Pittsburg Police Department, California
End of Watch Sunday, April 24, 2005
Reflections for Police Officer Larry Elwood Lasater, Jr.
Cody started school this week and he has some friends from last year in his class. His best friend is in the class too so he's loving it. He's getting so big! You'd be so proud of him. He talks about you all the time and says he wants to grow tall so he can reach heaven. Not only is he wanting you in his life but he's noticing all the dads at preschool and he's realizing that he's missing out on so much. I'm glad he has my dad in his life so he has a consistant male influence because sadly, he's the only one who has taken a real interest in our son. My dad loves him and he adores my dad. This is not the life I pictured for our son. It's a damn shame. I love you more than anything.
Missing you
Jo Ann
September 10, 2009
Thinking of you today and always. Loving you forever.
September 8, 2009
Ofc. Lasater, I did not have the gift of meeting you but as a Marine and Sheriff's Deputy, I know what you stood for and I also know something of your character. I wish the best for your family and I will keep them and you in my thoughts and prayers for as long as I live. May you rest in peace and I know that through the miracles in Heaven that I will meet you one day. Semper Fi.
Al Whitney
Yuma County Sheriff's Office, AZ
August 28, 2009
Officer Lasater , I hope your wife and child continue to read these reflections posted about you.
There is a special place in my heart for all young men and women that choose to become United States Marines, knowing before they go that they have chosen the best, hardest, and proudest branch of service. Then to become a police officer and continue to serve Americans.
I too am a former Marine and a police officer. I wish I would have known you.
Oklahoma City Police Dept.
August 26, 2009
You are in my thoughts all the time and I miss you so much.
I never thought you would go before me and I know all parents who have lost a child share the feelings of the emptiness of a life without their beloved child. Although I love all my family, there is a place in my heart that belongs only to you. I love you so much.
August 25, 2009
Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9
Rest in peace...
James Clendening
Glades County Sheriff's Office
August 17, 2009
Joann- Keep the Faith.Rest in Peace Larry
St. Louis City Police
August 14, 2009
Heard this song and thought of you Joann....Larry was a great man and a great officer....
by Caitlin and Will
I stumbled across your picture today, I could barely breathe.
The moment stopped me cold and grabbed me like a theif.
I dialed your number but you wouldn't be there.
I knew the whole time, but it's still not fair.
I just wanted to hear your voice, I just needed to hear your voice.
What do I do with all I need to say,
So much I wanna tell you everyday.
Oh, it breaks my heart,
I cry these tears in the dark.
I write these letters to you,
But they get lost in the blue.
Cause, there's no address in the stars.
Now I'm driving through the pitch black dark.
I'm screaming at the sky,
Oh, cuase it hurts so bad.
Everybody tells me that all I need is time.
Every morning rolls in, and it hurts me again,
And that ain't nothin but a lie.
What do I do with all I need to say,
Oh, it breaks my heart,
I cry these tears in the dark.
I write these letters to you,
But they get lost in the blue.
Cause, there's no address in the stars.
Without you here with me,
Don't know what to do
I'd give anything just to talk to you.
Oh, it breaks my heart.
Oh it breaks my heart.
All I can do is write these letters to you.
But there's no address in the stars.
August 11, 2009
Thank you for giving your life to keep us safe. I live in Antioch and prayed for your safety. Your mother left a message on my father's page: Richard D. Duvall. We are one big family who will never, ever forget your sacrifices. Much love to your family.
Deanne Willhoft
Antioch, CA
Deanne Lynne Willhoft
August 1, 2009
Officer Lasater, I wanted to thank you for your bravery, courage and the dedication you showed to your country as a Marine and to the community you served as a police officer. You are a true Hero in every sense of the word. You have made the ultimate sacrifice and I thank you. To your parents and those left behind, I also want to say Thank You, for raising such an outstanding and unselfish young man. May God be by your side always.
Sgt. T. Henshaw
Bell Gardens Police Dept., CA.
July 25, 2009
We offer our heartfelt sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Officer Lasater and we honor his distinguished service to the cause of justice and peace. Sadly, our nation has lost one of its finest citizens, a community has lost a friend and protector, and a family has lost an example of character and courage who they will love and respect forever.
To the family, friends, and colleagues of Officer Lasater, I would like you to know that a lot of people pray for you, and my hope is that their prayers will give you the strength necessary to move on. Just as you were always with him when he walked the beat or patrolled the streets, know that he will always be with you - wherever you may be. In the days to follow, may you be strengthened by the fact that Officer Lasater is a man distinguished by exceptional courage and will always be admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. You, your family, and your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Special Agent, FBI New York City
July 21, 2009
Thank you Mrs. Loya for the kind words you left on my friends page Ofc. Robert Kozminski Grand Rapids PD, MI EOW 07/08/2007.
The time has gone by so fast and I can't believe that Koz has been gone for two years.
I read through Ofc. Lasater's ODMP Page and he is a true hero. Tears come to my eyes when I think about his wife and the son that he never got to see. I pray for you, his wife, and son that he left behind. I don't know what to say to them and I can't imagine the grief that they have gone through. I had my own grief, but I can't imagine the pain and suffering that is felt by Koz's family and daughter that he left behind.
Your son is a true hero, and I know he is watching over us and keeping us safe.
Thank you again for your kind words.
God bless you and your family
Officer Grand Rapids, Michigan
July 19, 2009
Thank you for your service. You are not forgotten.
July 12, 2009
We're getting ready to see fireworks. Cody is really looking forward to it. He was so cute today in the Pleasant Hill parade. He rode his bike with his best friend Enrique and other children from the preschool. He rode his bike about a mile. I was so proud of him. He was so happy to see my parents cheering him on in the crowd. He loved that Grandpa and Grandma were there. You would've laughed that he almost ran down the crowd twice because he was in awe being in a parade.
Love you
Jo Ann
July 4, 2009
As this fouth of july celebration drwas near I think alot about you and your family. Larry was a far better man than I and everyday I strive too be just a little more like him.I remember growing up in martinez all the fun summers we shared and adventures we had. Early on I knew Larry was natural leader of men and he would be the guy that would inspire others to do thier best. I miss you alot lil'bro and I love you always. I thnk of Joann and Cody and they are always in my prayers.
George Ybanez
Larry is my little brother
July 2, 2009
You would be so proud of Cody. He's such a good swimmer! We've been swimming every afternoon. All his hard work with his swim instructor has paid off. I can't wait to put him on the swim team next year. Next year he'll do something that I did (swim team) and something that you did when I sign him up for t-ball. Such a great kid.
We've had Seth and Sage over twice to swim. I'm sure that would make you happy since we went for a long period of time without seeing them very often. Cody really likes seeing them and they have so much fun together.
Love you and miss you
Jo Ann
June 30, 2009
It has been a while since I've wrote anything, but I continue to read the reflections left by those who love, care and respect you. There has not been one day that has gone by where I'm in the locker room getting ready to go out on patrol and ask for you and Sgt. Galindo to watch over me, and keep me safe through my shift. I’m still fairly new to the streets (rookie), and with each day that passes I'm learning more and more. I carry a picture of you and Sgt. Galindo in my car to remind me of the kind of law enforcement officer I hope to become some day; to have the same kind/humble hearts, and to regain my family and friends I've left behind while on this journey. Now that I'm finally living my childhood dream, I need to become the better daughter, sister, and friend to those who have supported me. It's hard to live a balanced life when everything in the past two years to get to this point has needed my full focus. I'm still trying to find my way back. Thinking of the kind of husband, son, brother and friend you were to those you loved gives me the hope that I too can have a successful career, along with great relationships. I think of your family often, and pray for their well being each day. Continue to inspire me, and help me to make the right choices when I’m faced with challenges on the streets, and in my life. I still keep my Larry Lasater Award from graduation displayed in my room for all too see! I will never forget! God Bless you and your family always!
"Pride is Forever"
Class #14 Palomar (SDSO)
June 28, 2009
Yaniza and I went to Oakmont yesterday. How I wish life was such that I would have been able to call you, wish you a Happy Father's Day, and find out what exciting adventure Jo Ann and Cody had planned for you.
Cody and I played Sheriff and dispatcher last week. He was so cute as he asked me if I had any assignments or emergencies for him. I ran out of assignments long before he ran out of energy. He has such a vivid imigination and is quite clever. When I look at him. I see such a mixture of you and Jo Ann. Yes, I know, I am quite the proud grandmother, but he really is so precious.
This weekend I am going to the Loya family reunion. It will be hard as I haven't been since you were killed and it will seem so different without you there, but I am looking forward to seeing the relatives. You will be remembered.
Loving you forever and a day
June 22, 2009
We were stunned to learn that this hero, Officer Lasater, is one of us - a victim of an under 18 offender (one of two in his case, the other an adult) tried and sentenced to natural life as an adult.
We are like Officer Lasater's family in this regard, and we found each other to support the sadly vital work to keep these offenders in prison serving the natural life sentences they received.
Please know our arms are around you all that knew and loved Larry. And we have posted this tribute on our memorial section of our website, www.jlwopvictims.org.
We hope all that care about this fallen hero and others like him will contact us at NOVJL because of the very real threats to release these offenders from prison, and without victim notification. We all must stand with these families to protect them from any further agony.
THANK YOU Officer Lasater, with all our hearts, for what you have done for us. We will never forget you.
The National Organization of Victims of Juvenile Lifers
Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins
National Organization of Victims of "Juvenile Lifers"
June 15, 2009
I miss you so much. I could not have made it the last 4 years without the support of other widows of officers killed in the line of duty. They are the only ones that can truly relate to what this is like. This is a pain that is hard to describe to someone that hasn't been through it.
Cody is growing up so fast. You'd be so proud of him.
Love you
Jo Ann
June 14, 2009
Thank you for the beautiful reflection that you left on my son's page. Yes I do believe mothers have such an ache when we lose our child that you cannot even put into words. I feel that only another mother can help and you helped me today. Please know that you are in my prayers.
Maxine Clifford, proud mother of
Deputy Josh Rutherford eow 5/29/03
June 14, 2009
Phyllis, Thank you for the kind word left on Trooper Cogdill's site. It sounds as though Larry died loving what he did just as my son died loving what he did...serving people. As the years pass each birthday, anniversary of EOW, holiday brings a longing beyond words to touch or see your child. Yet God's grace and peace carries us through and grows us stronger. Know there will always be another mother praying on your behalf.
Brenda Cogdill East/Mother of Senior Trooper Anthony G. Cogdill EOW 5/30/2003
June 9, 2009
Baby, Mom's trying very hard to get her fighting spirit back. Please help me be strong and the person you want me to be.
Loving you forever, Mom
June 8, 2009
It's Your Song"
Garth Brooks
Standing in the spotlight
On such a perfect night
Knowing that your out there listening
I remember one time
When I was so afraid
Didn't think I had the courage
To stand up on this stage
Then you reached into my heart
And you found the melody
And if there ever was somebody
Who made me believe in me
It was you
It was you
It was your song that made me sing
It was your voice that gave me wings
And it was your light that shined
Guiding my heart to find
This place where I belong
It was your song
Every night I pray
Before the music starts to play
That I'll do my best and I won't let you down
And for all the times I've stood here
This feeling feels brand new
And any time I doubt myself I think of you
'Cause It was your song that made me sing
It was your voice that gave me wings
And it was your light that shined
Guiding my heart to find
This place where I belong
It was your song
Dreams can come true
With God's great angels like you
It was your song that made me sing
It was your voice that gave me wings
And it was your light that shined
Guiding my heart to find
This place where I belong
It was your song
It was your song
It's always been your song
June 8, 2009
It is indeed a small world. Many thanks for your kind reflections for Jay. My condolences to you for your sad loss.
Clayton Joyce
June 6, 2009