Pittsburg Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.
Dearest Jo An and Phyllis,
I am thinking of you all and your precious Larry. I know nothing or no thing ever removes the pain, just know I am thinking of you all.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
April 27, 2008
Our department was at your side on April 23, 2005 on that fateful day; just only three years ago. This day today you were called home... You, Jo and Cody are in our hearts, prayers and thoughts daily. You will always be remembered and honored. Watch over them Larry.
Your APD Family
Antioch Police Department
April 24, 2008
I just got back from your remembrance ceremony which was very poignant. Bobby T. was kind enough to drive me home afterwards as your brother had to go back to work. The Chief spoke and Father Helmut led a prayer. Jo Ann's Dad brought me a chair which came in handy, and it was so nice to see so many friends and family. Cody was as adorable as always.
Yesterday was my first venture outside since being released from the hospital and I took roses from home and sprinkled them on the trail where you were shot. It kind of prepared me for today.
I love you forever and ever, my beautiful adored cherished son.
April 24, 2008
Devil Dawg:
It is hard to believe that it has already been three years, since that fateful day. Marine Corps Tanker Officers don't die. They are placed in charge of those guarding Heaven's Gates.....
Semper Fi
"Major Pain"
Maj M. B. Parlor
April 24, 2008
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. You have not been forgotten. Every day when your loved ones awake, the first thought is of you and when they finally drift off to sleep at night their last thought of the day is of you. Continue to keep watch over all of them and those still out on patrol. You are a true hero and heroes never die, you will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
April 24, 2008
Larry you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers, but especially in April.
Your passion for life is infectious - Please continue to give your family and all who love and care for you the strength to live life with half of the passion you have.
You will always be with us and never forgotten and always missed.
April 24, 2008
I have been thinking about you and your family all day and can't believe it has been three years. We will never forget. Miss you.
April 23, 2008
I was thinking today while looking at Cody about where I was 3 years ago today at that very moment. All day long I was thinking like that. Right now is around the time I heard the knock on the door and all I could think was how I hated when people just dropped by. I had no clue even when I saw who was at the door. Never crossed my mind that they were there to tell me you were hurt. I would give anything to go back to that day and stop you from going to work.
I'll always love you and 3 years later I'm still in shock. Thank God I have Cody. He's a great kid. Tomorrow we're just doing something with the police department. It's not that I don't want to have a big gathering but I know you understand and agree with the reasons why it will be different this year.
Love you forever
April 23, 2008
That fateful day three years ago seems as though it was only yesterday. I wish that we could change what was to be that day. We try our best to always look out for you guys, even though we cannot change the actions of others. I am sorry that you and your family had to suffer the consequences of some ignorant criminals.
Your memory is alive through your family, and your work family. Your heroism and your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Please continue to watch over your loved ones. We will never forget,
CCCSO Dispatch
Contra Costa County SO
April 23, 2008
You are in my thoughts today. It was three years ago today that our world was forever changed.
I was playing with Cody the other day and Jo Ann was watching. Cody looked like he was trying to get her attention so she could see what he was doing. He kept asking me to turn him upside down, so I would and he would laugh and giggle, then ask me to do it again. He called Jo Ann 'Daddy'. I whispered in Cody's ear, "Is Daddy watching you?' and he replied 'Yes'. I hope you were. He's such a joy to be around.
Always in my thoughts,
April 23, 2008
Three years. In a blink of an eye it seems. My family and I are standing still, frozen in time right along with you as you face the third anniversary of Officer Lasater’s murder. Please know that we share your grief and the wrenching loss of such an amazing man and amazing Police Officer. We are one family, connected with both despair and honor as we remember our Fallen Heroes. May you, Larry’s loved ones, find comfort in knowing that he is remembered with greatest honor, and gratitude for the service and commitment he showed throughout his life. I say special prayers for you Phyllis, Jo Ann, Cody, his entire family, and for all the brothers and sisters in law enforcement who grieve his death not only on the nightmare which BEGAN April 23, but on every single day which has followed. Our thoughts and prayers are with each of you. Thank you, Officer Larry Lasater, we always remember you, always.
Sister of a Fallen Hero,
and Family of
Sgt. Howard Stevenson, EOW January 9, 2005
April 23, 2008
I'm thinking of you, JoAnn, and Cody today. I remember our hilarious conversations at work - you getting so worked up over my purposely mispronouncing your name, and you venting to Eric calling me a communist. I gave you such a hard time (like I used to give everyone!) - but in true Larry fashion, you won me over with your kindness and your unique ability to be positive about everything. You always spoke so proudly of JoAnn and the fact you were going to be a dad.
It's hard not to be angry on this day. But for you, I'll stay positive and peaceful - knowing you're in a good place watching over all of us. I remember you often, and how this world is a little less safe, and a little less inspired without you in it.
J. Hanley
Dispatcher Pittsburg PD/CCCSO '98-'06
April 23, 2008
I will never forget this day or where I was and what I was doing.. You are a amazing women and have a amazing family.
Keep Strong and Fly Free Bird Fly...
Always in our Thoughts and Prayers
God Bless,
April 23, 2008
Dear Phyllis,
Thank you so much for your kind words. Everything you said is sooo true. I didn't think I would survive the rest of that year because of the pain of losing my son. I'm sorry that we met under these circumstances. As parents we both relized that its very difficult to live without being able to speak to our children everyday. We spoke daily on his way to work, and all of sudden I don't get those calls anymore. I hope that your doing well and are able to live for your son thru your grandchild. Its been a slow recovery. I'm just not sure if it will ever be less painful. I feel so sad to that his children, my grandchildren will not have their father as they grow up, but I'm so happy to have them because I have something that is part of him.
Lan Piquette
mother of Deputy David Piqutte EOW 070706
April 21, 2008
I read with interest the reflections concerning your little boy, Cody. Children have such open minds that its almost a certain that they do see and hear things that most adults don't. Please pay attention to him and encourage to keep up his conversations with his dad. They are very real... My granddaughter always tells her mom that she talked to "Daddy" today. My son in law died 7 years ago in a car accident. My daughter encourages her to talk about it. My deepest condolences on your loss.
Nancy Pence
April 20, 2008
9 years ago today we eloped. I'll never forget laughing through the whole thing. 6 months later we had the church wedding with our family and friends. I'm so glad we had the other ceremony just for us. It's such a special memory.
It's been hard as the 3 year mark gets closer. April 23, 2005 was the worst day of my life. I remember so clearly joking around as you left for work, talking to you on the phone on your way there and then the dreaded knock at the door. I remember being in denial and not believing that you weren't going to make it. Even though everyone says you died on 4/24 you made it until 4/25. You were still there even though the doctors considered you gone.
I miss you. Cody is getting so big. He, like you, can make me laugh. He's hilariious. He's picking up things from Dominic and you know how funny that kid is. He's such a sweet kid. He's so kind to other children, especially the younger ones. You would be having so much fun with him. Some of the things he does I have to wonder if you told him to do it because they are things that if you were here you'd be teaching him. Pretty amazing.
Love you
April 19, 2008
Although it has been a while since I've written, you and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers. You will always remain my inspiration through out my journey into law enforcement. I'm going to do my best to walk in your footsteps, and carry on your legacy. Im encouraged by your heroism, and your family's strength. When ever I am unsure about something or in fear of my safety I think about you and I'm able to go forward with courage. I know you are watching over us all.
Thinking of you always!
V. Rocha
Class 14
Deputy Rocha
April 19, 2008
Thought of you today and as with Isaac, this reminds me of you. Your honor, your legacy and your valor:
Not long ago, the struggle between Good and Evil erupted, again, into war.
The Devil threw his forces against the very Gates of Heaven, themselves.
His attack beaten back, and his forces decimated he withdrew and called for a meeting with God.
And Satan began.....
“Who were those men who stood their ground, When they were just some thousand few?
And when Gabriel's Army is clad in gold, Who were those warriors all clad in blue?
They were out-numbered one thousand-to-one And should have run like new-born foals,
But when they showed no fear I knew That you'd sent out men who have no souls,
And there, at last, I have you, Through all your boasts you've lied,
So no more claims of righteousness And behind your Commandments hide,
You've cheated and you've robbed me, Those men, they are my proof,
The soul-less can't be yours in Heaven, But mine in Hell, beneath my roof."
God listened, then replied....
"My poor, misguided child The countless errors of your ways,
Those warriors stood against you, now, As they did in mortal days,
I knew they wouldn't turn and run, For they've faced your worst before,
And that is why I placed them there, To keep safe and guard my door.
As for those battered coats of blue, They wear with such fierce pride
That if I ordered them to change, Even then I’d be defied,
Yet, you believe they have no souls, When their souls are why they're here,
For in life each took an oath they kept With a price so steep and dear,
When even in the face of death Their honor did cowardice decline,
Their hearts, they never could be yours, Blessed children, they are mine,
And it's strange that you don't know them, Since you've sent me every one,
Each time your murderers and thieves Killed a policeman's father's son,
With tear-stained eyes I greet them all, Cut far too soon from their families' joys,
So send your worthless soldiers of Hell...
And they'll meet Saint Michael's Boys."
Semper Fi, Brother.
Officer Damian Jackson
Escondido PD / Palomar Police Academy
April 3, 2008
Brother Lasater, although we never met, my thoughts fall upon you and your family at various times throughout the year, and on a consistent basis every April. It was only a year ago, in the same month, that I lost my younger sibling and another young alumni member of our brotherhood from Davis.
Having suffered and continuing to suffer through the pain of the loss of a loved one, I can't help but notice how that empathy is so pervasive in my life now. Hearing any news about tragic loss affects me now in a much more profound manner.
So, today, as I sit quietly at a desk in Sacramento, I reflect for a little bit on how crazy this world can be and how the only thing that seems to matter is how we treat people. By all accounts, from those within the brotherhood that I have spoken to who knew you, you were quite an upstanding individual, in all respects. It continues to make me wonder why we seem to lose good people so young, when the world sure could benefit from having the Larry Lasater's and Chris Soto's still here amongst us. All I can say, Brother, is that you are always with us, and we miss you.
You and your family are in my prayers.
In the bonds,
Ken Soto
Kenneth Soto
Chi Phi -- Sigma Delta
April 2, 2008
Larry, I know that you were on duty on Saturday evening. There is no doubt in my mind that you were watching over both Joseph & Vincent. Joseph had a seizure in the bathtub and Vincent, who was supposed to be at a party, but at the last minute changed his mind and chooses to stay home, found him in the tub. He jumped in and was holding him up and screaming for Peter to call 911. I feel that Vincent just did everything right. Had he gone to the party, or had he not chosen to check on Joseph, he wouldn't be here. I just know that you were watching over them both. Also, Peter was so shaken when this happened. The paramedics told Peter to bring some cloths to the hospital for Joseph, as they were driving off in the ambulance. Peter ran in the house and just grabbed the first things he saw for Joseph. It was after we were at the hospital when we both realized that he had grabbed your shirt that was made by the police academy. Of all the shirts Joseph has, and he grabbed that one. That just confirmed it for both of us that you had your hand in this entire thing. Thanks for watching over my boys.
Also, Cody is your boy when it comes to loving his sweets! I gave him some Easter candy and he amazed me. He would pick up each piece of candy, (they were all different types of candy), and say, 'CANDY!!! I LIKE THIS ONE!!! OPEN IT FOR ME!!!!!' He's too funny! Poor Jo Ann tries so hard to get him to eat healthy food, and he just LOVES his Sweets. He reminds everyone of YOU!!!
Also, the day after Joseph's seizure, I was cleaning out a cabinet, and of all things, I came across the pictures of our last Easter together. Things were so different then. I think we were all so innocent and full of hope. Here is Jo Ann seven months pregnant with Cody and you were so excited to be a Dad. I looked at the pictures of the five nephews, and I realize how they've all lost their innocence since then. Now, they are all fully aware of how close evil is and how it can change their lives forever....
Always in my thoughts,
March 25, 2008
Happy Easter, Brother.
God bless you and your family.
Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Officer Damian Jackson
Escondido PD
March 24, 2008
Happy Easter Larry.
March 23, 2008
Larry, Jo and Cody - Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 23, 2008
Larry, my dearest son
Since I heard about the incident on Tuesday morning, I felt that you were helping watch over one of your band of brothers. We are so thankful for his safety and so sorry that he was faced with this incident. I will never forget how he and your other cherished friends tried to save you on that awful day. They will always hold such a special place in our hearts.
Love you forever
Phyllis Loya
March 17, 2008
Thankyou OFFICER LASATER for your service and sacrifice. You are a true hero to us all who will never be forgotten. GOD bless your family. SEMPER FI BROTHER IN UNIFORM
March 14, 2008