Pittsburg Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.
When tears fill your eyes
And your heart is full of gloom
Remember, remember,
I did not die too soon
When you can't believe I'm gone
And it hits you harder than ever
Remember, remember
That you must carry on
When you're mad at everyone
Including yourself
Remember, remember,
That it's not your fault
When you stand by
My grave and weep
Remember, remember,
I do not sleep
When you think 'Why,
Why did you have to die?'
Remember, remember,
All things must die
When you wonder
Why my life had to end
Remember, remember,
All things end
And always, always remember,
Never doubt it
How deep and boundless
My love for you is.
Written by K.L.
Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks RIP 9-20-08
February 28, 2009
Hi Honey
When I visited Cody three days ago, he was playing his little drum set. I told him he was so talented and asked where did he get all that talent. He responded with "My daddy was very talented".
Later we were playing outside in the old-time Sheriff's Office his Uncle James built and the wetness of the yard made our footprints visible on the porch, and he was very proud to be able to distinquish between my footprints and his prints. He is so smart and has so much energy that I don't see how Jo Ann keeps up with him, but she does. I hope you saw us all playing together.
Loving you forever and a day,
February 27, 2009
Somebody asked me on duty the other day about your loss. At first I struggled on what to say, but then I felt the strength to discuss some of what happend. It was not about the call, but about the sacrafice you made, which I will never forget. I want you to know how privelidged and proud I feel everyday I put on the uniform. I honor you everyday and miss you so much.
February 26, 2009
To the mother of Larry Lasater, thank you so much for your Kind words to and about John. That was very thoughtful of you. It's been 22 years and it dosn't get any easier, you know that. I had two Sons in the force, Geo, the older one retired some years after John was gone. I was very proud of both of them.I am sorry for your loss ,but we will all meet again. My prayers are with you. God Bless. Bea Carrillo
Mother of John Carrillo EOW 2-22-01987
February 26, 2009
God bless...a hero you shall remain for all time.
Matthew 5:9
An Ohio brother...
Montgomery Co. Ohio
February 21, 2009
I wanted to stop by today and thank your mother, I always check this site and try to leave a message for one of our hero's daily, some days are just to hard for one reason or another, but I'm always here. Your mother (Phyllis) left a message on my son's site, I just wanted to thank her it's always nice to see someone else remembers. As a survivor I'm afraid that Clint will be forgotten and as a mother I never want that to happen.
Officer Lasater your family misses you everyday, just watch over them and send all the signs you can their way, they will get them all. I have blue candles that burn 24/7 for all L.E.O.'s you will always be remembered in Ft. Walton Beach, and the pain that your family endures everyday without you here...
Thank You Officer Lasater for your service you are a hero.
Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville P.D. E.O.W. 1-14-04
February 19, 2009
Thinking of you and your patriotism on this President's Day. You were and still are the most patriotic person I ever knew. You served your country well. I remember how much you loved your Marines, and how when you were a Ceres Commander and were responsible for training 650 Marine recruits, you wanted them each to be successful and worried about the welfare of all of them. Semper Fi.
Loving you forever
February 16, 2009
Valentine's Day was horrible. Cody and I bought flowers and he told the lady at the check out "These are for my daddy." She thought that was so sweet and I thought "If you only knew."
I was thinking about all the Valentines we did share and I know that it's a memory that is only ours. We had so many great times together. You knew me better than anyone. I'm so grateful for the times we had. Some people live their whole life never finding true love but that still doesn't comfort me much because I wanted more time with you. My parents celebrated their 50th...we deserved that too.
Love you
February 15, 2009
Today is Valentines. I know you would have given your soulmate and wife a beautiful Valentine and that you would have given Cody some kind of Chocolate confection.
I look at the little handmade valentines you made as a child, and I am so glad I saved all those sweet little treasures for now they are priceless.
Son of my heart, my youngest child, you will always be my little valentine of those long ago precious days when you were my sweet, sweet baby boy.
February 14, 2009
Hi Larry,
I read your mother's recent reflection and felt I was there at the spot when you left us. You have a lot in common with my son. His name was Larry; he had a son; he will killed by gunfire in April of 2005. I have met your mother at Parent's Retreat and she is such a lovely lady. We thank you for your service to community and will forever remember you.
Love and Blessings.
Joy Cox
Mother of Officer Larry Cox EOW 04/21/2005
February 13, 2009
To the Mother of Officer Lasater,
I have read the entries that you have left here for your son. I can only imagine the pain you must have fealt that horrible day, and ever since. I find myself saddened by all of these Reflections of all the Officers lost. While I am saddened for their death, I am also saddened by the fact that I never knew them. If it helps at all please be comforted by the fact that you knew him better than anyone, anywhere.
Lt Amborn
February 13, 2009
Just thinking about you and your family. Cody is growing so fast~ they have a way of doing that! I know you are proud of your little son. I know your family wishes you were here in person to share in his life; remind them everyday that you are still with them in spirit. Comfort your mom; she's such a great lady and loves you so much. Touch your wife and remind her of the special times only the two of you shared. Watch over Cody and hold him closely as he sleeps. And as always, keep watch over the thin blue line. Thank you for living your life in such a way that others still look up to you, respect, miss and love you. May God continue to bless those who love you.
Lori Johnson Rowley
Daughter of Sgt. James Johnson, EOW 11/11/04, NC
February 13, 2009
Missing you today and everyday. A few days ago I shared some special words of yours that you had written in your Dad's eulogy with a few of your friends as they conveyed the way you felt about death and spirit, and they reconfirm that you are still with us, in our hearts and souls.
Loving you forever
February 7, 2009
My Daddy
You have watched me grow from the heavens above,
Oh, how I have missed those arms of love.
I have learned how to walk and talk and growl like a bear,
First I am here and then over there.
Mommy says I am just like you,
and I make her laugh at the funny things I do.
I know there is some reason God took you from this earth,
Even when it was only a short time before by birth.
You are in heaven now, keep a watchful eye on me,
watch me grow and learn my ABC's.
I have a lot of special people keeping me from harm,
I am learning from them what a great man you are.
I see the pictures and your name etched in stone,
But, it is still hard to understand, Mommy & Me here alone.
Other kids have their daddys to play in the park,
But, I have you with me, at all times, here in my heart.
Mommy keeps saying how proud you would have been of me,
But, I am proud too, of My Daddy, you see.
January 21, 2009
This afternoon after meeting with a client, I was driving on Delta Fair Blvd. and because it was so close I was drawn to the De Anza trail. I walked to the spot where you were shot. It was so different this January afternoon...the trees had been cut back, some had bare branches because of the season, the dense foliage and high underbrush were absent and visibility was clear...all so unlike that April early evening when you were ambushed. I got really angry. I remembered when I first saw the monster who shot you and how I furiously beat the television screen with my fists as if I could strike him instead of his image. Today I imagined being on the trail that April day and tearing him apart with my bare hands. How did your friends and co-workers maintain their professionalism that day? Some must have summoned all their self-control to continue carrying out their duty, yet they did.
The trail remains hallowed ground for it is where you fell, but today I could not help but express my rage in shouts of anger. Did you hear me? If you did, I know you understood, but I can hear you saying "Calm down, Mom".
Loving you forever
January 8, 2009
I Am Always With You
When I am gone, release me, let me go.
I have so many things to see and do,
You mustn't tie yourself to me with too many tears,
But be thankful we had so many good years.
I gave you my love, and you can only guess
How much you've given me in happiness.
I thank you for the love that you have shown,
But now it is time I traveled alone.
So grieve for me for a while, if grieve you must
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
That it is only for a while that we must part,
So treasure the memories within your heart.
I won't be far away for life goes on.
And if you need me, call and I will come.
Though you can't see or touch me, I will be near
And if you listen with your heart, you'll hear
All my love around you soft and clear
And then, when you come this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile and a "Welcome Home".
Psalm 55, verse 6
And I say "O that I had wings like a dove
I would fly away and be at rest!"
Angel Of Peace
January 5, 2009
The holidays are over...thank God! It's hard to get through but Cody made Christmas really special. He believes in all things Santa. The flying reindeer, elves, Santa knowing if you've been good...everything. I told him that I heard reindeer on the roof when I was little and he took the story and made it his own. For about a week before Christmas every night he'd tell me a story about the reindeer on the roof. It was so cute! He liked all his gifts but wasn't as thrilled about the Big Wheel as I thought he'd be.
His favorite thing to do now is turn on his favorite music (The Imagination Movers) and play drums to it. He makes me play the guitar. He still loves wearing hats and when he wears a baseball hat he always turns it backwards like you did.
It's a new year and I want to have a new attitude. I hope you help me and give me the strength.
Love you always
January 4, 2009
Officer Lasater, to you I wish peaceful rest, To Joanne and Cody strength and grace, to your mom peace. May all of you be wrapped in His loving Arms.
January 3, 2009
To my dearest son:
December is such a hard month to get through. First, your birthday, and then Christmas without you. Seeing Cody and his cousins Seth and Sage experience the wonder of the holidays through a child's eye is what pulls me through the season.
The memorial wrestling tournament at College Park where you wrestled in high school and then coached the junior varsity team while you were in college was held the day after your birthday. It is so nice that your old friend and teammate, Jim Keck, who now coaches at C.P. honors you in this way. Perhaps next year Pittsburg High School and Antioch High School will participate again, but our family is extremely grateful to the high schools that participated in your honor and to raise money for the scholarship award.
Today on 12/29/08, the Sheriff's Academy graduated another class, and this graduating class did award the Larry Lasater leadership award to a CCSO deputy who was a Marine who saw combat duty in Iraq. I met him and could tell winning the award meant a lot to him, and I told him you would be proud of him.
As always, I was very proud of you and the respect and esteem people have for you.
I love you so much and wish you could be here with your beautiful and loving wife and your wonderful son Cody who as in your words has his grandma "wrapped around his little finger", with your brother and his family, and all your other relatives and friends who miss you. You would be very proud (I think you see us and already know this) of the remarkable mother Jo Ann is...nothing comes before Cody.
I need to strive to get my life on a more even keel and let you inspire me. Sometimes I think you must be so sad at some of the changes in our lives. I remember at the victim impact's statement saying that the defendants had destroyed our lives, but that we would try to rebuild them because otherwise it would be a disservice to your memory. It is just that it is harder to put into action when your lives have been so shattered by evil.
I love you for eternity, precious son of mine, precious son of my heart.
December 29, 2008
Missing you so much. I know that you'd love all the stuff I bought for Cody, especially the Big Wheel. I heard that you were crazy on yours. I can just picture it, you must have been so adorable riding down the street. I set up all of Cody's gifts and pictured how fun it would be doing this together. I got angry that I was doing this alone. It shouldn't be like this. Cody is so excited to see what Santa brought him. I'm looking forward to seeing his little face when he sees that Santa brought him what he asked for.
Today he asked me where heaven is. I told him that it's above the clouds. He was quiet for a few minutes then said "Mommy...I want to build a rocket ship so I can fly up and see daddy in heaven". What a sweet little guy.
Love you
December 25, 2008
Dear Larry, JoAnn, Cody, Phyllis,
I'm thinking of you all today as I often do, knowing how hard it is to go through the days, trying to live the life we do without one that is so very precious to us. You are always in my heart.
Much love.
Linda Rittenhouse
Matt's Mom
December 23, 2008
Talked to your cousin in North Carolina today. Everyone there still thinks of you often. Your family is in our prayers. Merry Christmas Larry.
Capt. J
December 20, 2008
I just wanted to say I am thinking of you (the three of you) at the this time and as hard and sad as it still is I am wish you a very Merry Christmas.
JoAnn, I am sure the pain and sadness is still with you maybe even more now do you feel the loss, but look into Cody's eyes and see the love and the excitiment he feels.......... I hope this will bring you some happiness at this time.
My prayers and thoughts are with you now and always.
December 19, 2008
You would have been 39 today. It makes me so angry that you're not here to enjoy your birthday with me and your son. I can just picture Cody picking something out for you and helping me wrap it. So unfair!
I'm trying the best I can but it's really hard to go on without you. Our lives are incomplete and you are missed every second.
Love you
December 12, 2008
The other day Cody was saying "I'm a bad guy" and holding a stick. I know he didn't know what that means but it still bothered me. So I told him that if he's a bad guy then he wouldn't be able to wear his police hat, fire hat, cowboy hat, knights helmet or marine hat because those are all the good guys. He immediately said "Oh no mommy, I'm a good guy"
Cody and I decorated a tree and left it at the cemetery today for you. I can't believe this is the 4th Christmas without you. This year Cody is so excited about Christmas. I can just imagine how fun it would be with you here. He's already visited Santa 3 times and I'm sure we'll see him again.
Love you
December 7, 2008