me and made me a better recruit, cop and person. You were and will always be a great leader.
Thank you for being you. And I thank God you were put on this earth to protect and help guide others.
And to your family's prayers are with you each day. I marvel at your strength, love and compassion. Take care of each other always.

Till we meet again,
Deputy James Normandin
"Pain Is Temporary, Pride Is Forever" 148th

Deputy James Normandin
Contra Costa S.O.

May 2, 2008

A Warrior’s Prayer

Today is the day the Lord has made…

I prepare and ready myself for war, awaiting battle and what it holds for me.

Not because I am a seeker of oppression or the taking of another, because these are the true tests and measures of my faith and love for my God.

Lord I pray; Let my compassion and understanding run swifter than my judgments, but in moments of duress and where innocents fall underfoot, let your sword of justice destroy my enemy by my hands. And in all my endeavors, let my actions and my words glorify your name.

Daily will I face the works and the very army of satan himself and witness the horrors and evils of non-believers and the twisted motivations of the lost who seek to undermine you and hinder my aim, though none shall deter my cause for I know my calling.

Like the symbol of the eagle, the branch of peace extends first for those who seek it, but the arrows stand ready to take flight when provoked. And when provoked and tested, I will fear nothing, for I am eternally protected by my faith in you and covered in the armor of your blood.

Lord, you are my guide, my purpose and my shelter from the destructions of evil men. My Every move is according to your plan.

As a soldier for Saint Michael, satan’s armies will be trampled beneath me in your name and through all doubts cast and burdens bore will I rise again, if even in death.

For as it is written: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.

In this, I pray.


Officer Damian Jackson
Escondido PD

April 30, 2008

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